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  April 2004  
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Events for Sunday, 25 April 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Arkansas IMC

Save Women's Lives: March for Freedom of Choice

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The Fayetteville chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) is joining with what is anticipated to be over a million people marching to support women's right to reproductive choice.

If you would like to participate, a chartered bus will be leaving from Fayetteville for the April 25, 2004 march. The cost per person will be two hundered dollars, but the more people that go the cheaper the seats may become.

For more information on attending, or to help send someone from Northwest Arkansas to Washington please contact Melanie Dietzel at 479.442.8600 or email her at melaniesd (at) sbcglobal.net





9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

--please circulate, post and distribute widely--


APRIL 25TH, 9:00AM
the radical cheerleaders of DC and YOU! this action is open to EVERYONE!

in response to the liberal and reformist action plan of the March for
Women's lives, the radical cheerleaders of DC have called for a radical
pro-choice cheer/noise bloc. we will assemble, eat some yummy free
breakfast, and have a feeder march from Stanton park, in Northeast DC, to
the national mall where we will join in solidarity with over 1,000,000
other pro-choice supporters. when we reach the mall, we will join the
main march and show them what radicals can shake!

because abortion access and women's autonomy is under attack. because
these problems cannot be solved in the courts, in a voting booth, or
through your local member of congress. because the recent signing of the
Unborn Victims of Violence Act and the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, has
confirmed our suspicions....there's a fucking war on!

we will meet this challenge by showing our support for abortion access and
women's autonomy without turning to the State for permission. we know
that true liberation cannot be won by asking permission from the police to
dissent. while we fully support the March for Women's Lives, we want to
show our politics in the streets! so, while they have their rally and
promote electoral politics as the key to emancipation, we'll have our
march. then both marches will join at the mall and we’ll show our
solidarity and strength together.

april 25th, 2004. we will meet at Stanton park at 9:00am (NOTE THE TIME
CHANGE) and begin serving breakfast. from 9:00 to 10:30 we will serve
food and people can hang out, listen to some live music, and get ready to
move. by 11:00 we're going to begin marching towards the national mall,
and by 12:00 we should reach the main rally/march. from there we will
join the main march with over 1,000,000 people.

we will meet at Stanton park at 9:00am. Stanton park is located on C st.
NE between 6th st. NE and 4th st. NE. the closest metro's are eastern
market or union station. check out the DC metro website for more
information at: www.wmata.com, for a map of Stanton park, check
out: www.jubiar.com/spna/about/map.phtml
for more information, check out: www.radicalcheer.org
for questions, comments, endorsements and other correspondence, email:

--please circulate, post and distribute widely--

washington, dc


URL: http://www.radicalcheer.org

Colorado IMC

Don't Loose Your Bearings

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

The Free Skool and Derailer Bicycle Collective Presents: Don't Loose Your Bearings. An introductory workshop to bicycle repair and maintenance. For anybody who wants to learn or teach anything about bikes!!! Don't be intimidated come on by the last Sunday of every month from 2-6pm.

Derailer,1065 Lipan St.

Cost: FREE


IMC Norway

Mat ikke Makta, Bergen

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Vengansk folkekjøkken , mat til en billig penge og til de trengende fra kl. 16-19

på Ungdomshuset 1880 domkrikegata 4 i sentrum www.u1880.no

Cost: 0-20kr


Indymedia Barcelona


10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

10 h.- Obertura de carpes.
Inici i benvinguda als col.lectius.

12 h.- Taula rodona.
(Ateneu Popular “La Flor de Maig”
c./Dr. Trueta, 195)


16 h.-Actuacions musicals.

17 h.- Espectacle pirotècnic,
(a càrrec de “Diables de Poblenou”).

-també hi hurà: exposicons (història i canvis del Poblenou, especulació, okupació,..), activitats infantils,...

(tots els actes es faran a la Pl. Sant Bernat Calvó).

