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  October 2007  
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Events for Thursday, 11 October 2007

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Binghamton Independent Media Center

Stand with Onondaga Nation! - Solidarity Rally in Binghamton

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

On October 11 the Onondaga Nation will begin to argue their historic Land Rights Action in Albany Federal District Court. This is only the latest stage in the Onondaga's centuries-long effort to maintain their culture and way of life in the face of genocide and ecological devastation.

Residents of Binghamton, NY - historically Haudensaunee Land - will stand in solidarity with the Onondagas on October 11th at 10am in front of the Federal Courthouse on Henry Street. Bring signs, drums, and passion for righting the historical wrongs against this lands first inhabitants.

Support Indigenous Rights!
For more information, visit www.peacecouncil.net/noon

Binghamton Federal Courthouse
Henry Street

Binghamton Independent Media Center

"The Art of Resistance" – Poetry Slam at Binghamton University

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Binghamton Political Initiative (BPI), a Binghamton University organization, will be holding a poetry slam, "The Art of Resistance," on October 11, 2007 at 7 PM (East Lounge, Old Union). "The Art of Resistance" will promote creative writing in order to raise critical awareness about social injustice, war, occupation, and violence. In the tradition of "Poets Against War," BPI considers art a productive, socially engaging, and educationally valuable medium for uttering disagreement with and practicing resistance to global political processes on a local level. The event is open to any and all students, faculty, and community members who would like to read and/or perform their own short literary works.

For more information on the event or to sign up to read a poem at the poetry slam, email BPI at resist-AT-sunybpi.org

For more information on BPI, please visit www.sunybpi.org

Binghamton University, East Lounge (Old Union)

Binghamton Independent Media Center

FILM: The Trial of the St Patrick's Four

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Charged with conspiracy for an act of nonviolent resistance just days before the U.S. invaded Iraq, the four Catholic Workers from Ithaca brought the debate of the war into full view. This film, which is punctuated by thoughtful insights from Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, takes the viewer to Binghamton for the historic trial. Produced and directed by Adolfo Doring and Amanda Zackem.

Lost Dog Cafe, Violet Room

Indymedia Barcelona


All day


Indymedia Barcelona

La Petita’2007 “Recuperem els carrer, Construïm l’alternativa”

11:00 PM - 2:00 AM

23 h Inauguració de la Petita 2007.

Passi de Curtmetratges sobre les lluites dels moviments socials: Projecció dels videos del CieBaix i de la Plataforma Aire Net.

CineBaix - Sant Feliu de Llobregat

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Argazki erakusketa Chiapaseko komunitate Zapatistak

All day



Indymedia Euskal Herria

Bideo Emanaldia: Los Olvidados

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Udondo Auzoa, Leioa - Bizkaia

Urriak 4, Osteguna - 19:30etan
Urriak 11, Osteguna - 19:30etan
"Los Olvidados"
Urriak 18, Osteguna - 19:30etan
"Nazis en Suecia"
Urriak 25, Osteguna - 19:30etan
"La Espalda del Mundo"

Udondo Gaztetxea
Ez jaun ez jabe
Sare Antifaxista


Udondo Auzoa, Leioa - Bizkaia

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Earthlings: zine txiroa Oreretan

7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Zine Txiroa Oreretan
Urriaren 11 octubre

“Earthlings. Habitantes de la tierra” (Shaun Monson, 2005): dokumental proiektatuko da, eta gero solasaldia Animalien Eskubideen Aldeko kideekin.

Proyeccion del documental y despues charla con miembros del Grupo Pro-Derechos de los Animales.
Arratsaldeko 19:30 etan / de la tarde

Errenteria/Oreretako Mikelazulo kultur elkartean

*Con este documental comenzamos la temporada de Zine Pobre en Orereta. Presentación de nuevos títulos en la videoteca, acompañado de un pequeña degustación de comida vegana*

Informazio gehiago: www.escrache.org

Mikelazulo (Orereta-Errenteria)

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Zine Pobre en Kalaska: El tren de la memoria

10:00 PM - 10:30 PM

Marta Arribas y Ana Pérez, 2005 (87 min.)

Presenta: SOS Arrazakeria Nafarroa

Años sesenta: dos millones de personas salen de la Península Ibérica con destino a Francia, Alemania, Holanda o Suiza. La mitad lo hace clandestinamente y viaja sin contrato de trabajo, el 80% es analfabeto.

Huyen de la Dictadura y la pobreza buscando una vida nueva y la Europa del Capital y la Guerra les recibe con los brazos abiertos, dispuesta a extraerles plusvalía hasta de la última gota de sangre; acabarán haciendo los peores trabajos. En ocasiones, incluso, y a modo de recibiento, los fumigaban en los mismos andenes cuando bajaban del tren: la clásica obsesión por la higiene tan habitual en gentes desalmadas.

Oir ahora hablar mal de los inmigrantes no hace sino recordarnos cuántas cosas se han escondido en el cuarto oscuro de esta Democracia de nuevos ricos que nos toca padecer, a rebosar de patanes xenófobos. Casi nadie recuerda la Historia. Josefina sí, y nos cuenta su viaje a Nuremberg. Hace ya tanto tiempo que casi ni parece real.

Kalaska (Zabaldi). Navarrería 25, bajo. Iruñea

Cost: entrada libre

Organizer: info-AT-eguzkibideoak.info

Indymedia Scotland

Edinburgh TAA

All day

FREAK TAA – Temporary Autonomous Artists Exhibition
Free & Reactive Edinburgh Art Kollective

We are a collective of local artists and residents who are looking to get people involved in a project that will bring a wasted, derelict and disused warehouse to life through various creative activities. We are self-organised with an inclusive ethos that encourages participation from people outside the art establishment and reached into the local community.

