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  November 2005  
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Events for Thursday, 17 November 2005

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Austin IMC

Inside Books Volunteer Night

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Inside Books Volunteer Night

Come and open letters from Texas inmates and send them books that they request. We need all the help we can get.
Also, we always encourage people to bring dictionaries and book donations (soft back, please)for our library.

This is a non-profit organization formed to help Texas inmates through literacy and self-education.

Thursdays 6pm-10pm
Sundays 7pm-12am

Rhizome Collective
(300 E Allen St)

Cost: FREE

Directions: To volunteer: On volunteer nights we can be found at 300 Allen Street in the Allen Street Warehouse. From the highway, take 7th Street east past Pleasant Valley. Once you pass Pleasant Valley you will go over a bridge. The first right turn after the bridge is Allen Street. Allen Street will dead end into the Allen Street Warehouse, which will be on your right.


URL: http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?searchtype=address&country=US&addtohistory=&searchtab=home&address=300+Allen+street&city=A

Austria IMC

KAPU: "Über die Verbrechen der Wehrmacht und deren Leugnung"

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Das KAPU-Kino "Googolplexx3000" präsentiert diese Woche bei FREIEM EINTRITT an
zwei Abenden folgende Filme:

+++ Do.17.11.2005, 19:00 Uhr: „Jenseits des Krieges“ +++
Im Rahmen des Projektes "Wider das Vergessen und Verdrängen" (siehe unten),
Modul 1: "Über die Verbrechen der Wehrmacht und deren Leugnung".
Weiß gekachelte Räume, Neonlicht; an den Wänden Schwarzweißfotografien der
Ausstellung „Vernichtungskrieg“ über die Verbrechen der Wehrmacht an der
Ostfront. Vor diesem Hintergrund drehen Ruth Beckermann und Kameramann Peter
Roehsler eine Anhörung ehemaliger Soldaten über ihre Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse
jenseits des „normalen“ Krieges. In einer Mischung aus Hilflosigkeit, Ohnmacht,
Scham, Opportunismus und ungebrochenem Fanatismus berichten die Zeugen dieser
Zeit von Verbrechen wie den Erschießungen russischer Kriegsgefangener, der
Ermordung der Juden und der Misshandlung von Frauen. Mit diesem Film wird nicht
allein die Zerstörung des Mythos von der „anständigen Wehrmacht“ vorangetrieben,
sondern die Gründungsphase der Zweiten Republik erhellt und eine Diagnose der
Gegenwart gestellt. Ein Film von Ruth Beckermann, Ö 1996.
Renate Höllwart und Nora Sternfeld (beide trafo K) werden den Abend inhaltlich
Zum Projekt "Wider das Vergessen und Verdrängen":
Ab November präsentiert die KAPU, in Zusammenarbeit mit kinoki (Verein zur
audiovisuellen Selbstbestimmung), an drei Donnerstagen Film- und
Diskussionsmodule zum sogenannten „Gedankenjahr 2005".
Die Filme konzentrieren sich auf Themen und Bilder, die nicht in die offizielle
Geschichtsschreibung und in das audiovisuelle Gedächtnis der Republik
eingegangen sind.
Es werden Filme vorgestellt, die in den letzten Jahren wider das Vergessen und
Verdrängen entstanden sind. Zusätzlich sind Referentinnen bzw. eine
Filmemacherin eingeladen, um die Filme zu kommentieren.
Bei freiem Eintritt werden an folgenden Abenden ab 19 Uhr folgende
Themenkomplexe filmisch berührt und anschließend besprochen:

Über die Verbrechen der Wehrmacht und deren Leugnung

Über die Differenz von Täter- und Opferperspektive

Über den verdrängten Kampf der Kärntner PartisanInnen


Kapu mailing list

kapuzinerstr.36 4020 linz

Cost: free


URL: www.kapu.or.at

Austria IMC

ARNA'S CHILDREN (Palestine/Israel - NL 2003, 84Min, OmeU)

7:30 PM - 10:30 PM

This israeli-palestinian film of Juliano Mer-Khamis (Arna's son) and Danniel Danniel tells the story of Arna Mer-Khamis, winner of Alternative Peace Nobelprize, who established the theatre group for Palestinian children.

Arna comes from a Zionist family and in the 1950s married a Palestinian Arab, Saliba Khamis. On the West Bank, she opened a alternative education system for children whose regular life was disrupted by the Israeli occupation. The theatre group that she started negaged children from Jenin, helping them to express their everyday frustration, anger, bitterness and fear. Arna's son Juliano, director of this film, was also one of the directors of Jenin's theatre. With his camera, he filmed the children during rehearsal periods from 1989 to 1996. Now, he goes back to see what happened to them. Yussef committed a suicide attack in Hadera in 2001, Ashraf was killed in the battle of Jenin, Alla leads a resistance group. Juliano, who today is one of the leading actors in the region, looks back in the time in Jenin, trying to understand the choices made by the children he loved and worked with.

