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  May 2004  
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Events for Saturday, 22 May 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Atlanta IMC

Preparing for the G8: Active Nonviolence and Street Demonstration Training

9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Planning or Interested in going to Brunswick or Savannah for the G8 protests (June 8-10th)? Come to a training to get prepared and find out more information.

9:30- 10am Gathering Time
10am-12 Session 1: Active Nonviolence Training
Session 2: Street Medical and Wellness Training (general information, not a street medic training)
12- 1pm Lunch- Bring something to share
1pm-4pm Session 3: Street Demonstration Training including Legal Update/Know Your Rights, Street Safety Tactics and G8 Protest Logistics

The Urban Life Auditorium at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA

Cost: free

Directions: The Urban Life Auditorium is located on the 3rd floor of the Urban Life Building at 140 Decatur Street at the corner of Piedmont and Decatur Streets. (One Block from the Georgia State MARTA stop.)


Atlanta IMC

VOX ROX the Dictionary - A Spelling Bee for All Ages

5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Funds will help to provide creative after-school services for more than 300 Atlanta teenagers who come together from diverse backgrounds to create VOX, Atlanta's only city-wide teen-run media.

Contestants in this spelling bee will compete in teams and in individual rounds, narrowing down to one final winner. It’ll be part “March Madness,” part “Survivor,” and fully geek-chic.

Youth Communication is a non-profit youth-development agency whose mission is to raise youth voice – to help teens find and project their voices, and, by doing so, to fill an information void and engage youth as active builders of a stronger community.

The VOX program helps teen participants and readers make positive changes in their lives. “Reading the articles really inspired me to go on and do better things with my life besides drugs and alcohol and I realized that suicide was not the answer for me,” one reader recently wrote to VOX. ”Because of this I went on to graduate high school and I am now enrolled in the Art Institute of Atlanta. I have continued to read your news articles and they continue to inspire me. Thanks for all your help.”

YC also offers creative, hands-on learning opportunities for youth ages 13-19 through writing groups, a summer leadership program, and writing workshops for teens in schools and community youth groups. The YC Teen Newsroom, located in Downtown Atlanta near CNN Center, is open to youth six days per week.

Directions to Eddie's Attic
515-B N. McDonough St.
Decatur, GA 30030

Cost: $15 at the door or at www.eddiesattic.com


URL: http://www.voxrox.org


Protest the TurnKey vivesection Conference

7:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Baltimore Animal Rights Coalition Call to Action!!!

On April 22nd and 23rd the "TurnKey Conference" will be coming to Baltimore Maryland. The TurnKey Conference is all about, to quote its website, "building or renovating a laboratory animal facility." These people are the interior decorators of the vivesection industry. Chief amongst their exhibitors will be Primate Products, a supplier for Huntingdon Life Sciences.
Baltimore Animal Rights Coalition is calling for two days of action against these perveyors of torture and death. Lets show them we mean bussiness.
So Celebrate World Week For Animals in Baltimore, or if you're on your way to DC for the IMF ministerial in DC, come two days early. Contact BARC for housing and action details: BmoreAnimals-AT-hotmail.com

In the meantime let Mariott Hotels know what you think about them playing host to murders:

Marriott Baltimore Waterfront Hotel
700 Aliceanna Street • Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: (410) 385-3000 • Fax: (410) 895-1900

Marriott Baltimore Waterfront Hotel
700 Aliceanna Street • Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: (410) 385-3000 • Fax: (410) 895-1900


Boston IMC

Jamaica Plain Freeskool Organizers' Meeting

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

This is a meeting to plan / organize the JP free skool project. Anyone is welcome to come and help.

Junebug Cafe, 403 Centre St., Jamaica Plain

Cost: Free


URL: http://www.jpfreeskool.org

Boston IMC

Street Medic Training Portland Maine

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

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Announcement: Miscellaneous
Street medic Training, Portland Maine Current rating: 0
by mary
Email: atuffchick (at) riseup.net (unverified!)
Phone: 207-632-7459 17 May 2004
Modified: 22 May 2004

JUNE 25-27

This course is designed as a complete introduction to action medical
knowledge and skills. The completion of this course not only prepares you
to serve as a street medic at political actions but to also allows you to
provide basic medical care and information in your communities.

What will be covered?
Basic Street First Aid, Weather-Related Injuries, Street Operations
Tactics, Initial Patient Assessment, Psychological First Aid, Chemical
Weapons Treatments and Aftercare, and Stress Management and Treatment.

The tentative schedule for this training is as follows:
Friday, June 25 from 6-10 pm
Saturday, June 26 from 9 am to 7 pm
Sunday, June 27 from 9 am to 7 pm

Food and Housing
We hope to supply some food for participants during the training. We also
encourage participants to bring extra food to share. Housing will be
available on a first-come-first-served basis. If you know you will need
housing, please contact us as soon as possible.

There will be a sliding scale fee from $0 to $100 for this training
And we welcome barter in place of money. We do not want financial
restrictions to keep anyone from taking this course. We anticipate that
our cost per trainee will be between $30 and $40, and we hope that
donations from participants will cover our costs.

You do not need to have any previous medical or first aid training in
order to attend this course.