We are organising a free event that has an open access policy that will incorporate local residents’ art, performances, a showcase for local bands and DJ’s and also workshops where visitors can learn new skills from circus tricks to clothes customisation, dance to drama. It will be an opportunity for creative expression to become more accessible to everyone from all walks of life and of all age groups.

The disused building in Granton has been generously donated to us by Waterfront Edinburgh Ltd, a large development company that has a growing interest in giving something back to the local communities where their regeneration and development projects are taking place. We aim to transform this uninteresting and listless warehouse into an amazing and creative space, whilst providing unique opportunities for local residents who may never have access to such amenities. We want to promote social inclusion and creative education to this area of Edinburgh and further a field and get as many people involved as possible.

The event has been inspired by collectives in London, Bristol and Manchester and even European cities in Czech Republic, Poland, Italy and Germany that have held similar events that have been an inspiration to everyone that has attended. Activities will encourage participation through events such as a junk fashion show and many other situations where people can exchange skills and talents.

Now we have a warehouse we are looking for anybody who wants to get involved in whatever capacity and it will be running from the 10th-14th October. Some of the people we are looking for are a team of graffiti artists to have the pleasure of painting the WHOLE of the outside of the building. Any other artists, sculptors, photographers etc who would like to exhibit or even take part in workshops exchanging their skills with others. Anyone who wants to run a workshop in anything come and share skills - suggestions we are developing so far is circus skills, capoeira, clothes customisation, turntablism, dance, drama and many more. Anyone who wants to be involved in info stalls on current issues - if you have a message to put out there now is your chance. As it’s a total open access policy, anyone who wants to contribute with our younger visitors either entertainment or kind of kiddie workshops. Anyone who could help with promo - whether you’re from a magazine, website, etc or just could hand a few flyers and posters out here and there. Even just telling your mates and spreading the word. Any techies too - sound, lighting, rigging, stage etc would can help us make this a truly amazing event with shows like a junk fashion show, film night, band night, DJ showcase and more ...

We hope from this that you can clearly understand our aims and objectives and the positive impact that it will have on the local community and Edinburgh in general, the more people that get involved the better this event will be – the skies the limit. It is an event that we would ideally like to run yearly, so we want to make our first event memorable. We hope you can help us make this happen. Thank you for your time.

Granton PDM Warehouse 28 West Harbour Road Edinburgh

Japan Indymedia


6:30 PM - 9:00 PM


【場所】京都大学吉田キャンパス内文学部新館5階 共同研究室


映像:「ハイリゲンダムを封鎖せよ Block Heiligendamm - G8 2007」(40min.)・終了後、交流会あり


mail: nonog8(at)hotmail.co.jp

京都大学吉田キャンパス内文学部新館5階 共同研究室

Las Vegas Independent Media Center

Time to Stand for Peace

8:30 AM - 12:00 AM

Weekly vigil to Stand for Peace
End of the War
Impeachment of Cheney and Bush
The Future of America

The Las Vegas Federal Building
333 S. Las Vegas Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV

Saint Louis IMC

3rd District PD Public Affairs Meeting

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Public Affairs meeting for 3rd district Police Department.

Oct 11, 2007
7\:30 p.m.


URL: http://stlcamp.org/event2007/3rd_district_pd_public_affairs_meeting

Saint Louis IMC

BPW Weed & Seed Advisory meeting

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

The Third District South City
Weed & Seed Grads
Advisory Meeting
will meet \:

Oct 11, 2007
6\:30 p.m.

Our planned special guest speaker is Cathy Ruggeri-Rea. She is an attorney and administrator for the City's Municipal Courts, and will be giving us a presentation on Neighborhood Orders of Protection. These orders are being used in criminal cases to prohibit individuals from specific geographic areas as a condition of their
probation or release.


URL: http://stlcamp.org/event2007/bpw_weed_%2526amp%3B_seed_advisory_meeting

Saint Louis IMC

Sunflower Cinema Film Series\: Mojados - Through the Night

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

We will show "Mojados- Through the Night" which takes an
up-close look at the lives and experience of undocumented Latin American
immigrants on their perilous border crossing.

The films will continue every other Thursday, indefinitely.

All films are at CAMP, 3022-3026 Cherokee St. Doors open at 7\:00,
showtime is 7\:30. We ask a $4 suggested donation, NOTAFLOF.

Please come on out, support CAMP, enjoy some thought provoking films in


URL: http://stlcamp.org/event2007/film_series%3A_mojados_-_through_night

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Light the Night Walk

5:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Light The Night Walk
Check-in begins at 5:30 PM
Walk begins at 7:30 PM

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's 2-mile evening walk each fall raises funds and commemorates lives touched by cancer. Corporate and family teams in 250 communities nationwide carry illuminated balloons-white for survivors and red for friends and family. It is a striking visual image to inspire our relentless pursuit of a cure. The Society is proud that over 75% of the funds raised goes directly to the mission: cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Join us for music, food, fun and an opportunity to fight cancer! For more information contact Carolyn at 800-868-0072, carolyn.romanski-AT-lls.org or go to the Light the Night website www.lightthenight.org/nfl.

E. Peck Greene Park in the Downtown Chain of Parks

Western Massachusetts IMC

Drop-In Volunteering

1:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The Prison Book Project is an all-volunteer, secular collective that sends books free-of-charge to those imprisoned in New England and Texas. Drop-in volunteers are welcome every Sunday from 1pm to 4pm to answer letters from prisoners requesting books.

North Hadley Congregational Church
243 River Drive (Route 47 between Route 9 and Sunderland near the North Hadley Sugar Shack)

Organizer: prisonbookproject-AT-riseup.net

URL: www.prisonbooks.org


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