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  June 2007  
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Events for Saturday, 02 June 2007

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Binghamton Independent Media Center

Juneteenth Celebration

11:30 AM - 5:00 PM

The Broome County Urban League is hosting a Celebration of the Emancipation of Slaves. Event will be held at Columbus Park on Carroll Street. Games, Music and Food.

The Event begins with a March from City Hall to the Park, arriving at noon. Before the fun starts, a brief presentation on the new Mural depicting the history of the park by artist Mik Tulumello will take place.

For more information on Juneteenth, contact the Urban League at 723-7303, or nashalouise-AT-yahoo.com

Columbus Park, Carroll Street, Downtown Binghamton

Binghamton Independent Media Center

West Park Gathering For Peace in Norwich

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

A gathering of dedicated folks who meet every Saturday at 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM. We've been protesting the US invasion of Iraq since October of 2002.

We meet in front of the Chenango County Courthouse, facing Rt 12.

Please join us!

West Park, Norwich, NY, courthouse side of Rt 12.


Indymedia Barcelona

Torna la cafeta reggae a l'Ateneu de Vallcarca

10:00 PM - 4:00 AM

Torna la calor i tornen els ritmes jamaicans a Vallcarca. Torna la cafeta Reggae a l'Ateneu Popular de Vallcarca. Els millors ritmes calents estaran la nit del dissabte 2 de juny a partir de les 22 hores sonant.

Torna la calor i tornen els ritmes jamaicans a Vallcarca. Torna la cafeta Reggae a l'Ateneu Popular de Vallcarca. Els millors ritmes calents estaran la nit del dissabte 2 de juny a partir de les 22 hores sonant.

Preus populars, bona música, festa fins tard...què més demanar....

El beneficis de la cafeta aniran, integrament, a finançar les despeses del Festival d'Arts Escèniques de les festes del Coll 2007, que se celebrarà el 9 de juny al Parc de la Creueta del Coll.

Ateneu Popular de Vallcarca. Av Riera de Vallcarca 48 (antiga Hospital Militar)

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Seminario organizado por Tas-Tas/Tas-Tasek antolatutako mintegia

10:00 AM - 8:30 PM

Gure ustez, gaur egun irrati libreek bi erronka ditugu; batetik, datozen lehiaketetan legalak izatea, hauetan administrazio autonomikoek emango dute zenbait irrati-frekuentzia eta bestetik, ikusentzunezko estatuko lege orokor berriak, besteak beste, irratiz emititzeko gunerik emango duen zalantza izatea.

Honek guztiak, guztiz bestelakoa den gizarte batean berebiziko garrantzia ematen die irratiei eta jokaera erradikala izatera eramaten gaitu. Ez bakarrik legedi berriaren aurkako estrategiei aurre egiteko irrati ereduari berari eta gizarte aldaketa horretan parte hartzen dugunoi ere.

Mintegi honen azken xedeak honako hauek dira: aipatutako legegintza aldaketa hauek ondo ezagutzea,besteekin alderatzea eta ateratako ondorioak edota hausnarketak amankomun jartzea.

(saio irekia)

1go saioa: irrati komunitarioen neoliberalismoaren kontrako ekimenen ekarpenak.

Maria Pia Matta, Latinoamerikako eta Karibeko Munduko Irrati komunitarioen Elkarteko burua (AMARC-ALC)

Mariano Sanchez Molina, AMARC-Europa-ko burua.

Ekainaren 1a, ostirala, Ekoetxea, Pelota 5, Bilbao, Bilboko Zazpi Kaletan, 19.30tan.

(saio itxiak)

Lekua: Munduko Emakumeak, Fika 5 barne beheko solairuan, Bilbao, Zazpi Kaletan

2. saioa: Irratigintzako administrazio autonomikoen kontzezioak eta ezarriko den Telekomunikazioen Lege Estatalaren ikuspuntuak.