-més informació:
www.poblenou.org/c22 coordcontra22-AT-catalunyamail.com


Plaça Sant Bernat Calvó (POBLENOU-Barcelona)

*la taula rodona és farà a l'Ateneu Popular "LA FLOR DE MAIG" situat al c./Doctor Trueta, 195

-Per accedir:
METRO: L-4 ( Llacuna / Poblenou)
BUS: 6, 36, 41, 71, 92 i 141.

Cost: s'haurà de pagar per la BOTIFARRADA POPULAR


URL: http://www.poblenou.org/c22

Indymedia Barcelona

Cinema (per la) Kanalla: Metropolis

8:00 PM - 10:30 PM

Passi de la pel·lícula: Metropolis (1927)

Any 2026. Les màquines ja no treballen per les persones, sinó que aquestes es sotmeten a elles. Un món on les persones són una massa gris de treballadores sense vida ni emoció. A la part superior de la ciutat viuen els privilegiats, una casta de poderosos que viuen a costa de tota una societat obrera, gairebé esclava, que viu en els subterranis.
En aquest context, el fill d'un poderòs coneixerà una noia del submón, que el portarà als inferns de Metropolis i allí intentaran acabar amb aquest.
Metropolis és un clar exemple de l'art de representació visual que constituia l'essència del cinema mut.

CSOA Can Vies

Directions: c/Jocs Florals
L1 Mercat Nou/Pç de Sants
L5 Pç de Sants


Indymedia Barcelona

HAY MOTIVO. Filmoteka KOP-Alta Tensió

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM


32 curts de diversos directors i cineastes contra el PP

KOP-Alta Tensió (Prat Llobregat)
c/Dr.Soler i Torrents núm.36
Al costat estació tren, busos 65,165 i L10

Cost: Gratis


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Euskal Jai gaztetxean: SACRIFICIO + LISTA DE ESPERA

8:00 PM - 10:30 PM

2000 (58 min.)
Documental sobre la captura y muerte del Che Guevara.

Juan Carlos Tabío. 2000 (105 min.)
Vladimir Cruz, Jorge Perugorria, Alina Rodriguez...

Una destartalada estación de autobuses en medio de Cuba. Cada vez más gente esperanto y todas las "guaguas" pasan llenas. Parece que la única solución es arreglar un viejo microbus. Ahí se empieza a ver claro de qué va cada uno de los viajeros; y hay de todo. Los protagonistas tendrán que posicionarse ante la nueva situación , también en el terreno personal.
Es como una "road-movie" pero sin moverse del sitio. Comedia amable, con toques románticos y bastante rollo costumbrista cubano. Sol, conversación, inventiva, algún flechazo y sobre todo nada de prisa.

Euskal Jai gaztetxea. San Agustin 17. Iruñea


Japan Indymedia

TV Turn Off Week Ends

All day


URL: http://www.tvturnoff.org

New Hampshire IMC

March for Women's Lives

All day

The time is right for a public demonstration of historic size in support of reproductive freedom and justice for all women. First rally begins at 10:00 AM, on the national mall between the Smithsonian museums (between 3rd St. and 14th). The march will begin at noon. After marching on Washington, a rally will be held from 1-4 p.m. on the National Mall. A bus ticket costs $80, with scholarships available. Buses will depart from Concord, Keene, Manchester, Portsmouth, UNH (Durham), and Dartmouth College at approximately 11 PM on Saturday, April 24th and will return home by 6 AM on Monday, April 26th. If you wish to send a donation for the March Scholarship Fund, please use our postal mailing address: PMB 252, 7 Colby Ct., Unit #4, Bedford, NH 03110-6245.

Washington DC

URL: http://www.marchforchoice.org

New Hampshire IMC

Global Network 12th Annual International Conference Resisting Empire: Understanding the Role of Space in U.S. Global Domination

All day

The year 2004 marks the 12th anniversary of the Global Network and each year we hold an international event in a different part of the world. This year we will meet in Maine, the home of Bath Ironworks (BIW) where the Aegis Destroyer is built. The Aegis is outfitted with interceptor missiles as part of the Theatre Missile Defense (TMD) system that will be "forward deployed" in the Middle East and used to surround China, which will of course build more nuclear weapons in response. Representatives from peace groups worldwide will be in attendance to share their work to stop Star Wars. Included in the events will be a protest at BIW.