Eight years ago the theatre was closed and life became static and paralysed. Shifting back and forth in time, the film reveals the tragedy and horror by the circumstances of the Israeli occupation.

Amerlinghaus, 1070 Wien, Stiftgasse 8

Cost: Free entrance. Donations welcome.


URL: www.fraueninschwarz.at, www.arna.info/Arna/movie.php

Austria IMC


7:30 PM - 8:00 PM

ts for Gustl
Date Created
16 Nov 2005
More details...
Donnerstag 17.11./Demo gg.Bildungsraub 18.11. u.a.Termine
Liebe Leute!


#### Auch am DONNERSTAG (17.11) gibt es zusätzlich zur wöchentlichen Mahnwache gegen Schwarzorange in Österreich und Orangerot in Kärnten vor dem Kanzleramt wieder einen SPEAKERSCORNER, diesmal statt mit einem Referat in Ergänzung zum Speakerscorner vom 27.10. über die Hingerichteten der Gruppe 40 mit einer Tonbanddokumentation über KÄTHE SASSO. Sie kämpfte nach einer Zerstörungsaktion des Strasser-Innenministeriums jahrelang für die Wiederherstellung der Gräbergruppe 40, wo unter vielen Opfern der Nazijustiz auch FreundInnen aus ihrer Widerstandsgruppe begraben sind.

Treffpunkt ist um 19Uhr45 Ecke Ballhausplatz/Heldenplatz, Beginn 20Uhr. Und danach sind wieder alle Teilnehmerinnen im Stammlokal in der Neustiftgasse willkommen!

#### DANKE allen, die dazu beigetragen haben, dass die Demo am letzten Samstag anlässlich des Skandalurteils im Seibane-Prozess trotz äußerst kurzer Vorbereitungszeit durch eine gemeinsame Kraftanstrengung zu so einem großen Erfolg werden konnte!!!!!!!!!


#### Donnerstag 17.11., ab 17Uhr: WIDERSTANDSLESUNG (Ecke Ballhausplatz/Heldenplatz).

#### Donnerstag 17.11., 20Uhr: SPEAKERSCORNER "Tonbanddokumentation über KÄTHE SASSO", siehe oben.

#### Freitag 18.11., 9Uhr, Karlsplatz/Oper: SCHULE- UNI- LEHRE! STOPPT DIE REGIERUNG! STOPPT DIE MISERE! - Schulstreik und Demo gegen Bildungsraub

#### Freitag 18.11., 19Uhr-21Uhr30: MENSCHENRECHT PARTNERWAHL - BINATIONALE PAARE UNTER GENERALVERDACHT - Podiumsdiskussion zum neuen Fremdengesetz (Das Recht auf freie Partnerwahl und Familienleben ist in den Menschenrechtskonventionen verankert.) Noch weit massiver als bisher wird dieses Recht nun durch einige Bestimmungen im neuen österreichischen Fremdengesetz bedroht und ausgehöhlt. Mit: Dunja Bogdanovic-Juristin im Beratungszentrum für Migrantinnen, Sebastian Schumacher-Fremdenrechtsexperte, Jörg Hornberg (angefragt)-MA 61 der Stadt Wien (Staatsbürgerschaft und Standesämter), VertreterInnen von Organisationen für binationale Partnerschaften aus anderen EU-Ländern). Anmeldung erbeten unter 01/2127664 oder fibel (at) verein-fibel.at, Ort: Jüdisches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung, Praterstern 1, 1020 Wien. Veranstalterin: FIBEL-Fraueninitiative bikulturelle Ehen und Lebensgemeinschaften.

#### Samstag 19.11., 15Uhr: Vor dem Haus 1090 Wien-Porzellang.49a, ENTHÜLLUNG des ERINNERUNGSSTEINES für Armin und Margarethe Weisz. 1939 aus Wien vertrieben, 1941 von den Nazis in Polen ermordet

ligrü Gustl



Electric Scooter

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Electric scooters are allowed on public transit (bus/train/plane) whereas gas-powered scooters are prohibited.
Electric Scooter.
Noise and air pollution of gas-powered scooters is eliminated.

Electric scooters are allowed on public transit (bus/train/plane) whereas gas-powered scooters are prohibited.
Electric Scooter.
Noise and air pollution of gas-powered scooters is eliminated.

Directions: Electric scooters are allowed on public transit (bus/train/plane) whereas gas-powered scooters are prohibited.
Electric Scooter.
Noise and air pollution of gas-powered scooters is eliminated.

URL: http://www.scooter86.com


All for the Taking: Eminent Domain and Urban Renewal

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This film by George McCollough connects Philadelphia's urban renewal program to the blight removal of the 1950s to show the cycle of harm created by supposedly beneficial programs. There is a nationwide epidemic of using eminent domain, a clause that was originally intended to let the government seize property for public use, but now has been interpreted to allow anyone's property to be all for the taking.

