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  May 2004  
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Events for Wednesday, 05 May 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Arkansas IMC

Fayetteville Environmental Concerns Committee

5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

The Environmental Concerns Committee will conduct a special meeting  Wednesday evening, May 5th, at 5:30 p.m. in Room 326 at city hall.

Dr. Marty Matlock, Associate Professor of Ecological Engineering, at  the University of Arkansas, has completed a study of the old R & P  Electroplating Site adjacent to the West Fork of the White River.  He,  and members of his class, will present preliminary contamination level  findings.  The Report is called "An Ecological Risk Study of the R & P  Electroplating Company Facility".

All are welcome.

Fayetteville City Hall- Room 326


Indymedia Barcelona

recital de poesies + concert al campus nord

12:00 AM - 7:00 PM

dimecres 05
12.00 h. Recital de poemes i concert al Campus Nord (UPC)
En el marc de la campanya nacional 'Qui perd els orígens perd la identitat', la CEPC organitza un migdia lúdic i reivindicatiu amb poesia musicada des del País Valencià i un petit concert de música folc amb l'Herba d'Hameli. Membres del Servei de Llengües i Terminologia de la UPC (www2.upc.es/slt/) ens presentaran les dades de l'ús del català a la UPC segons les últimes enquestes realitzades, així com els serveis que ofereix el SLT a tota la comunitat universitària.

Organitza: CEPC; Col·labora: SLT. Plaça de darrera la biblioteca Gabriel Ferrater, Campus Nord, UPC, BCN

campus nord, upc


URL: http://www.coordinadora.net/catala

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Por un festival internacional de las luchas sociales en Canes

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Contra la destrucción sistemática de los derechos sociales. Contra el paro y la miseria. Por una cultura viva y no de mercado.
Colectivos, organizaciones sindicales y asociativas, están creando un comité de ocupación del Festival y poniendo en marcha una infraestructura de acogida en el lgar. Hay previsto momentos fuertes en el calendario de acciones:
Miercoles 12/5: Ceremonia de inauguración del Festival
Viernes 14/5: Rueda de prensa de la Coordinadora Nacional de los "intermitentes" y Precaruis de Francia, la Federación del Espectáculo CGT, y personalidades i miembros del Comité de Seguimiento dee la Asamblea Nacional de Francia
Sabado 15/5:Manifestación de los trabajadorres del espectáculo y del audiovisual, en respuesta a la llamada hecha por los sindicatos y coordinadoras en lucha contra la destrucción del régimen específico del seguro de desempleo.
Domingo 16/5:Runión-Cumbre de los más grandes estudios cinematográficos mundiales-Americanos,Hindúes,Chinos y Europeos-para discutir sobre la lucha contra la piratería.
Martes 18/5:Iª reunión de los 25 Ministros de cultura de la UE para discutir sobre la "Excepción Cultural"

Del 20 al 22 de Mayo:el colectivo "K.O.à Cannes hace un llamamiento a la unidad inerprofesional:Debates, coloquios, proyecciones acciones y manifestaciones, guerrilla pacífica y reivindicativa Interprofesional.

Primeras firmas: Convergence 06-CROAC Montpellier- AC! 13- CNT_espectacle-Union régionale de la fédération spectacle CGT-Sud_culture-Sud_éducation-Fédération anrchiste Marseille-MADS (mouvement altermondialiste de désobéissance sociale)-CIPM (collectif dees intermittents et précaires de MArseille)-CIP_IdF-Ras l'front Marseille-Résister!-Ligue des droit de l'homme Marseille Nord_Sud- Solidaires 13- Solidaires 34


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Gasteizko Gaztetxea: Hitzaldia -> Irak brigadista baten begietatik

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Gaztetxearen urtemuga: "Ateari ostikada... 16 urte dira jada!!!"



Indymedia Scotland

Bold Speak - student democracy radio show

5:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Bold Speak will shortly be hitting the airwaves, Edinburgh's first politics and current affairs show on student radio. Show numero uno - democratic Britain, ailing, failing, or fighting fit? We take a look at the Scottish Parliament, visit the people of Dumbiedykes and Bilston Glen, and they'll be a live debate on Bush and Blairs favourite beverage, democracy export...and how its going down in Iraq. Turn on (Weds 5:00pm), tune in (87.7fm fresh air) and drop out (for half an hour - it's good for the soul.)

Broadcast from the Pleasance

Cost: FreeEEEEE! It's radio.


Indymedia Scotland


7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

A talk by Jeffrey M Smith, author of 'Seeds of Deception: Exposing Corporate and Government Lies about the Safety of GM Food'. Jeffrey has been active in the field of genetically modified foods for nearly ten years, including being vice president of marketing for a GMO detection laboratory. He is the Founder and Director of The Institute for Responsible Technology in the USA.