Woodfords Congregational Church, 202 Woodford Street, Portland, Maine

Cost: Sliding scale for the registration fee. Between $15 and $60, includes dinner on the 23rd and lunch and dinner on the 24th.


URL: http://www.space4peace.org

Rochester IMC


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM



Cost: 21314



Santa Barbara IMC

FiLMS in Isla Vista

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

HopeDance FiLMS in Isla ViSTA
This film gives us the deeper perspective of Haiti: the Lavalas movement and the grassroots rise of Father Aristide to Presidency, the coup and back again. “I ask all Americans and friends of Haiti to see it. They will truly understand and feel the Haitian people’s fight for democracy.” - President Jean-Bertrand Aristide

April 11: Ram Dass FiERCE GRACE
A moving portrait of this modern spiritual teacher who keeps sharing his profound wisdom even after being “stroked.” “Mickey Lemle’s fascinating overview of Ram Dass’s extraordinary spiritual journey is a wonder to behold.” — Spirituality & Health

April 18: 9-11 PAINFUL DECEPTIONS (plus Eric Hufschmid to answer questions)
More about 9-11 by local author, filmmaker and 9-11 researcher Eric Hufschmid. He will answer questions after the film. “Provocative and controversial... from wreckage to fire... a scathing technical analysis debunking the official version of the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center.”

Apri 25: THE 4th WORLD WAR
First premiered in the US at the SBIFilm Festival, we are honored to show it here in Isla Vista. If you missed it in Santa Barbara, don’t miss it in IV.
“Passionate, euphoric, contagious. . . It is our worlds against their system.” — IDFA, Amsterdam

Isla Vista, Friendship Manor. see directions below

Cost: $5

Directions: HopeDance FiLMS presents films every Sunday, 8pm at the Friendship Manor (on the corner of El Colegio and Los Carneros) in the Theatre up the stairs at the main El Colegio Entrance. Tickets are only available at the Isla Vista Food Coop (6575 Seville Road; 968-1401 (no money accepted at the door; only 66 tickets will be sold! first come first serve!)
Organic sandwiches, chips and cookies are often available at the film.

Parking is at the Manor Corner Parking Lot (the entrance is on the southeast corner of the empty lot at Camino Pescadero and El Colegio, on the east side of Friendship Manor. The opening is nearly opposite the west end of Cervantes Road.) Do not park in the underground parking structure!


URL: http://www.hopedance.org / www.hopedance.org/new/film_flyers/arts_apr04.pdf

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Women in Black - Los Gatos

10:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Women in Black

The Women in Black stand in silent vigil to protest war, rape as a tool of war, ethnic cleansing and human rights abuses all over the world. We are silient because mere words cannot express the tragedy that wars and hatred bring. We refuse to add to the cacophony of empty statements that are spoken with the best intentions yet may be erased of unheard under a passing ambulance or the wound of a bomb exploding nearby.

Our silence is visible. We invite women and men to stand with us, reflect about themselves and womenwho have been raped, tortured or killed in concentration camps, women who have disappeared, whose loved ones have disappeared or have been killed, whose homes have been demolished. We wear black as a symbol to mourn for all victims of war, to mourn the destruction of people, nnature and the fabric of life.

We stand the last Sunday of every month at the Farmer's Market in Los Gatos from 10am to noon.



Women in Black is an international peace network. Women in Black is not an organization, but a means of mobilization and a formula for action. Women in Black vigils were started in Israel in 1988 by women protesting against Israel's Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Women in Black has developed in the United States, England, Italy, Spain, Azerbaijan and in FR Yugoslavia, where women in Belgrade have stood in weekly vigils since 1991 to protest war and the Serbian regime's policies of nationalist aggression. Women in Black New York have been standing in solidarity with the women of Belgrade since 1993.

Farmer's Market in Los Gatos

Directions: from santa cruz, take highway 17 north.
The exit is "Santa Cruz Ave."