[As part of (Re)living Democracy, a project that turns the Contemporary Museum into a public platform for participation in a discussion on urban and social policies. Focusing on the history of East Baltimore and its current struggle over urban redevelopment, the project and its programs question the unjust system that allows the decision of a powerful few to determine the fate of entire communities.]

Contemporary Museum
100 West Centre Street

Cost: FREE


Binghamton Independent Media Center

Community Organizing Against the Prisons and Police Featured speaker Black Puerto Rican Activist Rosa Clemente

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 2005 at 6pm WEST Lounge, Old Union, Suny Binghamton
This forum is sponsored by a myriad of student organizations on campus. In lieu of the increasing number of people of color behind bars, and the increasing police state post 9/11 further targeting people of color, locally, and nationally this workshop will address these concerns. Furthermore, it will be an opening for further discussion on how we can collectively organize in Binghamton, and the surrounding cities against Prisons, and police that target people of color, mainly youth. Rosa Clemente, a Black Puerto Rican activist will speak on her experience in organizing with Malcom X Grassroots, and offer some points of direction, etc. The forum is open to all and we encourage binghamton community to come.

SUNY Binghamton, Old Union (where the buses stop), West Lounge at 6PM, THursday, November 17th, 2005


Directions: SUNY Binghamton, buses that go there, #15, #5,# 17 any blue buses


Boston IMC

CELEBRATE CISPES: 25 Years of Solidarity with the People of El Salvador

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Join Boston CISPES for an evening of celebration and resistance with:

"El Salvador and U.S. Imperial Strategy 1980-?"

"Bush had his vote--now the people will have their say! Resisting the Implementation of CAFTA."

6:00 PM Wine & Cheese Reception
to honor veterans of the Central America solidarity movement--------------------------$25-$250 (sliding scale)

7:00-9:00 PM Program-----------*FREE*(donations requested)

To buy tickets for the reception or to make a donation online visit:

Donations will help fund grassroots organizing in El Salvador

Call 617-576-1709 or email boscispes-AT-gtcinternet.com for more info

The Paulist Center
5 Park St. Downtown Boston
(across from Park St. T)

Cost: Reception ($25-$250 sliding scale)


Boston IMC

CELEBRATE CISPES: 25 Years of Solidarity with the People of El Salvador

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Join Boston CISPES for an evening of celebration and resistance with:

"El Salvador and U.S. Imperial Strategy 1980-?"

"Bush had his vote--now the people will have their say! Resisting the Implementation of CAFTA."

6:00 PM Wine & Cheese Reception
to honor veterans of the Central America solidarity movement--------------------------$25-$250 (sliding scale)

7:00-9:00 PM Program-----------*FREE*(donations requested)

To buy tickets for the reception or to make a donation online visit:

Donations will help fund grassroots organizing in El Salvador

Call 617-576-1709 or email boscispes-AT-gtcinternet.com for more info

The Paulist Center
5 Park St. Downtown Boston
(across from Park St. T)


Boston IMC

CELEBRATE CISPES: 25 Years of Solidarity with the People of El Salvador

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Join Boston CISPES for an evening of celebration and resistance with:

"El Salvador and U.S. Imperial Strategy 1980-?"

"Bush had his vote--now the people will have their say! Resisting the Implementation of CAFTA."

6:00 PM Wine & Cheese Reception
to honor veterans of the Central America solidarity movement--------------------------$25-$250 (sliding scale)

7:00-9:00 PM Program-----------*FREE*(donations requested)

To buy tickets for the reception or to make a donation online visit:

Donations will help fund grassroots organizing in El Salvador

Call 617-576-1709 or email boscispes-AT-gtcinternet.com for more info

The Paulist Center
5 Park St. Downtown Boston
(across from Park St. T)


Boston IMC


6:00 PM - 9:00 PM



Join Boston CISPES for an evening of celebration and resistance with:

"El Salvador and U.S. Imperial Strategy 1980-?"

"Bush had his vote--now the people will have their say! Resisting the
implementation of CAFTA."

Thursday November 17th

6:00 PM Wine & Cheese Reception to honor the veterans of the Central America
solidarity movement---------------------------------$25-$250 (sliding scale)
7:00-9:00 PM Program------------------*FREE*(donations requested)

To buy tickets for the reception or to make a donation online visit:

Donations will help fund grassroots organizing in El Salvador

Call 617-576-1709 or email boscispes-AT-gtcinternet.com for more info

The Paulist Center
5 Park St. Downtown Boston
(across from Park St. T)

Cost: Donations suggested


Boston IMC

11/17: Norman Finkelstein talk on Israel-Palestine, 7:30, downtown Boston

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Suffolk University Students for Palestine presents:

“Israel/Palestine: Roots of Conflict, Paths to Peace”

A forum featuring:

Dr. Norman G. Finkelstein

Internationally-renowned expert on the Israel-Palestine conflict, author of Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict and Beyond Chutzpah

Thursday, 17 November at 7:30
Suffolk Law School first floor function room
120 Tremont St., Downtown Boston
(Park St “T”)

