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  April 2004  
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Events for Friday, 23 April 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Arkansas IMC

Video Underground presents La Cuidad (The City)

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

La Cuidad
A film by David Riker

A moving tribute to the struggles and hopes of a group of new Latin American immigrants facing the harsh realities of life in the United States. La Cuidad is a gritty yet heartfelt drama of tragedy, struggle and will of spirit.
88 min. $2 suggested donation.

The Omni Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology
In Fayetteville, on the corner of Maple and Storer, across from the University of Arkansas, in the Presbyterian and Deciples Student Center


URL: http://www.omnicenter.org

Atlanta IMC

PETA-People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

1:30 PM - 11:00 PM

Ingrid Newkirk,founder and president of PETA--People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals--will be in Atlanta speaking at Georgia State Univ. Vegetarian Society at 1:30.

From 6:30 till 11:00, Newkirk will be at the RedLight Cafe to discuss animal rights issues--with a special emphasis on vivisection in observance of World Week for Animals in Laboratories.

Georgia State Univ. and RegLight Cafe on Amsterdam. Check out times, locations, maps and more at www.petaatlanta2004.com

Cost: FREE

Directions: directions and maps at www.petaatlanta2004.com


URL: http://www.petaatlanta2004.com

Big Muddy IMC

Southern Illinois Festival of Irish Music and Dance

All day

This weekend is the Southern Illinois Festival of Irish Music & Dance! The world renowned Scottish group Old Blind Dogs will be performing at Mugsy McGuire's Saturday at 7:30pm along with Irish dancers. Try to make it to show your support for cultural programming in Southen Illinois. Otherwise, all we're going to have to do around here is sit at home and watch golf on TV. Tickets are $22.

Friday evening is packed with free events at Turley Park (across the street from Mugsy's on Carbondale's west side.)

Here's the schedule:

5:30 pm
Picnic-in-the-Park (Food available)

6:45 pm
Potato Cookoff Awards

7 pm (free)
Chautauqua presentation: Roots of American Folk Music, with Mark Dvorak www.artistsofnote.com/mark/

8 pm (free)
Cousin Andy's Coffeehouse: Singer-songwriters Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen (There are none better!)


Yummie ethnic food by Highland Glenn Foods & Gifts: meat pies, cornish pastries, bridies, sausage rolls, fish (cod), bangers (all with chips), Scottish soft drinks, soft drinks.
Nightlife/Redhook Tent: Beer will be available for purchase and consumption within the designated area only 11:30am-5:30pm.

The 2004 Celtic Fair will be filled with many activities for people of all ages. Schedule

Music and Dance
Deborah Packard and Peter Cairney from the band Isla
Indiana Emerald Society Pipes & Drums
Musicians and dancers from St. Louis Irish Arts
Step dance demo and instruction St. Louis Irish Arts
Ceili dance instruction St. Louis Irish Arts
The Dorians
Old Blind Dogs Preview
“Bear” Whitworth and Son, Scottish traditions

Parade begins at Noon
Around the park; led by Pipes & Drums of IN Emerald Society. Everyone welcome to join. Bring your family colors or come in costume and join the fun.

9:30 am-5:30 pm
$20 fee–sign up with the SIUC Division of Continuing Education 618-536-7751
10:00-11:30 Fiddle Bodhran Beginning Pennywhistle
11:30-1:00 Intermediate flute/whistle Celtic style guitar Storytelling
1:00-3:00 Irish Harp ($25 fee)

Irish Children's Village
The Irish Children's Village will return, complete with replicas of Irish cottages, castle, & church; and arts, crafts, sports, & games.