* The exit is on the inner (left) portion of the highway, as opposed to the right *

Santa Cruz Ave. curves to the left and continue for about a 1/4 mile.
The Farmer's Market in on the right side of the street.

Santa Cruz Indymedia

"First Hand News from Afghanistan" - Rosemary Stasek

12:00 PM - 2:30 PM


Mountain View City Councilmember Rosemary Stasek has just returned from her third trip to Afghanistan where she works on reconstruction projects to assist women. She will be giving a slide show presentation and discussing the current situation, specifically the continuing challenges facing women durning this time of dramatic transition.

- - -

I had the honor to travel to Afghanistan in May of 2002 as a member of a delegation of young Afghan-Americans working on reconstruction. I returned home after 2 weeks but like Jason Elliot, my heart stayed behind. I returned in June 2003 to work on a project to improve conditions for the women in Kabul prison.

April 25, 2004
12:00 Noon
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos

About 0.8 miles East from the corner of Los Gatos Blvd. and Blossom Hill Rd. in Los Gatos, CA.

Even though the address is 15980 Blossom Hill Rd., the driveway is on Old Blossom Hill Rd.

Directions: Directions driving North on Highway 17, coming from Santa Cruz

1. As you are driving North on Highway 17, take the East Los Gatos exit. Proceed about 0.2 miles to the end of the ramp.

2. Merge right onto Los Gatos Saratoga Rd. Proceed about 0.2 miles.

3. Turn left onto Los Gatos Blvd. Proceed about 0.8 miles.

4. Turn right onto Blossom Hill Rd. Proceed about 0.7 miles (East). You will pass Blossom Hill Park on your right. You will see a fork in the road. Blossom Hill Rd. continues to the left, and Old Blossom Hill Rd. begins to the right. Merge to the right. Proceed about one block. We have two driveways on the left side of the street. The first driveway is an entrance. Pull in here.

URL: http://www.stasek.com/afghanistan/events.shtml

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Charlie Chaplain film Modern Times

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

On Sunday, April 25th, 2004, at 12:00pm at the Nickelodeon Theater in downtown Santa Cruz, Reelwork Mayday Labor Film Festival will be showing Charlie Chaplain’s masterpiece film Modern Times, a humorous satire of the machine age and contemporary society in the days of the great depression. Speaking will be Dana Frank, a tenured professor of American Studies at UCSC and author of several books on the subjects of critical economics and the historical labor movement.

The Reelwork Mayday Labor Film Festival shows films around every May Day about the ongoing struggles workers worldwide have gone through, and the victories they have won. Movies are shown this from Sunday, April 25th to Saturday, May 1st, at a variety of public venues.

For more information, including volunteer opportunities, please contact Paul Ortiz at 459-5583 and portiz-AT-ucsc.edu, or www.reelwork.org for a detailed schedule of the event

The Nick

Cost: donation


URL: http://www.reelwork.org/schedule.html

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Nonviolent Action Training Series

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Nonviolent Action Training Series for activists and volunteers, led by Sharon Delgado and Barbara Hayes --

Session 1--Mondays 3:30 to 5 pm, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29.

Session 2--Sundays 3:30 to 5 pm, April 25 and May 2, 16, 23, 30.

(Suggested donation for series--$5 to $25)

Location: Resource Center for Nonviolence

To find out more or to register call 423-1626 ext. 103

Resource Center for Nonviolence

Cost: (Suggested donation for series--$5 to $25)

Directions: Resource Center for Nonviolence
(515 Broadway at Ocean)


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Queer Youth Leadership Awards

4:00 PM - 6:30 PM

The Santa Cruz County Task Force for LGBTQ Youth is proud to announce the...

2004 Queer Youth Leadership Awards

Click on "2004 Awardee's" for complete information!

All Queer Youth & their allies will be honored at the 7th Annual Queer Youth Leadership Awards on Sunday, April 25 at Harbor High School's Little Theater from 4 - 6:30 PM with a reception to follow.

