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  November 2004  
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Events for Friday, 19 November 2004

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Boston IMC


All day

Bread & Puppet is Here!!!
The most wonderful participatory artistic experience in the entire universe beckons you.



(Cambridge, MA) The Bread and Puppet Theater presents the First World Insurrection, a post-election ruckus played out in Cambridge, November 4-21. Performances and Symposium held at the Cambridge Family YMCA Theatre / Durrell Hall, 820 Massachusetts Avenue, Central Square, and Art Exhibit installed at the Marran Gallery, Lesley University, Main Quad on Mellen St. (off Mass. Ave.), between Harvard and Porter Squares. Both venues are wheelchair accessible. For advance tickets, on sale from October 18th on, and information on all events call the Cambridge Family
YMCA (www.cambymca.org) at 617-661-9622, extension 706.

Artistic Director Peter Schumann and his band of eight Vermont puppeteers will join forces with 20 local puppeteers and the Cambridge-based Second Line Social Aid and Pleasure Society Brass Band. Their residency in Cambridge includes three puppet shows (a double-bill geared towards adults and one "family-friendly" show), a "Now What" political art symposium, and an exhibit showcasing Schumann's visual artwork. Each of these opportunities will include the traditional serving of Schumann's famous sourdough rye bread (baked in a temporary outdoor oven in the YMCA parking lot), drizzled with garlic-laden aioli, and the sale of the theater's "cheap art." In November, the city of Cambridge will indeed be the stage upon which much artistic discontent is set - with a few laughs thrown in!

Double Bill of Evening Shows:
WORLD ON FIRE and HOW TO TURN DISTRESS INTO SUCCESS: a Parable of War and Its Making November 4-14, Thurs.-Sun., 8pm (first week); Wed.-Sun., 8pm (second week) $10 general admission for both shows [groups of 10 or more $8]; held at the Cambridge Family YMCA

Family-Friendly Matinees:
November 6-14, Sat.-Sun., 3pm
$10 / $5 students and seniors / children 2 and under free; held at the Cambridge Family YMCA

Political Art Symposium:
Monday, November 8, 7pm
including panelists Peter Schumann (Director, Bread and Puppet Theater), Gip Hoppe (Co-Artistic Director, WHAT), Reverend Billy (performance artist) and Reno (performance artist) moderated by Dr. John Bell (Puppet Historian, Emerson College professor and author of Puppets, Masks and Performing Objects) suggested donation $5; held at the Cambridge Family YMCA

Peter Schumann's Visual Art Installation:
November 9-21, gallery hours, 9am-8 pm daily; opening reception and artist's talk, Tuesday, November 9, 4-7pm free and open to all; held at the Marran Gallery, Lesley University

Featuring the Bread and Puppet Theater's signature masked characters and giant papier-mache puppets, the individual shows and art exhibit are described below.

A group of National Emergency Clowns demonstrates official reactions to the ultimate emergency. The music is by the Asymmetric Prisoner-of-War Orchestra, consisting of local volunteer performers, and their conductor, the Fire Chief.
HOW TO TURN DISTRESS INTO SUCCESS: A Parable of War and Its Making
With the help of the National More-More-More Society, the Student of Success is taught a lesson: how the transformation of distress into success transforms success. The Population is a child in the arms of Truth. But Truth gets employed by the Executive to ready the Population for war. War is learned in a butcher's shop. The dance of the Collateral Damage Dancers concludes the lesson. The puppets are from cardboard; the music is live and includes an ancient Georgian chant.
The circus features upside-down figures, a group of First World representatives trained by a lion, Thomas Jefferson and his patriotic cheerleaders, Gerrard Winstanley and his band of Diggers, the Rotten Idea Theater Company's distillation of political issues and much more, all accompanied by the B&P Circus Band. Political fun for the whole family!
Peter Schumann dedicates this installation to Rachel Corrie who died at the age of 23 in Palestine in 2003 as she tried to stop a bulldozer from destroying a Palestinian home. Her email is dated February 27, 2003.