Cultural Presentations
“Map-making in Ireland--appreciating the art and using the results” Charles Fanning
“Irish in Early Southern Illinois ” Kay Ripplemyer-Tippy
“But Come Ye Back ” Beth Lordan
“Sean nos Singing” Janet Donoghue
“Introduction to Irish Gaelic” Deidre Harnedy
“Cairo and the Halliday Brothers” Louise Ogg

Highland Games Demonstrations by the Central Illinois St. Andrews Society

Food and Drink
Highland Glenn Foods & Gifts: meat pies, cornish pastries, bridies, sausage rolls, fish (cod), bangers (all with chips), Scottish soft drinks, soft drinks.
Nightlife/Redhook Tent: Beer will be available for purchase and consumption within the designated area only. No outside alcoholic beverages will be permitted in the park.

The Celtic Marketplace/ Arts & Crafts Demonstrations
The Celtic Cross: Embroidered art work, using designs on gravestones in Scotland, Ireland, & Wales, for hanging wall art, quilts, clerical stoles. Also have gravestone/monument rubbings in both fabric and imported papers.
Innisfree Irish Gifts: An assortment of many products from Ireland. Orland Park, Illinois 708-460-3154
The Great Outdoors Company: Hand-painted porcelain ornaments with shamrock design, hand-painted Irish figurines. Carbondale.
Cynthia Stephens and David Laraway: Handmade paper, paper castings, and abstracts in Celtic designs.
Celtic Exchange: CDs
Designs in Glass by Fran:
Global Gallery:
Brian Davis & Katie Hobson: Earthen Craft Pottery, Suttons Bay, MI
Wheel of Life: Celtic music performance and instrument sales. e-mail: kycelt-AT-apex.net
Celtic Tre asures: www.myceltictreasures.com—jewelry and Crystal Visions: Celtic pewter & sterling silver, jackets & tunics, hanging crystals, fairies merchandise—books, children's books

Go GREEEN!!!!!!

Carbondale: Turley Park, Mugsy McGuire's, SIUC University Museum

URL: http://www.siu.edu/~irish/

Big Muddy IMC

Palestine Awareness

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

This will be an educational event to help shed light on the plight of the Palestinians

SIU Student Center, Illinois Room


CMI La Plana

Xerrada: El trasvasament de l'Ebre: És necessari?

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

A càrrec de membres de la Plataforma en Defensa de l'Ebre de Tortosa

Casal Popular c/Jordi Joan 37 baix (Castelló)


CMI La Plana

2004-04-23 Xerrada sobre la participació sindical de la dóna. Endavant l'Horta

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

2004-04-23 Xerrada sobre la participació sindical de la dóna. Endavant l'Horta

Participació de la Dóna al moviment sindical

El divendres 23 d'abril a les 19'30h., al local de la Lluna Roja (C/Ripalda, Barri del Carme de València) es realitzarà una xerrada a càrrec de Maria Casterà, militant de la COS (Coordinadora Obrera Sindical).

En l'acte es farà un repàs de la participació de la dóna al moviment obrer i explicar quina és la presència que te hui en dia.

Organitza Assemblea Comarcal d'Endavant l'Horta.

Lluna Roja (C/Ripalda, Barri del Carme de València)


URL: http://www.endavant.org

Colorado IMC

Retrofit - CANCELLED

10:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The benefit below is being RE-SCHEDULED for mid-may due to the weather.

A fundraiser for Jigsaw ‘zine

alleyway fashionshow

trash-fashion, thrift store finds, old styles-gone-new, recycled materials and straddlin’ styles from the past retrofitted for the future.

Underground designers_ Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins

Fri. APRIL 23_MoonRise Co-op_ 38th and Walnut BOULDER _ $10_ doors open 10pm_21+

Saboteurs : Rachel White, Catstance, Love Lil, Etched-Jess Vulcan, Damaris, Obsolete Gods Film Project _ Craig/Bremelen Studios

Literary ‘zine readings?

And then? . . .we dance!

Analog Quartet _ The Blazin Profits - Arkain and the voice of Reason _ The Life There Is _ DJ Red Five _ King Mob: live action painting

Food Not Bombs _ New Voters Project _ beer and wine for the masses!

Moonrise -Powered by biodiesel


MoonRise Co-op_ 38th and Walnut BOULDER

Cost: $10

Directions: From Denver: Hwy 36 to Foothills parkway, left on Arapahoe, right on 38th, north to Walnut.


