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  May 2004  
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Events for Saturday, 08 May 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]


Baltimore Million Worker March Committee

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This will be the first organizing meeting for the Baltimore Million Worker March Committee. The committee will be forming to start the organization for the October 16, 2004 march. Everyone except for politicians are welcome.

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 10, recently passed a resolution proposing a million worker march on Washington in 2004. Mid October has been chosen for the march with an exact date to be determined in the coming weeks. This mobilization is being proposed in response to the attacks upon working families in America and the millions of jobs lost during the Bush administration and with the complicity of Congress. The working class has not suffered such hardships since the Great Depression.

We are encouraging everyone to have the resolution adopted by your membership or organization. We are also asking that your organization start a Million Worker March Committee to mobilize organized/unorganized labor and our community and religious allies in your area, ultimately merging with a National Committee to be formed at a later date. Finally, we are asking for a financial contribution from your organization to be sent to the address below until a national Committee is created.

The Bush Administration and Congress's focus of placing the acquisition of capital and the quest for profits above the needs of working people is undermining the economic security of working people and the nation as a whole.

Now is the time for organized/unorganized labor, the interfaith and community organizations to show solidarity and demand that all elected officials address the needs of working people. As working class people, we know more than any others the difficulties and limitations we face both in our communities and workplaces. We shall
therefore be representing ourselves during this march, independent from all politicians, while putting forward to the entire country, our program for the betterment of America's majority working population.

While we are in the early stages of planning this action, we are urging organizations to join us in making this march a reality. We need you and your organizations' help. The crises we face is severe. By mobilizing and uniting organized and unorganized labor with our community and religious allies we will be able to more effectively stop the attack on working people and improve our living and working conditions.

800 St. Paul St. at Madison. in the Mount Vernon District of Baltimore City. Look for the old green Wonderland storefront at the soon to be Red Emma's Bookstore*Coffeehouse.


URL: http://www.millionworkermarch.org

Boston IMC

Celebrate 3rd Annual World Fair Trade Day

5:00 PM - 10:00 PM

The 3rd Annual WORLD FAIR TRADE DAY Celebration
Saturday, May 8, 2004 --5PM to 10PM--
Doors open at 5pm....Speakers at 6pm....Live music from 7-10 pm

LISTEN to brief talks by NOAM CHOMSKY, fair trade coffee producer Jorge Abarca &
CAFTA expert Jeannette Huezo.

DANCE to an all-star line-up of local funk, jazz, hip-hop, and rock:

The Bay State Love Machine / Bajuco / The Foundation / drop

KNOW what to buy and where to buy it from OVER A DOZEN vendors and info booths.

BE proud to be a part of a WORLD-WIDE movement of ethical trade.

Held at the magnificent...

Church of the Covenant
67 Newbury St @ Berkeley St
Arlington T-Stop--Green Line
Tickets: $5-10 (sliding scale)

For more information, or to help us sell tickets, contact Sarah Connolly:
sarahc (at) mit.edu

The Covenant Church
67 Newbury St

Cost: $5 to 10 - sliding scale

Directions: Gorgeous old church at the corner of Newbury and Berkley Streets. From the T, it is about halfway between Boylston and Copley T stops. It is about two blocks from the Park Plaza Hotel (the east end of Newbury Street).


URL: http://www.oxfamamerica.org/worldfairtradeday

CMI La Plana

Presentació de la CUP

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Presentació de la Candidatura d'Unitat Popular a Castelló.

Casal Jaume I de Castelló (c/ la balma, 1)


URL: http://www.llibertat.com/cup

Indymedia Barcelona

trobades de agitació rural i urbana

All day

Dissabte 8 de maig, a Can Masdeu


Mostra i exposicions de lluites i productes
Porteu el que volgueu intercanviar i difondre (plublicacions, aliments, artesania...)

11h.: Presentació dels col•lectius assistents

13’30h.: Espectacles d’animació infantil

Dinar popular per recolzar al bulletí La Llamada del Cuerno.