For more information and to register contact
atuffchick (at) riseup.net or call 207-632-7459

Portland maine

Cost: Sliding Scale $0-$1000.00

Directions: Register for more info


CMI Brasil

1 ano da Ocupação 17 de Maio - Comemoração

All day

Comemoração de um ano de luta, resistência e trabalho do povo na Ocupação 17 de Maio (Nova Iguaçu). Festa, música e outras atividades culturais.

Estrada do Madureira, fundos do Conjunto Pantanal - Nova Iguaçu.

Directions: Para quem vem do Rio, a melhor maneira é ir até Campo Grande e lá pegar um ônibus ou kombi que passe pelo Pantanal.

URL: http://www.midiaindependente.org/pt/blue/2004/05/279196.shtml

CMI Brasil

Reuniões preparatórias da contra-conferência sobre a UNCTAD

3:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Chamado para uma contra-conferência em São Paulo, dias 11 e 12 de junho (com uma pequena extensão no dia 13).

Entre os dias 13 e 18 de junho, centenas de altos funcionários e chefes de estado vão se reunir em São Paulo para discutir estratégias de desenvolvimento na Conferência das Nações Unidas para Comércio e
Desenvolvimento (UNCTAD). A UNCTAD é o órgão do sistema das Nações Unidas dedicado ao fomento do desenvolvimento e, recentemente, tem recebido muito apoio dos países pobres que vêem nele um organismo capaz de auxiliar no rompimento das barreiras comerciais dos países ricos e, assim, permitir o desenvolvimento por meio das exportações.

Boa parte da esquerda brasileira (inclusive o governo) tem apoiado essa estratégia desenvolvimentista como forma de superar nossos problemas sociais. Ao optar por essa estratégia, essa "esquerda" alinha-se com a
perspectiva liberal que sempre quis resolver as questões sociais por meio do crescimento, sem a distribuição da renda. Mas a perspectiva de esquerda não consiste em buscar resolver a situação específica desta pessoa pobre ou deste país subdesenvolvido, enriquecendo-o ou desenvolvendo-o, mas suprimir a distinção entre ricos e pobres, entre desenvolvidos e subdesenvolvidos.

Numa situação em que parte considerável do que se chamava de "esquerda" parece ter como únicos objetivos a redução dos juros e o fomento às exportações, é o momento de uma reflexão profunda sobre o que aconteceu
com a esquerda e como podemos retomar a perspectiva radical de justiça social e democracia direta. Por isso, chamamos as pessoas comprometidas com esses ideais para um encontro - uma verdadeira contra-conferência - onde discutiremos a situação atual da esquerda e as alternativas que podemos construir fora do estado e do mercado. A (contra-)conferência
acontecerá nos dias 11 e 12 de junho, em São Paulo e terá como eixos de discussão a ilusão desenvolvimentista e a necessidade de reinventar uma
esquerda radical. Após a conferência, no dia 13 de junho, os participantes serão convidados a dar as boas vindas à elite internacional reunida na conferência da UNCTAD.

Esperamos com essa pequena iniciativa dar início a uma detida reflexão e debate que inclua depois outros movimentos, coletivos e indivíduos.

Para se inscrever na contra-conferência, por favor cadastre-se no site www.unctad.net. A inscrição é necessária para podermos planejar a recepção dos participantes - sobretudo grupos grandes vindos de fora de São Paulo. Maiores informações, escreva para encontroautonomo-AT-riseup.net

Para ajudar na organização do encontro, participe das reuniões preparatórias:

22 de maio, às 15 horas, na Escola de Sociologia e Política (Rua General Jardim, 522 - próximo ao metrô República)

29 de maio, às 15 horas, no mesmo bat-lugar: Escola de Sociologia e Política (Rua General Jardim, 522 - próximo ao metrô República)

Participe também da lista de discussão. Cadastre-se em:

22 de maio, às 15 horas, na Escola de Sociologia e Política (Rua General Jardim, 522 - próximo ao metrô República)

29 de maio, às 15 horas, no mesmo bat-lugar: Escola de Sociologia e Política (Rua General Jardim, 522 - próximo ao metrô Repúblic


URL: http://www.unctad.net

CMI Brasil

Festa de Inauguração da Casa do Ativismo ABC - Casa da Lagartixa Preta "Malagueña Saleroza"

5:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Festa com discotecagem, bandas, circo, teatro, diversões, comidas alternativas e bebidas baratas para inaugurar um centro de cultura, autogestão e solidariedade.

O espaço estará aberto para apresentação de performances, grupos e exposições, você também pode participar! Da sala até o fundo do mato no quintal!

Fale com a gente: ativismoabc-AT-uol.com.br

Rua Alcides de Queirós, 161, Bairro Casa Branca - Santo André (SP - Brasil).

Cost: Contribuição voluntária

Directions: Desça na estação Santo André (trem, tróleibus e ônibus) e caminhe em direção ao Bairro Casa Branca durante 15 minutos.

Ou vá de carro esfumaçador até a Av. Perimetral (cujo nome é Rua Alfredo Fláquer) e entre no segundo retorno à esquerda depois do corpo de bombeiros, na Av. Artur de Queirós, a Rua Alcides de Queirós é a segunda em que se pode virar à esquerda.