Javier Garcia Garcia, Hedabide komunitarioen Sare Estatalaren komunikazioaren legeria eta eskubidearen lan-taldearen partaidea eta Madrilgo Irrati libreen eta komunitarioen uztarketa (URCM)

Ekainaren 2a, zapatua, 10:00etatik 11:30era,

3.saioa: irratifrekuentzien prozesu araupetzailea EAE-n.

Lege arazo zehatzak Irrati libre eta komunitarioetatik. Tas-tas irrati librea.

Ekainaren 2a, zapatua, 12:00etatik 13:30era,

Herri Bazkaria Kukutza Gaztetxeko Jantoki beganoan, Errekalde auzoan, Bilbon.

4.saioa: Latinoamerikako irrati komunitarioak legalak izateko prozesuak: martxan dauden prozesuak Uruguai, Argentina eta Brasilen.

Maria Pia Matta, Latinoamerikako eta Karibeko Munduko Irrati komunitarioen Elkarteko burua (AMARC-ALC)

Ekainaren 2a, zapatua, 16:30etik 18:00etara,

5.sesioa: Mahai-ingurua berbalari guztiekin.

Irrati Libreetatik Irrati Komunitarietarako bidean irrati hauek legez aitortzea

Munduko Emakumeak, Fika 5 barne beheko solairuan, Bilbao, Zazpi Kaletan

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Lizarrako gaztetxea, G8

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

K/ Colonia Iñigo Arista nº69

Ekainak 2, Ordua: 17:00etan
- Txarla -
A cargo de un miembro del Movimiento Antifaxista sobre la cumbre del G8

Ekainak 3, Ordua: 17:00etan
Documental sobre las movilizacione del movimiento Antikapitalista e contra del G-8 en Genova

Organizan: Lizarrako Gaztetxea
Sare Antifaxista.


K/ Colonia Iñigo Arista nº69

Israel IMC

The Jerusalem Initiative for Peace on the Basis of Two States: International Meeting

All day

Jerusalem Initiative

For just peace on the basis of two states:

Israel & Palestine

Invitation to an International Meeting

To communist, leftist and democratic parties, peace organizations, parliamentarians, trade unions, women's organizations, representative of the public opinion, and youth movements.

In the joint appeal which was issued last month, both our parties the Palestinian People's Party )PPP(, and the Communist Party of Israel (CPI), called to mark the 40th anniversary of the occupation of the Palestinian territories, which began in June 1967, and the 60th anniversary of the issuing of the UN General Assembly resolution regarding the establishment of two states in mandatory Palestine, in November 1947. We called for these two occasions to be highlighted through an extensive range of international activities, with the aim of exerting pressure to bring the Israeli occupation to an end and to pave the way for the establishment of a just and durable peace between the two states: Israel and Palestine.

We call on all peace loving people, parties and organizations in the world to declare the week between June 2nd and 10th as the:

International week for the struggle to end the Israeli occupation & establish a just and lasting peace between Israel and Palestine

during which activities will be held in solidarity with the Palestinian people and the Israeli peace movement in their struggle against the Israeli occupation and its crimes and to establish a lasting peace.

As part of these activities, both our parties are initiating to convene an international meeting in Jerusalem . The Palestinian leadership and Palestinian and Israeli groups & organizations, will participate in this event. The international meeting will be held in Jerusalem in early June 2007 with the theme:

The Jerusalem Initiative for Peace on the Basis of Two States:

Israel and Palestine

The agenda of the international meeting will include:

Saturday, June 2nd:

§ Tour the Separation Wall and meet with the Palestinian Popular Committees.

§ Meet with Israeli peace activists.

Sunday, June 3rd:

§ International delegates meet to discuss the
world campaign for Israeli-Palestinian peace.

§ Public meeting with the participation of
Palestinian, Israeli and international figures.

Monday, June 4th:

§ Visit to the Palestinian Legislative Council in

§ Meeting with President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu-Mazen),
President of Palestine .

