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  October 2007  
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Events for Saturday, 13 October 2007

[click on event title for more detailed information]


StreetFolks Outdoor Arts & Cratfs Festival

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

A showcase of fine handcrafted items designed by artist and craftspeople from the Baltimore/ Wasington DC. area.

Offering handmade dolls, jewelry, soaps, handbags, murals, clothing, leather items and more!

Music videos featuring class jazz and R&B artist for your viewing and dancing pleasure.

Free food samples 2pm - 3pm, followed by a gourmet bake sale.

vendor space available

American Legions Hall
4424 Painters Mills Road
Owings Mills, Maryland


StreetFolks Outdoor Arts & Crafts Festival

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

An event showcasing quality handcrafted items designed by creative artists and craftspeople from the baltimore/ Washington DC area.

Offering handmade dolls, jewelry,fiber art, glass, leather, soaps, handbags, clothing and murals and more!

Also featuring music videos of classic jazz and R&B artists for your viewing and dancing pleasure.

Free food samples, 2pm - 3pm, followed by a gourmet bake sale.

vendor space still available.

American Legions Hall
4424 Painters Mills Road
Owings Mills, Maryland

Binghamton Independent Media Center

West Park Gathering For Peace in Norwich

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

A gathering of dedicated folks who meet every Saturday at 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM. We've been protesting the US invasion of Iraq since October of 2002.

We meet in front of the Chenango County Courthouse, facing Rt 12.

Please join us!

West Park, Norwich, NY, courthouse side of Rt 12.


Binghamton Independent Media Center

Impeachment Teach-in

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Teach-in on Impeachment of President and Vice-President will be held at the Forum Theater, sponsored by Broome County Peace Action. Panalists include award winning authore John Nichols and Elizabeth de la Vega, former Broome County Executive Tim Grippen, and Congressman Maurice Hinchey. Open to the public, free admission, doors open at 6:00PM.

Forum Theater, 236 Washington St, Binghamton

Indymedia Barcelona

La Petita 2007 “Recuperem els carrer, Construïm l’alternativa”

All day

De 10 a 20 h Mercat Boig d’intercanvi, on pots intercanviar tot sense Diners.

17 h Xerrada i passis de l’Escola d’Adults Mestre Esteve: “ Una vida per la llibertat”i

23 h Concerts:
Artrosis (Punk)
Castañazo General (Rock dur)
Selector (Ska,R¬B, Soul)
Jah Xal·lY Sound Boy (Roots&Danceball)
King Riulis (Reggae&Danceball).

Parc Nadal - Sant Feliu de Llobregat
El parc està situat davant de RENFE (línea C4) i a la nit està comunicat amb Barcelona amb el Bus N12

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Festival de las culturas Latinoamericanas

11:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Inauguración de la Asociación BOLIVIA GUREA


LOS HABANOS (Cuba & Euskadi)
BASKAF (Ecuador & El Congo)
KORYLUR (Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador & Euskadi)
DIGIDAS (Bélgica & R.D. Congo)
BIIBOOR BLACK (Rap & Disciplina-África)
ACUARELA (Ecuador) (Invitado especial)





Indymedia Euskal Herria

Hitzaldia Astra Gaztetxean (Gernika) Eduardo Vera eta Frida Hartz argazkilari Mexikararrekin

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Eduardo Vera eta Frida Hartz argazkilari Mexikarrek hitzaldi bat emango dute ASTRA GAZTETXEAN (GERNIKA) argazki erakusketan egongo diren argazkieei eta chiapaseri buruz.



Indymedia Euskal Herria

13 de octubre en Gasteiz

7:00 PM - 2:30 AM

Fiesta de Presentacion del Programa de Radio 'Pa amb Tomaka' en Hala Bedi Irratia.

SABADO 13 DE OCTUBRE concierto con los grupos:

-GARAGARDO GURA (Ska Reggae Gasteiz)

-PRIVA-T (Punk Rock Gasteiz)

-TIPICO PERO CIERTO (Cantautor en Blanco y Negro)

-RINKONETE EN TU RETRETE (Cantautor Barcelona)

-mas musica a cargo de el programa de radio 'Pa amb Tomaka' en Hala Bedi Irratia

Precio: 3 euros
mas informacion en:

Gasteizko Gaztetxean
Gaztetxe de Gasteiz

Indymedia Scotland

Edinburgh TAA

All day

FREAK TAA – Temporary Autonomous Artists Exhibition
Free & Reactive Edinburgh Art Kollective

We are a collective of local artists and residents who are looking to get people involved in a project that will bring a wasted, derelict and disused warehouse to life through various creative activities. We are self-organised with an inclusive ethos that encourages participation from people outside the art establishment and reached into the local community.

We are organising a free event that has an open access policy that will incorporate local residents’ art, performances, a showcase for local bands and DJ’s and also workshops where visitors can learn new skills from circus tricks to clothes customisation, dance to drama. It will be an opportunity for creative expression to become more accessible to everyone from all walks of life and of all age groups.