Promixidades: SENAI, Firestone, CUT, King's Snooker, Academia Gerson Dória.


URL: http://www.fotolog.net/ativismoabc

Colorado IMC

Photography Event

12:00 PM - 10:30 PM

About this event:

This is a artistic Model, Photography Event. It is to gain Knowledge, Build or add to your Modeling Portfolio, Resume and Or Head Shots. There are several Workshops and many great Opportunities to meet others in the business in your area.

If you are a model, you may bring 1 chaperone that does not have to pay. If you are under 18 you must attend with your legal parent or guardian. If you are a photographer you may bring a assistant for $20.

You will receive a free webpage portfolio on UnderGround Talent for attending. NO ALCOHOL! This is p professional and private event, you must be verified to attend. E mail me to Get Verified. XZanthia-AT-email.com All ages Up stairs, 18 and over Down Stairs.

Date & Time: May 22nd, 12:00pm to 10:00pm DATE CHANGED!!! WAS THE 15TH..

Location: Rock Island Club, Denver Colorado. http://RockIslandClub.com

Cost: Cost: Photographers: $100, Male Models: $30, Female Models $10 (First 10 Free)

Directions: 15th and Wazee


URL: http://undergroundtalent.com/UnderGround.Talent.Colorado.Photo.Events.htm

Indymedia Barcelona

II Aniversari CSO La Opera

10:30 AM - 11:30 PM

II aniversari del CSO La Opera

10:30h Xocolatada
11:00h Activitats Infantils
12:00h kampionat de deli
13h Vermoute Popular
18:00h Obertura de tallers: serigrafia, rocodrom, fotografia, bicis)
18:30h Fase Final del Campeonat de Ping-Punk
22:00h Concert per 3 lerdos amb:
SEGISMUNDO TOXICOMANO (punk rock gasteiz)
INSERSHOW (versions karcelona)

c/Josep Prats 56-58 cantonada amb Francesc Moragues
L'Hospitalet (centre) de Llobregat

metro: L1 av. carrilet
fgc: av. carrilet
renfe: hospitalet
bus's: L10, L12, LH2, N15, N13

Cost: concert: 3 Neuros

Directions: SO LA OPERA
c/Josep Prats 56-58 cantonada amb Francesc Moragues
L'Hospitalet (centre) de Llobregat

metro: L1 av. carrilet
fgc: av. carrilet
renfe: hospitalet
bus's: L10, L12, LH2, N15, N13


URL: http://www.sindominio.net/okupesbcn

Indymedia Barcelona

Jornada al carrer:re-okupem la Pça. Virreina

11:00 AM - 11:30 PM

El dissabte 22 de maig re-okupem la Virreina
11:00h. plantada de Txiringos, paradetes i exposicions de diverses lluites arreu de la ciutat i el barri de Gràcia.

12:00h. actuacions infantils: màgia i malabars amb ‘Xicana’ i el pallasso ‘Uri Spagetti’

!4:00h. dinar popular a càrrec del col·lectiu vegà ‘ La Muerte’.

!6:00h. carajillada i jocs de taula (futbolin, ping-pong, escacs, domino, cartes, daus,...).

18:00h. xerrades informatives: - absolució joves de Gràcia
- situació del C.S.O. Hamsa
- els fets de la plaça del nord
- 15 d’abril repressió a la Virreina

19:00h. xerrada-debat: ‘ resistències al fòrum’

21:00h. monòlegs a càrrec de CIS

22:00h. cerca-tasques contra la repressió amb els tabalers de la colla diables de Piera, finalitzant al C.S.O. Monstru de Banyoles (amenaçat de desallotjament).

Pça. Virreina. Gràcia


Indymedia Barcelona


12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Contra la destrucción sistemática de los derechos sociales. Contra el paro y la miseria. Por una cultura viva y no de mercado
¡¡Todos en canes!! del 12 al 23 de Mayo del 2004

Colectivos,organizaciones sindicales y asociativas, están creando un comite de ocupación del festival y poniendo en marcha una infrastructura de acogida en el lugar. Hay previsto en el calendario momentos de acción:
Mierco 12/5-Ceremonia de inaguración del festival
Vierne 14/5-Rueda de prensa de la Coordinadora Nacional de los "intermitentes" y Precarios de Francia, la Federación del Espectaculo CGT, y personalidades y miembros del Comite de Seguimiento de la Asamblea Nacional de Francia.
Sabad 15/5-Manifestación de los trabajadores del espectáculo y del audiovisual,en respuesta a la llamada hecha por los sindicatos y coordinadoras en lucha contra la destrucción del régimen específico del seguro de desempleo.
Domin 16/5-Reunión-Cumbre de los más grandes estudios cinematográficos mundiales-Americanos, Hindúes, Chinos y Europeos-para discutir sobre la lucha contra la pirateria
Marte 18/5-Iª Reunión de los 25 Ministros de Cultura de la UE para discutir de la "Excepción Cultural"

Del 20 al 22 de Mayo: El Colectivo "K.O.à Cannes hace un llamamiento a la unidad Interprofesional:Debates, coloquios,proyecciones,acciones y manifestaciones, guerrilla pacífica y reivindicativa Interprofesional