The Palestinian People’s Party

shaab@palpeople. org

Tel: 00-970-2-2963593

Fax: 00-970-2-2963592

The Communist Party of Israel

info-AT-maki.org. il

Tel: 00-972-3-6293944

Fax: 00-972-3-6297363


Kansas City IMC

Support Iraq Vet Adam Kokesh

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Discharged Marine Adam Kokesh
Please attend with banners, flags, signs of support!
For Further Information Contact:
Adam Kokesh 505-470-1917
Kevin Zeese 301-996-6582

In Unprecedented Prosecution Former Marine Adam Kokesh Rejects Plea Bargain Fights to Protect Free Speech Rights of Vets Washington, DC: Former Marine Sergeant Adam Kokesh is embroiled in a conflict that could have major implications for the free speech rights of veterans especially recent Vets who are in the Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR). Kokesh is facing an administrative hearing for his anti-war activities but recognizing the high stakes the military has offered a plea bargain. In response, Kokesh rejected the offer saying it risks the free speech right of vets and allow you to silence the voices of those whose experiences are most relevant in the most pressing debate before the nation.

Below this release is his letter to Captain Sibert and Brigadier General Moore, who is the convening authority for the hearing.

This Friday at 5:00 PM at Union Station, Washington D.C. Kokesh will be participating in a press conference when he departs to Kansas City, MO for the hearing which is scheduled for 8 a.m. June 4th at the Marine Mobilization Command, 15303 Andrews Road, Kansas City, MO 64147-1207.

Adam Kokesh, his attorney, and his witnesses, will be taking the Yellow Rose of Texas Peace Bus from DC to Kansas City.

Adam Kokesh was deployed to Fallujah and received an honorable discharge last November. Since then, he has become active with the national organization, Iraq Veterans Against the War. After participating in Operation First Casualty, a demonstration at which he wore parts of his utility uniform, he received a warning from Major Whyte, an active duty Marine Corps Major who had been assigned to investigate the incident. After replying with a strongly worded email, the Marine Corps decided to prosecute him and separate him from the IRR with an Other Than Honorable Discharge. He could have ignored the letter of notification, but instead chose to exercise his right to challenge the decision in a hearing.

The implications of this hearing may be far reaching, as the prosecution of a member of the inactive reserves under these circumstances is unprecedented. At stake is the right of freedom of speech for the hundreds of thousands of members of the Inactive Ready Reserve, as well as the nation's right to get the unbiased truth out of Iraq. Last week, the prosecuting
attorney, Captain Sibert, offered Kokesh a general discharge. To accept this would be to allow the Marines to say that members of the IRR do not have freedom of speech, so naturally, he declined.

The hearing will be held on June 4, at the Marine Corps Mobilization Command, 15303 Andrews Road, Kansas City, MO 64147-1207. Kokesh requested the hearing be held closer to Washington, DC, his current residence and a much more convenient location for the witnesses to the event in question, which happened in Washington, but was denied. He has the right to call witnesses, but has to provide for their transportation.

Adam Kokesh is represented by Mike Lebowitz and Eric Seitz. Mike Lebowitz is a combat veteran of Iraq, having been deployed in 2005-2006 as a paratrooper in the Pathfinder Company of the 101st Airborne Division. Lebowitz currently serves part-time as a JAG officer in the National Guard. He also is an attorney at the Washington, DC-based intellectual property law firm of
Greenberg & Lieberman. Mike practices media law, First Amendment and military expression. He previously worked as a journalist and consultant in places such as East Africa and the Middle East. Ph: 202-625-7000 / Fx: 202-625-7001 / cell: 571-251-1490

Eric Seitz is an attorney engaged in private practice in Honolulu, Hawaii emphasizing civil rights, criminal defense, and military law. Mr. Seitz graduated from Oberlin College in 1966 and received his law degree from Boalt Hall (University of California at Berkeley) in 1969. Among the thousands of military cases in which he has participated Mr. Seitz represented Navy FN Patrick Chenoweth who was acquitted in a general court-martial of sabotage in time of war, Marine Cpl. Jeff Paterson who was the first service member to refuse to deploy during the first Gulf War, and most recently Army 1st Lt. Ehren Watada who refused to deploy to Iraq.