The disused building in Granton has been generously donated to us by Waterfront Edinburgh Ltd, a large development company that has a growing interest in giving something back to the local communities where their regeneration and development projects are taking place. We aim to transform this uninteresting and listless warehouse into an amazing and creative space, whilst providing unique opportunities for local residents who may never have access to such amenities. We want to promote social inclusion and creative education to this area of Edinburgh and further a field and get as many people involved as possible.

The event has been inspired by collectives in London, Bristol and Manchester and even European cities in Czech Republic, Poland, Italy and Germany that have held similar events that have been an inspiration to everyone that has attended. Activities will encourage participation through events such as a junk fashion show and many other situations where people can exchange skills and talents.

Now we have a warehouse we are looking for anybody who wants to get involved in whatever capacity and it will be running from the 10th-14th October. Some of the people we are looking for are a team of graffiti artists to have the pleasure of painting the WHOLE of the outside of the building. Any other artists, sculptors, photographers etc who would like to exhibit or even take part in workshops exchanging their skills with others. Anyone who wants to run a workshop in anything come and share skills - suggestions we are developing so far is circus skills, capoeira, clothes customisation, turntablism, dance, drama and many more. Anyone who wants to be involved in info stalls on current issues - if you have a message to put out there now is your chance. As it’s a total open access policy, anyone who wants to contribute with our younger visitors either entertainment or kind of kiddie workshops. Anyone who could help with promo - whether you’re from a magazine, website, etc or just could hand a few flyers and posters out here and there. Even just telling your mates and spreading the word. Any techies too - sound, lighting, rigging, stage etc would can help us make this a truly amazing event with shows like a junk fashion show, film night, band night, DJ showcase and more ...

We hope from this that you can clearly understand our aims and objectives and the positive impact that it will have on the local community and Edinburgh in general, the more people that get involved the better this event will be – the skies the limit. It is an event that we would ideally like to run yearly, so we want to make our first event memorable. We hope you can help us make this happen. Thank you for your time.

Granton PDM Warehouse 28 West Harbour Road Edinburgh

Japan Indymedia

Homeless Support Festa: The 4th Nagai Park Dairin Festival

12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

On May 5th, we were forecully evicted from Nagai Park and our important tent village was destroyed . But we continue to believe in our power to weave connections and to create our own tent village again. We will light again the fires of the Dairin. Join us on Oct 12-14 in Osaka's Nagai Park. Entry free.
Program includes:

Oct 12

Preparation Day
- from about noon-
planning, setup (including foodstands, fleemarket tables,..) painting banners, and a SOFTBALL meet ~ ( contact organizers for details)

Oct 13 (Sat)

Live on Stage:
12.00 noon - 18.00 live music: rock, folk, blues, rap and songwriters, etc.

Evening: First Public Screening of documentary on Nagai Park (shot by a cameraman living in Nagai Park, shot before during and after the eviction.

Oct 14 (Sun)

10.00- 16.00
Live on Stage:
theatre, performance, live music (from acoustic to death metal), political talk

Plus: anyone can join! prizes
# 'our own damn fashion show'
# aluminum can crashing contest
# karaoke time (no prizes. no excuses.)

Garbage reduction plan: bring your own plate and chopsticks.
Please buy the booklet on Nagai Park with voices of the evicted.

Report from 2004 Dairin Matsuri :


Japan Indymedia

第4回 長居公園 大輪祭り

12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Long stay, 迷子の犬、一緒に暮らしてゆく 〜出会いを紡ぐ場の力〜





★日時:2007年10月13日(土) 12時〜、10月14日(日) 10時〜
★場所:大阪市東住吉区 長居公園・自由広場(地下鉄御堂筋線「長居」下車すぐ)
★入場:自由 ★主催:長居公園仲間の会



12:00 紙芝居むすび(オリジナル紙芝居)
12:30 LIFEMETHOD(ロック)
13:00 まちゅこけ(1人ロック)
13:30 村上真樹(フォーク弾き語り)
14:00 渡部百(フォーク弾き語り)
14:30 SHINGO☆西成(ラップ)
15:00 のえ(フォーク弾き語り)
15:30 あうんさん・すうじい(バンジョー弾き語り)
16:00 アルミ缶つぶし競争
16:30 小林万里子(ブルース)
17:10 ヘンリー松山(ロック)


10:00 コマイナーズ(演芸)
10:30 阿部ひろ江(弾き語り)
11:00 はい兄弟(パーカッション)
11:30 アピールタイム
11:45 ジェロニモレーベル(ラケンロ〜ル)
12:15 ナベガンチ(パーカッション)
13:00 井上修(1人芝居)
13:30 カラオケタイム
14:30 ラディカル・ティーパーティ(アコースティックロック)
15:00 ファッションショー、表彰式
15:30 Fury of Silence(デスメタル)
16:00 終了MC

『長居青春酔見夢歌(仮題)』(監督:佐藤零郎) テント村に住み込みながらカメラを回した監督が、強制排除前後のテント村の人々を描く。今回初公開。(13日夕方より)




味噌田楽/コロッケ/餃子スープ/チヂミ/ホルモンそば/いか焼き/豚汁/土手焼き/かしわの唐揚げ/玄米おにぎり/ビール/素人散髪/アルミ缶買取所 ほか、無農薬野菜の販売もあるよ!