The event is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact suffolkforpalestine-AT-yahoo.com

120 Tremont St, Downtown Boston
Park St. "T"

Cost: Free and open to the public


CMI La Plana

Cicle de cinema polític argentí "Los Traidores"

8:30 PM - 10:00 PM

* dijous 17 de novembre 20:30h
Un genuÍ clàssic que creua diversos gèneres (argument i actors de ficció molts d’ells no professionals, rigor històric, posada en escena documental) i narra la historia de un buròcrata sindical des de la seua gènesi en les files peronistes a principis dels anys 60, com a delegat honest, fins a la seua conversió en el més cínic defensor de la patronal, un expert negociador i millor simulador. Una pel·lícula adient per a ser visonada en qualsevol curs de formació política.
Dirigida per Raymundo Gleyzer, considerat el més important director de cine polític de la història d’Argentina, militant del PRT i desaparegut per la Dictadura quan un grupo de tareas se l’emportà per a sempre a la tardor de 1976. Aquesta película mai ha estat estrenada comercialment.

Casal Popular de Castelló

Directions: C/ Jordi Joan, 37 baix
12080 - Castelló de la Plana (Plana Alta)
Ap correus 257


IMC Canarias

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM



Directions: йȫǰʮλΪṩΡ

URL: http://www.jsitstour.com/chujing.asp


Peace and Environment Rally

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

On November 16-18 the US Secretary of Offence,
Donald Rumsfeld, will be coming to Adelaide for the
Australia-United States Ministerial Meeting (AUSMIN)
with Foreign Minister Downer and other dignitaries.

Our rally will address the theme of
Stop the War on the Environment
and the Environment of War
and will protest the presence in our country
of a Big Money US War Criminal Terrorist.

The rally will also address the new so-called "Terror Laws" and a number of South Australia leaders will be speaking about these.

Conditions of intensive domestic and foreign security
including SA police presence will surround the rally.

Never fear, NATURE is Here.

No violence please.

Steps of South Australia Parliament House,
North Terrace ADELAIDE

Cost: Free for All

Directions: Come to Inner City Adelaide,
and walk a little ways up North Terrace.


URL: http://www.nowar-sa.net

Indymedia Barcelona

la repressió del desig matern

7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Xerrada-debat amb la Casilda Rodrigáñez, iniciadora de l'Asociación Antipatriarcal, entorn del matricidi i de la submissió inconscient.

Es presentarà la reedició del seu llibre «La represión del deseo materno y la génesis del estado de sumisión inconsciente»

Llibreria Pròleg
c/ Dagueria núm. 13
metro S. Jaume

URL: www.viruseditorial.net, www.mallorcaweb.net/proleg

Indymedia Barcelona

inauguracion asociacion cultural C.I.R.Co.!!!

8:00 PM - 11:30 PM

C.I.R.Co. es una asociacion cultural que reune artistas, artesanos, animadores culturales y creativos del mundo del reciclaje.... estais todos invitados!!! ...inauguramos hoy Jueves 17/11 a partir de las 20h

c/Codols 17 08003 Barcelona


Indymedia Barcelona

PulP MiSsIoN Reggae Fest

11:00 PM - 3:00 AM

Us informem que el proxim dijous 17 de novembra es celebrarà la festa Pulp Mission.
La musica es a carrec del Turrò Sound System:
(reggae roots, modern reggae, ska, mestizatge, drum n bass).

Pulp Mission vol transmetre festa i esperanza atraves de la musica i ser un motor de revelio pacifica i de la lluita per un mon mes just.

Entrada gratuita.
De 23.00 a 1.00 bebida 2X1 (birra 1€ - cubata 2€).
Us esperem.

Carrer Pere IV, 93 Barcelona.
bogatell o llacuna.
Nit bus: N0 - N11

Cost: Gratuit. 2X1 fins la 1.00. Birra 2€

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Pantera Beltzetako kidea Zarauzko Gaztetxian

2:30 PM - 11:30 PM

Pantera Beltzetako kidea Zarautzen ariko da solasean, 20:00etatik aurrera

Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Pantera Beltzak mugimenduko kide izandako eta gaur egungo MOVE mugimenduak nazioartean duen partaide ezagunenetakoa Zarauzko Gaztetxean izango da gaur arratsaldean, eta beltzen eskubideen inguruko hitzaldia emango du.
Ramona Africaren kasua ezaguna egin zen nazioartean, AEBetako poliziak MOVE mugimenduak Philadelphian zuen egoitza bonbardeatu zuenean. Bonbardeo hartatatik bizirik atera zen kide bakarra izan zen Ramona Africa. Egunotan Europan barrena dabil, hitzaldiak emanez, eta gaur Zarautzen entzuteko aukera izango da.