Natonal Library of Scotland, Exhibition Hall, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh

Cost: Free


URL: http://www.greenbooks.co.uk

Japan Indymedia

KYOTO MayDay- worker's festival

10:30 AM - 12:00 AM

♪はたらくひとのまつりです♪  5/1/2004
10:30-12:00 Workers Gathering and Rally 
under Sanjo Bridge with Union Net Kyoto. Has music

1:00-5:00 Guerilla★Hiking
we go hiking to the region’s richest golf course

6:00-9:00 Guerilla☆electronic Recycling
in Japan today, one needs \2700 to dispose of a TV, and \4600 to dispose of a refrigerator, plus \2000 for delivery cost on each item. Corporations mass-produce them and get fat money, then making consumers guilty for being responsible to recycle their crap. Why should we keep silent? Today, we will deliver their crap back to their yard!! ・・・Still looking for a vehicle/driver

10:00-12:00 Graffiti★Fiesta
it’s a new tradition! Early this year, a guy in Tokyo was charged guilty of doing graffiti and sentenced of 14 months of penal servitude and given a suspended sentence of two years. –Our new voice must be reached directly on the streets. We will have a graffiti contest and award for the most creative ones. Winner gets free red and black spray paint. All are Free to join!!

Rally Organizers:MayDay Kyoto実行委員会 ACA★Kyoto 
All other events organized by:? I’m not telling.

Sanjo Bridge- Kyoto

Cost: free


New Hampshire IMC

Choice Chocolate

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Portsmouth, NH – The 19th Annual Choice Chocolate Dessert Buffet & Auction to benefit NARAL Pro-Choice New Hampshire will be held at the Red Hook Ale Brewery in Portsmouth on Wednesday, May 5, 2004. Each year, over 200 pro-choice supporters gather to sample a mouthwatering array of hors d'oeuvres and chocolate desserts donated by the Seacoast area's finest bakeries, caterers, restaurants and chefs including Jumpin’ Jay’s Fish Café, Lindberg’s Crossing, The Blue Mermaid, the Friendly Toast and Ceres Street Bakery.

Attendees will participate in a live benefit auction bidding on varied and unique items including jewelry, artwork, a sailboat picnic cruise, massage therapy, weekend getaways and a South African Safari. All the auction items are donated by local artists, crafts people and business owners including Ambrosia Gardens, Ceres Street Wine Merchants, LeClub Boutique/Choozy Shoes and Prelude.

Laura Thibault, Executive Director of NARAL Pro-Choice New Hampshire said, “Now more than ever, people who value privacy and our right to choose must stand up and be counted. Choice Chocolate is an evening of celebration but more importantly, an evening when pro-choice activists show their solidarity. Our message is clear; we are ready to take action to protect the right to choose for every woman in New Hampshire, and for the next generations of New Hampshire women.”

As the political arm of the pro-choice movement, NARAL Pro-Choice New Hampshire works to protect and expand access to the full range of reproductive health options for the women of New Hampshire through grassroots organizing, public education campaigns and statewide legislative work. This year NARAL Pro-Choice New Hampshire activists successfully defeated seven anti-choice bills introduced in the New Hampshire legislature. This onslaught of anti-choice legislation is reflective of the current federal attacks on women’s health and privacy and how these attacks are filtering down into state legislatures.

Please join us for an evening of fun, activism and indulgence. Tickets are available on-line at www.prochoicenh.org, or at the Portsmouth Candle Company in Portsmouth, M'Lords Hairstyling in Hampton or by calling NARAL Pro-Choice New Hampshire at 228-1224. Tickets are $30 in advance or $40 at the door.

NARAL Pro-Choice New Hampshire is a grassroots organization with 3,000 members. For more information about this event, please contact Shiela at NARAL Pro-Choice New Hampshire 603-228-1224 or shiela-AT-prochoicenh.org.

Redhook Brewery
Pease Tradeport
Portsmouth, NH

Cost: $30 in advance or $40 at the door


URL: http://www.prochoicenh.org

New Hampshire IMC

Percy Schmieser

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Percy Schmieser is a Canadian farmer who was sued by Monsanto and subsiquently lost his farm. He will be speaking at UNH about his experience.

MUB Theater II

Cost: Free


San Diego IMC

San Diego IndyMedia Public Meeting

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The first monday of every month the San Diego IMC meets to discuss upcoming events, the upkeep of the website, fundraising and outreach activities.

Some months we will have special presentations. We will list the details on this calendar.

2552 K Street, Sherman Heights.

Directions: We meet in the meeting room of the K Street House. Please come to the side door on the west side of the house.


URL: http://www.sdimc.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Million Student March on Sacramento

12:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Join Young People From All Over The State at the "MILLION STUDENT MARCH" on Sactown


Cinco de Mayo * May 5

Sacramento, California


Show ARNOLD how WE feel about issues which affect us ALL!

IF you could discuss one issue with Governor Arnold…
What would it be?

HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! Bring a Sign, Some Friends And March On Sacramento.

Bring Attention To The Issues Which Affect The Quality Of OUR LIVES!

SUCH AS… dignity and justice for immigrants, SB1160…"Drivers Licenses for All"…UC outreach programs to high school, militariazation of schools, privatization, the enviornment, sexual harrassment, solar power, police harrassment, youth prisons, healthcare…


Caravans going from Watson & SC.