(Background of the theater) The Bread and Puppet Theater was founded in 1963 on New York City's Lower Eastside by 70-year old Silesian-born sculptor and choreographer, Peter Schumann. In 1969 a nine-month tour of Europe won recognition and critical acclaim for Bread and Puppet. In 1970, the Theater moved to Vermont as theater-in-residence at Goddard College, letting itself be influenced by living in the countryside. Four years later the Theater moved to a farm in Glover in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, where a 100-year-old hay barn was transformed into a museum for veteran puppets. Bread and Puppet Theater does massive spectacles in the U.S., Europe and Latin America. Their pageants have a broad theme-oriented appeal to large non-elite audiences. They address social, political and environmental issues or simply the common urgencies of our lives. Some of the awards received by Peter Schumann and Bread and Puppet are the Obie Award, the Erasmus Award from Amsterdam, the Vermont Governor's Award for Excellence in the Arts, UNIMA-USA's Citation of Excellence and the Puppeteers of America President's Award. Bread and Puppet is one of the oldest non-profit, self-supporting theater companies in the United States. For more information on the Bread and Puppet Theater: www.breadandpuppet.org/, www.cbc.ca/ideas/features/bread_puppet/bibliography.html and www.chelseagreen.com/2004/items/rehearsingwithgods/Preface.
For more information on John Bell's Puppets, Masks and Performing Objects: www-mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp-
For an example on Peter Schumann's outdoor bread-baking technique (press on arrow to view photos):

Who: The Bread and Puppet Theater
What: First World Insurrection
When: A post-election ruckus played out in Cambridge, November 4-21. Events include:
World On Fire and How To Turn Distress Into Success: a Parable of War and Its Making (a double bill), November 4-14, Thurs.-Sun., 8 pm (first week); Wed.-Sun., 8 pm (second week) Upside Down World Circus (family-friendly), November 6-14, Sat.-Sun., 3pm Now What?: the 2d Annual Symposium On Subversive Papier-Mache And Other Tools For Creative Dissent, Monday, November 8, 7pm
The U.S. Senate Reads An Email By The Late Rachel Corrie To Her Parents, November 9-21, gallery hours, 9 am-8pm daily; opening reception and artist's talk, Tuesday, November 9, 4-7pm
Where: Performances and Symposium held at the Cambridge Family YMCA Theatre / Durrell Hall, 820 Massachusetts Avenue, Central Square. Art Exhibit installed at the Marran Gallery, Lesley University, Main Quad on Mellen St. (off Mass. Ave.), between Harvard and Porter Squares. Both venues are wheelchair accessible.
World On Fire and How To Turn Distress Into Success (double bill), $10 general admission for both shows [groups of 10 or more $8]
Circus, $10 / $5 students and seniors / children 2 and under free
Symposium, suggested donation $5
The Late Rachel Corrie art exhibit, free
For advance tickets, on sale from October 18th on, and information on all events:
Call the Cambridge Family YMCA (www.cambymca.org) at 617-661-9622, extension 706

"dedicated to staging insightful entertainment, particularly in non-traditional venues"

Cambridge Family YMCA (www.cambymca.org)

Cost: varies


URL: http://www.marycurtinproductions.com

CMI La Plana

Jornades antipatriarcals

8:00 PM - 11:30 PM

20:00h. Amargi: un aperitiu de poesia
22:00h. Sopar vegetari. Preu: 5

* Crema de carabasseta
* Amanides de pasta i arrs
* Formatges
* Pa amb tomata
* Begudes
* Macednia de fruites

Tiquets a: L'Arrel (c./Sant Francesc, 52), Casal Jaume I (c./Mare de du de la Balma, 1) i Suicidal (antic Virus, c./d'Amunt)

Casal Jaume I (c./Mare de Du de la Balma, 1)

Cost: (sopar: 5)


URL: http://www.mauletslaplana.info/

IMC Canarias

Charla "Programa de electrificación solar en Cuba"

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

C/ Dr. Marañón Nº3 Bajo La Laguna


Indymedia Barcelona

Festa de la Collita

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Divendres 19 de novembre hi ha la festa de la collita al csoa banka rota. A les 19:00 començarà el coffe shop, amb una xerrada informativa sobre el cultiu interior amb el ponent Agustín (de Perenne Grow). Després de la xerrada hi ha un sopar cannabic ( i no cannabic) amb la celebració d'un sorteig. Sobre les 23.00 hores hi haurà musiqueta a les mans dels Freedom Cry.
Us esperem!