Indymedia Euskal Herria

Pantera Beltzetako kidea Zarauzko Gaztetxian

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Pantera Beltzetako kidea Zarautzen ariko da solasean, 20:00etatik aurrera

Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Pantera Beltzak mugimenduko kide izandako eta gaur egungo MOVE mugimenduak nazioartean duen partaide ezagunenetakoa Zarauzko Gaztetxean izango da gaur arratsaldean, eta beltzen eskubideen inguruko hitzaldia emango du.
Ramona Africaren kasua ezaguna egin zen nazioartean, AEBetako poliziak MOVE mugimenduak Philadelphian zuen egoitza bonbardeatu zuenean. Bonbardeo hartatatik bizirik atera zen kide bakarra izan zen Ramona Africa. Egunotan Europan barrena dabil, hitzaldiak emanez, eta gaur Zarautzen entzuteko aukera izango da.



Indymedia Euskal Herria

Trikitilariak eta Banda Kontzertua

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Eibarko Ustekabe Fanfarrearen V. Urteurrena: txupinazoa eta trikitilariak 19.00etan.
19.30etan 2000. urteko Musika Eskolako Bandaren kontzertua.

Eibar. Gipuzkoa.

Cost: Doan. Gratis.

Directions: Untzaga Plaza.


URL: www.ustekabe.com

Indymedia Euskal Herria

HITZALDIA - los MOVE una experiencia de lucha y resistencia afroamericana en el corazon de la bestia

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

A cargo de Ramona Africa(la unica superviviente de uno de los bombardeos policiales a la casa de los MOVE en Philadelphia) y Kevin Africa. Ambos forman parte del colectivo revolucionario MOVE y del principal grupo de apoyo a MUMIA ABU-JAMAL (promotores de la campaña por la libertad de Mumia) BLACK PANTHERS.

gaztetxe berrian (Zarautz)


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Cine Pobre en Kalaska: "Señorita extraviada"

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Lourdes Portillo, 2001. 74 min.

Dentro de la semana de actividades organizada por Emakume Internazionalistak

La cifra de mujeres asesinadas, de 1993 a la fecha asciende a varios centenares. Detrás de estos crímenes se acumulan miles de casos de hostigamiento sexual, doméstico y laboral, no denunciados, y sobre todo de una misoginia institucional que magnificada por la prensa local sirve como estímulo a los perpetradores de lo que hoy se conoce ya como un feminicidio. Esta situación criminal se relaciona con la violencia del narcotráfico, el desempleo, y la miseria fronteriza en tiempos de globalización forzada, originando el derrumbe de oportunidades y la contratación de mano de obra femenina pésimamente remunerada.

Lourdes Portillo reúne los testimonios de la frustración y del rencor social, el encono misógino, y el desdeñoso retrato moral de las víctimas (para las autoridades, simples provocadoras -“ellas se lo buscaron"). A todo esto opone el perfil de las jóvenes, apenas adolescentes, obligadas a trabajar en turnos de madrugada, expuestas al riesgo urbano de calles mal alumbradas, temerosas siempre, canjeando diariamente seguridad física por supervivencia económica. ¿Qué hacían las "muertas de Ju·rez" en la calle?, pregunta la prensa local. "No iban precisamente a misa", le responde con sarcasmo un gobernador panista. Vista así, entre la difamación y la caricatura, todo autoriza el ajusticiamiento que es, al mismo tiempo, un mensaje social en tiempos de cambio; el desdén hacia la mala pécora como parte de un programa de saneamiento civil, que incluye a homosexuales y travestis. "Todas son putas", explican las autoridades en Señorita extraviada, o mulas tercas que aún no entienden que la gente decente se pasea de día, y la indecente se expone a todo por andar de noche.

Lourdes Portillo es directa, lacónica, profesional en todo momento; no precisa insistir en lo que está a la vista: la corrupción a todos los niveles, la venalidad de los medios, y el machismo fanfarrón que se ampara en el buen juicio de las autoridades, terrenales o divinas. La realizadora muestra que estos crímenes, sistemáticos, parecidos entre sí, con evidencias de tortura casi todos, no son asunto de nota roja, como se argumenta a la ligera, sino llanamente ejecuciones realizadas con alevosía y saña, producto en cada caso del odio a las mujeres, a las que, se tilda de prostitutas "para así descalificarlas, disminuir el horror de su desaparición y nulificar las averiguaciones" Lo escandaloso es la pasividad de las autoridades, a nivel local y federal, ante estos actos irracionales, y el torrente retórico que disimula mal esa apatía.

Lourdes Portillo nació en Chihuahua y conoce de cerca la situación fronteriza y los saldos de la violencia misógina; estudió y vive en Estados Unidos, donde su labor como documentalista le valió una nominación al Oscar en 1986 (Las madres: the mothers of Plaza de Mayo).

Kalaska (Zabaldi). Navarrería 25, bajo. Iruñea

Cost: entrada libre


URL: http://www.kalaska.org

Indymedia Euskal Herria

"E.Z.L.N.-aren azkeneko proposamenaren aurrean, libertariook zer?

8:30 PM - 11:30 PM

“LAU KATU”k antolatutako ekitaldiak, DEUSTUko GAZTE LOKALean.


