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  April 2004  
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Events for Thursday, 29 April 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Atlanta IMC

WE ARE EVERYWHERE / IRAQ multimedia tour comes to Athens

7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

We Are Everywhere: the irresistible rise of global anticapitalism was described by Canadian writer Naomi Klein as "...the first book to truly capture and embody the exuberant creativity and radical intellect of the protest movements." Two of the book's co-producers, author Jennifer Whitney and photojournalist Andrew Stern, are traveling throughout the US in order to present, not only the book, but also the results of their further research and investigation into international protest movements and their ties to the growing anti-war movement. Stern is just back from his second trip to Iraq, and will present hard-hitting images from the streets of Baghdad to accompany Whitney's analysis. The presentation is a multimedia performance comprised of several elements: a video highlighting the diversity of various threads of resistance around the world, an exhibition of beautiful photos and illustrative quotations from their book, a brief talk on the current situation in Iraq and the connections between the anti-war movements and the global anticapitalist movements covered in We Are Everywhere, and an open discussion with the audience.

Our tour schedule (see below) is still subject to change. If you would like to be on our mailing list (which will consist of tour updates only), can help out with publicity -- particularly flyering or getting us hooked up with pre-show radio interviews, or would like more information, please email us at everywhere (at) riseup.net Also, we're still looking to fill in some dates for the second half of the tour (US west coast), so let us know if you can help with that too. Hope to see you along the way.

Thanks so much!

All the best,
Notes from Nowhere

April 13 Ft. Collins, CO Colorado State University 6 pm-9pm, Clark Building room A204
April 14 Lincoln, NE 8:30pm
April 15 Minneapolis, MN Arise! Bookstore and Resource Center 8pm 2441 Lyndale Ave.
April 16 Chicago, IL Version>04 Fest show opens at 7 pm, WAE is 9-11pm www.versionfest.org
April 18 Erie, PA Mercyhurst College 3 pm Zurn Hall, Room 114

April 19 Cleveland, OH- Case Western University 4 pm Ford Auditorium, in the Allen Building, across from Severance Hall, at the corner of Euclid and Adelbert.

April 21 Providence, RI- Brown University
April 23 Philadelphia 8 pm The Rotunda 40th and Walnut with Robotnicka/Lost Film Fest and the Milkcrate Rustlers
April 24 Washington, D.C. Brian Mackenzie Infoshop Flemming Center 7pm 1426 9th St. NW (at 9th and P)
April 25 Washington, D.C. Signal 66 8 pm with Lost Film Fest/Robotnicka 926 N Street, REAR, NW in Blagden Alley
April 26 Blacksburg, VA- 4-6 119 N.Main St. then at Virginia Tech, 7 pm, 3100 Torgerson Hall
April 27 Durham, NC- Duke University 5:30 pm at Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture, on main West campus
April 29 Athens, GA- Athens Global Justice Collective UGA Human Rights Fest 7pm UGA SLC 247
April 30 Nashville, TN- unconfirmed
May 3 New Orleans, LA- Zeitgeist (with Robotnicka / Lost Film Fest) 1724 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd. (at Felicity) 8pm
May 4 Baton Rouge, LA-- Unitarian Church of B.R. 8470 Goodwood Blvd 7:30 pm
May 5 New Orleans, LA- Loyola University 7pm Danna Center - St. Charles Room 7:30
May 6 Houston, TX- IMC Rice Cinema
May 7 Austin, TX- Monkey Wrench Books (with Austin Indymedia) 110 E. North Loop
May 8 Austin , TX- The Escapist
May 9 Denton, TX
May 10 Oklahoma City, OK- Book Beat and Co 9136 S Walker Ave 8 pm
May 11 Lubbock, TX
May 12 Albuquerque, NM- Bound to Be Read Books
May 13 Albuquerque, NM
May 14 Flagstaff, AZ
May 15 Tucson/Phoenix, AZ
May 16 San Diego, CA- Gelato Vero Caffe 3753 India St.
May 17 Los Angeles, CA– Arts in Action 7:30pm - 1919 west 7th Street (between Westlake and Bonnie Brae) on the fourth floor
May 18 Los Angeles, CA- Flor y Canto
May 19 Santa Cruz, CA or Long Haul Infoshop in Berkeley, CA
May 20 San Francisco, CA- Anarchist Library at City College 11:30-2pm
May 21 Santa Rosa, CA
May 22 Sonoma State
May 23 Eugene, OR
May 24 Seattle, WA
May 25 Vancouver, BC- Spartacus Book Store
May 26 Vancouver, BC
May 27 Olympia Community College and bookstore
May 28 Portland,, OR

The We Are Everywhere/Iraq reportback multimedia tour will appear on April 29 in Athens, GA - Athens Global Justice Collective @ 7pm - UGA Human Rights Fest - UGA SLC 247


URL: http://weareeverywhere.org

Boston IMC


6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Come Celebrate May Day with the Lucy Parsons Center Bookstore (LPC) and Spontaneous Celebrations!

