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  December 2004  
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Events for Monday, 13 December 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]


Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore Meeting

7:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Join the Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore as it meets on Monday nights at the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) building on York Road. The Pledge, formerly the Iraq Pledge of Resistance, regularly engages in civil disobedience on behalf of our collective civil liberties. Every action is non-violent and is conducted peacefully.

The Pledge has a series of actions planned in the upcoming months that are designed to visibly oppose the Bush administration's "preemptive" warmongering and attacks on the Bill of Rights. If you're concerned about the direction the US is heading to please consider coming out and joining us. (Note: it is always advisable to call in advance to confirm the meeting is being held as scheduled.)

806 York Road, Baltimore, MD


Boston IMC

Standout at the State House: The electors will be there!

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Each day, more stories emerge that strongly suggest that fraud took place in
the presidential election of November 2, 2004. On Monday, December 13, the
electors in each state will go to their state houses and cast their vote.
We are urging them to take action to bring attention to the allegations and
to demand correction.

Standout at the State House: The electors will be there!

* Raise Awareness: 57,000 voting incidents reported to U.S. Congress
* Raise Funds: Support voter fraud investigations in Ohio and Florida
* Petition Massachusetts Electors: Don't cast your vote on Dec. 13
* Urge U.S. Senators: Refuse to certify electoral count on Jan. 6

Massachusetts State House

URL: http://www.caef.us

Boston IMC

Hotel Workers Demonstration

4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Hotel Workers Struggle Hits Home in Boston

Hotel corporations in San Francisco thought they could just lock out some of the lowest paid workers in our country and eventually they would have to go back to work with out a contract. That theory back fired, and it back fired because of the support that workers have gotten all over the country from people like us. The Solidarity Committee is working to continue support for hotel workers and shine a spotlight on corporate greed! There will be a series of three leaflets at the Hyatt in Cambridge.

Please consider coming out!!
Monday, December 13, 4:30-6:30 PM and
Monday, December 21, 5:30-7:30 PM

Cambridge Hyatt

Directions: cambridge.hyatt.com/property/areaguide/maps/index.jhtml;jsessionid=TBWYFICMAD5E0P5QSESCM4Q

URL: http://hotelworkersunite.org massjwj.net/

Boston IMC

Author Jeanne Guillemin "Biological Weapons"

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Author Jeanne Guillemin will discuss her book, Biological Weapons.

Until the events of September 11 and the anthrax attacks of 2001, biological weapons had never been a major public concern in the United States. Today, the possibility of their use by terrorists against Western states looms large as an international security concern. In Biological Weapons, Jeanne Guillemin provides a highly accessible and compelling account of the circumstances under which scientists, soldiers, and statesmen were able to mobilize resources for extensive biological weapons programs and also analyzes why such weapons, targeted against civilians, were never used in a major conflict.

Boston Public Library, Mezzanine Conference Room

URL: http://bpl.org/news/upcomingevents.htm

Boston IMC

Basic Documentary Filmmaking: A Demonstration of Shooting & Editing

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

"Basic Documentary Filmmaking: A Demonstration of Shooting and Editing"

Monday, Dec. 13 & Tuesday, Dec. 14 at 6pm

We will cover the fundamentals of shooting and editing a documentary. In the first session, we will shoot a game of checkers using basic production techniques, such as close-ups and long shots, with two video cameras. In the second session, we will edit the footage on Final Cut Pro, a digital, non-linear editing program. Our five-minute video will incorporate many of the major elements in documentary film and video storytelling.

Boston Public Library, Conference Room 5/6

URL: http://bpl.org/news/upcomingevents.htm

Boston IMC

Aguirre, The Wrath of God

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Werner Herzog Film Series
Mondays at 6pm

Dec. 13, Aguirre, The Wrath of God (100 min. color. 1972) In German with English subtitles
Dec. 20, Fitzcarraldo (157 min. color. 1982) In German with English subtitles
Dec. 27, Cobra Verde (111 min. color. 1987) In German with English subtitles

Boston Public Library, Rabb Lecture Hall x4319

URL: http://bpl.org/news/upcomingevents.htm

Boston IMC

CANCEL Stop BU Bioterror Lab Meeting

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Tonight's coalition meeting is CANCELLED.

The monthly coalition meeting, scheduled for Monday, December 13, is CANCELLED. We will reschedule to another date.

Tomorrow's creative action is ON.