AZAROAK 17, eguena, iluntzeko zortziretan. EZTABAIDA: “Libertariook E.Z.L.N.aren azkeneko proposamenaren aurrean” Oraindik ezin dogu zehazten nortzuk parte hartuko dutenak. Hori del aeta, deialdi irekia dakozue.
AZAROAK 18, barikua, iluntzeko bederatzietan. BIDEOen EMANALDIA:
Mexikoko hainbat ekimen eta ekitaldi E.Z.L.N., ANARKOPUNK, IRRATÍ LIBREAK,...
AZAROAK 19, zapatua, iluntzeko zortzi terdietan hasita. KONTZERTUA D.K.V. , SINERGIA, MUTUO DESPRECIO.

Edozein zalantza argitzeko, idatzi e-posta hauei:




Ondo izan, gero arte.

Lau Katu Project.



Indymedia Scotland

Scotland Indymedia Public Meeeting

7:30 AM - 9:30 PM

Scotland Indymedia
Public Meeting
Open a Free Internet Cafe and Free Software Lab in Edinburgh!

Come learn about and help us realise the potential of the new Indymedia Centre in the City Centre of Edinburgh. These two rooms below the Forest Cafe can be used as a large free internet cafe,a space for education, for demonstrating free software, a place for media-making facilities, and more!
The Indymedia Centre from the G8 protests lives on! We need your vision and help to get the space working and ready-to-go.

Movies 5:00-7:30 in Forest Cafe.

1)Revolution OS:
This film covers the world of hackers like Richard Stallman that created the free GNU/Linux operating system, Firefox, Open Office, and beyond: the free alternative to Microsoft.

2)G8 2005 Scotland Indymedia Footage:
The latest edits from the Indymedia Network: The G8 failed to deliver massive debt relief or halt climate change, and people converged on Scotland in protest and to demonstrate alternatives.

Meeting 7:30-9:30 in the Church Hall above Forest Cafe, followed by a
tour of the new space downstairs.

"What do you want out of Scotland Indymedia?"

All welcome!

Scotland Indymedia is a three-year old locally-controlled member of the global Indymedia Network, a network of activists that are committed to using media, information technology, and journalism as a tool for social change. We are currently running the open publishing news site www.scotland.indymedia.org to deliver news from the streets of Scotland to the world, enabling people to speak for themselves.

Forest Cafe, movies downstairs at 5, meeting upstairs at

Directions: It's near Bristo Square, in City Centre near the University.


Israel IMC

The Creation of the Jerusalem Anti-globalization Group!!

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The current situation World-wide forces us to take a stance and take it NOW, before we shall ALL be totally and wholefully enslaved to the consumption-machine. With all due respect to the anti-occupation/appartheid/wall activities, should we not wake up soon, aqll such questions shall become irrelevant, as we shall all become slaves to the american capitalists. NOW is our last chance to take an action, in order to fight the enslavement of our Spirits and Souls to the globalization-monster. Please, EVERYONE who cares, is invited to the foundation meeting, on Thursday, the 25th of August 2005, starting 6:00 pm. As for its location, please contact me at:
02-56-30-511, or 050-85-335-18.

Love, Danny.

(to be decided within the next few days, depend upon the number of people interested)

Cost: Well, bringing some fresh juice, or mineral water, would be nice.


Las Vegas Independent Media Center

Voices for Peace Vigil

8:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Meet at Las Vegas Blvd and Bridger every Thursday morning from 8am to 9am to show continued commitment to stopping not only the occupation of Iraq , but also the other forms US imperialism are sure to take in the future, such as occupations of Syria, Iran, Korea, Jordan, Libya...

Bridger and Las Vegas Blvd


URL: http://lasvegas.staughton.indypgh.org/news/2005/03/1828.php

Northwest Florida IMC

Movement for Change Weekly Meeting

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM




COME JOIN US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Center for Social Justice
1603 N Davis Hwy
Pensacola FL 32501

Directions: corner of Davis and Moreno


URL: http://www.movementforchange.org

Red Emma's

Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Red Emma's will be hosting one of several Baltimore premieres of director Robert Greenwald's (Outfoxed,Uncovered) new documentary about the operations of perhaps the world's most irresponsible and exploitative corporation. "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices" will start at 8PM on Thursday the 17th.

More info:

red emma's

Cost: free


URL: http://redemmas.org

Rochester IMC

Porgram Chair

5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The Rochester New York Section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) invites you to join us for a Plant Tour of the Gleason Works on Thursday evening, November 17, 2005.

Founded in 1865, Gleason Corporation is a global leader in the technology of gearing found in the air, in space, on sea and on land. From airplanes to tractors and from power tools to roller coasters, Gleason gears can be found everywhere in a world that needs to move.

On this tour that begins at 5:00 p.m. you will about Gleason’s 140 years in business, how they apply the principles of lean to the entire enterprise, see the entire design and manufacturing process in a compressive plant tour, and enjoy pizza and soda during the question and answer period.