The Wake Up the Earth Festival began in 1979 when a group of local neighbors and activist banded together to stop the I-95 expansion into Jamaica Plain. The festival began as, and still is, a celebration of what can be accomplished when people of all traditions, cultures, ages, and beliefs come together. A great many individuals, local artists, community groups, and schools join forces every year to make a unique community collaboration. Recent festivals have included an enchanted puppet forest, sideshows, live bands, dancers, acoustic performers and a giant pageant.

In addition to a great day of fun and activities, LPC has been asked to host the AFTER PARTY!

The AFTER PARTY IS FULL OF FUN!! There will be several DJs, bands, food and dancing, with Special Guests the Foundation, DJ Nomadik, and more!!!

All Ages -- Beer & Wine w/ID

$5+ donation (In addition to being a great time this is a benefit for Spontaneous Celebrations and the Lucy Parsons Center, two great local, non-profits)

Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth Street in Jamaica Plain (Stony Brook T)

Cost: $5+ donation


Boston IMC

Prison Book Program Volunteer Night

6:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Join us to answer prisoners' letters and send books to them.

110 Arlington St., Boston

Directions: 2 blocks from Arlington T stop or 3 blocks from Back Bay T stop


URL: http://www.prisonbookprogram.org

CMI Brasil

Forum: 20 Fórum: 20 AÑOS DO MST Y EZLN NA USP

4:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Queridos compañeros de todo el mundo:

Nosotros, de comités de apoyo a la lucha Zapatista en el México y de los Sin-Tierra en Brasil, estamos haciendo un evento en homenaje a estas dos expresiones de lucha por sus 20 Años.

Se nos ocurrió la idea de hacermos, además de una edición del Mural de Taniperla y de la cópia del mural de Clemente Orozco - "Los zapatitas" - *un mural de cartas de comités de todo el mundo, de personas, gentes que simpatizan con los movimientos*. Son cartas cuyo contenido es de presentar algunas expresiones de simpatia por las dos luchas y por la iniciativa. Cuando decimos expresiones, estamos deciendo que nos gustaría recibir *unas palabras, dibujos, poesías, en fin, formas y códigos no necesariamente verbales, pero que vienen de la creatividad de todos y todas y principalmente del corazón para que todos y todas puedan ver que los movimientos no están sólos, que todos y todas estamos juntos y presentes* buscando aumentar las fuerzas; aunque haya distancia geográfica y algunas distancias sean inmensas, creemos que donde está uno, están todos y todas.

*¿Podemos esperar una señal de vuestra parte?*

Pues... estaremos esperando, con la certeza de que la fuerza de la palabra pueda aumentar la fuerza de los dos movimientos a tal punto que puedan ayudar a cambiar el mundo.

Muchas gracias

La comisión organizadora.
Firma en su nombre: Lúcia Skromov
Sao Paulo, Brasil

PS: Pedimos que pasen adelante el pedido para que todos y todas de cualquer edad, sexo y profesión puedan se comunicar con el evento a su modo.


29 Y 30 de Abril.

*29 de Abril

(16:00) Proyección de filmes:*
"La Marcha" (EZLN)
"20 y 10 el fuego y la palabra" (EZLN)
Local: Sala de video da Historia.

*(19:30) Charla/Debate:
*Marcelo Busseto: Secretaria Estadual do MST
Emilio Gennari: Nucleo 13 de Maio
Lúcio Flávio de Almeida: Prof. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales (PUC)
Siridiwê: Xavante
Cordinadora da mesa: Beatriz Tragtenberg ( actriz)
Local:Anfiteatro da Historia.

*(23:00) Música:*
Canto Livre (Música Latinoamericana)
Chico César

*30 de Abril

(16:00) Proyección de filmes:*
"Terra para Rose" (MST)
"Roda grande passou dentro da roda pequenha" (Documental Indígena do
Local:Sala de video da Historia.