The creative action for Tuesday, December 14, at City Hall, to protest the Boston Redevelopment Authority rubber stamp of the BU Bioterrorism Lab is ON.

Please try to get there by 1:30 so that we can prepare for our 2 PM action.

Boston City Hall

URL: http://www.ace-ej.org

Boston IMC

Massachusetts Transgender Political Coaltion General Meeting

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) is dedicated to ending discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression. We educate the public, lobby state and local government, encourage political activism, and empower community members through collective action.

The MTPC’s work is guided by the following values: equal rights and institutional responsibility; working against all forms of oppression; building broad-based participation and community power; developing leaders and building coalitions; drawing strength from diverse experiences and identities; being informed by our history and elders; growing through challenge and critique; being inclusive of those who cannot be fully visible; and accountability to the communities for which we work.

You do not have to be a member to come to a general membership meeting. Anyone who currently has permanent or student residence in Massachusetts can be considered a general member, and accordingly attend meetings, provide input to proposals, and receive information about the organization. General membership will be differentiated from voting membership according to level of participation in the organization.

JRI Health 132 Boylston St 2nd floor, ring bell for JRI Health.

Cost: free and open to all

Directions: Near Boylston St Green Line stop, close to downtown crossing


URL: http://www.masstpc.org

CMI La Plana

Xerrada: La història oral. Jornades per la memòria

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

II Jornades memòria històrica a Castelló de la Plana. "La Història oral".

>> Dilluns 13 de desembre.

Xerrada: La història oral.

A càrrec de Manuel Vicent, arxiver i historiador.

>> Dijous 16 de desembre.

Taula Redona: Els protagonistes de la història.

A càrrec d'Álvaro CAstell, d'Agustín Martí i de Lola Benavent.

>> Dimecres 22 de desembre.

Xerrada: El treball d'història oral del Grup per la recerca de la memòria històrica de Castelló.

A càrrec de Maribel Peris i Joan Lluís Porcar.

Totes les xerrades es realitzaran a la biblioteca provincial (carrer de rafalafena) a les 19:00.
Organitza: Grup per la recerca de la memòria històrica de Castelló.

Biblioteca de Rafalafena


URL: http://laplana.indymedia.org/newswire/display/3015/index.php

Indymedia Barcelona

Xerrada amb Oriol Martí: “drogues de disseny: repetició del drama de l’heroïna” a l’Eixample

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Xerrada amb Oriol Martí: “drogues de disseny: repetició del drama de l’heroïna”

Ateneu Popular de l’Eixample. Pgte. Conradí nº 3. Metro Sagrada Família


Indymedia Scotland

Resist the G8 - Glasgow Reshape Meeting

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Glasgow Reshape re-launch and filmshow:
The eight rulers of the world and their corporate paymasters are meeting in Gleneagles to decide how best to divide up the world's resources and ruin your life for you.

Help to organise the most exciting gathering of opposition to the business as usual and the sick system in recent times!

We invite everybody, who is favourable to our aims.

- is a local group
- broad anti G8
- come together to oppose the G8 summit
- visionary
- part of Dissent! www.dissent.org.uk/ network
- is dynamic, modern, exciting, fun, and happening

Mono, King's Court, King Street, Glasgow G1

Directions: www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi


Kansas City IMC

ReclaimDemocracy.org - Kansas City area Chapter

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

ReclaimDemocracy.org is a nonprofit, nonpartisan grassroots organization. Its mission is to restore citizen authority over corporations. The Kansas City area Chapter's first event was a public forum held 11/29/04. See URL below for a summary of that public forum.


At the Dec. 13th meeting there will be a brief presentation on Electronic Voting; report on development by the Technology Committee; and brainstorming of potential actions the chapter may pursue.

Waldo Branch of the Kansas City MO Library
201 E. 75th Street - Meeting Room A
Kansas City MO

Cost: no fee

Directions: On 75th Street, between Wornall and Holmes


URL: reclaimdemocracy.org/kc

Rochester IMC

Environmental Defense Meetup

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Our next Environmental Defense Meetup is at 7:00 PM on

Monday December 13th at Borders Books Coffee Shop
Hylan Drive, Henrietta. All are welcome. We will be
discussing pollution given off by Kodak and any other
issues that people wish to talk about. We are always
looking for activism opportunities so feel free to
bring your ideas.