Primeras firmas:Convergence 06- CROAC Montpellier-AC! 13-CNT-espectacle- Union régionale dee la fédération spectacle CGT-Sud-culture- Sud-éducation-Fédétarion anrchiste Marseille-MADS(mouvement altermondialiste de désobéssance sociale)-CIPM(collectif des intermittents el précaries de Marseille-CIP_IdF-Ras l'front Marseille-Résister!-Ligue dess droits de l'homme Marseille Nord_sud-Solidaires 13-Solidaires34


Indymedia Barcelona

Mani Antimonàrquica BARCELONA

6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Salut gent !! Aquest dissabte 22 de Maig, a les 6 de la tarda, a plaça Sant Jaume (BCN) Manifestació Antimonàrquica



plaça Sant Jaume

Indymedia Barcelona

Armes Contra la Guerra / Els efectes del urani 'empobrit'

7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Els propers 21 i 22 de maig es celebrarà una xarrada sota el títol "Armas Contra la Guerra", a càrreg d'Alfredo Embid, de la Asociación de Medicinas Complementarias, www.amcmh.org.

N'Alfredo ens parlarà dels efectes de l'ús d'armes amb urani
empobrit (i amb altres elements radiactius). Armes d'ús habitual a les guerres d'aquest segle i amb unes conseqüències que encara no hem acabat de conèixer, però que ja s'ens presenten terribles.

La contaminació provocada ens acabarà afectant a tots/es, els elements radiactius alliberats a terra i a l'atmosfera ens contaminaran internament i inevitablement durant els segles que tenen de vida.


SALA D'ACTES, Serveis Territorials de Cultura
Rambla ARAGÓ, 8 - LLEIDA


URL: http://www.amcmh.org/bol.htm

Indymedia Barcelona


10:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Desde Ràdio Contrabanda, informamos de quel próximo sabado en el local del A.L.A. C/Salvadors 30 St. Antoni L2(Associació Lliure Antiprohibicionista) tindrá lloc la presentació de la revista "Suicidio Autónomo" , publicació de més de 100 pagines dedicades un dels grans tabú de la nostra societat: El dret a la mort voluntària. Amenizarán la velada el combo "El Niño del Parche y Muletitas" con su Rumba Punk (versiones de los Chichos, Rumba 3, Eskorbuto,etc...).
El evento empieza sobre las 21:30 y es totalmente gratis.
Decir que el acto estarà dedicado a la memória de Raúl Fernandez, Bitter o Ra, compañero de Radio Contrabanda que nos ha dejado esta semana.
Para mas información www.contrabanda.org majaras-AT-ravalnet.org

Local de l´A.L.A (Associació Lliure Antiprohibicionista)
C/Salvadors 30 St. Antoni L2

Cost: 0 euros


URL: http://www.contrabanda.org

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Superportuaren aurkako batzarra

10:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Proiektu txikitzaile hau geldiarazteko lanerako prest dauden talde nahiz pertsonen arteko elkarlanerako bigarren batzarra.

Pasai Antxon, Jaizkibel Mendi Taldearen egoitzan, Oarso Kalea 1ean.


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Por un festival internacional de las luchas sociales en Canes

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Contra la destrucción sistemática de los derechos sociales. Contra el paro y la miseria. Por una cultura viva y no de mercado.
Colectivos, organizaciones sindicales y asociativas, están creando un comité de ocupación del Festival y poniendo en marcha una infraestructura de acogida en el lgar. Hay previsto momentos fuertes en el calendario de acciones:
Miercoles 12/5: Ceremonia de inauguración del Festival
Viernes 14/5: Rueda de prensa de la Coordinadora Nacional de los "intermitentes" y Precaruis de Francia, la Federación del Espectáculo CGT, y personalidades i miembros del Comité de Seguimiento dee la Asamblea Nacional de Francia
Sabado 15/5:Manifestación de los trabajadorres del espectáculo y del audiovisual, en respuesta a la llamada hecha por los sindicatos y coordinadoras en lucha contra la destrucción del régimen específico del seguro de desempleo.
Domingo 16/5:Runión-Cumbre de los más grandes estudios cinematográficos mundiales-Americanos,Hindúes,Chinos y Europeos-para discutir sobre la lucha contra la piratería.
Martes 18/5:Iª reunión de los 25 Ministros de cultura de la UE para discutir sobre la "Excepción Cultural"

Del 20 al 22 de Mayo:el colectivo "K.O.à Cannes hace un llamamiento a la unidad inerprofesional:Debates, coloquios, proyecciones acciones y manifestaciones, guerrilla pacífica y reivindicativa Interprofesional.

Primeras firmas: Convergence 06-CROAC Montpellier- AC! 13- CNT_espectacle-Union régionale de la fédération spectacle CGT-Sud_culture-Sud_éducation-Fédération anrchiste Marseille-MADS (mouvement altermondialiste de désobéissance sociale)-CIPM (collectif dees intermittents et précaires de MArseille)-CIP_IdF-Ras l'front Marseille-Résister!-Ligue des droit de l'homme Marseille Nord_Sud- Solidaires 13- Solidaires 34


Indymedia Euskal Herria


6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Preso politikoekiko nazioarteko elkartasunezko konferentzia. Munduko preso politkoen eta hauekiko elkartasuna edierazten duten taldeen topagunea.