※お願い! ゴミ減量に取り組みます。可能な方は、お箸、コップなどは出来るだけマイ食器をご持参ください。


巨大横断幕、フラッグに絵を描こう(前日12日午前中より、長居公園内にて、詳細お問合せください) ソフトボール大会(前日12日13時〜@長居公園グラウンド)


大阪市東住吉区 長居公園・自由広場(地下鉄御堂筋線「長居」下車すぐ)

National (US)

Chicago Performing and Visual Arts College Fair

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

The Performing and Visual Arts (PVA) College Fairs are free and designed for students interested in pursuing undergraduate and graduate study in the areas of music, dance, theater, visual arts, graphic design and other related disciplines.

Held each fall, attendees learn about educational opportunities, admission and financial aid, portfolio days, audition and entrance requirements, and much more by meeting with representatives from colleges, universities, conservatories, festivals and other educational institutions with specialized programs in the visual and performing arts.

Northwestern University - Blomquist Recreation Center

Cost: FREE

Organizer: jchristopher-AT-nacac.com

URL: www.nacacnet.org/fairs

Saint Louis IMC

Oct 13th\: BikeMO 2007, MoBikeFed's Fall Foliage Extravaganza

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

BikeMO 2007, MoBikeFed's Fall Foliage Ride, Oct. 13th 9AM
This is the 3rd year for BikeMO, our annual celebration of bicycling in

Coming out and riding BikeMO is a great way to meet your friends from
around the state, enjoy the beautiful fall weather, autumn leaves, and
gorgeous roads of mid-Missouri--and support better bicycling in Missouri
the fun and painless way.

- Saturday, October 13th, 9AM mass start
- Holt's Summit, Missouri (near Jefferson City)
- 32, 62, and 100 mile routes


URL: http://stlcamp.org/event2007/oct_13th%3A_bikemo_2007%2C_mobikefed%2526%2523039%3Bs_fall_foliage_extravaganza

Saint Louis IMC

Acro Yoga Jam @ Tower Grove Park

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Acro Yoga Jam

Come see what all the buzz is about! Meet up with other Acro Yogis, and base and fly....

When\: Saturday, October 13th
Time\: 10 am to 12 noon
Where\: Tower Grove Farmer's Market
What to Bring\: Towel or blanket or yoga mat, and an open mind

Can't make the jam? Sign up for the ongoing class! Five class series at Marbles meets every other Friday, beginning October 19th. See all the details here\:



URL: http://stlcamp.org/event2007/acro_yoga_jam_%40_tower_grove_park_0

Saint Louis IMC

St. Louis Earth Day Autumn Green Festival

11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

St. Louis Earth Day's
Autumn Green Festival

Saturday, October 13, 2007
11 AM - 5 PM
Schlafly Bottleworks in Maplewood
7260 Southwest Ave at Manchester
- Green Vendors
- Family Eco-Art Activities
- Learn about St. Louis Earth Day's
Recycling On the Go Program
- Enjoy Schlafly Beer & Food
- Live Entertainment



URL: http://stlcamp.org/event2007/st._louis_earth_day_autumn_green_festival

Saint Louis IMC

Infra-Structures Art Show @ Nu-Art

6:00 PM - 11:00 PM

On October 13, a collaborative installation is opening at the Nu-Art Series (2936 Locust, St.Louis, MO 63103). The exhibition will feature a collaboration between St.Louis based and Baltimore based artists working in installation, performance, and video. The content and caliber of the exhibition showcasing the new 2600 sq/f non-profit space is a wonderful chance to see the some of the best emerging art in St.Louis. The six artists involved have created a fully integrated art experience that is inspired by the landscapes of the urban/suburban Midwest.


URL: http://stlcamp.org/event2007/infra-structures_art_show_%40_nu-art

Tompkins County (NY) Swarm

Impeachment Teach-in

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Teach-in on Impeachment of President and Vice-President will be held at the Forum Theater, sponsored by Broome County Peace Action. Panalists include award winning authore John Nichols and Elizabeth de la Vega, former Broome County Executive Tim Grippen, and Congressman Maurice Hinchey. Open to the public, free admission, doors open at 6:00PM.

Forum Theater, 236 Washington St, Binghamton

Twincities IMC

Palestinian Solidarity

4:00 PM - 12:00 AM

every Friday, 4:15 - 5:30 pm

Vigil to end the occupation of Palestine

Snelling and Summit Avenues, St Paul


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