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  November 2004  
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Events for Thursday, 25 November 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Boston IMC

National Day of Mourning

12:00 PM - 5:00 PM


An annual tradition since 1970, Day of Mourning is a solemn, spiritual and highly political day. Many of us fast from sundown the day before through the afternoon of that day (and have a social after Day of Mourning so that participants in DOM can break their fasts). We are mourning our ancestors and the genocide of our peoples and the theft of our lands. NDOM is a day when we mourn, but we also feel our strength in political action. Over the years, participants in Day of Mourning have buried Plymouth Rock a number of times, boarded the Mayflower replica, and placed ku klux klan sheets on the statue of William Bradford, etc.

There will be a march through the historic district of Plymouth. Plymouth has agreed, as part of the settlement of 10/19/98, that UAINE may march on Day of Mourning without the need for a permit as long as we give the town advance notice.

PROGRAM: Although we very much welcome our non-Native supporters to stand with us, it is a day when only Native people speak about our history and the struggles that are taking place throughout the Americas. Speakers will be by invitation only. This year's NDOM is once again dedicated to our brother Leonard Peltier.

SOCIAL: There will be a pot-luck social held after the National Day of Mourning speak-out and march this year. We anticipate that the hall that we have obtained is not large enough to seat everyone at once. We may have to do two seatings. Preference for the first seating will be given to Elders, young children and their mother/caretaker, pregnant women, Disabled people, and people who have traveled a long distance to join National Day of Mourning. Please respect our culture and our wish to ensure that these guests will be the first to be able to sit and eat. With this understanding in mind, please bring non-alcoholic beverages, desserts, fresh fruit & vegetables, and pre-cooked items (turkeys, hams, stuffing, vegetables, casseroles, rice & beans, etc.) that can be easily re-warmed at the social hall prior to the social. Thank you.

TRANSPORTATION: Limited carpool transportation may be available from Boston. Contact the Boston International Action Center at (617) 522-6626.

There is transportation available from New York City via the International Action Center. Call Marie at 212-633-6646 for more information.

Cole's Hill, Plymouth, Massachusetts: Cole's Hill is the hill above Plymouth Rock in the Plymouth historic waterfront area.

Directions: Directions: National Day of Mourning is held by the statue of Massasoit at Cole's Hill. Cole's Hill is the hill rising above Plymouth Rock on the Plymouth waterfront. If you need directions, use Water Street and Leyden Street in Plymouth, MA as your destination at mapquest.com. That will bring you to within a few hundred feet of Plymouth Rock and Cole's Hill. You can probably find a place to park down on Water Street.


URL: http://home.earthlink.net/~uainendom/ndom04orientation.htm

Boston IMC

Triangle Vegetarian Society

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Thanksgiving 2004
Feast and Raffle with Prizes

The Triangle Vegetarian Society (TVS) will have its annual Thanksgiving feast and generous raffle at one of Dilip's favorite Triangle restaurants, Cafe Parizde in Durham (directions are below). Parizde is one of the Triangle's finest restaurants with a gourmet flair for fresh ingredients with Mediterranean influences, and this will be TVS' 6th consecutive Thanksgiving there (and 11th annual Thanksgiving Feast at an area restaurant).

Reservations are strongly recommended as we are expecting over 300 guests and have had to turn some people away in past years who came without reservations. To make a reservation, you can use our online Thanksgiving Reservation System, or you can contact Martin Blazevich at 919-416-1937.

There may be some changes, but here is our planned menu, beginning with a Fall Antipasto Buffet Table. We're planning on having a quinoa salad with olives, shallots, pine nuts, sundried tomatoes, and garlic in a base of the lovely crunchy grain quinoa, with arugula and rosemary-carmelized pear. Also planned are warm spinach orzo with pesto; braised garlicky greens; hearts of Romaine lettuce with lemon, olive oil, and capers; string bean almondine; lightly steamed corn-off-the-cob accented with smoked poblano peppers and cumin and served with a light sprinkling of lime juice and salt; roasted exotic mushrooms with fennel and garlic, drizzled with white truffle oil; and citrus couscous with dried fruits and garbanzo beans. We plan to offer a Mediterranean minty fatoush salad with toasted flat bread; breads, crustinis, and pita with Egyptian red lentil hummus, artichoke-spinach hummus, and baba ganouj; marinated olives; and spiced pecans.

For main courses, we have planned Dilip's cherry-kissed and seared tempeh with baby bok choy in a coconut milk curry; Moroccan sweet potato and squash tagine; Shepherd's Pie with wheat gluten, roasted root vegetables, and mushrooms, with a potato crust; roasted chestnut-barley risotto with Brussels sprouts; and Orecchiette pasta with fresh tomato-basil sauce. Also, we're planning roasted garlic olive oil mashed potatoes with chives; mushroom gravy, apple-pecan stuffing, fresh raspberry-cranberry relish, and Black Mission fig chutney; wild rice with crookneck squash; country cornbread; and sweet potato-leek-potato velout (thickened soup).