URL: http://www.kalera.org

Indymedia Euskal Herria


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Davant la il·legalització de la candidatura de l’esquerra independentista basca, Herritarren Zerrenda, a les eleccions europees del 13 de juny, la Candidatura d’Unitat Popular (CUP) vol manifestar el següent:

- Un cop més s’ha demostrat que l’Estat espanyol no és pas un Estat de Dret i que el poder judicial és un apèndix de l’executiu.

- Per si algú en tenia cap dubte, ha quedat també palès que el PSOE i PP representen el mateix projecte polític, un projecte que es basa el manteniment de la submissió de les nacions oprimides per l'Estat espanyol, raó per la qual no ens ha d’estranyar que aquest Estat empri tots els mitjans que té al seu abast per impedir la lliure determinació d’aquestes nacions.

- Cal exigir més capacitat d’anàlisi i més convicció democràtica a les forces polítiques catalanes que van donar tan apressadament al PSOE la seva confiança. Vet aquí quin és el “nou tarannà” del PSOE (i què cal esperar-ne): la il·legalització d’una candidatura que compta amb un ampli suport popular.

- Ens reafirmem en la idea que els conflictes polítics només es poden abordar des del diàleg, la negociació política i el reconeixement explícit del dret a l’autodeterminació dels pobles.

- Aquesta escandalosa decisió politicojudicial elimina drets i llibertats fonamentals i confirma que l’Estat espanyol és irreformable; per tant, és inútil buscar-hi cap encaix. Per dignitat i higiene democràtica, cal que tota l’esquerra independentista catalana assumeixi que l’única estratègia vàlida en aquests moments és aquella que ens porti a trencar-hi i sortir-ne al més aviat possible.

Per tot plegat, la CUP expressa la seva solidaritat amb l’esquerra independentista basca i es compromet a denunciar públicament les formacions que als Països Catalans emparen la persecució de les idees i criminalitzen la defensa del dret a l’autodeterminació dels pobles.

Països Catalans, 21 de maig de 2004


URL: http://www.cup-europees.org

Indymedia Scotland

Cùrsa Gàidhlig Albannach /Scots Gaelic Course

9:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Cùrsa Gàidhlig le cuideam air còmhradh. Bidh clasaichean ann aig deifir ìrean eòlais air a' chànan
A Gaelic course with the emphasis on conversation. Classes will be held at diffferent levels of language ability.

Fàilte air a h-uile duine a bu tòil le Gàidhlig ionnsachadh agus a bhruidhinn
All welcome who would like to learn and speak Gaelic

Dùn Dè/Dundee

Cost: £6.00-£14.00


URL: http://www.cli.org.uk

Indymedia Scotland

Cùrsa Gàidhlig Albannach /Scots Gaelic Course

9:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Cùrsa Gàidhlig le cuideam air còmhradh. Bidh clasaichean ann aig deifir ìrean eòlais air a' chànan/ A Scots Gaelic course with the emphasis on conversation. Classes will be held at diffferent levels of language ability.

Fàilte air a h-uile duine a bu tòil le Gàidhlig ionnsachadh agus a bhruidhinn/ All welcome who would like to learn and speak Gàidhlig

Dùn Dèagh/ Dundee

Cost: £4.00 - £14.00


Lawrence IMC

IndyMedia Collective Meeting

1:00 PM - 12:00 AM

This is the weekly meeting of the IndyMedia editorial collective, open to the public. To become an editor, attend two of these meetings. We discuss various topics and strategies.

Aimee's Coffeehouse, 1025 Massachusetts, Lawrence

Cost: free


URL: http://www.lawrenceimc.org

Lawrence IMC

Free Meal at L.I.N.K.

1:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The purpose of L.I.N.K., the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, is to provide a pleasant, safe place for the hungry or lonely to share a free, nutritious meal and the companionship of one another. We believe loneliness can be as painful as hunger, companionship as powerful as love. Anyone who desires a meal is served, no questions asked. Diners are treated as our invited guests. We do not provide counseling, but rather refer individuals to appropriate agencies when they ask for help. Our focus is on food and fellowship.

Basement of 1st Methodist Church
221 West 10th Street
Lawrence, KS

Cost: free


URL: http://community.lawrence.com/link/

New Hampshire IMC

Free Treats at the Fare Share Fair

12:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Band: Free Treats
Festival: The Fare Share Fair
Venue: The Sugar Shack, Lee NH
Festival time: 11 to 6 PM
Date: May 22nd

The band Free Treats will rock for a sustainable world at the 3rd annual Fare Share Fair on May 22nd, 2004, located at the Sugar Shack in Lee, NH. Other bands will also be performing. It will start at 11:00 AM and end at 6:00PM. The daytime festival is to promote local community. Workshops for sustainability, local community and children’s tables will be happening throughout the day, perfect for families. Free Treats are Sean T. Fleming, Eric Peirce and Kevin Ronkko.

For more about Free Treats,
visit: www.pumpingbeat.com

Submitted by:
Kevin Ronkko
57 A Third Street
Dover, NH 03820


The Sugar Shack
Lee NH

Directions: Route 4, Lee NH

URL: http://www.pumpingbeat.com

New Hampshire IMC

Weekly Peace Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Every week we gather at the Peterborough Town House, rain, snow or shine, at the corner of Grove and Main Streets, to call for peace and non-military solutions to the world's problems. Please join us for all or part of the hour. Signs provided, or bring your own.