URL: http://alliance4indymedia.org

IMC Canarias

[Tenerife]Ciclo de cine contra la videovigilancia y el control social

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

"La innovación tecnológica viene a complementar y multiplicar, no a sustituir, los sanguinarios modelos de la represión clásica”


-Martes 20 de abril: "BRAZIL"

Sinopsis: Brazil es una visión surrealista sobre un futuro perfecto en el cual impera la tecnología. Todo el mundo está controlado por una agencia gubernamental secreta que prohíbe que el amor interfiera con la eficacia.
Esta fantasía poco convencional, mezcla un humor cruel con un análisis mordaz sobre una inolvidable visión de un mañana soberbiamente sórdido.
Director: Terry William. Año:1985. Duración: 124 min. País: USA

- Miércoles 21 de abril: "EL SHOW DE TRUMAN"
Sinopsis: Truman Burbank, un ciudadano modelo, tiene la sensación de que le vigilan y no se equivoca. Cada segundo de día, desde el momento en que nació, ha sido el protagonista inadvertido de la telenovela más larga de la historia sin que él lo supiera.
Director: Peter Weir. Año:1998. Duración: 99 min. País: USA

-Jueves 22 de abril: "FAHRENHEIT 451"
Sinopsis: Adaptación de la novela de Ray Bradbury, sobre la civilización en el futuro en donde todo el material impreso está prohibido. Un brutal recordatorio de las implicaciones de perder nuestra individualidad y nuestra libertad. Fahrenheit 451 es la temperatura a la cual el papel arde. Guy Montag es un bombero del Departamento de Incendios cuyo trabajo consiste en quemar libros prohibidos por el Gobierno.
Director: François Truffaut. Duración: 113 min. Año: 1966 País: Francia.

-Viernes 23 de abril: "1984"
Sinopsis: Basada en el clásico de George Orwell, escrito en 1948. En 1984 el mundo esta dominado por gobiernos absolutistas que prohíben cualquier manifestación de placer. Winston, un trabajador del Ministerio de la Verdad, está escribiendo un diario que puede ser motivo de detención, tortura y ``vaporización´´. Su vida se complica cuando conoce a Julia, con la que inicia una relación clandestina, que mantienen fuera del alcance de las cámaras que vigilan a la población, para aniquilar cualquier asomo de rebelión.
Director: Michael Radford. Duración: 105 min. Año:1984. País: UK

Todas las proyecciones tendrán lugar en el local sociocultural TAMONANTE (c/Dr. Zamenhof nº7, La Laguna), a partir de las 20:00 horas.
Entrada: 0,50€. Bono 4 películas: 1,50€

Tras la película del viernes habrá una "fiesta contra la videovigilancia"

Local Sociocultural TAMONANTE (c/Dr. Zamenhof nº7, La Laguna)

Cost: 0,50€. Bono para las 4 pelis: 1,50€


URL: http://www.azarug.org

IMC Canarias

[Gran Canaria]vídeo: "De toda la vida"

8:00 PM - 11:30 PM




IMC Norway

Marihuana marsjen

3:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Den aarlige Marihuana Marsjen

Oslo Stortorvet: 15.00
Kristiansand Torvet: 15.30
Stavanger Torvet: 15.30
Bergen Vaegsalmenningen: 15.00
Trondheim Torvet: 16.30


IMC Norway

Aktivist-helg: Frihetskamp for dyr

6:00 PM - 11:00 PM

23. - 25. april arrangerer "Nettverket for dyrs frihet" aktivist-helg i Oslo. Helgas tema er: frihetskamp for dyr - hvorfor og hvordan?

Hva skjer? Workshops, filmer, diskusjon, foredrag, konsert, infobord, veganmat m.m

Hvilke tema? Hvorfor bry seg om dyrs frihet, myter og fakta om dyreforsøk, veganisme, pelsindustriens overgrep, boltsaks, flyers eller sivil ulydighet?, erfaringer fra ulike kampanjer, utfordringer framover m.m.

