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  December 2004  
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Events for Wednesday, 22 December 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]


Brand New Green Party local!

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

The Charm City Green Party is Baltimore's newest Green Party local. This fresh, vibrant group welcomes all who seek to build a multi-faceted movement for social justice against the Ehrlich and Bush administrations and the bought off Democratic Party. So come out to your first Green Party meeting or give us another try. All are invited.

Red Emma's
800 St Paul St

Cost: Free


Boston IMC

"We Interrupt This Empire" - Radical Film Night

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

"WITE redefines what victory looks like"

Lucy Parsons Center
549 Columbus Avenue
Boston's South End


URL: www.lucyparsons.org

CMI La Plana

El treball d'història oral del Grup per la memòria

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

II Jornades memòria històrica a Castellò de la Plana. "La Història oral".

>> Dilluns 13 de desembre.

Xerrada: La història oral.

A córrec de Manuel Vicent, arxiver i historiador.

>> Dijous 16 de desembre.

Taula Redona: Els protagonistes de la història.

A càrrec d'Álvaro Castell, d'Agustín Martì i de Lola Benavent.

>> Dimecres 22 de desembre.

Xerrada: El treball d'història oral del Grup per la recerca de la memòria històrica de Castelló.

A càrrec de Maribel Peris i Joan Lluís Porcar.

Totes les xerrades es realitzaran a la biblioteca provincial (carrer de rafalafena) a les 19:00.
Organitza: Grup per la recerca de la memòria històrica de Castelló.

biblioteca provincial (carrer de rafalafena)


URL: http://gugbi.homelinux.net/grupperlamemoria/

Colorado IMC

End The Media Blackout on Election Fraud

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Meet on Wednesday to protest and demand an end to the media blackout on Election Fraud coverage by the Denver Post, owner William Dean Singleton, and his company www.medianewsgroup.com. Media News Group has the power to put millions of people in a news blackout. They have over 40 newspapers (each with a web site), along with radio and now television stations. We are trying to coordinate protests in all cities. Help spread the word post post post. And please come and protest. Demand an end to the media BLACKOUT.

MediaNews Group
1560 Broadway, Suite 2100
Denver, Colorado 80202

Cost: if you don't come????? your freedom?

Directions: Colfax and Broadway at Civic Center Station.


URL: http://denvervoice.org

Indymedia Barcelona

Taller de Dansa al CSOA l'Estella

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Com ja es costum els dimecres es realitza un curs/taller de dansa principalment oriental al CSOA l'Estella.

CSOA l'Estella

Directions: c/ Lepant, 83
al costat de l'estació de tren
de Mataró


URL: http://www.musaik.net/estella

Indymedia Scotland

Troops Out of Iraq

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Troops Out (Glasgow) is a non-aligned, non party
political, grassroots organisation united around a
single issue - that the occupying troops should be
brought out of Iraq.

We welcome new people and ideas

Woodside Halls. 36 Glenfarg Street. G20 7QF

Directions: Between St George’s Rd and Clarendon St at the bottom
of Maryhill Rd. Nearest underground station is St
George’s Cross.

If you have difficulty finding it, phone 07952 969102



URL: http://members.boardhost.com/FallujaForum/

Red Emma's

Charm City Green Party Meeting

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Open meeting for those interested in Baltimore's newest Green Party Local.

Red Emma's

Cost: free

Rochester IMC

Poor People United - General planning meeting.

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

General planning meeting.

402 South Avenue
Rochester NY

URL: http://poorpeopleunited.org

Rochester IMC

Indy TV show

7:30 PM - 8:00 PM

The Goal of the program is to provide a consistent forum for under reported news stories and to build needed discussion on effective grassroots organizing activities in Western New York.

This Week:
Minimum Wage Increase Victory
Poor People United Emergency Hypothermia moving shelter
Yellow Ribbon Fever
Drumming Prodigy

Tune in to Rochester Cable Access Channel 15

Channel 15

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom (HUFF)

8:30 AM - 12:00 AM

HUFF is a civil rights organization of housed and unhoused folk intent on overturning laws and practices that criminalize poor people.

Baker's Square Restaurant 1107 Ocean St. Santa Cruz

Cost: Free

Directions: Just off Highway 17 half-way between Denny's Restaurant and the County Building.


URL: http://www.huffsantacruz.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Street Performer Weekly Gig with SAFE

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

SAFE (Society for Artistic Freedom and Expression) will have regular weekly Sing Outs on the Sidewalk in front of New Leaf Market 6pm every Wednesday evening.

SAFE calls for the restoration of the Voluntary Street Performers Guidelines and the end to onerous restrictions on peformers downtown.