Details are available at sections.asme.org/rochesterny/2005_November_17.html including registration details. Registration required because this event is limited to 50 people.


See website

Cost: Free

Directions: See website


URL: http://sections.asme.org/rochesterny/2005_November_17.html

Saint Louis IMC

Public CAPCR Hearing!! (re-scheduled)

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM


Public Hearing to receive community testimony from specified individuals and organizational representatives.

This is your opportunity to tell city gov't what you think about having a civilian oversight board for the police department. The bill being discussed came into existence as a result of the efforts of the Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression (CAPCR).

For more info about CAPCR, please follow the URL below.

St. Louis City Hall
Kennedy Room
1200 Market St.
St. Louis, MO 63103

URL: http://www.insteadofwar.org/site/cob.php

San Diego IMC

"Not Your Soldier" protest against military recruitment

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Protest military recruitment on the national "Not Your Soldier" day, November 17. The SDSU Campus Antiwar Network will be holding a rally at 12:30 in the Aztec Center against the military recruiters in our schools. We will have a theatrical mocking of military recruiters where we will expose their dishonest and unjust tactics. This will be followed by some more serious speeches against the war and a march to the ROTC office. Please join us in showing that we want NO MORE of this brutal war and NO MORE military recruiters on our campus.

The Campus Antiwar Network meets every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30pm at the Scripps Cottage Patio. For more info contact jablake-AT-gmail.com

SDSU Aztec Center


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Watsonville Brown Berets

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The Brown Berets are a historical part of the Chicano movement that was launched during the late 1960's. Our organization has been active in Watsonville since 1994 in responce to gang violance and ignorance that was taking the lives of our young people. Since then we have worked tirelessly on issues such as police harrassment, imrovement of our educational institutions, and demanding the voice of the disenfranchised community to be heard. We believe that through education, spiritaulity, cultura, and resistance that we can create effective changes in this society. We invite you to join our efforts. Mexica TIahui!!

406 Main Street and Beach Suite# 408b
(First Floor behind the Luttnich ( Ritmo Latino)Bld)
Watsonville, Califaztlan 95076

Cost: Dedication, an open mind, and corazon

Directions: Accroos the street of the Watsonville plaza and
next to Plaza Vigil

Tennessee Independent Media Center

Sones de México Ensemble

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Vanderbilt@TPAC@Vanderbilt@TPAC presents the "InsideOut of the
Lunch Box" series.

Date: Thursday, November 17, 2005

Time: Lunch served 11:30 a.m.
Program Noon to 1:00 p.m.

Location: TPAC’s Polk Theater

Topic: Sones de México Ensemble

Join us in celebrating the many musical styles, traditions, and
cultures of Mexico with an expert panel of ethnomusicologists and
songs from Sones de México Ensemble.


Helena Simonett, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music Literature
and History, Vanderbilt University

Juan Díes, Producer, Sones de México Ensemble


RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. Please call 322-8585 or e-mail
tpac-AT-vanderbilt.edu to RSVP. Lunch will be provided
for the first 300 people to make reservations.


To help defray the cost of the luncheon series, cash donations will
be accepted at the door. A portion of the proceeds collected at
this luncheon will be donated to Sones de México Ensemble. To
learn more about this organization, please visit their website at


Tennessee Independent Media Center

United Nations Brown Bag Lunch

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Come join this monthly forum as we discuss issues relevant to the international community today and of particular concern to the United Nations. For more info call 321-9066

Nashville Peace and Justice Center
1016 18th Ave So


Tennessee Independent Media Center

Mountaintop Removing the Land and People

6:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Mountaintop Removing

the Land and People"

a film festival about the destructive practice of mountaintop removal mining and its effects upon the Appalachian environment and communities.

Free to the public. Donations welcomed. All funds raised will be donated to citizens’ organizations fighting to end mountaintop removal mining in the Appalachians and to promote adoption of energy conservation and renewable energy use.

Films will screen every other Thursday starting on 13 October at the Customs House Museum, 200 South 2nd Street in Clarksville, TN. Doors will open at 6:00 and film begins at 6:30 p.m.

On alternate Thursdays, films will screen at the Clement Auditorium on the campus of Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN. Doors will open at 6:00 and films begin at 6:30 p.m.

A pre-screening reception will be hosted at the Downtown Artists Cooperative from 5:00-6:00 p.m. where program participants will meet the public and offer sales of their films, books, music, and art.

Thursday, 13 October
at the Downtown Artist Co-op, 96 Franklin Street, Clarksville, from 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Join us for refreshments and conversations with Larry Gibson and Dave Cooper from United Mountain Defense and Jeff Barrie, producer and director of Kilowatt Ours

at the Custom House Museum, 200 S. Second Street, seating from 6 - 6:30 p.m.