*(19:30) Charla/Debate:*
Sergio A. Dominguez: Antropologo da UNESP
Osvaldo Coggiola: Chefe de departamento de Historia
Alejandro Buenrostro: Sociólogo "Experiencia con indígenas Tzetzales
da Chiapas".
Miembro de la Dirección y Cordinación Estadual do MST
Cordinadora: Maila dos Anjos
Local: Anfiteatro da Historia.

*(23:00) Música:*
Poder da Mente (Hip-hop)
Pânico Brutal ( hip- hop)
Cofre Galáctico (Reggae)
Grupo Pé no Terreiro de Cacuriá (Danza típica del estado del Maranhão)

*Exposición Fotográfica, Artesanato Indigena, Venta de libros y revistas, Presentación del libro "Vozes del Espelho" (el dinero recaudado será en apoyo a las comunidades Zapatistas, de cada 9 livros vendidos el décimo será donado al MST)

*SINTUSP, ACEPUSP, Diretório Central dos Estudiantes da USP (D.C.E), Facultad de Filosofia Ciencias e Letras da Universidade de São Pablo, Departamento de Historia e dos Centros Acadêmicos de História (CAHIS), Geografia (CEGE) e letras (CAELL), Grêmio Politécnico, Comite Avante Zapatista São Paulo, Comitê de Apoio às Lutas da America Latina, Ong. Becos e Vielas, artista plástico Claudio Ramallo, fotógrafos Vidal Cavalcanti e Jesus Carlos.

Prédio da História da Universidade de São Paulo.


CMI La Plana

Jornada per la memòria històrica

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

19:00. Presentació:
>>>Grup per la Recerca de la
Memòria Històrica de Castelló.
La Memòria Històrica és una acció que preserva la identitat i la continuïtat d’un poble, és no oblidar allò après, moltes vegades amb sang, és el camí per a no repetir errors del passat. [...] La recuperació de la Memòria Històrica és el primer pas per recuperar el nostre futur com a poble lliure i amo del seu destí...
19:30. Projecció documental i debat:
>>>Asi en la tierra como en el
2002 (35 minuts). 66 anys després, un grup de persones decideix iniciar a El Bierzo (León) la recerca dels familiars desapareguts i assassinats a l'inici de la guerra civil espanyola. Video-fòrum amb Isadora Guardia (realitzadora).

Casa de la Cultura (C/Antonio Maura)

Directions: (C/Antonio Maura)


IMC Canarias

[Gran Canaria]Charla "Las colectividades agrarias"

8:00 PM - 11:30 PM




Indymedia Barcelona


5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

DIJOUS 29 D'ABRIL a les 17'30 a Pça Universitat

Per al bon desenvolupament de l'acció es prega el màxim d'assistència. També agraïrem la difusió d'aquest missatge.

17'30 a Pça Universitat


Indymedia Barcelona

talleres para la MAYDAY

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Talleres para la Mayday
dilluns, 19 abril 2004
11:00 - 22:00
Organitzador*: mayday
La idea de los talleres es poder sacar materiales, pancartas,etc, para la Maydady. Asi como si quieres dinamizar un taller solo tienes que venir y hacerlo.

Por favot traer materiales!!!!!! (e ideas)

Asi que si teneis ideas y materiales ir llevandolas a Miles de Viviendas
(Sardenya 43) donde serán los talleres.

DIA y Hora

miércoles 28--11am Taller de Inflables en Bellas Artes

--17hs.Inflables y plantillas, pancartas.

Jueves 29 -- 11hs.Inflabes y demas

-- 17hs. Peparacion de materiales para la Mayday.


- bolsas de plástico (liso)
- "cubre todo" (plástico que sirve para cubrir todo, ein?, pues asi se
conoce en las tiendas)
- celo ANCHO (si tod@s traen mejor!)
- folios de plástico
- CD's que no sirvan (cuantos mas tengan mejor!)
- Telas o plasticos para pancartas
- Pintura
- Spray
- cutter
- tijeras
- radiografias
- curriculums
- pegamento

y lo que se les ocurra!
Miles de Viviendas
Preu: gratix
Adresses: Sardenya 43
Metro Bogatell y también Marina
URL: www.euromayday.org
Peticions de modificacions per a aquesta llista d'events
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Miles de Viviendas

Cost: gartix

Directions: c/ Sardenya 43
metro Bogatell y tambien Marina


URL: http://www.euromayday.org

Indymedia Barcelona


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Preséncia informativa al carrer amb pancartes i octavetes dirigida al públic

Devant la SALA RAZZMATAZZ (C./Almogàvers 122, Metro Marina (L1-vermella), Bogatell (L4-groga).