Hvorfor aktivist-helg? Vi håper en aktivist-helg kan inspirere, spre kunnskap, danne nettverk og styrke arbeidet videre.

Frie dyr - frie mennesker! Undertrykking av mennesker og dyr har mange likhetstrekk. Overgep må motarbeides enten det er dyr eller menneskers som er offeret.

Arrangementet skjer på Blitz, Pilestredet 30 c, 0164 Oslo.

Cost: Gratis aktivist-helg, konsert koster 50


URL: http://www.blitz.no/nettverket

Indymedia Barcelona

DESconvocamos la fiesta-resistencia ante los blokes alibey 100-102, porque se ha suspendido la orden de desalojo

8:30 AM - 3:00 PM

DESconvocatoria fiesta-resistencia el 23 de abril ante los blokes alibey 100-102, porque se ha suspendido la orden de desalojo que había para ese dia.
Atención, atención, la gentecilla de los blokes en resistencia de alibey 100-102 tenemos algo urgente que anunciar a toda la peña: la orden de desalOJO! fijada pal viernes 23 de abril ha sido suspendida por nuestra cadavezmásdeseada su señoría la magistrada jueza, a requerimiento de la nuncasuficientementeodiada policía nazi.onal -en concreto la comisaría del distrito del eixample-,que argumenta no disponer de efectivos suficientes para desalojarnos ese día, así como varias majaderías criminalizadoras hacia el movimiento okupa.
Así pues, celebramos esta noticia junto a tod@s vosotr@s, desconvocamos la fiesta-resistencia a la que os habíamos invitado, y os pedimos esteis atent@s a la próxima fecha (medios de convocatoria habitules), en la ke en vez de fiesta habrá un fiestón ke te pasas. corre la voz !!
Salud y alegría !

c/ Ali Bei 100-102, Barcelona.


Indymedia Barcelona

2004-04-23 Xerrada sobre la participació sindical de la dóna. Endavant l'Horta

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

2004-04-23 Xerrada sobre la participació sindical de la dóna. Endavant l'Horta

Participació de la Dóna al moviment sindical

El divendres 23 d'abril a les 19'30h., al local de la Lluna Roja (C/Ripalda, Barri del Carme de València) es realitzarà una xerrada a càrrec de Maria Casterà, militant de la COS (Coordinadora Obrera Sindical).

En l'acte es farà un repàs de la participació de la dóna al moviment obrer i explicar quina és la presència que te hui en dia.

Organitza Assemblea Comarcal d'Endavant l'Horta.

Lluna Roja (C/Ripalda, Barri del Carme de València)


URL: http://www.endavant.org

Indymedia Barcelona

Manifestació St Jordi

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Som un sol poble i parlem català

Plça Universitat (bcn)


URL: http://www.cal-llengua.org

Indymedia Barcelona

kernelpanic reloaded ::: curs de shell-scripts

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

CURS: Iniciació a Shell-scripts

DIES: 23-abr, 7-mai, 14-mai

HORA: 19:30h

LLOC: CSO Miles de Vivendas (C/Sardenya 43)

DE QUÈ VA: aprendre a fer petits programes amb el llenguatge propi de la shell per facilitar-nos la vida. La idea és que el tercer dia tothom desenvolupi una petita aplicació pràctica que li pugui servir a nivell personal i/o ens pugui servir a nivell col.lectiu ;-)

* conèixer les comandes bàsiques de GNU/Linux
* nocions de programació (saber el què és una variable, un bucle, una funció,...)

TEMARI (orientatiu, segons com avanci la cosa...)