17h.: Debats temàtics
- Moviment agroecològic
- La lluita en Defensa del Territori
- “Ruralitzar” la ciutat
20h.: Projecció de vídeos: “Ciutat-Empresa”, despoblament a La Solana

Festa de la resistència rurbana a Can Masdeu:
2 anys de l’intent de desallotjament

Espectacles de circ
ALC13 y TITO REYES (Ragga de Roquetes)
El tablao de Las Vinagre (Flamenco)
GADJO (klezmer-jazz)
QUE PUN QUE PANC (Rumba punk tarantella)

Diumenge 9 de maig, al Parc de la Guineueta

Portarem les nostres lluites a un dels espais de la XXIVª “La Cultura va de festa”, la trobada dels col•lectius i associacions de Nou Barris


Col•lectius als que hem convidat

Pobles okupats dels Pirineus: vindrà gent dels pobles de Huesca, la Garrotxa i potser de Navarra
Bajo el Asfalto está la Huerta: cooperativa agroecològica de producció-distribució-consum d'aliments de Madrid.
Horts okupats de Barcelona: Horts Comunitaris de Can Masdeu, L'Hortet de Santa Eulalia, Hort okupat a Sant Andreu...
Forneres i Forners de Kan Kadena: cooperativa de treball que distribueix pa integral a diferents centres socials i cooperatives de consum a Barcelona.
KanPasqual: masia okupada des de fa més de set anys a Collserola. Tenen horta ecològica, fruiters, bestiar i distribueixen pa a diferents grups de consum de la ciutat. Com a centre social s’hi organitzen activitats i s’hi troba una bona biblioteca.
Plataforma en Defensa de la Vall de Sant Just: durant els darrers anys s’han movilitzat per tal d’evitar la urbanització d’una de les poques valls de Collserola que baixen fins a la ciutat i que conserven el seu caràcter natural.
Cal Suís: masia ocupada per veïns i veïnes d'Esplugues després de molt temps reivindicant un local.
Kan Kadena: mas okupat desde fa més de sis anys a Esplugues, que actualment es troba amenaçat de desallotjament.
Grup de debat "Ciutat-Empresa": grup de reflexió sobre el model de ciutat que ens imposen des de les administracions.
Cooperatives autogestionades de consum: Germinal Sarrià i La Gleva entre d’altres.
Txirivita: col•lectiu de cuina ambulant.
Gent de La Punta: persones implicades en la defensa de l’Horta de Valencia.
Assamblea Pagesa de la Noguera: organització que prové del món sindical que darrerament s’ha volcat en la lluita contra els transgènics a la plana de Lleida
Ecollavors: graner autogestionat de llavors hortícoles a l'Alta Garrotxa
Xarxa Agroecològica: espai de trobada de gent i grups diversos que treballen per difondre l’agroecologia.
Plataforma Transgenics Fora: es centra en l'acció directa contra l’aplicació agrícola de la biotecnologia i els OGM.
Plataforma en defensa de l'Ebre: coordinadora que ha impulsat la lluita contra el trasvassament i el PHN.
Cooperativa La Kosturika: produeixen verdures ecológiques que distribueixen en grups de consum al Vallès Oriental.
Cucus Cooperativa de cocina vegana y ecológica.

Txirivita, Kusturrica i todas nosotras cocinaremos durante el encuentro deliciosa comida vegetariana cuyos bote irá para luchas rurbanas.


Camí de Sant Llàtzer, sobre la Plç. K. Marx, metro L-3 Canyelles

Cost: gratis

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Actualidad de la imposición de los transgénicos

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Actualidad de la imposición de los transgénicos:
últimas medidas y estrategias impulsadas desde la UE.
Isabel Bermejo.
Ordua: 10:00 horas.

Por qué pretenden domar los genes, Ignacio Mendiola.
Ordua: 11:45 horas.

Kukutza gaztetxea, Bilbo


URL: http://euskalherria.indymedia.org/eu/2004/05/14163.shtml

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Por un festival internacional de las luchas sociales en Canes

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Contra la destrucción sistemática de los derechos sociales. Contra el paro y la miseria. Por una cultura viva y no de mercado.
Colectivos, organizaciones sindicales y asociativas, están creando un comité de ocupación del Festival y poniendo en marcha una infraestructura de acogida en el lgar. Hay previsto momentos fuertes en el calendario de acciones:
Miercoles 12/5: Ceremonia de inauguración del Festival
Viernes 14/5: Rueda de prensa de la Coordinadora Nacional de los "intermitentes" y Precaruis de Francia, la Federación del Espectáculo CGT, y personalidades i miembros del Comité de Seguimiento dee la Asamblea Nacional de Francia
Sabado 15/5:Manifestación de los trabajadorres del espectáculo y del audiovisual, en respuesta a la llamada hecha por los sindicatos y coordinadoras en lucha contra la destrucción del régimen específico del seguro de desempleo.
Domingo 16/5:Runión-Cumbre de los más grandes estudios cinematográficos mundiales-Americanos,Hindúes,Chinos y Europeos-para discutir sobre la lucha contra la piratería.
Martes 18/5:Iª reunión de los 25 Ministros de cultura de la UE para discutir sobre la "Excepción Cultural"

Del 20 al 22 de Mayo:el colectivo "K.O.à Cannes hace un llamamiento a la unidad inerprofesional:Debates, coloquios, proyecciones acciones y manifestaciones, guerrilla pacífica y reivindicativa Interprofesional.