Peterborough NH, Town House (Town Hall) at corner of Grove and Main Streets downtown.


Rochester IMC

Poor People United First Anniversary Dinner Ccelebration

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Poor People United First Anniversary Dinner Celebration
Saturday, May 22 at 5:00 pm
At St. Joseph's House of Hospitality, 402 South Avenue

Please join us to celebrate the accomplishments of our first year as a
grassroots organization fighting for economic human rights.

Grilled Marinated Fish
Fresh Salads
Other Accompaniments
Homemade desserts

"Poverty Outlaws" -- Kensington Welfare Rights Union film that inspired
original PPU members to fight for economic human rights

"housing Takeover"-- a five minute Rochester Indymedia video piece on the work of PPU activists being arrested during a houseing takeover last November. This Video aired on Freespeech TV (fstv.org)

Please donate generously! We are hoping to clear the debt accumulated from
our winter outreach efforts for food, transportation to shelters and cell
phone use. We are looking forward to our ongoing work, including community
education "Peoples Picnics" and the Poor People's Economic Human Rights
Campaign March for Our Lives and "Bushville" tent city during the Republican

At St. Joseph's House of Hospitality, 402 South Avenue

Cost: Fundraiser, donations accepted


San Diego IMC

Baghdad Project, One Hundred Voices, One Hundred Faces, A Story About War

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Journalist Zelie Pollon, and Photographer, Laurent Guerin will present their Baghdad Project, One Hundred Voices, One Hundred Faces, A Story About War. The program consists of photographs and interviews of 130 Iraqi citizens about freedom, democracy, and the war.

Mira Mesa Library, 8405 New Salem St, San Diego 92126 in the Meeting Room.

Cost: free


San Diego IMC

Tuan Nguyen …while dodging fake bullets in the dark, art exhibit opening

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Opening Reception 8p.m. - Artist Talk: 6:30 p.m.
Tuan Andrew Nguyen continues his interrogation of the
public’s fascination, celebration, and (re)production
of violence in …while dodging fake bullets in the
dark, the artist’s first public solo exhibition. In
the past few years, Nguyen’s preoccupation with
violence has led him to create a series of highly
volatile performances, videos, and installations
in which violence is both the metaphor and the medium.
In reconfiguring the poetics of a boxing match, a
recent film about the Vietnam War, or ‘yo mama’ jokes, the artist discloses the brutality rooted in the complex exchanges between fighting bodies (whether singular, multiple, physical, psychic, or imagined) and the active/complicit audience who lays witness to the conflict.

The Voz Alta Project
1544 Broadway Street
San Diego, Ca 92102

Cost: FREE!


URL: http://vozalta.org

Santa Barbara IMC

Midnight Special Law Collective Trainings

11:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Midnight Special Law Collective Trainings at UCSB!

SATURDAY, May 22nd

11am-1pm Non-Violent Street Tactics
Learn a variety of tactics and tools for analyzing their effectiveness and safety in protest situations.

2:30pm-5:30pm RNC Legal Training
A Know Your Rights training with an emphasis on the Republican National Convention protests…but useful for everyone!

SUNDAY, May 23rd

11:00am-1:00pm Computer Security
Learn to be a safe e-activist.

2:30pm-5:30pm Training for Trainers
Learn the skills and information necessary for providing your own Know Your Rights Trainings!

The Midnight Special Law Collective is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to providing legal trainings and accessible, relevant, democratic and accountable legal support to a wide range of activists participating in the struggle for social change.

2nd Floor of the MultiCultural Center in the GSA Lounge, UCSB campus

Cost: free!


URL: http://www.midnightspecial.net

Santa Cruz Indymedia

We Are Everywhere: The Irresistible Rise of Global Anti-capitalism

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

We Are Everywhere: The Irresistible Rise of Global Anti-capitalism

Noon - 2:00 PM
Resource Center for Nonviolence
515 Broadway (at Ocean)

We Are Everywhere was described by Canadian writer Naomi Klein as "...the first book to truly capture and embody the exuberant creativity and radical intellect of the protest movements."

Jennifer Whitney and Andrew Stern, two of the books producers on a national tour, will be joined in Santa Cruz by David Martinez and Jo Wildings to present a multimedia performance with:

* hard-hitting images from the streets of Baghdad

* A video of hopeful resistance movements around the world

* An exhibition of beautiful photos and illustrative quotations from their book

* a discussion of the current situation in Iraq and the connections between the anti-war movements and the global
anticapitalist / global justice movements.

Jo Wildings and David Martinez just returned from Fallujah, Iraq, where they worked with injured civilians, were fired on by US Marines and captured (and released) by Iraqi resistance.