Indymedia Barcelona

L'IRAQ un any després

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Antoni Segura, Catedràtic d’Història Contemporània de la UB i Vicedirector del Centre d’Estudis Històrics Internacionals

Carlos Taibo, Professor de Ciències Polítiques de la
Universitat Autònoma de Madrid

Aula Magna de l’Edifici Històric de la Universitat de Barcelona (Plaça Universitat)


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Masa crítica

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Los coches atemorizan a las bicicletas.
Pero cuando se junta un grupo de bicicletas con suficiente
Masa crítica entonces la bicicleta manda.

En Bilbao todos los últimos viernes de mes a las 7:30pm desde la Gran Via, frente a diputación, damos unas vueltas por las calles.

No estorbamos al tráfico, sómos tráfico.

Bilbo Gran Via, frente a diputación


URL: http://masacritica.info

Lawrence IMC

Free Meal at L.I.N.K.

1:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The purpose of L.I.N.K., the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, is to provide a pleasant, safe place for the hungry or lonely to share a free, nutritious meal and the companionship of one another. We believe loneliness can be as painful as hunger, companionship as powerful as love. Anyone who desires a meal is served, no questions asked. Diners are treated as our invited guests. We do not provide counseling, but rather refer individuals to appropriate agencies when they ask for help. Our focus is on food and fellowship.

Basement of 1st Methodist Church
221 West 10th Street
Lawrence, KS

Cost: free


URL: http://community.lawrence.com/link/

Lawrence IMC

Anarchist Black Cross Letter Writing

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The Anarchist Black Cross has sought to bring attention to the plight of all prisoners and to inspire an Anarchist resistance and support movement on the outside. We fund-raise on behalf of prisoners or defense committees in need of funds for legal cases or otherwise, and organize demonstrations of solidarity with imprisoned Anarchists and other prisoners.
Please attend a letter writing session before attending a regular meeting.

13 W. 14th Street

Cost: free

Directions: Between Massachusetts and Vermont, on the south side.


URL: http://www.kansasanarchist.net/ABC/

New Hampshire IMC

Peace Vigil-Concord

5:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Thursday Peace Vigil

in front of the NH State House, Concord

in front of NH State House, Concord


Rochester IMC


1:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Santa Barbara IMC

Protest Armed Forces Day @ SBCC

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

What:Prostesting Armed Forced Day @ SBCC West Campus
We want military recruiters off our campus. We are pro-education and invite the community to come support.
When:Thurs. April 29 10am-2pm
Rough Schedule:
10-12 we will be tabling, informing, passing out lit.
12-1 Speakers
1-2 march of some sort


Cost: FREE

Santa Barbara IMC


10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

On thursday, april 29th, from 10am-2pm, Santa Barbara City College West campus will be "occupied" by the "armed forces career day". an organized coalition of student groups as well as independently acting students will stand in solidarity to send a strong message that MILITARY RECRUITMENT is NOT WELCOME on our campus. we ask all concerned members of our community to stand with us to make our voices heard.

santa barbara city college west campus

Cost: free

Directions: cliff drive/cabrillo st.


Santa Barbara IMC

Grace Poore: The Children we sacrifice

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Filmmaker and activist Grace Poore will be on hand for a discussion after the screening of her film, The Children We Sacrifice, a documentary that explores the universal crime of incestuous sexual abuse through the prism of the South Asian experience.

MultiCultural Center Theater

Cost: free


URL: http://www.sa.ucsb.edu/mcc/

Santa Barbara IMC

"Guerrilla Media in Action": Cascadia Media Collective Film Tour

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Santa Barbara Indymedia and KCSB 91.9 FM present...

The Cascadia Media Collective: "Guerrilla Media in Action"

We are excited to welcome Eugene, Oregon's Cascadia Media Collective to Santa Barbara this Thursday as they end their West Coast Tour promoting their latest film, "Guerrilla Media in Action." "Guerrilla Media in Action" isn't news and it isn't a movie. It's a radical look a the ways we live through a street-level lens. From the mines of Peabody Coal to the cornfields of Chiapas, through tear gas, rubber bullets and street battles, CMC uses video to reveal the global struggle for autonomy, environmental protection and a livable future. This 90 minute video will take you beyond reporting on important global events and provide you with an inside look at guerrilla media. The show will feature video from Columbus Day Denver, WTO Cancun, FTAA Quebec, Miami and much more. You'll leave with a basic understanding of how and why guerrilla media is a vital part of the movement for social change.