1ER DIA: Nocions bàsiques de bash per fer scripts
Redireccionaments d'entrada i sortida
Variables locals i d'entorn
Substitucions de variables i de comandes
Shell-scripts seqüencials

2ON DIA: Estructures de control
Arguments i variables especials
Operadors i especificació de condicions
Expressions numèriques
Instruccions d'entrada/sortida
Instruccions alternatives
Instruccions repetitives

3ER DIA: Una mica més...
Pràctica i dubtes

CSO Miles de Viviendas, C/Sardenya 43


URL: http://barcelona.indymedia.org/newswire/display/84482/index.php

Indymedia Barcelona

La llengua a debat

10:00 PM - 11:30 PM

Passi d'un documental sobre la situació lingüística del català. Debat amb l'intervenció de diferentes ponents. Petit piscolabis.

Centre parroquial de Santa Perpètua de Mogoda

Cost: gratuït


Indymedia Barcelona

Festa de la terra al KOP-Alta Tensió

10:00 PM - 11:00 PM

A partir de les 22:00

Sopador "gastronomia catalana" 5 neuros
Exposició lluites als Països Catalans
Jocs tradicionals
Begudes de la terra

KOP-Alta Tensió (Prat Llobregat)
Costat estació tren, busos 65, 165 i L10


Indymedia Euskal Herria

adierazpen askatasun eguna barakaldoko gaztetxean

All day

Sábado 24 de Abril. Adierazpen Askatasunaren Eguna Barakaldoko

Mañana sábado en el gaztetxe de Barakaldo jornada en favor de la
de expresión.

Aunque organizada por el gaztetxe, están invitados los grupos populares
Barakaldo. Estos son los motivos y la reivindicación de esta jornada:

Creemos que la actitud de este ayuntamiento es totalmente autoritaria y
también creemos que es hora de ir sumando fuerzas y plantarle cara.
De todas estas reflexiones ha surgido la necesidad de organizar un día
revindicativo-festivo en el que queden plasmados los diferentes
luchas, inquietudes, ilusiones...de los grupos y-personas que
trabajamos en
este pueblo, que no somos pocas.

Con alguna que otra variación, este es el programa de actividades:

10.00: Campeonato de futbito..
10.30: Encuentro de organismos populares.
12.00: Alarde de danzas.
15.Ó0: Comida popular.
17.00: Juegos y herri kirolak para cuadrillas.
19.00: Kalejira revindicativa (desde Bide Onera~.
20.00: Teatro.
21.00: Conciertos

asambleas del gazte: lunes a las 19.00h.

Barakaldo, barrio de Beurko viejo


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Manifestación contra la Incineradora / Incineración

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Manifestación contra la incineradora de Txingudi y la incineración. Desde la rotonda de Zubimuxu en calle Hondarribia hasta la Plaza San Juan.



URL: http://www.txingudibizirik.org

Indymedia Euskal Herria

charla sobre astilleros

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Astelehena / Lunes 26 de abril.

- a las 20:00 en la Gazte Lokala de Deusto: Charla sobre Astilleros
Euskalduna hasta Izar. Participan:
Felipe Fernández: Trabajador de Euskalduna, Mauri Jauregi: Trabajador
Euskalduna y Emilio Urreta: trabajador de Euskalduna y representante
sindical el las actuales negociaciones de los astilleros Izar
Segi Zirikatzen

Deustuko gazte lokala -Luzarra kalea


Indymedia Euskal Herria


7:30 PM - 9:30 PM




Indymedia Euskal Herria

MAIATZAK 1, mintzaldia

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Euskal Herria, egiteko dagoen iraultza
izenburuarekin heldu den apirilaren 23an, Elizondoko ( Baztan ) Arizkunenea Kultur Etxean, ilunabarreko 8 etan hasita JUSTO DE LA CUEVAk mintzaldia eskeiniko du.

Elizondoko ( Baztan ) Arizkunenea


Japan Indymedia

Kamagasaki Homeless Night Patrol

9:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Volunteers needed!!! Please come and walk around with us to share some solidarity with the homeless in Osaka, deter harassment against the homeless, and check on their health conditions.
All are welcome!

Meet at Osaka station. Near the central ticket entrance there is a fountain- near there is a travel agency- Please meet in front of there.

