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  May 2004  
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Events for Thursday, 13 May 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]


Bush lies rally

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

The Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore hosts a Bush Lies People Are Dying rally on the Second Thursday of the month. On Thurs., May 13 from 5 PM - 6:30 PM in Mount Vernon at Centre & Charles Sts., the demonstration will protest the Bush administration’s dishonesty regarding the invasion of Iraq and the recent torture revelations.

Charles and Centre Streets in mount Vernon


Boston IMC

Prison Book Program Volunteer Night

6:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Join us to answer prisoners' letters and send books to them.

110 Arlington St., Boston

Directions: 2 blocks from Arlington T stop or 3 blocks from Back Bay T stop


URL: http://www.prisonbookprogram.org

CMI La Plana

La base de l'OTAN a Bètera

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Xerrada informativa sobre l'actualitat de la Campanya contra la Base de l'OTAN a Bètera i la propera inspecció ciutadana a la mateixa Base

Casal Popular

Directions: carrer jordi joan 37 baix


URL: http://www.inspecciociutadana.com/

Indymedia Barcelona


12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Contra la destrucción sistemática de los derechos sociales. Contra el paro y la miseria. Por una cultura viva y no de mercado
¡¡Todos en canes!! del 12 al 23 de Mayo del 2004

Colectivos,organizaciones sindicales y asociativas, están creando un comite de ocupación del festival y poniendo en marcha una infrastructura de acogida en el lugar. Hay previsto en el calendario momentos de acción:
Mierco 12/5-Ceremonia de inaguración del festival
Vierne 14/5-Rueda de prensa de la Coordinadora Nacional de los "intermitentes" y Precarios de Francia, la Federación del Espectaculo CGT, y personalidades y miembros del Comite de Seguimiento de la Asamblea Nacional de Francia.
Sabad 15/5-Manifestación de los trabajadores del espectáculo y del audiovisual,en respuesta a la llamada hecha por los sindicatos y coordinadoras en lucha contra la destrucción del régimen específico del seguro de desempleo.
Domin 16/5-Reunión-Cumbre de los más grandes estudios cinematográficos mundiales-Americanos, Hindúes, Chinos y Europeos-para discutir sobre la lucha contra la pirateria
Marte 18/5-Iª Reunión de los 25 Ministros de Cultura de la UE para discutir de la "Excepción Cultural"

Del 20 al 22 de Mayo: El Colectivo "K.O.à Cannes hace un llamamiento a la unidad Interprofesional:Debates, coloquios,proyecciones,acciones y manifestaciones, guerrilla pacífica y reivindicativa Interprofesional

Primeras firmas:Convergence 06- CROAC Montpellier-AC! 13-CNT-espectacle- Union régionale dee la fédération spectacle CGT-Sud-culture- Sud-éducation-Fédétarion anrchiste Marseille-MADS(mouvement altermondialiste de désobéssance sociale)-CIPM(collectif des intermittents el précaries de Marseille-CIP_IdF-Ras l'front Marseille-Résister!-Ligue dess droits de l'homme Marseille Nord_sud-Solidaires 13-Solidaires34


Indymedia Barcelona

7 anys de Can Vies! Xerrada-Taller: "Sexe segur?"

7:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Les cultures populars tenim les nostres vies. 7 anys soterrant les seves!

CSA Can Vies
Jocs Florals 42
M Pç Sants/Mercat Nou


Indymedia Barcelona

Cercavila contra la repressió al moviment okupa

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Cercavila contra la repressió al moviment okupa
Vine disfressat!

Plaça dels Maquis (Ferrocarrils- Sabadell Rambla)


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Por un festival internacional de las luchas sociales en Canes

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Contra la destrucción sistemática de los derechos sociales. Contra el paro y la miseria. Por una cultura viva y no de mercado.
Colectivos, organizaciones sindicales y asociativas, están creando un comité de ocupación del Festival y poniendo en marcha una infraestructura de acogida en el lgar. Hay previsto momentos fuertes en el calendario de acciones:
Miercoles 12/5: Ceremonia de inauguración del Festival
Viernes 14/5: Rueda de prensa de la Coordinadora Nacional de los "intermitentes" y Precaruis de Francia, la Federación del Espectáculo CGT, y personalidades i miembros del Comité de Seguimiento dee la Asamblea Nacional de Francia
Sabado 15/5:Manifestación de los trabajadorres del espectáculo y del audiovisual, en respuesta a la llamada hecha por los sindicatos y coordinadoras en lucha contra la destrucción del régimen específico del seguro de desempleo.
Domingo 16/5:Runión-Cumbre de los más grandes estudios cinematográficos mundiales-Americanos,Hindúes,Chinos y Europeos-para discutir sobre la lucha contra la piratería.
Martes 18/5:Iª reunión de los 25 Ministros de cultura de la UE para discutir sobre la "Excepción Cultural"

Del 20 al 22 de Mayo:el colectivo "K.O.à Cannes hace un llamamiento a la unidad inerprofesional:Debates, coloquios, proyecciones acciones y manifestaciones, guerrilla pacífica y reivindicativa Interprofesional.