Borders Books Coffee Shop
Hylan Drive, Henrietta

Santa Barbara IMC

Obstacles to a Democratic Election in 2004

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Marcelino Sepulveda
SpokesCouncil Coalition
(805) 450-0245

The SpokesCouncil Townhall presents
Obstacles to a Democratic Election in 2004

Monday, December 13, 2004
7-9pm at the Faulkner Gallery in the Santa Barbara Public Library
40 E. Anapamu (Corner of Anapamu and Anacapa)
This event is free. The press and public are invited to attend.

Panel of Local Elected Representatives to Address Concerns Regarding Reports
of Electoral Problems in Key U.S. States during 2004 Election.

Santa Barbara, CA., December 06, 2004 ­ On the evening of the Electoral
College meeting in state capitals across the country to certify the 2004
Presidential vote in favor of George W. Bush, a SpokesCouncil Coalition of
progressive Santa Barbara groups will host a panel of community leaders,
including Mayor Marty Blume; City Councilman Das Williams; County Clerk
Joseph E. Holland; State Assemblyman (District 35) Pedro Nava and former
City Councilman Babatunde Foleyami, to address growing concerns regarding
voting rights violations, election irregularities, ongoing lawsuits and
recounts calling into question the integrity of the 2004 elections of the
United States.

The evening will begin with a presentation update on the latest news
regarding 2004 election problems, controversies, lawsuits, recounts, and
studies on voter disenfranchisement & fraud. Guest panelists will then be
asked to respond and Babatunde Folayemi will facilitate discussion with
questions from the audience. All in attendance will be able to sign a
pledge calling for a “Voter Bill of Rights” (www.nov3.us/billofrights.php)
as well as a “Statement of Not-Accepting the Electoral College’s
Certification of the 2004 Presidential Election.”

Most mainstream media reports immediately
following the Nov 2nd, 2004 election cited unexpected success in the voting
process this year as compared to the 2000 debacle. In the weeks since the
election, however, many more questions and ensuing lawsuits have been raised
about this reportedly “clean” election. The Election Incident Reporting
System (EIRS), in conjunction with the Verified Voting Foundation, has
received over 38,000 reports of incidents indicating serious voting related
problems during the 2004 elections (www.verifiedvoting.com/)

There is no concern more pressing than putting to rest (or confirming)
suspicions that not all Americans' November 2nd, 2004 election votes were
counted correctly. "A statistical study - the sole method available to
monitor the accuracy of e- voting - reporting irregularities associated with
electronic voting machines may have awarded 130,000-260,000 or more excess
votes to President George W. Bush in Florida in the 2004 presidential
election,” says a team of Professors and Researchers at the University of
California, Berkeley. This study, combined with emerging evidence of
inaccurate or fraudulent results from voting machines in Ohio, Florida, and
other swing states, has raised significant concerns about the integrity of
this year’s election.
In the past two US presidential elections, conflicts of interest and
evidence suggesting likely fraud are as abundant as they are disturbing:
* A University of Pennsylvania professor's study shows an unexplained exit
poll discrepancy
* "...Exit poll data are fundamentally sound...the deviations between exit
poll predictions and vote tables in the three critical battleground states
could not have occurred by chance or random error, and no explanations of
the discrepancy have yet been provided."
* A study by the University of California Berkeley's Quantitative Methods
Research Team suggested irregularities with electronic voting
* "A statistical study - the sole method available to monitor the accuracy
of e- voting - reporting irregularities associated with electronic voting
machines may have awarded 130,000-260,000 or more excess votes to President
George W. Bush in Florida in the 2004 presidential election."
* Exit polls have long been considered an accurate predictor of the actual
outcome of an election.
* At the end of November, international observers invalidated the results of
elections in the Ukraine based, in part, on discrepancies between exist
polls and counted ballots.
* Kenneth Blackwell, the secretary of state in Ohio co-chaired George Bush's
election campaign
* (as did Kathleen Harris in Florida in 2000) As Ohio secretary of state, he
left no stone unturned to suppress the democratic vote.


* 80% of all votes in America are counted by only two companies: Diebold
and ES&S.

* The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a major Bush campaign organizer and
donor who wrote in 2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its
electoral votes to the president next year."

