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  May 2004  
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Events for Monday, 24 May 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Arkansas IMC

In Support of our Friends in Massachusetts

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The Young Women’s Collective cordially invites you to celebrate the lawful union of our friends in Massachusetts. A demonstration will take place in front of the Washington County Courthouse.

Come and show your support for the landmark decision.
Come and urge your Arkansas Representatives to publicly oppose a Constitutional Amendment banning gay Marriage.
Come dressed for the occasion.

Fayetteville, Ar
Washington County Courthouse on the corner of Collage Ave and Dickson St


Indymedia Barcelona

Cine-Documental al cso. La Ranka Rota (kny)

7:00 AM - 12:00 AM

---DOMINGO 23:
Documental: "LA PELOTA VASCA" Julio Medem.

c/ Rubio i Ors nº103.


URL: http://barcelona.indymedia.org/newswire/display/90908/index.php

Indymedia Barcelona

festa a l´hortet de sta. eulalia

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

activitats desdel matí:
12h. presentació Xarxa Intercanvi de Coneixements a l´Hospitalet
per la tarda:
Xerrada sobre la situació de la pagesia catalana, a càrrec de l´Assemblea pagesa
Presentació del projecte de l¨Hortet
A la nit: Sopador per 3 euros
i després:
actuacions de clowns, jam session i esposicions de diapos
musiqueta fins a la 1h.

L´Hortet de Sta. Eulalia.
C/sta. eulalia, 62. Hospitalet.
Metro Sta. Eulalia, L-1


Indymedia Barcelona

El Projecte de Constitució Europea

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


"El Projecte de Constitució Europea:
Allò que diu, allò que amaga.
Raons per una Europa alternativa".

Dijous 3 de juny,
7:30 Sala d’actes del Centre de Lectura.

A càrrec de:

Gerardo Pisarello, Professor de Dret Constitucional U.B.
Xavier Pedrol, Professor de Filosofia del Dret, U.B.

Sala d'actes del Centre de Lectura de Reus


Kansas City IMC

Congressional Work Break Begins

All day

From May 24 through May 31, members of Congress will be on recess to do things in their districts or on activities for the Congress, such as foreign visits.
This is often a good time for activists to meet with them or attend events in their districts.

In the Congressional district or home state of the member of Congress.

Rochester IMC

Emerging Filmmakers series

9:30 PM - 11:00 PM

Normally the Emerging Filmmakers series is on the last monday of the month at the Little Theater at 9:30 pm. This month it is on monday May 24th at 9:30 beause of Memorial Day.
One of Rochester Indymedia's members will be showing his film on this date. come on out!

Little Theater 240 East Ave

Cost: $5.00


San Diego IMC

Echoes of Langston

2:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Note to editor: I was not able to write independent poets in the group box.

Join thunder and lightning exiting poets Theresa F. and Jim Moreno as they reflect on the influence of poet, novelist, & playwright, Langston Hughes, read some of Hughes’ verse, and then add some of their own extremely strong spoken words. “We are simply continuing the legacy of Langston speaking out against injustice,” outspoken poet against Iraqi War/Occupation and Vietnam Vet, Moreno said, “especially in the light of the recent abuses of Iraqis in Abu Ghraib Prison by American interrogators .” Participants are encouraged to bring a favorite Hughes piece to read, as well as original work.

San Diego, California ¾Activist Poets Theresa F. and Jim Moreno announce a poetry performance reading, Echoes of Langston, on Sunday, May 23, 2004, at 2:00 P.M. at the Oasis Center, 2860 Market Street, San Diego, California, 92102, southeast of the 25th

Cost: General Admission is $5.00. Students with I.D. $3.00.

Directions: Take the Martin Luther King freeway, 94 west,to 25th Street exit. Turn south and go one block to Market Street. Turn east and go three quarters of a mile to the Oasis Center on the left (north) side.


URL: http://www.jimpoet@hotmail.com

Santa Cruz Indymedia

John Robbins presentation

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

John Robbins, author of four books, including the international best-seller Diet for a New America, will be at UCSC.

Robbins is considered to be one of the world's leading experts on the dietary link to the environment and health. Many of the nation's leading authorities in health and ecology have called his work among the most important of the century. The recipient of the 1994 Rachel Carson Award, Robbins' life and work have been featured in an hour-long PBS special entitled Diet for a New America.

An eloquent spokesperson for a healthy and sustainable future, he has received standing ovations at thousands of conferences and speaking engagements worldwide, including the United Nations.

UCSC - Classroom Unit 2 (near the Baytree Bookstore)

Cost: No Charge (Donations accepted)


URL: http://www.eslp.net/santacruz/santacruz.htm



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