One local Downtown Ordinance dictates the 10' forbidden zones limiting performers to less than 20% of downtown sidewalks. Another literally excludes them from narrower sidewalks in other business districts. Another is the "Move Along Law" which mandates criminal penalties for not "moving along" every hour.

Bring your instrument or just your ears. Bring a friend.

Hot soup by Joe Schultz.

Take back our public spaces from some creeping privatization, favored by a segment of the merchants.

We also share information on recent police and "host" harassment of performers.

In front of downtown New Leaf Market at Pacific and Lincoln Aves. between the Cafe Campesino and Alfresco's kiosks.

Cost: Free, but bring quarters and scraps to throw to performers!

Tampa Bay Indymedia

Sharing food in the park.

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

St. Pete Food Not Bombs will be sharing vegetarian food in Williams Park on Fridays at 7pm. We will get together at 4pm to cook. Volunteers needed for gathering food, cooking, sharing, plus any donations of food, clothing, blankets, etc., gratefully accepted.


Williams Park, St. Pete.

Cost: Free for all.


URL: http://www.stpetefnb.org

Tampa Bay Indymedia

Tampa Bay IndyMedia Meeting

8:30 PM - 10:00 PM

All are invited to post to the site, and share their view of what is news in their community. At the weekly meetings, we discuss changes to the site, benefits, skill-sharing, work on our print publication, The Open Press, and ways to become a more effective resource to the community.

Sacred Grounds Coffee House, 4819 E. Busch Blvd., Tampa

Cost: free to the public

Directions: maps.yahoo.com/maps_result=

Tennessee Independent Media Center

Peace Coalition Meeting

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Join Nashville's most hated and loved group of peace and justice activists as they plot more ways to challenge themselves and the world around them.

Nashville Peace and Justice Center (1016 18th Avenue South).

Thunder Bay IMC

General Meeting

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Our weekly meeting

4 S. Court Street Ruttan Block Suite 19a


Twincities IMC

AlliantACTION Vigil

7:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Ninth year of a weekly vigil outside international war merchant Alliant Techsystem's corporate headquarters. Although we are opposed to specific weapon systems produced by ATK, our main concern is the violent solutions this Minnesota based company represents to complex world problems. We ask who profits and who dies?

Alliant’s corporate Headquarters, 5050 Lincoln Drive, Edina. Take Hwy 169 north or south toward Hopkins. Take the 5th St/Lincoln Dr. exit. Turn east one block.

Networking continues at breakfast for those interested following the vigil.


URL: http://www.circlevision.org/alliantaction.html

Twincities IMC


4:30 PM - 12:00 AM

This weekly vigil is held on the Lake Street Bridge (Lake Street and River Road)--the Peace Bridge. All people who are antiwar and wish to vigil for peace and justice are invited to stand with us.

This vigil has been ongoing since 1999 and will continue weekly regardless of weather: 4:30 to 5:30 every Wednesday.

Pick up a sign there or bring your own.

Lake Street Bridge, River Road and Lake Street/Marshall. Vigil begins on the St. Paul side. (The bridge connects Minneapolis and St. Paul.)


Twincities IMC

Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace Meeting

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace Meeting
7:00 p.m.

Most Wednesdays (all but the last Wednesday of the month), our meetings are held at St. Mark's Catholic Church, 2001 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul. Community Room in NW corner of Lower Church (basement). Enter through door on NW side of church near rectory and go downstairs to Community Room on immediate left.

Map to St. Mark's Catholic Church:

On the last Wednesday of each month, a social potluck dinner is held at 6:00 p.m. at a member's home. Please e-mail us at info-AT-mppeace.org or call (651) 647-0580 for the location of this month's potluck, or for more information on our group. You can also visit our web site for a complete listing of all of our upcoming and ongoing events: www.mppeace.org/events/

To find a neighborhood peace/justice group near you, visit Minnesota Neighbors for Peace at www.mnneighbors4peace.org.

St. Mark's Catholic Church, 2001 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul. Community Room in NW corner of Lower Church (basement). Enter through door on NW side of church near rectory and go downstairs to Community Room on immediate left.

Cost: Free and open to the public

Directions: www.mppeace.org/images/mapmppeacemeeting.gif


URL: http://www.mppeace.org

Western Massachusetts IMC

2nd Annual Caroling Down Main Street & Family Potluck

4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

A private family of the Cummington Family Center (CFC) will be hosting their 2nd Annual Caroling Party down Main Street in Cummington, MA, on Wednesday the 22nd. Families of the CFC are encouraged to dress warmly and bring their favorite potluck dish to share with other families following the caroling down Main Street. Families interested in this event who are not members of the CFC should use the provided contact to request a member application. There are no fees to be a member. All playgroups are free.


Cost: Free


URL: http://www.hilltownfamilycenter.org



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