Primeras firmas: Convergence 06-CROAC Montpellier- AC! 13- CNT_espectacle-Union régionale de la fédération spectacle CGT-Sud_culture-Sud_éducation-Fédération anrchiste Marseille-MADS (mouvement altermondialiste de désobéissance sociale)-CIPM (collectif dees intermittents et précaires de MArseille)-CIP_IdF-Ras l'front Marseille-Résister!-Ligue des droit de l'homme Marseille Nord_Sud- Solidaires 13- Solidaires 34


Indymedia Euskal Herria


7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Acabada la presentación se realizará un intercambio de impresiones sobre la nueva coyuntura política en relación a las políticas de cancelación de deuda externa.

Hika Ateneo
Muelle Ibeni

Cost: Dohanik /Gratis


Indymedia Scotland

Change is a Sound, a benefit gig for the Aberdeen Poster Collective

7:30 PM - 12:00 AM

As the Aberdeen Poster Collective is an anonymous group, all the bands will be playing under a different name; some might even come up with a slightly unusual set. The following bands/projects will be on stage:

Art Fuck are an electrifying splinter group flown in straight from Tibet. They claim to be the missing link between Jonathan Richman and Big Black.

Rockets Are Red is the alter ego of an infamous Aberdeen noise-rock outfit, bringing you a sound that will delight any fan of Fugazi, Shellac or the Birthday Party.
The monarchs of brutish punkrock are sending their military wing, The Youngbloods. Watch out, they won't take any prisoners!
The Meccano Set are guaranteed to entertain our audience with their fantastic blend of jazzy and easy-going sounds punctuated by an occasional surf edge.
Last but not least The Without Measure Project will bring you the Pixie-esque sounds of solo-artist RM performed by a complete band for the first time ever.

In-between the bands, our invisible Poster DJ is going to give you an insight into the record collections of the Aberdeen Poster Collective. There will be info leaflets to spread the word of the poster campaign, kind of an 'exhibition' of our posters and maybe even a projection of posters, art and film excerpts (we're still working on that one, technology technology...).

Hopefully this sounds interesting?! ;) Thanks so much to the team from Dr Drake's and all the bands for making this possible!!! We hope to see you all on Thursday, May 13th, joining us when we'll turn our little conspiracy into one big party! :)

The event will take place at Dr Drake's Bar (62 Shiprow) on Thursday, May 13th 2004. Doors open at 7.30 pm

Cost: Entrance only 2 pounds!


URL: http://www.aberdeen-posters.tk

Lawrence IMC

Free Meal at L.I.N.K.

1:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The purpose of L.I.N.K., the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, is to provide a pleasant, safe place for the hungry or lonely to share a free, nutritious meal and the companionship of one another. We believe loneliness can be as painful as hunger, companionship as powerful as love. Anyone who desires a meal is served, no questions asked. Diners are treated as our invited guests. We do not provide counseling, but rather refer individuals to appropriate agencies when they ask for help. Our focus is on food and fellowship.

Basement of 1st Methodist Church
221 West 10th Street
Lawrence, KS

Cost: free


URL: http://community.lawrence.com/link/

Lawrence IMC

Anarchist Black Cross Letter Writing

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The Anarchist Black Cross has sought to bring attention to the plight of all prisoners and to inspire an Anarchist resistance and support movement on the outside. We fund-raise on behalf of prisoners or defense committees in need of funds for legal cases or otherwise, and organize demonstrations of solidarity with imprisoned Anarchists and other prisoners.
Please attend a letter writing session before attending a regular meeting.

13 W. 14th Street

Cost: free

Directions: Between Massachusetts and Vermont, on the south side.


URL: http://www.kansasanarchist.net/ABC/

Lawrence IMC

Lawrence Industrial Workers of the World

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Regular meeting of the Lawrence IWW.

Lawrence Public Library


URL: http://www.iww.org/index.shtml

New Hampshire IMC

New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility 2004 Spring Conference:

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

An opportunity for people working at for profit and non-profit enterprises, students, or anyone interested in learning more about how business can- and must-have a positive impact on the world we share.

Grappone Center, Concord, NH

Rochester IMC

Democracy Now! Host Amy Goodman in Buffalo

4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Join Amy Goodman for "The Exception to the Rulers" Tour!
Internationally acclaimed journalist Amy Goodman --host of the national daily radio/TV program Democracy Now!-- is on a national tour to mark the launch of her first book "The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them."

Join us for this exciting event.

Support independent media.

Allen Hall on UB South Campus
3435 Main Street

Cost: Free


URL: http://democracynow.org/book/tourpage.php?id=170

Rochester IMC


8:30 PM - 9:00 PM

This weeks Tv dinner show (Channel 15 Thursday eve. at 8:30) is Ralph Nader talking about corporate greed and consumerism. It is wonderfully well edited dont miss it!

channel 15 in the city of rochester

Cost: cost of monthly cable tv


Rochester IMC


8:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Every Thursday eve. (8:30pm-9:00Pm) on cable channel 15 in the city of Rochester Indymedia produces the TV Dinner show. The show provides a range of local, national and international, political and socially conscious, video work. Tune in to view this weeks show...