CSOA BANKA ROTA, Rubio i ors 103 Korneyà,
Linia 5 ( blava ) , o ferrocarrils catalans ( parada riera)


Indymedia Barcelona

Acte contra la constituci europea a la UB amb Julio Anguita

11:00 AM - 1:30 PM


Divendres 19 de novembre a les 11h al Sal de Graus de la Facultat de Filosofia de la Universitat de Barcelona (Carrer de Baldiri Reixac, s/n; Barcelona; Metro L3 Palau Reial - L5 Collblach)

FIRMARIES UN CONTRACTE QUE NO HAS LLEGIT? Acte/Debat sobre la Constituci Europea.

Amb les intervencions de:

-Roser Martnez i Hector Snchez (militants de JC)
-Julio Anguita (ex-secretari general del PCE i ex-coordinador general de IU)

Organitza: Joves Comunistes

Facultat de Filosofia de la Universitat de Barcelona


URL: http://www.jovescomunistes.org

Indymedia Barcelona


6:00 PM - 10:00 PM


Exposició Botànica Psicoactiva

El projecte d´exposició LES PLANTES MAGIQUES es presenta com una iniciativa de cultura científica en el sentit més modern
de la paraula. Es tracta de reunir en espai ben determinat i únic, AL k.O.L.P. “LA FERA” de Barcelona, una mostra
botànica d´aquelles plantes i espècies vegetals diverses com els fongs que des de Dioscòrides s´han classificat com a plantes
psicoactives. Son les plantes remeieres de tota la vida i de totes les cultures que hi ha i han hagut al mon.
Plantes medicinals o d' us chamànic, religiós o festiu des d´una perspectiva etnobotànica que, evidentment, no coincideix amb
moltes de les idees confuses que hi ha sobre aquests temes fruit de la ignorància i de la manipulació dels agents de l´anomanada
"guerra contra les drogues".
Aquesta desinformació obliga a que dins l´Exposicio LES PLANTES MAGIQUES hi entri també un espai dedicat a informar al
visitant sobre l´existència d´un moviment internacional anti-prohibicionista del que l´Associació Lliure Antiprohibicionista (A.L.A.)
n' es l´expressió ibèrica en el marc d' Europa.




URL: http://www.nodo50.org/alabcn

Indymedia Barcelona

Presentaci video "ARRELS DE LLUITA" + exposici

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Presentaci de l'exposici:
Qui guanya amb la copa amrica?

Pase del documental de Maulets:

a les 19h
al TERRA, bar de san petrillo n9, Benimaclet, l'Horta

Organitza: Maulets

terra, benimaclet


Indymedia Barcelona

Jornades solidaritat Euskal Jai al KOP-Alta Tensi (Prat)

8:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Xerrada a crrec de membres de l'IGA (Iruea gazte Asamblada)
Exposici i video del desallotjament de l'Euskal Jai
Kafeta amb pintxos i tapes

KOP-Alta tensi (Prat Llobregat)
c/Dr.Soler i Torrents nm.36.
Costat estaci tren. Busos 65-165 i L10

Cost: Gratis


URL: http://kasalprat.org

Indymedia Euskal Herria

ZintziliK Irratiaren 20. urteurrena

8:00 PM - 11:30 PM

19 ostirala
Arratsaldeko 20:00 Herrerian
Afari autogestionatuta + pelikula emanaldia
La cuarta guerra mundial.

*Herreria: zintzilik Irratiaren egoitza da. Tomas Lopez kalean (Orereta).


Cost: Doahinik


URL: http://www.sindominio.net/zintzilik

Indymedia Euskal Herria


8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

ZEMENTUZKO BAZTAN? EZ ESKER MILE! Jardunaldi antidesarrollisten barnean, Iparraldea BAztanen ispilu? izeneko solasaldia eginen da.
Solasaldi honen helburua iparraldeak etxegintza, 2.etxebizitza eta turismoaren inguruan jasan duen aldaketaren berri edukitzea da. Modu horretan Baztani buruz abiarazi duten gizarte eredua hobekiago ulertzeko elementuak eduki ditzagun.