For dessert, we are planning on fresh seasonal fruits, phyllo cookies, pumpkin pie with pomegranate glaze, cherry crisp, and cinnamon currant apple pie.

Apple cider, cranberry juice, water, herbal tea, and coffee will be included as part of the meal.

All of the food will be strictly vegan, or plant-based. There will be no animal, egg or dairy products, and no honey or white sugar in any of the food.

As in previous years, we will be having a generous raffle with prizes ranging from gift certificates from area businesses to cases of whole food products, fine chocolates, non-animal gardening fertilizers, and much more. Check out the current list of raffle prizes (prizes will continue to be added as we get closer to the event)!

The all-inclusive price is $20 for current members, $23 for other adults, and $9 for children aged 5-10; children younger than 5 eat for free.

Cafe Parizde is at 2200 W. Main in Durham, NH

Cost: $23

Directions: Cafe Parizde is at 2200 W. Main in Durham, NH. A map is available. Take the Durham Expressway (NC 147) either north from I-40, or south from I-85/15-501, and exit at Swift Avenue. At the end of the exit ramp, turn right if coming from I-40, or left if coming from I-85/15-501. At the light just ahead, turn left onto Main Street. Go through one light at Ninth Street and in 100 yards or so, turn right into the Erwin Square complex.


URL: http://www.trianglevegsociety.org/thanksgiving04/

Boston IMC


5:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Native American and Native American inspired music
[rock, folk, country, traditional, new age, spoken word]
from 5pm to 10pm (maybe starting earlier) on 90.3FM Boston College Radio


Cost: free

Directions: tune your radio to 90.3FM!


URL: http://www.wzbc.org

Boston IMC

Gentle Thanksgiving

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Features: Vegan Shopkeepers Participation, Musicians, Informational Data, and Good Vibrations, Sit, Meet with others, Hike and Kayak/Canoe.


Flax Pond, Nickerson State Park

Directions: www.mass.gov/dem/parks/nick.htm


URL: http://www.gentlethanksgiving.org/events/index.htm

CMI La Plana

dia internacional NO violncia contra les dones

All day

10 a 16h. Murs participatius, halls facultats UJI.
19h. Projecci "Estenem la roba" al Formiguer. Dones en lluita
20h. Concentraci plaa de la Pau. Dones de negre
20:30h. Projecci "Dones del 36" al casal Jaume I. Maulets


IMC Canarias

"Situacin actual del movimiento amazigh"

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Charlas a cargo de Hassan Laaguir

Local Sociocultural Ansite

Cost: entrada gratuita

Directions: C/ Eusebio Navarro, 8
Zona Toms Morales - LPGC


URL: http://www.azarug.org

IMC Canarias

Proyeccin video sobre afeccin a los sebadales.

9:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Este jueves, a las 21:30, en el local de la Federacin Tinerfea
de Montaismo, en la c/Hero, 53, del Barrio de la Salud, se proyectar un vdeo de 15 minutos sobre los sebadales de Granadilla.

Mientras la Autoridad Portuaria de Santa Cruz afirma que el
puerto de Granadilla no va a afectar al LIC "Sebadales del Sur de
Tenerife", unos submarinistas han grabado imgenes que muestran como las prospecciones geolgicas previas se vienen realizando desde hace unos meses sobre sebadales que estn siendo afectados.

Durante la proyeccin contaremos con las explicaciones de Santiago Lpez, de Asamblea por Tenerife, uno de los buceadores que grabaron el video.

No faltes.

c/ Hero, 53 - 38008 Santa Cruz de Tenerife


URL: http://www.federaciontm.org

IMC Canarias

Proyeccin video sobre afeccin a los sebadales.

9:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Este jueves, a las 21:30, en el local de la Federacin Tinerfea de Montaismo, en la c/Hero, 53, del Barrio de la Salud, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, se proyectar un vdeo de 15 minutos sobre los sebadales de Granadilla.

Mientras la Autoridad Portuaria de Santa Cruz afirma que el
puerto de Granadilla no va a afectar al LIC "Sebadales del Sur de Tenerife", unos submarinistas han grabado imgenes que muestran como las prospecciones geolgicas previas se vienen realizando desde hace unos meses sobre sebadales que estn siendo afectados.

Durante la proyeccin contaremos con las explicaciones de Santiago Lpez, de Asamblea por Tenerife, uno de los buceadores que grabaron el video.

No faltes.