David is a journalist and filmmaker who sent dispatches to Bay Guardian and Democracy Now

Jo is a British human Rights worker and writer whose writings from Falujah were widely published: wilfirejo.blogspot.com

Andrew Stern is an activist and documentary photographer who has been involved in the anticapitalist movement in various capacities since a friend dragged him off to his first anarchist gathering some years ago. He can be found working on various photography projects in different parts of the world, including helping to organize a caravan of Indymedia activists to travel throughout South America soon after the economic collapse and popular uprising in Argentina. He is equally comfortable on the front lines of actions with camera in hand or not, and many times will leave his camera at home to play with creative forms of direct action in the streets. Like other members of the collective, the fusion of art and politics is a primary goal in anything he does, along with collecting and sharing stories that are not normally told. His work has been shown in galleries throughout the world and can be found on various Indymedia web sites as well as in the many different publications he works with.

Jennifer Whitney is currently engaged in several balancing acts - reconciling her desire to bring thousands of people together in the streets for inspiring mass actions with her commitment to longer-term struggles of the local and everyday variety; merging her creativity and imagination through writing, dance, and music with her more technical and less sexy skills; and fulfilling her passion for travel, languages, cross-cultural skill-sharing and adventure, as well as her love of gardening, community-building, and other things requiring deep roots. She is a health care worker, and organizes clinics and street medic teams for direct actions. When she's at home in the Pacific Northwest, she can be found working with the Black Cross Health Collective in Portland, or drumming with the Infernal Noise Brigade. She derives much inspiration from Latin America, where rebellion has penetrated many corners of society and erupts into the streets with increasing frequency, and she hopes to continue disseminating those stories of people shaping history.

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We Are Everywhere

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This event has been sponsored by the Resource Center for Nonviolence and Santa Cruz Indymedia.

Resource Center for Nonviolence
515 Broadway (at Ocean)

Cost: FREE


URL: http://www.weareeverywhere.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

VOICES: To Vote or Not To Vote

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Is voting a waste of time?
Does your vote count?
Do they count the votes?
Does it legitimize an illegitimate system?
Does it just encourage the bastards?

Taped Thursday, May 20 (don't call-in)

Guests include:
Moises Moreno, Retired Professor
Tony Madrigal, Political Director - SEIU #415
Simba Kenyatta, Former City Council Candidate

Host: Mark Halfmoon

Community Television of Santa Cruz County

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Coffee Klatch for Kerry

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Saturday May 22 is " National John Kerry for President House Party Day" to raise funds, awareness, and enthusiasm for the Kerry campaign. Tallahassee parties include a "Coffee Klatch for Kerry" from 9:30 am to noon at Joan Patterson's house. She will provide goodies, Kerry campaign buttons, bumper stickers, and yard signs.

Joan Patterson's house (call 309-1248 for more information and directions)

Cost: Contributions requested


URL: http://patterson090@comcast.net

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Kerry for President Party at Gallery 621

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Saturday May 22 is " National John Kerry for President House Party Day" to raise funds, awareness, and enthusiasm for the Kerry campaign. Tallahassee parties include a party at Gallery 621 at Railroad Square, 621 Industrial Drive, from 5 to 9 pm with entertainment and Kerry conference call.

Gallery 621 at Railroad Square, 621 Industrial Drive, Tallahassee

Cost: Contributions requested


URL: http://grise@bio.fsu.edu

Tennessee Independent Media Center

Earth Matters Tennessee

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Earth Matters Tennessee (Community Composting at the Peace Sign)

Get your Community Compost from the kids, staff and management of EarthMatters Tennessee. For over 10 years now, EarthMatters Tennessee has managed the community garden and compost produced the anuuual Leaf Lift
contest designed to environmentally educate and divert compostable tonnage (some call "waste") headed for landfill and incineration.

Aside from the buschels of vegetables and herbs we grow each season, our real "crop" is the thousands of pounds of rich, organic compost, perfect for gardens, "yardens" lawns and planters. Support your local community garden.

Corner of Gale Lane and Leland (off Belmont near 440)
for more info visit www.earthmatterstn.org


Tennessee Independent Media Center

Left of Center - Channel 19

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Left of Center covers local and national progressive political issues. It plays on Nashville Community Access Television Channel 19 in Davidson County.

Davidson County (Nashville)


Western Massachusetts IMC


11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

This fascinating mobile cultural landmark is coming to our area next week. It
will be in Easthampton on Friday, May 21, and in Palmer on Saturday, May 22 with free daytime browsing hours both days! The listed workshops (also free) are fun and appropriate for children and grown-ups
of all ages. Read on!

The MOBILIVRE-BOOKMOBILE – making its way from Canada, a 1959 vintage Airstream
Trailer (those cool, round, silvery ones) -- is coming to the area, filled with
300 different zines, alternative press, and one-of-a-kind handmade
artists' books.