Tickets are available at Herland, Streelight Records, The Diversity Center, The Ugly Mug, Etc. Etc. Etc., White Raven & Ritmo Latino.

Tickets - Adult: $20 donation & Student/Senior: $10 donation

No one turned away for lack of funds! Please contact us in advance for special arrangements.
QYLATicket-AT-aol.com or (831) 427-4004

Harbor High School's Little Theater

Cost: Adult: $20 donation & Student/Senior: $10 donation; No one turned away for lack of funds!


URL: http://diversitycenter.org/qytf/2004qyla

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Benefit Concert for the Emergency Homeless Youth Fund

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

BENEFIT CONCERT for the Emergency Homeless Youth Fund

A new fund created to enhance social service work with homeless youth and young adults.

SUNDAY, APRIL 25th at 6:30 PM: See DAN MENENDEZ, international juggler extraordinaire. Hear great original folk music with: CARIN ANDERSEN, SAGE SMILEY, RALPH PATERNO and CHRIS MOORE-BACKMAN. Bring family, friends, big, small,
young and old. This will be a wonderful show. Objects will fly in the air at 6:30.


Location: Quaker Meeting House, 225 Rooney Street (off of the Morrisey exit. Follow signs to park and ride.)

Need more info.? email sage at
stagey-AT-sbcglobal.net or call 831-420-1276.

childcare provided

Sponsored by the Santa Cruz Friends Meeting

Quaker Meeting House
225 Rooney St.


Directions: Quaker Meeting House, 225 Rooney Street (off of the Morrisey exit. Follow signs to park and ride.)

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Struggles of Municipal Workers - films

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

You are invited to take part in a night of film about the organizing municipal workers who fought for their rights at livable earnings and won.

On Sunday, April 25, 2004 at 7pm in the Erica Schilling Forum at Cabrillo College in Aptos, Reelwork Mayday Labor Film Festival will be showing two movies which were picked to represent two successful struggles of municipal workers.

A Day’s Work, A Day’s Pay documents recipients of New York City’s welfare-to-work program and their fight for effective aid.

At the River I Stand is an historic documentary of the struggle of Memphis municipal workers and has been described as "one of the most clearheaded, evenhanded documentaries about the civil rights movement you'll ever see.” Also speaking will be Cliff Leo Tillman, Jr., the executive director of the SEIU Local 415.

The Reelwork Mayday Labor Film Festival shows films around every May Day about the ongoing struggles workers worldwide have gone through, and the victories they have won. Movies are shown this from Sunday, April 25th to Saturday, May 1st, at a variety of public venues.

For more information, including volunteer opportunities, please contact Paul Ortiz at 459-5583 and portiz-AT-ucsc.edu, or www.reelwork.org for a detailed schedule of the event festival.

Erica Schilling Forum at Cabrillo College in Aptos

Cost: donation


URL: http://www.reelwork.org/schedule.html

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

March for Women's Lives - trip to D.C.

All day

You are invited to attend the "March for Women's Lives" in Washington D.C. on April 25, and your local Planned Parenthood of North Central Florida can help you get there! The clock is ticking and April 25 is right around the corner, so it's time to reserve your seat on the "PPNCF Choice Bus" today.

The purpose of the March is to demonstrate overwhelming majority support for women's right to choose safe, legal abortion and birth control, and women's right to self-determination.

Bus tickets are $100 each and are available on a first-come, first-served basis – and they're going fast! Payment is due no later than March 12. Please send in your money today to be sure you don't miss out on this wonderful experience! If you need help paying for your ticket, consider asking a family member, friend,
teacher, etc. to sponsor your trip as their way of supporting a great cause.

Luxury touring buses will leave Tallahassee and Gainesville the afternoon of April 24, ride through night, march & rally all day April 25, leave D.C. that evening, and return home the morning of April 26 (specific details will be mailed prior to march).

This fun-filled trip will be one you won't want to miss! You will make new friends and build existing relationships on this exciting journey of activism.

