Radicalendar : http://www.radicalendar.org

Terms of Service

The Radicalendar was designed to facilitate information about events of interest to the conscientious and active members of a community vaguely described as "activist", or at least "socially conscious". The managers of the Radicalendar do not support the promotion of racist, sexist, or otherwise oppressive events or organizations. Any posting among the moderated or open event calendars deemed to be in violation of these terms (at the sole discretion of the managers) will be removed without warning.


The Radicalendar claims no responsibility for the content published by individuals or approved by group administrators appearing on www.radicalendar.org. The developer makes a genuine effort to maintain the integrity of the site's original intentions, but makes no claims to fully support the actions or ideologies of any participant groups.

The Radicalendar collects no personal information for internal or external profit or use. www.radicalendar.org sets cookies to maintain User accounts. The cookie contains a unique ID allowing the database to retrieve records of the user's saved events. Email addresses are requested for event notification, but are used for no purpose other than to send reminders. If you have any questions, contact the webmaster.


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