Elizondoko gaztetxean


Indymedia Scotland

Roads and Airports - Gathering

All day

More traffic growth?  More roads?  Airport Expansion?
You must be choking!
It's time to take action.

Labour are backsliding on the victories of the 1990's roads protests, and many road schemes, dropped in the 1990s, are back on the road builder's agenda. Meanwhile the Government is also proposing large-scale airport expansion… and all in the same breath as talking about tackling climate change.

This backslide CAN and WILL be stopped by PEOPLE POWER.
We need to ORGANISE NOW!

- Come to discuss ideas for action and strategy,
- get an idea of the threat and what is planned where,
- network with other campaigners, build alliances.

19th November, from 6pm: introductions
20th November: Roads discussion and action planning day
21st November: Airports discussion and action planning day
21st November from 3pm:  Feedback session for both days

It is essential to book so that we have an idea of numbers for catering and accommodation purposes.  Basic crash space accommodation and vegan food will be available.

Please call: 0845 345 1998 or email gathering-AT-roadalert.org.uk to book a place, or see www.roadalert.org.uk. Please network this event! thanks

Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham, NG7

Directions: for more information about the event space
see: www.veggies.org.uk/sumac/


URL: http://www.roadalert.org.uk

Japan Indymedia

Kamagasaki Homeless Night Patrol

9:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Volunteers needed!!! Please come and walk around with us to share some solidarity with the homeless in Osaka, deter harassment against the homeless, and check on their health conditions.
All are welcome!

Meet at Osaka station. Near the central ticket entrance there is a fountain- near there is a travel agency- Please meet in front of there.

Cost: free- of course


URL: http://www.geocities.co.jp/wallstreet/9279

Kansas City IMC

Cross Border Network Dinner

5:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Every third Friday night, the Cross Border Network for Justice and Solidarity hosts a fund-raising dinner at the Franklin Center in KCK.

The Franklin Center is located at 14th and Metropolitan in Kansas City, Kansas.

Cost: Approximately $7.00


URL: http://jancel@igc.org

Rochester IMC

People in Black vigil

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

The next People in Black vigil will take place on Friday, November 19, 2004 at 1:00 PM at the Twelve Corners in Brighton. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME DUE TO THE END OF DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME.

People in Black stands in solidarity with the Israeli peace group Women in Black that have weekly vigils in Jerusalem against the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.

Rochester People in Black also opposes the US occupation of Iraq.

Please wear black.

Twelve Corners in Brighton

Directions: (Corners of Monroe, Winton and Elmwood)

Rochester IMC

POOR PEOPLE FIGHT BACK, 3 short documentaries and a national speaker

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Takeover (1 HOUR) On May 1st, 1990, homeless people in eight cities around the country seized empty (HUD) federal housing simultaneously. It was the first national coordinated homeless housing takeover ever. 12 crews in the eight cities documented the secret planning, the illegal occupations, and the hopeful aftermath of this bold endeavor.

Crack The CIA (9 minutes, Winner of 2002 Sundance On-Line Film Festival) Tracks the covert history of CIA drug smuggling from Nicaragua to Arkansas and South Central Los Angeles, features explosive footage of Mike Ruppert's historical televised confrontation with CIA Director John Deutch.

Drug War Reality Tour (22 Minutes)
"When we talk about the 'Drug War,' we have to understand that it functions in a very specific way: it functions as a form of chemical warfare on the people in this country and throughout the world." Takes you on a guided tour through Kensington Philadelphia, the heart of America’s heroin capital. Throughout the tour, street-wise Kensington Welfare Rights Union members break down facts about the narco-culture and how forces like police complicity and corporate investment are aiding and using the drug epidemic to drive Kensington’s people out of their own neighborhood in order to make room for new urban development.

Ron Casanova has served as Vice President of the National Union of the Homeless, Editor of the Union of the Homeless National News, former Director of The Kansas City Union of the Homeless, and a leader of the historic Tompkins Square Park tent city. He authored EACH ONE TEACH ONE: a memoir of a street activist and currently has paintings showing across the country. He will share from his personal experience with drugs and AIDS and more than a decade of experience organizing other poor and homeless people.

St Joesphs House of Hospitality, 402 South Avenue

Cost: donation


Santa Cruz Indymedia


6:30 PM - 11:30 PM

Imagining is the party. Dig it.