Cable channel 15 city of Rochester

Cost: cost of basic cable


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Faith and Fusion: Popularizing Sovereignty in Hawaii

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Diversity Lecture: "Faith and Fusion: Popularizing Sovereignty in Hawaii" a presentation by Dana Takagi, Co-Director, CJTC

Thursday, May 13
12-1 p.m.
BayTree D Conference Room, UCSC

Professor Takagi will speak about her in-progress book on culture, faith and independence for Native Hawaiians in the state of Hawaii. Free of charge. RSVP andream-AT-ucsc.edu, for more info telephone: 459-5087.

BayTree D Conference Room
(near the Baytree Bookstore)

Cost: Free of charge

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Take Back The Night!

6:00 PM - 11:00 PM


THURS, MAY 13, 2004
6pm Quarry (behind bookstore)
open to all!!!!!

Take Back the Night 2004 is an event that fights violence against women- this years event is empowered to fight all forms of violence against women including state violence like prisons, reproductive violence in the forms of sterilization or inability to access to health care as well as the traditional Take Back the Night fight to end the interpersonal violence of rape, sexual assault, and domestic

The event begins at the UCSC Quarry (behind the bookstore) at 6pm Thursday May 13, 2004 with a rally including speakers and performers like Inga Mucsio author of Cunt, Maisha Quint, spoken word artist speaking about women in prison, Michelle Tea, author of the Chelsea Whistle, the Radical Cheerleaders, spoken word artist Fritz, and the Goddess of Funk.

Next there will be an ALL PERSONS INCLUDED march around campus by candlelight and drum beat by Goddess of Funk.

Testimonials will end the event at Oakes college starting around 9:30 or ten where there will be an open mike for all to tell their experiences with violence as a method of healing and fighting back.

All events are accessible to those with disabilities please contact SOAR 459-2934

For more info about the event please contact takebackthenight2004-AT-yahoo.com

The event begins at the UCSC Quarry (behind the bookstore) at 6pm

Testimonials will end the event at Oakes college starting around 9:30 or ten

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Cesar Chavez Convocation with Dolores Huerta

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

University of California Santa Cruz Hosts 1st Annual Cesar Chavez Convocation with Dolores Huerta

Thursday, May 13
6:30 pm
College 9-10 Multipurpose Room

Dolores Huerta, a major role player in the American civil rights movement will be in Santa Cruz on May 13, 2004 at 6:30 PM in the University of California, Santa Cruz College Nine/Ten Multipurpose room to keynote the 1st annual Cesar Chavez Convocation.

The event is being primarily sponsored by College Ten: Social Justice and Community, Chicana Latina Pipeline (Chicano Latino Resource Center) and the Center for Justice,
Tolerance and Community and Student Affairs at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

For more information, please contact: Jose Reyes-Olivas at 831 459-1253 or <olivas-AT-ucsc.edu>

College 9-10 Multipurpose Room

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Independent Media in a Time of War

7:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Amy Goodman, Host of "Democracy Now!"
Speaks on the importance of independent media at a time when the corporate media have effectively become state media.

Community Television of Santa Cruz County


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Is violence necessary to change society?

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Is violence necessary to change society? Is it possible to bring fundamental change to our society without the use of force? Come and discuss the relationships between Marxism and Pacifism and its relation to the changing of society.

UC Santa Cruz, Bay Tree Conference Center
Room B

Cost: FREE!


URL: http://www.internationalsocialist.org

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Thursday Peace Witness

4:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Capitol Vigil Thursday

Join the Tallahassee Network for Justice and Peace, Veterans for Peace, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Students United for Peace, Thursdays in front of the Old Capitol, corner of Apalachee Parkway and Monroe Street

Sundays 12:30 to 2:30.
Thursdays 4:00 to 6:00

The Old Capitol, corner of Apalachee Parkway and Monroe Street

Cost: free


Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Concerned Citizens of Wakulla

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

A group of Wakulla County Citizens who are concerned with the current management of growth in the county. This group meets to discuss current issues about growth management and what they can do locally to ensure the quality of life for the county.

Wakulla County Agricultural Extention Office

Cost: none

URL: http://www.cowakulla.org/

Tennessee Independent Media Center

Condoleezza is Coming to Nashville!

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Come to West End to protest the War in Iraq, Dr. Rice's record of public service (i.e. serving on the board of Chevron corporation), and Vanderbilt vice chancellor Michael Schoenfeld's very political choice (call him at 615-343-1790).

Vanderbilt staff faculty and students: Concerned Vanderbilt Citizens (CVC) who object to Condoleezza's Vanderbilt Campaigning (CVC) will be passing out black armbands for her 10:00 speech on alumni lawn. They are also organizing a sign-out letter of dissent for the vice-chancellor's choice of Ms. Rice for the public service award.

West End Ave. between 22nd and 23rd (across from Kinkos near Vanderbilt)




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