Primeras firmas: Convergence 06-CROAC Montpellier- AC! 13- CNT_espectacle-Union régionale de la fédération spectacle CGT-Sud_culture-Sud_éducation-Fédération anrchiste Marseille-MADS (mouvement altermondialiste de désobéissance sociale)-CIPM (collectif dees intermittents et précaires de MArseille)-CIP_IdF-Ras l'front Marseille-Résister!-Ligue des droit de l'homme Marseille Nord_Sud- Solidaires 13- Solidaires 34


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Manifestación contra la Incineradora / Incineración

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Manifestación contra la incineradora de Txingudi y la incineración. Desde la rotonda de Zubimuxu en calle Hondarribia hasta la Plaza San Juan.



URL: http://www.txingudibizirik.org

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Manifestazio nazionala BARAÑAINGO GAZTETXEA ORAIN!!

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Organizada para dar una respuesta contundente contra el desalojo del Gaztetxe,dar apoyo a sus 10 años de autogestion y en denfensa de los Gaztetxes de todo Euskal Herria.
La mafestacion saldrá desde la plaza del Ayunta-MIENTO, os esperamos!



Indymedia Euskal Herria

Gasteizko gaztetxea: Exhale + Miss Dinamarka + Pinbol

8:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Gaztetxearen urtemuga: "Ateari ostikada... 16 urte dira jada!!!"


Cost: 3€


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Escuela de Odio + Meinhoff

8:30 PM - 11:30 PM

Maiatzaren 8an, zapatua, 20:30etan Santurtziko La Kelo gaztetxeak ekarriko deutsuz:
ESCUELA DE ODIO (Asturiesetik)
MEINHOFF (Asturiesetik ere)
Aurreko txartelak: 3€ (La Kelon, Leizalden eta Pelotazon)

Las Viñas, 63 - Santurtzi

Cost: 3€ / 5 €


Indymedia Euskal Herria

UFESTUEK Saran..gaur BAI !!

10:30 PM - 11:30 PM

UFESTUEK-en kontzertua Sarako Herriko plazan
Herri urratsen bezperan


URL: http://www.ufestuek.tk

Indymedia Scotland

Health and Healing at Printworks

All day

Health and Healing day at the recently opened Printworks social centre.

Massage, first aid and street medic workshops.

All welcome.

58 Albion St.


Kansas City IMC

Election 2004 Action Day

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Gather with other activists and those of us who truly care about our country on May 8th as we kick off six months of voter registration, education and recruitment!

Beginning May 8th, we will:

• Register 250,000 new voters.
• Contact one million voters about the coming elections.
• Recruit 10 million volunteer hours

If you find yourself desiring to make a difference this election year, then won’t you call us TODAY for more information at 816.531.6803!


SEIU Local 96, 4526 Paseo, KCMO at 10 AM

Cost: Free!

Directions: Paseo at Cleaver II Blvd. On the right if heading south on the Paseo.


URL: http://www.americacomingtogether.com

Lawrence IMC

Peace Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Demonstration of opposition to the ongoing occupation of Iraq.

Outside the courthouse
11th & Mass, Lawrence


URL: http://www.lcpj.org/

Lawrence IMC

IndyMedia Collective Meeting

1:00 PM - 12:00 AM

This is the weekly meeting of the IndyMedia editorial collective, open to the public. To become an editor, attend two of these meetings. We discuss various topics and strategies.

Aimee's Coffeehouse, 1025 Massachusetts, Lawrence

Cost: free


URL: http://www.lawrenceimc.org

Lawrence IMC

Free Meal at L.I.N.K.

1:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The purpose of L.I.N.K., the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, is to provide a pleasant, safe place for the hungry or lonely to share a free, nutritious meal and the companionship of one another. We believe loneliness can be as painful as hunger, companionship as powerful as love. Anyone who desires a meal is served, no questions asked. Diners are treated as our invited guests. We do not provide counseling, but rather refer individuals to appropriate agencies when they ask for help. Our focus is on food and fellowship.