Federacin Tinerfea de Montaismo
c/ Hero, 53 - 38008 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
correo (at) federaciontm.org

c/ Hero, 53, bajo. B de la Salud, Santa Cruz de Tenerife


Indymedia Barcelona

Xerrada: Constituci Bolivariana, un exemple de democrcia participativa.

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Membres de la Brigada Simon Bolivar, que van viatjar aquest estiu a Veneuela i que van estar presents durant el referndum, explicaran els aspectes ms importants de la Constituci Bolivariana i del procs revolucionari veneol.
Aquesta xerrada s'enmarca dins del cicle "Xerrades Inconstitucionals" que organitza el collectiu.

Facultat d'Histria de la UB
Aula 27


URL: http://www.pcc.es/cjc

Indymedia Barcelona

Economia ètica

7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Xerrada amb Arcadi Oliveres (president de Justicia i Pau)

Centre Cívic de Sant Andreu a les 19:30h.

Cost: Gratuit


Indymedia Barcelona

Miseria del militarismo. Una crítica del discurso de la guerra

7:30 PM - 10:30 PM

Fernando Hernández. Virus, Barcelona, 2003. 120 pp. 5.00 €

Fernando Fernández Holgado. Madrid, 1964, autor del llibre. Membre del Movimiento de Objección de Conciencia de Madrid. Autor de "Historia de la OTAN. De la guerra fría al intervencionismo humanitario" (Los Libros de la Catarata,2000), "Soledad Real" (Ediciones del Orto,2001) i "Mujeres encarceladas. La prisión de las Ventas: de la República al franquismo, 1931-1941" (Marcial Pons,2003).

Pepe Beúnza. Primer objector de consciència de l'estat espanyol l'any 1971 i destacat activista antimilitarista.

:: Del llibre:
"El análisis del desarrollo de la política internacional en
Occidente a lo largo del último siglo permite al autor definir el “militarismo” como un sistema de valores que informa y atraviesa una sociedad dada, fundamentado en el miedo al Enemigo como coartada de una militarización creciente de la vida y de las conciencias de las personas, con el desbocado aumento del gasto militar como uno de sus numerosos síntomas."

Biblioteca Can Pedrals, carrer d'Espí i Grau, 1. Granollers.


Indymedia Barcelona

Xerrada:Plan Puebla Panam: alternativa de l'imperialisme a la reforma agrria

7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Xerrada a crrec de Domingo Lpez Lux, de l'organitzaci popular de Guatemala Comit de Unidad Campesina, CUC.

Guatemala porta dcades suportant enganys i promeses adreades al moviment camperol sobre la possible repartici de terres cultivables o dignificaci del treball al camp. Ja han transcorregut deu mesos des que es va installar al pas el govern que ms promeses ha subscrit davant el sector camperol per aparentar trets populars i encobrir els seus origens oligrquics. La resposta ha estat la ms violenta i discriminatria des de la signatura dels Acords de Pau. L'oligarquia ha assaltat el poder amb l'afany de buscar la seva supervivncia agroexportadora en un context globalitzat, utilitzant el pas com la seva gran propietat per implementar els "megaprojectes" com a eix central per apropiar-se dels seus serveis, infraestructura i recursos naturals i posar-los en oferta davant els grans mercats capitalistes que es pretenen obrir amb el TLC (Tratado del Libre Comercio) i el PPP (Plan Puebla Panam). La modalitat s la concessi a la inversi de capital nacional dels principals ports, aeroports, carreteres, plantes de generaci elctrica i reserves naturals de recursos no renovables.
(continuaci de l'article a www.aapguatemala.org)

Casa de la Solidaritat. Vistalegre, 15, baixos. Barcelona. Metro L2. Tel. 93 443 43 92

Cost: Gratut


URL: http://www.aapguatemala.org

Indymedia Barcelona

Xerrada Okupacions de Mataró

8:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Cicle de xerrades sobre les Ocupacions de Mataró
al CSOA l'Estella al carrer Lepant,83.
Tots els dies a 2/4 de nou.

Dijous 4 de novembre
Ateneo Libertario. (carrer 10 de gener) Okupat l'any 1977
Espai Social Cerdanyola. Okupat l'ay 1975
Dijous 11 de novembre
Les Esmandies. a càrrec d'en Pep Sivilla. Okupat pels veïns de Rocafonda
Can Noè. Okupat pels veïns de Rocafonda
Dimecres 17 de novembre
COPP (Cafè Nou). a càrrec d'Aureli Masafrets. Okupat l'any 1983.
Seu de la CNT a Mataró
Dijous 25 de novenbre
La Drogueria. Okupat l'any 2002
Cafè de Mar. a carrec d'en Gustavo i la Sara. Okupat l'any 1998
Dijous 2 de desembre
Talua rodona amb tots els participants al cicle discutim
El Futur de l'Okupació

CSOA l'Estella

Directions: c/Lepant,83
al costat de l'estació de tren
de Mataró


URL: http://www.musaik.net/estella

Indymedia Barcelona

streaming aniversari 5 anys indymedia

11:00 PM - 12:00 AM

emisi de streaming de videos i audios per a celebrar aquesta eina que ens permet una comunicaci ms horitzontal.

informarem de la url on es transmitira quan tot estiga montat.