Katie (SC)336-8705 katie-AT-lifelab.org

Jenn (Watson)429-1931 jlaskin22-AT-hotmail.com


Caravans going from Watson & SC.

Directions: CONTACTS:

Katie (SC)336-8705 katie-AT-lifelab.org

Jenn (Watson)429-1931 jlaskin22-AT-hotmail.com


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Criminal Justice Roundtable

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Criminal Justice Roundtable - Focus on Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI)

College 9-10 Multi-purpose Room, UCSC.

With James Bell, Raquel Mariscal, Bart Lubow, Scott MacDonald, and Mardi Wormhoudt. Special UCSC screening of the Annie E. Casey Foundation documentary, These Are Our Kids: Transforming Juvenile Detention in Three American Cities.

Free and open to the public.

Fair Trade Coffee and Refreshments served.

Organized by the CJTC and Santa Cruz County Probation Department. Cosponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the departments of Community Studies, Psychology and Sociology. Call 459-5743 for more details.

College 9-10 Multi-purpose Room, UCSC.

Cost: Free and open to the public.

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Street Performer Weekly Gig with SAFE

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

SAFE (Society for Artistic Freedom and Expression) will have regular weekly Sing Outs on the Sidewalk in front of New Leaf Market 6pm every Wednesday evening.

SAFE calls for the restoration of the Voluntary Street Performers Guidelines and the end to onerous restrictions on peformers downtown.

One local Downtown Ordinance dictates the 10' forbidden zones limiting performers to less than 20% of downtown sidewalks. Another literally excludes them from narrower sidewalks in other business districts. Another is the "Move Along Law" which mandates criminal penalties for not "moving along" every hour.

Bring your instrument or just your ears. Bring a friend.

Hot soup by Joe Schultz.

Take back our public spaces from some creeping privatization, favored by a segment of the merchants.

We also share information on recent police and "host" harassment of performers.

In front of downtown New Leaf Market at Pacific and Lincoln Aves. between the Cafe Campesino and Alfresco's kiosks.

Cost: Free, but bring quarters and scraps to throw to performers!

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Chiapas 2004: In Solidarity with Zapatistas

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

"Chiapas 2004: In Solidarity with Zapatistas" is a multi media event designed to promote awareness and inspire action. We will present an engaging documentary titled "Zapatista" by Big Noise Films. Tony LoPresti of Comercio Justo will also give a presentation regarding the connections between Chiapas, fair trade and globalization.
In addition, there will be several tables with textiles and crafts from indigenous collectives.

You can expect a warm and open environment and thoughtful discussion of the political, social and economic situation in Chiapas. Light refreshments will be served.

Educate Yourself and Be Inspired!!

UCSC Campus, Oakes College , Room 105

Cost: FREE!!


Santa Cruz Indymedia


8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Comedy news satire from an unapologetic, anti-corporate, anti-fascist, good-old-fashioned leftist perspective.

And... it's actually very funny.

Community Television of Santa Cruz County

Santa Cruz Indymedia

IWW meeting

9:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The Santa Cruz branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) will be having a general meeting. This is open to anyone who is interested in learning about how to make concrete changes in their workplace through unionization. The IWW is a radical, anti-capitalist labor union that is committed to industrial democracy and organizing workers in any industry through industrial rather than trade unionism.

For more information about the IWW see www.iww.org

Resource Center for Nonviolence
(515 Broadway @ Ocean)


URL: http://www.iww.org

Thunder Bay IMC

Wal-Town Tour 2004

All day

Our cross-Canada Wal-Town tour plans to roll into Thunder Bay during the first week of May 2004. We'll be filming as well as distributing information in the Wal-Mart parking lot, all in an effort to educate people on the parasitic impact of the Wal-Mart phenomenon on human rights - both internationally and locally.

We need your help, mobilising people, information and personal testimonies on how Wal-Mart has affected businesses and employees in your part of the world.

please check out out website at www.uberculture.org and get in touch with me at samara-AT-uberculture.org

(reclaim your culture)

your local wal-mart

Cost: free (as all information should be)


URL: http://www.uberculture.org

Twincities IMC

Alliant Vigil

7:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Eighth year of a weekly vigil outside international war merchant Alliant Techsystem's corporate headquarters. Although we are opposed to specific weapon systems produced by ATK, our main concern is the violent solutions this Minnesota based company represents to complex world problems. We ask who profits and who dies?

5050 Lincoln Drive, Edina


URL: http://circlevision.org/alliantaction.html

Twincities IMC


4:30 PM - 12:00 AM

This weekly vigil is held on the Lake Street Bridge (Lake Street and River Road)--the Peace Bridge. All people who are antiwar and wish to vigil for peace and justice are invited to stand with us.

This vigil has been ongoing since 1999 and will continue weekly regardless of weather: 4:30 to 5:30 every Wednesday.

Pick up a sign there or bring your own.

Lake Street Bridge, River Road and Lake Street/Marshall. Vigil begins on the St. Paul side. (The bridge connects Minneapolis and St. Paul.)



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