Background info: For the last four years, CMC journalists have been covering local, national and international news from a street-level perspective. Our video has helped halt environmental destruction, been successfully used as evidence in court and inspired new activists to get involved with the movement against social and biological destruction. Our group was originally formed in response to state repression but has grown to be an important tool in community-based organizing. Our video projects include Guerrilla Video Primer, Umpqua:Oregon's Threatened Paradise, A Year in the Streets, and US Off the Planet. We also produce a print publication called the War Time News, countless zines and regular news segments for community television.

Check out our website at www.cascadiamedia.org for more on what we do and why we do it!

Embarcadero Hall, 935 Embarcadero Del Norte, Isla Vista

Cost: free, with donations requested


URL: http://www.cascadiamedia.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Copwatch / HUFF Street Organizing & Broadcasting

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) activists and Copwatch workers will jointly staff a table to sign up volunteers, gather reports, and broadcast Bathrobespierre's Broadsides, a Free Radio Santa Cruz show that airs 6-8 PM Thursdays (as well as Sundays 9:30 AM -1 PM). Folks are invited to call in reports from the street about police and host behavior as well as updates on other matters.

Pacific and Soquel Sts. in front of the Borders Bookstore

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Women Workers in the Global Struggle for Labor Rights

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

You are invited to take part in a night of film about the involvement of women workers in the global struggle for labor rights.

On Thursday, April 29th, at 7pm in Stevenson Dining Hall at UCSC, the Reelwork Mayday Labor Film Festival will be showing three movies which were picked to highlight the position of women in globalization and its opposition.

Internationally-acclaimed filmmaker Marta Rodriguez, traveling all the way from Bogota, Colombia, will present her film, Love, Women and Flowers about women workers’ organizing within the global flower industry.

The other two films, Made in Thailand and the Hidden Face of Globalization, address the struggles of women organizing within sweatshops in Thailand and Bangladesh.

The Reelwork Mayday Labor Film Festival happens the week prior to every May Day and shows films about the ongoing struggles workers worldwide have gone through, and the victories they have won.

Films are shown this year from Sunday, April 25th to Saturday, May 1st, at a variety of public venues. All films are by voluntary donation and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

For more information, including volunteer opportunities, please contact Paul Ortiz at 459-5583 and portiz-AT-ucsc.edu, or www.reelwork.org for a detailed schedule of the event

Stevenson Dining Hall/Event Center

Cost: donation


URL: http://www.reelwork.org/schedule.html

Santa Cruz Indymedia


7:00 PM - 10:30 PM

Two films important for this election year. "Unprecedented: the 2000 Presidential election" and "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" an award winning eye witness account of the 2002 coup in Venezuela. One President stole an election and another democratically elected president is stolen from office. In both, democracy is under attack.

We are taking contributions to underwrite and make the films free.

- - -

"Unprecedented; the 2000 Election" directed by Joan Sekler and Richard Perez.

Just how did George Bush get 'elected'? How did more than 93.000 voters in Florida get purged from the voting rolls? You probably know some of the story, but as truth becomes a more rare and endangered species every day, take this opportunity to watch this masterfully made film and never forget that knowledge is power.


2nd film of the night

"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"

awarded best international documentary

This is a stunning film. An Irish film crew just happened to be in Venezuela to make a film about President Hugo Chavez. They were in the Presidential Palace when the recent coup of 2002 took place. This is an unbelievable moment in film history, and more importantly, a powerful moment in the history of our own time that we may otherwise not have ever
known. Take this unequalled opportunity to witness the true events of this riveting story in the immediacy of the moments captured on film.

Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz, 1205 Soquel Ave.

Cost: free or small donation


Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Thursday Peace Witness

4:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Capitol Vigil Thursday

Join the Tallahassee Network for Justice and Peace, Veterans for Peace, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Students United for Peace, Thursdays in front of the Old Capitol, corner of Apalachee Parkway and Monroe Street

Sundays 12:30 to 2:30.
Thursdays 4:00 to 6:00

The Old Capitol, corner of Apalachee Parkway and Monroe Street

Cost: free


Western Massachusetts IMC

UMass Rally against Killer Coke!

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Killer Coke Sucks! Come show your support to rid the campus of Killer Coke!

Student Union steps, UMass, Amherst



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Today is Thursday


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