Indymedia Euskal Herria

"Comandante" dokumentala

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

"Comandante" (Oliver Stone, 2003, EE.UU., 90 min.)

La Bolsa, Bilbo, Pilota 10


URL: http://www.euskadicuba.org

Lawrence IMC

Anarchist Black Cross Letter Writing

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The Anarchist Black Cross has sought to bring attention to the plight of all prisoners and to inspire an Anarchist resistance and support movement on the outside. We fund-raise on behalf of prisoners or defense committees in need of funds for legal cases or otherwise, and organize demonstrations of solidarity with imprisoned Anarchists and other prisoners.
Please attend a letter writing session before attending a regular meeting.

13 W. 14th Street

Cost: free

Directions: Between Massachusetts and Vermont, on the south side.


URL: http://www.kansasanarchist.net/ABC/

Northwest Florida IMC

Movement for Change Weekly Meeting

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Movement for Change has its weekly meeting on this day at the Center for Social Justice on the corner of Davis and Moreno. They are open to the public and start at 7 p.m.

Center for Social Justice
1603 N Davis St

Cost: FREE

Directions: corner of Davis and Moreno


Rochester IMC


12:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Come fast and scare the tourists! Bring the family and a dish!
35th NATIONAL DAY OF MOURNING, with United American Indians of New England (UAINE)
Thursday, 25 November 2004
12:00 PM - 07:00 PM (rally - march - potluck)
Plymouth, Mass


An annual tradition since 1970, Day of Mourning is a solemn, spiritual and highly political day. Many of us fast from sundown the day before through the afternoon of that day (and have a social after Day of Mourning so that participants in DOM can break their fasts). We are mourning our ancestors and the genocide of our peoples and the theft of our lands. NDOM is a day when we mourn, but we also feel our strength in political action. Over the years, participants in Day of Mourning have buried Plymouth Rock a number of times, boarded the Mayflower replica, and placed ku klux klan sheets on the statue of William Bradford, etc.

There will be a march through the historic district of Plymouth. Plymouth has agreed, as part of the settlement of 10/19/98, that UAINE may march on Day of Mourning without the need for a permit as long as we give the town advance notice.

PROGRAM: Although we very much welcome our non-Native supporters to stand with us, it is a day when only Native people speak about our history and the struggles that are taking place throughout the Americas. Speakers will be by invitation only. This year's NDOM is once again dedicated to our brother Leonard Peltier.

SOCIAL: There will be a pot-luck social held after the National Day of Mourning speak-out and march this year. We anticipate that the hall that we have obtained is not large enough to seat everyone at once. We may have to do two seatings. Preference for the first seating will be given to Elders, young children and their mother/caretaker, pregnant women, Disabled people, and people who have traveled a long distance to join National Day of Mourning. Please respect our culture and our wish to ensure that these guests will be the first to be able to sit and eat. With this understanding in mind, please bring non-alcoholic beverages, desserts, fresh fruit & vegetables, and pre-cooked items (turkeys, hams, stuffing, vegetables, casseroles, rice & beans, etc.) that can be easily re-warmed at the social hall prior to the social. Thank you.

TRANSPORTATION: Limited carpool transportation may be available from Boston. Contact the Boston International Action Center at (617) 522-6626.
There is transportation available from New York City via the International Action Center. Call Marie at 212-633-6646 for more information.

Cole's Hill, Plymouth, Massachusetts: Cole's Hill is the hill above Plymouth Rock in the Plymouth historic waterfront area.

Directions: National Day of Mourning is held by the statue of Massasoit at Cole's Hill. Cole's Hill is the hill rising above Plymouth Rock on the Plymouth waterfront. If you need directions, use Water Street and Leyden Street in Plymouth, MA as your destination at mapquest.com. That will bring you to within a few hundred feet of Plymouth Rock and Cole's Hill. You can probably find a place to park down on Water Street.

URL: http://home.earthlink.net/~uainendom/ndom04orientation.htm

Twincities IMC

Vigil at Lockheed Martin

4:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Vigil at Lockheed Martin, one of the arms companies that profits the most for our neverending wars.

Northwest corner of Pilot Know Road and Yankee Doodle Road in Eagan.



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