Sat, May 22
@ the PALMER PUBLIC LIBRARY parking lot(sponsored by THE SHED)
11:00am to 5:00pm
FREE (donations accepted)
Schedule to be followed:
11:00am -- OPEN for browsing
1:00pm -- FEDERAL PAPER plays
1:30pm -- DEFENDER (j. from 2600) plays
2:30pm -- Bookbinding/Zine-making workshop! (FREE; Limited to 25 people.)
5:00pm – closing
for information contact Mike at michael-AT-theoldstore.org
(directions at end of e-mail)

Read on for more on the Mobilivre-Bookmobile:
* * * * *

Now in its fourth year, MOBILIVRE-BOOKMOBILE is an annual
touring exhibition of artist books, zines, and independent
literature. It explores the long held tradition of bookmobiles as movable
libraries. Traveling by way of a vintage 1959 Airstream Trailer, the
BOOKMOBILE visits a variety of venues in Canada and the US including community
centers, schools, libraries, festivals and artist-run spaces. A group of
coordinators traveling with the exhibition facilitate workshops, artist talks,
and educational forums. The annual traveling collection of approximately 300
book works range from handmade and one-of-a-kind to photocopied and small press

Along with showing the collection, the BOOKMOBILE will teach bookbinding and
zine making workshops and give talks about the history and functioning of

The BOOKMOBILE collective consists of a fluctuating group of dedicated
volunteers, coordinators, jury organizers, and tour guides. Although the
project is based primarily in Montreal, QC, and Philadelphia, PA, collective
members reside in various cities throughout North America.

Please visit us on the web for a better
understanding of who we are and what we do. This project is made possible by
grants from the Canada Council for the Arts and through the generous
contributions from many people.

DIRECTIONS to the Palmer Public Library
(Saturday Bookmobile Location):
The PPL is now located in the old Park Street
School/Schoolhouse Commons building on
the corner of Park Street and School Street in
Palmer. Take MassPike to Exit 8. After
tollbooth take right. At 1st set of lights take a
left. This is Park Street. The PPL is about 3/4 a
mile on the right. It's a larger red brick
building. You will not miss it. Super easy.


Cost: FREE

Directions: DIRECTIONS to the Palmer Public Library
(Saturday Bookmobile Location):
The PPL is now located in the old Park Street
School/Schoolhouse Commons building on
the corner of Park Street and School Street in
Palmer. Take MassPike to Exit 8. After
tollbooth take right. At 1st set of lights take a
left. This is Park Street. The PPL is about 3/4 a
mile on the right. It's a larger red brick
building. You will not miss it. Super easy.


URL: http://www.theoldstore.org/@theshed/

Western Massachusetts IMC


11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

This fascinating mobile cultural landmark is coming to our area. It will be in Easthampton on Friday, May 21, and in Palmer on Saturday, May 22 with free daytime browsing hours both days! The listed workshops (also free) are fun and appropriate for children and grown-ups of all ages. Read on!

The MOBILIVRE-BOOKMOBILE – making its way from Canada, a 1959 vintage Airstream
Trailer (those cool, round, silvery ones) -- is coming to the area, filled with
300 different zines, alternative press, and one-of-a-kind handmade
artists' books.

Sat, May 22
@ the PALMER PUBLIC LIBRARY parking lot(sponsored by THE SHED)
11:00am to 5:00pm
FREE (donations accepted)
Schedule to be followed:
11:00am -- OPEN for browsing
1:00pm -- FEDERAL PAPER plays
1:30pm -- DEFENDER (j. from 2600) plays
2:30pm -- Bookbinding/Zine-making workshop! (FREE; Limited to 25 people.)
5:00pm – closing
for information contact Mike at michael-AT-theoldstore.org
(directions at end of e-mail)

Read on for more on the Mobilivre-Bookmobile:
* * * * *

Now in its fourth year, MOBILIVRE-BOOKMOBILE is an annual
touring exhibition of artist books, zines, and independent
literature. It explores the long held tradition of bookmobiles as movable
libraries. Traveling by way of a vintage 1959 Airstream Trailer, the
BOOKMOBILE visits a variety of venues in Canada and the US including community
centers, schools, libraries, festivals and artist-run spaces. A group of
coordinators traveling with the exhibition facilitate workshops, artist talks,
and educational forums. The annual traveling collection of approximately 300
book works range from handmade and one-of-a-kind to photocopied and small press

Along with showing the collection, the BOOKMOBILE will teach bookbinding and
zine making workshops and give talks about the history and functioning of

The BOOKMOBILE collective consists of a fluctuating group of dedicated
volunteers, coordinators, jury organizers, and tour guides. Although the
project is based primarily in Montreal, QC, and Philadelphia, PA, collective
members reside in various cities throughout North America.

Please visit us on the web for a better
understanding of who we are and what we do. This project is made possible by
grants from the Canada Council for the Arts and through the generous
contributions from many people.

DIRECTIONS to the Palmer Public Library
(Saturday Bookmobile Location):
The PPL is now located in the old Park Street
School/Schoolhouse Commons building on
the corner of Park Street and School Street in
Palmer. Take MassPike to Exit 8. After
tollbooth take right. At 1st set of lights take a
left. This is Park Street. The PPL is about 3/4 a
mile on the right. It's a larger red brick
building. You will not miss it. Super easy.


Cost: FREE

Directions: DIRECTIONS to the Palmer Public Library
(Saturday Bookmobile Location):
The PPL is now located in the old Park Street
School/Schoolhouse Commons building on
the corner of Park Street and School Street in
Palmer. Take MassPike to Exit 8. After
tollbooth take right. At 1st set of lights take a
left. This is Park Street. The PPL is about 3/4 a
mile on the right. It's a larger red brick
building. You will not miss it. Super easy.


URL: http://www.theoldstore.org/@theshed/

Western Massachusetts IMC

Cafe Anarquista

12:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Pulaski Park , Northampton

Cost: free


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Today is Saturday


* Donations

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