Mail a check payable to PPNCF and enclose the following information:
mailing address with ZIP
phone number(s)
e-mail address
names of up to 3 other people who you prefer to ride the bus with
whether or not you are a student (if so, what school?)
whether you prefer a "quieter" bus or "social" bus, if available

Mail to:
March on D.C.
1240 NW 11th Avenue, Suite B
Gainesville, FL 32601

Feel free to contact Christine at PPNCF with any questions (ppncfpa-AT-mindspring.com). Hope to see you on the

Washington D.C.

Cost: $100


URL: http://www.marchforwomen.org

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Join the "March for Women's Lives" in DC. Buses are available

All day

The "March for Women's Lives" will be here before you know it! The clock is ticking and April 25 is right around the corner, so it's time to reserve your seat on the "PPNCF Choice Bus" today.

Bus tickets are $100 each and are available on a first-come, first-served basis - and they're going fast! Reservations with full payment are due no later than March 12. Please send in your money today to be sure you don't miss out on this wonderful experience! If you need help paying for your ticket, consider asking a family member, friend, teacher, etc. to sponsor your trip as their way of supporting a great cause.

Luxury touring buses will leave Gainesville and Tallahassee the afternoon of April 24, ride through night, march & rally all day April 25, leave D.C. that evening, and return home the morning of April 26 (specific details will be mailed prior to march).

This fun-filled trip will be one you won't want to miss! You will make new friends and build existing relationships on this exciting journey of activism.

Mail a check payable to PPNCF and enclose the following information:
mailing address with ZIP
phone number(s)
e-mail address
names of up to 3 other people who you prefer to ride the bus with
whether or not you are a student (if so, what school?)
whether you prefer a "quieter" bus or "social" bus

Mail to:
March on D.C.
1240 NW 11th Avenue, Suite B
Gainesville, FL 32601

Please forward this e-mail to others who may be interested. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Hope to see you on the bus!


Christine J. Gajda
Director of External Affairs
Planned Parenthood of North Central Florida
1240 NW 11th Ave., Suite B
Gainesville, FL 32601
352/377-0856 (phone)
352/377-2709 (fax)

Join us on April 25, 2004 in Washington D.C.!
March for Women's Lives

The March is in Washinton DC

Cost: Bus cost - $100.00


URL: http://www.MarchforWomen.org

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC


All day

ADrug-Free Radio
Liars beware: Al Franken, co-host Katherine Lanpher and Team O'Franken invite you to spend three hours a day in the Zero Spin Zone.
Weekdays noon-3pm
Repeat: 11pm-2am

The Right has had its say for the last three years. Now, on "The Majority Report", co-hosts Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder have theirs. Our side just got a little bit louder.
Weekdays 8pm-11pm

Randi brings her own brand of provocative and infectiously humorous talk to Air America Radio.
Weekdays 3pm-7pm
Repeat: 2am-6am

Unfiltered is co-hosted by Lizz Winstead, Chuck D, and Rachel Maddow. This uncompromising program puts politics and culture through the wringer, uncensored and unfiltered.
Weekdays 9am-Noon

Go to www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Directions: For details related to available radio stations
and for RealAudio Live Feed, go to the web site

URL: http://www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

March for Women's Lives in DC

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

This historic march for reproductive rights and privacy will attempt to break 1992 turnout of 750,000 persons. Tallahassee NOW is organizing riders on a chartered bus leaving Saturday afternoon before event and returning Monday before noon(approx. cost $110 r.t.). TallahNOW will also serve as a clearinghouse for car pooling (easy parking in DC, probably at R.F.K. Stadium) and cheap air fares.

Gather starting at 10 a.m. at Lincoln Memorial for Noon rally. March begins at 1 p.m.


URL: http://www.marchforchoice.org

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Peace Vigil

12:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Join the Tallahassee Network for Justice and Peace, Veterans for Peace, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Students United for Peace, Sundays and Thursdays in front of the Old Capitol, corner of Apalachee Parkway and Monroe Street

Sundays 12:30 to 2:30.
Thursdays 4:00 to 6:00

In front of the Old Capitol, corner of Apalachee Parkway and Monroe Street

Cost: FREE!!!