15303 Andrews Road:
Marine Mobilization Command

Saint Louis IMC

CAMP Open House!!!

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Come see C.A.M.P., the newly opened community center on Cherokee Street!
Drop in to say hello & take a tour!

Tours at 3pm and 4pm


URL: http://stlcamp.org/open_house_2007

San Diego IMC

'Cause They Were Here: 20 Years of Harmony

6:30 PM - 10:00 PM

The San Diego Women's Chorus proudly commemorates its 20th Anniversary with "'Cause They Were Here: 20 Years of Harmony" on June 2, 2007. This gala evening will celebrate SDWC’s 20 years of making beautiful music with songs, stories, fun, prizes, and plenty of surprises as well. The concert will feature a retrospective of women's music including songs written and made famous by Carole King, Indigo Girls, Holly Near, Margie Adam, Joan Baez, the Dixie Chicks, and more. Audience members will be tempted to sing along to such crowd-pleasers as “Closer to Fine,” “I Feel the Earth Move,” “I Hope,” and “Sweet Friend of Mine.”

A fantastic auction of items from all around San Diego and beyond will begin the evening’s festivities at 6:30pm, so be sure to arrive early. The live auction will feature other fabulous items, including a one-week stay for two at the beautiful Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Mexico. An opportunity drawing will offer chances at an amazing cruise for two along the Mexican Riviera, donated by Olivia Cruises and Resorts.

General admission tickets are $15 each, with discounts available for students, seniors and military. Special prices are also available for groups. This history-making SDWC concert is being generously co-sponsored by Rainbow Action, the LGBT and allies affinity group at the First Unitarian Universalist Church.

For more information about the San Diego Women’s Chorus and to buy tickets to its 20th Anniversary concert, call 619.291.FEMM or go online to www.SDWC.org.

First Unitarian Universalist Church
Meeting House
4190 Front Street, San Diego CA 92103

Cost: General $15, Discount $12

Directions: From Washington Street, go north on 1st Avenue.
Turn Left onto W. Arbor Drive. Continue on W. Arbor Drive across Front Street. The church will be on your left, across from UCSD Medical Center. Free parking in the church parking lot.

Organizer: sdwc.news-AT-gmail.com

URL: www.sdwc.org

Twincities IMC

Ceremonia Chalchiutlicue en Honor de las aguas frescas del mundo

All day

La comunidad de Danza Mexica Cuauhtémoc de Minnesota le invita a usted y a su familia a compartir con nosotros una celebración comunitaria y el festival en honor a las aguas del mundo. La celebración incluye: Ceremonia tradicional de danza azteca (Chalchiutlicue), mesas de información, venta de artesanía, banquete para la comunidad, música en vivo. ¡Todo es gratis y abierto a todo el público! Ceremonia Chalchiutlicue June 2 junio 8am - 5pm Marcha 11am Minneapolis American Indian Center - Powderhorn Park Ceremonia 12-5 Powderhorn Park Danza Mexica Cuauhtémoc of Minnesota and the Chalchiutlicue Environmental Project cordially invite you to join us in a our conference, community celebration, and festival honoring the waters of the world. The weekend celebration includes: environmental justice conference, a traditional azteca Chalchiutlicue dance ceremony, Information Tables, Artisan Vendors, Community Feast, Live Entertainment and more. Everything is free and open to the public. Para mas informacion ir al: www.chalchiutlicue.org

11am Marcha: Minneapolis American Indian Center, 1530 East Franklin Avenue, Minneapolis

12 noon Ceremonia: Powderhorn Park, 3400 15th Ave South, Minneapolis



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