Basement of 1st Methodist Church
221 West 10th Street
Lawrence, KS

Cost: free


URL: http://community.lawrence.com/link/

New Hampshire IMC

Weekly Peace Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Every week we gather at the Peterborough Town House, rain, snow or shine, at the corner of Grove and Main Streets, to call for peace and non-military solutions to the world's problems. Please join us for all or part of the hour. Signs provided, or bring your own.

Peterborough NH, Town House (Town Hall) at corner of Grove and Main Streets downtown.


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Letter Carriers' Union Food Drive

12:00 AM - 7:00 PM


Letter carriers in Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey Counties will be collecting non-perishable food items on Saturday morning May 8 for distribution to the Second Harvest Food Bank in our community. You may participate by placing a food donation by your mailbox on Saturday morning, May 8. Your letter carrier will pick it up and deliver it to the food bank. Or, drop the food off at any post office lobby . Help us help our community in this time of need, Peace and Solidarity, Sheila Payne

Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey Counties


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Copwatch Know Your Rights Training

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Know Your Rights Training

Some of the topics covered will be:

  • Your rights when you are
    stopped by the police

  • What to look for when you see
    someone else being stopped

  • Staying safe while observing

  • What can be done if the police have violated your rights

  • How to document incidents

  • Plus an introduction to video taping and using a police scanner

Know Your Rights Training is a FREE hands on workshop. Food and drinks will be provided.

For more information call SC Copwatch at (831)621-1726 or visit our website at http://santacruzcopwatch.org/

San Lorenzo Park
37 Dakota St
Santa Cruz, CA
(near Ocean St, park with ducks)

Cost: Free!


URL: http://santacruzcopwatch.org/

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Verified Voting meeting

2:00 PM - 4:30 PM


COME to the Verified Voting Election Reform non-partisan meeting for discussion and action on an urgent issue that critically affects all Americans!

SATURDAY, MAY 8 from 2:00pm to 4:30pm at the Santa Cruz Library, 224 Church Street (upstairs meeting room).

EVERY voice is needed! JOIN in vitally important grassroots efforts to restore transparent, reliable, and publicly verifiable elections by the November election.

voting-AT-idlecircuits.com or 831-768-9608

Santa Cruz Library
224 Church Street
(upstairs meeting room)

URL: http://www.verifiedvoting.org

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Open House

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Open House at the Progressive Center on Sat. Drive south on Monroe street from the Capitol and take a left on Palmer St. and a right onto South Gadsden St. The two story building is on your right.

1720 South Gadsden St. Tallahassee, FL


Tennessee Independent Media Center

TN March for Women's Lives

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

They heard us in Washington, now let's tell them in Nashville! Keeping the Momentum Going! Send our Tennessee Legislators home with a LOUD Message - TN WOMEN WILL NOT GO BACK! Don't take our Rights away! We'll Remember in November!

Front steps of the State Capital in downtown Nashville (facing Charlotte Ave.)


Thunder Bay IMC

Synfuel info session

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Public invited to an info session on the proposed Synfuel Technologies Inc. power plant. Opportunity for public to become better informed! Speakers include representatives from Lakehead University, Synfuel, Fort William First Nations, and the City of Thunder Bay. Time available for question and answer period.

Dawson Room, Prince Arthur Hotel


Twincities IMC

Introducing the Center for Prosperity - Join us for coffee with some of the founders of this new think tank!

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Center for Prosperity is a new, Twin Cities based think tank that works to discover and promote responsible solutions to the challenges that face the people of the Upper Midwest and the nation. The Center applies the values of democracy and ecology to foster accountable institutions, safe communities, prosperous families, and a peaceful world.

Van Cleve Community Center
901 15th Ave SE in Minneapolis

Cost: Free

Directions: Van Cleve Community Center is located in Van Cleve Park, near the corner of 15th Ave SE and Como Ave SE, about 8 blocks north of Dinkytown and the U of M east bank campus.


URL: http://www.prosperitycenter.org

Western Massachusetts IMC

Earth & Sky Collective Planning Meeting

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Come join us in our discussion of how to promote cooperative and sustainable exchange throughout the Pioneer Valley and learn more about our ongoing projects. All welcome.

Jones Library, 2nd Floor, Amherst Room, in downtown Amherst

Cost: FREE


URL: http://EarthSkyExchange.org



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