URL: http://www.tnjp.org

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Public Lecture by Dublin Artist Patricia McKenna

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Irish Artist Patricia McKenna will talk about her installation art works at the Mary Brogan Museum of Art and Science. McKenna's work is about landscape, geography, and memory. McKenna has participated in more than 40 solo and group exhibitions in Ireland and throughout Europe and is perhaps best known for The Grey House (1993-94) She has been awarded a number of grants and has been a Rockefeller Scholar in Bellagio. Italy. Her work has been documented in several publications including Sculpture Magazine.

Mary Brogan Museum of Art and Science, 2nd floor classroom, Kleman PLaza, Tallahassee

Cost: Free


URL: http://www.artboundariesunlimited.com

Twincities IMC

AIDS Care Kit Bag Sewing Bee

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

AIDS Care Kit Bag Sewing Bees

Sunday, April 25, 2004
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Saturday, May 1, 2004
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

1653 Laurel Avenue, St. Paul, MN

The Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) has launched a 10-year multi-million dollar initiative called Generations at Risk to respond to the growing HIV/AIDS pandemic. Join Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace in sewing fabric drawstring bags for supplies used by thousands of home care volunteers to provide comfort to people living with HIV/AIDS. We will be donating the bags to Ten Thousand Villages on Grand Avenue, which will be collecting the care kit supplies to fill them. No sewing experience or equipment is required, but bring your sewing machine, sharp scissors, and other tools if you have them.

Materials Donations Needed!
Once again, we are counting on generous materials donations from the Twin Cities peace/justice community to make this project a success:

* Fabric - Sturdy, woven (no knits), clean fabric, at least 26" x 18"
* Thread - All colors, regular and serger spools
* Drawstring Cord - Sturdy cord or rope suitable for shoulder drawstrings, at least 6' lengths

Please visit your local fabric store for a donation or contribute the discarded scraps from your sewing room spring cleaning to this worthwhile project. Drop off all donations inside the front porch at 1937 Ashland Avenue, St. Paul, or call Krista to arrange for pick-up: 651-641-7592. We will be collecting fabric, thread, and cord, and sewing bags through the middle of June.

About the MCC's Generations at Risk initiative:

About the MCC's AIDS Care Kit project:

Sponsored by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace in cooperation with Ten Thousand Villages and the Mennonite Central Committee.

Web Site: www.mppeace.org
E-mail: info-AT-mppeace.org
Phone: 651-641-7592 (Krista)

1653 Laurel Avenue, St. Paul, MN

Cost: Free, but materials donations are needed!


URL: http://www.mppeace.org

Twincities IMC

Weekly Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Since January 2003 a weekly public demonstration of support for civil liberties and peaceful solutions to world problems. Show like-minded people that they are not alone in questioning government policies and encourage others to think about current events.
Bring your own sign or banner, or use one of ours.

Intersection of Snelling and Summit Avenues in St. Paul

Directions: One mile south of I-94 on Snelling Avenue.


Western Massachusetts IMC

Amherst Earth Day Celebration

10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Seventh annual event, featuring 60+ presentations and displays by more than 60 environmental, non-profit, and school groups, and vendors of Earth-friendly products. Solar powered live music, speakers, workshops, and a parade at 2 p.m. Info:

Amherst town common


Western Massachusetts IMC

Pioneer Valley Vigil for Peace and Justice

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The Sunday vigil was begun by local "Parents and Grandparents for Peace" on July 14, 1979, under the street-wide banner: "TOWARD GLOBAL NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT AND A VERIFIABLE US-USSR MORATORIUM ON NUCLEAR TESTING." The vigil has met every Sunday since, from 12 noon to 1 p.m., barring a couple of impossible blizzards. It has passed out thousands of leaflets on a great variety of issues under the slogan, "If You Want Peace, Work for Justice," and participants have varied from a dozen or so die-hard activists to fifty and more during the Gulf War.

Amherst Common

URL: http://www.nonviolence.org/amhvigil/



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