* "Jeff Dean, senior programmer on Diebold's central compiler code...served
jail time for planting back doors in his client's accounting software and
using a "high degree of sophistication" to evade detection over a period of
2 years."
According to the findings of fact in case no. 89-1-04034-1 (Washington

"...Defendant's thefts occurred over a 2 1/2 year period of time, there were
multiple incidents, more than the standard range can account for, the actual
monetary loss was substantially greater than typical for the offense, the
crimes and their cover-up involved a high degree of sophistication and
planning in the use and alteration of records in the computerized accounting
system that defendant maintained for the victim, and the defendant used his
position of trust and fiduciary responsibility as a computer systems and
accounting consultant for the victim to facilitate the commission of the

* California banned the use of Diebold machines because the security was so
bad. Despite Diebold's claims that the audit logs could not be hacked, a
chimpanzee was able to do it!
* wired.com/news/evote/0,2645,63298,00.html

While Santa Barbara does not currently use computer voter machines,
concerned local citizens are sending a national call for cities to pledge
Non-Acceptance of the Electoral College Vote today and instead demand a full
investigation and report on allegations of electoral disenfranchisement and
fraud in the 2004 elections. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the
business of American democracy cannot fully proceed until:
1. The question of fraud is fully investigated and put to rest
2. New safeguards are in place to ensure that the fairness of future
elections is beyond doubt
Marcelino Sepulveda
SpokesCouncil Coalition
(805) 450-0245

7-9pm at the Faulkner Gallery in the Santa Barbara Public Library
40 E. Anapamu (Corner of Anapamu and Anacapa)

Cost: This event is free. The press and public are invited to attend.


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Santa Cruz Indymedia meeting

5:00 PM - 12:00 AM

This is your independent media center. As an all-volunteer organization, sc-imc needs you to get involved!

Santa Cruz Indymedia is not a membership organization; it is a tactic, a concept, and a movement that can be effectively utilized in many different ways. Santa Cruz Indymedia is organized through working groups.

You can help create a new working group, if you want, but the following working groups would love your help:

* Editorial
* Outreach
* Tech
* Fault Lines distribution

There is no "content" working group. The publishing of articles to the newswire is up to all of us. So let your mind be heard!

We need original reporting! First and foremost, Indymedia is the place where you can tell your stories and report on what the corporate media won't tell you. It only takes a second to hit the publish button, and you can get your story out!

Santa Cruz Indymedia currently meets the second and fourth Monday of each month, 5:00 PM, at Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos (1817 Soquel Ave).

Next Santa Cruz Indymedia Meeting:

second and fourth Monday each month!
5:00 - 7:00 PM
Barrios Unidos

If you would like to get more involved with Santa Cruz Indymedia, please send an email to: scimc-AT-indymedia.org">scimc (at) indymedia.org. Questions and comments are also welcome.

Barrios Unidos
1817 Soquel Avenue

Cost: FREE

Directions: Barrios Unidos is located at 1817 Soquel Avenue.
It is on the left side of Soquel Ave., just before Capitola Rd., if you are coming from downtown Santa Cruz.

URL: http://santacruz.indymedia.org/mod/info/display/questions/index.php

Tennessee Independent Media Center

Nashville Benefit for Fifth Estate

6:00 PM - 11:30 PM

Nashville Benefit for Fifth Estate Magazine December 13th

by Sunfrog

Email: fifthestate (nospam) pumpkinhollow.net 24 Nov 2004

In cooperation with Grimeys Records, the Fifth Estate Collective presents: The Fourth World War with musical guests Olivers Army and the Johnson Boys Monday, December 13, 2004 from 6pm to midnight (film at 6:30pm) A suggested donation of $3 to $13 (sliding scale) is requested; 21 and over. The Basement, 1604 Eighth Avenue South, Nashville.



Twincities IMC

Staged reading of play "In the Heart of America"

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

First produced in 1995, this play by Naomi Wallace finds Lieutenant Calley in a motel room somewhere in Middle America haunted by the events of the Vietnam and Persian Gulf wars. Discussion afterward led by Chante Wolf of Veterans for Peace.

Avalon High School, second floor of 1745 University Avenue, St. Paul.

Cost: donation


Western Massachusetts IMC

2nd Annual Holiday Cookie Making Party

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

A private family of the Cummington Family Center (CFC) will be hosting their 2nd Annual Holiday Cookie Making Party at their home in Cummington, MA. Family members of the CFC are encouraged to bring their favorite cookie dough, decorations and cookie cutters to create their holiday cookies in a welcoming atmosphere of community fun. Families interested in this event who are not members of the CFC should use the provided contact to request a member application. There are no fees to be a member. All playgroups are free.


Cost: Free


URL: http://www.hilltownfamilycenter.org


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