RADICAL POTLUCK, Brought to you by Radgrads, and by the letter W

DJ Demos will offer an upbeat set of funk, groove, reggae and hip hop to balance the mind
body diet.

The coolest ideas never come from one person only. 'Cause imagining's a process, not a plan, which is why it's so fun to do. So, everyone's invited.

Let’s make a political party! Let's share some food and thoughts about ways that we can continue and affect change. Bring your disillusionment and resentment along with your creativity, brainpower, tofurky and baked goodies.

How do we sustain our energy and move forward? There is a long struggle ahead. Partying is a fun way to incite further instances of located and local productions of imagining communities.

Organizing Ideas:
A COMMUNITY ORGANIZING VEHICLE that could travel on a shoestring next summer into the "heartland" communities. We could talk about what democracy means. Staging performance art and posing respectful questions will be our possible methodology for encouraging critical thought about the meanings of democracy, morality, and freedom underlying people’s electoral participation. We will teach about doing politics outside of the ballot box, empowering young activists to apply pressure in local communities on local issues. What can we learn from the large scale Democracy Rising a la Jim Hightower? How can we reach all those people in communities that are frustrated and have no organizations to turn to?

A LOCALIZED SOCIAL FORUM could bring people together and talk about how we can cooperate and create the possible world. This could be a big party. Really big. Close the campus for a day. Invite everyone in Northern California and beyond. Provide transportation. Have lots of free food and free music. Respond to de-humanization with the exuberant incitement of enjoyment.

COMMUNITY POWER. Working on ways to conceive of ourselves as having immense community
power that is not dependent on political parties, lefty celebrities, or the non-profit complex. These are useful but should not be the defining institutions of a movement.

ENGAGE THE CHURCHES. How can we appropriate and rework the proselytizing language of the church? How many of us have actually attended a fundamentalist meeting? From the inside, how can we understand the psychological and social impact of these organizations? What about the long history of progressive churches providing one of the few places left to hold meetings in a public space? How can the tenets of the judeo-christian ethos be used for organizing and creating strong messages that challenge the Christian Coalitions zeal?

BRING OUT THE VOTERS. Reform-oriented organizing on mobilizing the 40% of eligible voters that didn't vote, educating on the electoral system, Diebold electronic voting machines, teach-ins on the ways elections can be manipulated, organizing in the workplace (unions or direct action), practical skills for engaging people through conversations, providing the history and the resources to enrich our memories of struggle.

ALLIANCES. Finding ways for the differing political viewpoints to agree on cooperative tactics that still allow autonomy. For the Zapatistas, the EZLN and the FZLN have separate mandates. How can direct action be in
communication with more reform-oriented work? We don't want to reinscribe the hierarchy of one form of political action being more visionary/practical than the other.

COME JOIN A BROAD CONVERSATION that invigorates and sustains our struggle while eating good food! Once we have eaten and imagined a new future, we will shake our booties to some fine tunes. All are welcome (even if ya don’t bring food).

Friday, Nov 19, 6:30pm till late
Oakes Learning Center (above the Hava Java Cafe), UCSC

RADICAL POTLUCK, Brought to you by Radgrads, and by the letter W

Oakes Learning Center (above the Hava Java Cafe), UCSC

Cost: Free!


Tallahassee-RedHills IMC


7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

This program examines the controversial issue of off-road motor vehicle use on public lands. MOTOR documents the heavy environmental damage that jeeps, ATVs, jet skis, snowmobiles, and all the other personal motorized transportation devices coming on the market, cause in areas that Congress has set aside to be preserved for future generations.

1816 Mahan Drive

Cost: Free (Donations appreciated)

Directions: On Mahan Drive, next to the United Church


URL: http://www.heartoftheearth.org/films.htm

Twincities IMC

Every Friday-- Vigil to End the Occupation of Palestine

4:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Every Friday
Vigil to End the Occupation of Palestine

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Summit & Snelling, St. Paul

Vigil in support of Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem have lived under an illegal Israeli occupation since 1967, preventing them from establishing their own state on their homeland.

There are now millions of Palestinians who are refugees due to Israel's refusal to recognize their right under international law to return to their own homes since 1948.

All are welcome - please bring signs.
Sponsored by WAMM




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