To Save the Land and People, by Anne Lewis
Kilowatt Ours ( www.kilowattours.org/ ), by Jeff Barrie will be shown after intermission

A note from Joe Schiller:
Larry Gibson spends most of his time with the Coal River Mountain Watch (webpages.charter.net/crmw/ ) and The Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition ( www.ohvec.org ) A lot has been written about him. Here are a few of many examples: www.wvcoalfield.com/newpage7.htm , magazine.audubon.org/incite/incite0105.html , www.voiceyourself.com/article.php

Dave Cooper is involved with these groups and he has been at so many events sponsored by these groups. They are both remarkable people fighting against overwhelming odds.

I sure hope Clarksville turns out to meet and support them.
Joseph Schiller [mailto:SchillerJ-AT-apsu.edu]


Terrorist Women's Action Think Tank


6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Queer night once a month at Chop Suey. Catering to lesbians and trannys especially.

DJ Anna Oxygen spins

Chop Suey
Madison St
Capitol Hill

Cost: free b4 10pm, $3.00 after 10

URL: www.chopsuey.com

Tompkins County (NY) Swarm

Unicef card sale

11:00 AM - 2:30 PM

from Nov. 17 through Dec. 17 (Thursdays and Fridays from 11a.m.-2:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.) Holiday, birthday, and blank note cards are available. UNICEF works to promote every child's right to health, education, equality, and protection in 160 countries around the globe.

DeWitt Mall
Cayuga and buffalo Streets


Tompkins County (NY) Swarm

Movie: "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price"

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Cinemapolis Theater on The Commons in Ithaca

Cost: $7.50--Free tix available by calling 269-0409


URL: www.TCLivingWage.org

Tompkins County (NY) Swarm

FREE Reception for Geoff Lawton: Permaculture Design and Practice

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Thursday, November 17th
Ecovillage Common House
Rachel Carson Way
Ithaca, NY


and the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute

invite you to a
Reception for Geoff & Nadia Lawton,
plus Andrew Jones & Andrew Leslie Phillips

Come meet these accomplished permaculture
practitioners and educators and enjoy
Geoff's presentation "Permaculture:
Designing and Installing around the World."

FREE and open to the public. Come and meet Geoff.
Learn what can be accomplished through permaculture
design. Decide if you'd like to take his weekend
course next weekend November 18th through the 20th,
or join us for the full certificate course.
For more info, go to www.flpci.org.

Geoff Lawton is a world-renowned permaculture
practitioner. He emigrated from England to Australia
and studied permaculture with the originator, Bill
Mollison, in Tasmania. He founded the Permaculture
Research Institute
on Tagari Farm in New South Wales, Australia, a 147-acre
farmstead previously developed by Mollison. Since 1985,
Geoff has designed and implemented permaculture projects
in 18 countries for private individuals and groups,
communities, governments, aid organizations, and multinational
corporations. He has taught the Permaculture Design
Certificate course in 20 countries.

Andrew Jones is a board member of the Permaculture Research
Institute, with a background in international emergency
response and post-conflict development and rehabilitation.
He ran a 40,000-person refugee camp in Macedonia for CARE
International and spent three years on the ground in Iraq
following the first Gulf War. A native of Australia, Andrew
is currently a managing partner of Full Circle LLC,
a permaculture consulting firm in
Brooklyn, New York.

Andrew Leslie Phillips established the Hancock Permaculture
Center was in 2004. He is a garden designer specializing in
natural stone, and a certified permaculture practitioner.
A native of Australia, Andrew spent seven years in Papua New Guinea
as a government patrol officer, radio journalist and filmmaker
before coming to New York in 1976. He produced award-winning
investigative radio documentaries on a wide range of environmental
and political issues for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation,
National Public Radio and later for WBAI Community Radio in New York City
where he was program director (1989-93). He taught journalism, radio and
"sound image" as an adjunct professor at New York University
for 15 years. In 1997 he launched Stone and Garden,
a garden design and permaculture
consulting service, which he still operates. His quest for natural
stone for patios led him to Hancock, "the Bluestone Capital of the
World." In 2004 he relocated to the area and set up the Hancock
Permaculture Center.
Fingerlakespermaculture mailing list
lists.mutualaid.org/mailman/listinfo/fingerlakespermaculture free
hosting by www.mutualaid.org
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Michael Burns
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Earn your permaculture design certificate.
The Finger Lakes Permacuture Institute
begins its first course on November 18.
Go to: www.flpci.org

Ecovillage Common House
Rachel Carson Way
Ithaca, NY

Cost: free


URL: http://www.flpci.org

Tompkins County (NY) Swarm

Movie: "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price" (Cornell)

10:00 PM - 11:30 PM

Robert Purcell Community Center TV lounge, 1st floor; Cornell University

Cost: Free


Twincities IMC

Wal-Mart Movie

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Minnesota ACORN presents a special screening of the new Wal-Mart documentary by Robert Greenwald, the director of Outfoxed, Uncovered, and Unprecedented. More information is available at www.walmartmovie.com

Saint Stephanus Church, 739 Lafond Ave, St Paul

Cost: Free


URL: www.walmartmovie.com



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