Cost: free- of course


URL: http://www.geocities.co.jp/wallstreet/9279

Lawrence IMC

Jubilee Cafe

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

***Actual time is 7:15-8:15am***

Jubilee Café is an ecumenical campus and community outreach program sponsored by Canterbury House, the Episcopal Campus Ministry of the University of Kansas. It is committed to serving our homeless and in-need neighbors with dignity and respect. Our primary goals are to enhance self-esteem and promote wellness among our guests, our volunteers, and ourselves. Participation in, or affiliation with, either Canterbury House or any other sponsoring organization is not a prerequisite for volunteering at the Jubilee Café.

he Jubilee Café provides our homeless and in-need neighbors in the Lawrence area a generous and healthy breakfast on Tuesday and Friday mornings in a setting that allows our volunteers to interact with each person on an individual basis. Jubilee Café is a fully licensed restaurant that has been operating since 1994. We believe that by treating our visitors as guests and our volunteers as vital, we will affirm individual humanity and enhance self-esteem. The simple act of choosing an item from a menu allows a person to exercise a measure of control in one basic area of his or her life, which can cross over into other areas as well. And the act of serving another person in need gives us the direct experience of "loving our neighbor as ourselves."

pen on Tuesday and Friday mornings, the Café serves its guests from 7:00 am to 8:00 am.

Basement of the First Methodist Church, 10th and Vermont, Lawrence.

Cost: free

URL: http://www.ku.edu/~jubilee/whatis.htm

Lawrence IMC

Vegan Potluck, Post-Potluck Movie

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Bring vegan food and enjoy!

1400 Tennessee, #1 (basement apt. in back)

Cost: bring food


New Hampshire IMC

Global Network 12th Annual International Conference Resisting Empire: Understanding the Role of Space in U.S. Global Domination

All day

The year 2004 marks the 12th anniversary of the Global Network and each year we hold an international event in a different part of the world. This year we will meet in Maine, the home of Bath Ironworks (BIW) where the Aegis Destroyer is built. The Aegis is outfitted with interceptor missiles as part of the Theatre Missile Defense (TMD) system that will be "forward deployed" in the Middle East and used to surround China, which will of course build more nuclear weapons in response. Representatives from peace groups worldwide will be in attendance to share their work to stop Star Wars. Included in the events will be a protest at BIW.

Woodfords Congregational Church, 202 Woodford Street, Portland, Maine

Cost: Sliding scale for the registration fee. Between $15 and $60, includes dinner on the 23rd and lunch and dinner on the 24th.


URL: http://www.space4peace.org

New Hampshire IMC

Peace Vigil

5:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Peace Vigil on Market Square in Portsmouth. The vigil is a presence in opposition to U.S. bombing and warfare and to any further expansion of military retaliation.

Market Square
Portsmouth, NH


URL: http://www.seacoastpeaceresponse.org

Rochester IMC

Screening of Independant Media in a Time of War

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM




Santa Barbara IMC

Energy Healing Science - Kriya Shakti

All day

Kriya Shakti is an ancient Indian energy healing technique with a series of manifestation processes. Kriya means action and Shakti means power. Power in Action. To add power to your projects in this life learn KriyaShakti. Apply inner world formulas for outer world success.
Call Susanna @ 310-470-8150 or visit: www.innercosmos.com/ for details.

Westwood, Los Angeles

Cost: $250


URL: http://www.innercosmos.com/

Santa Barbara IMC

Georgie Girl

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

What are the chances that a former sex worker of Maori descent could be elected a Member of the Parliament of New Zealand? Georgina Beyer is perhaps the first transsexual in the world to be elected to a national office. Georgie Girl is both a chronicle of Beyer's daily life as a Member of Parliament and an account of the journey that took her from farm boy to cabaret performer to community organizer to national leader.

MultiCultural Center Theater

Cost: free


URL: http://www.sa.ucsb.edu/mcc/

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Soquel peace vigil

4:30 PM - 12:00 AM

PEACE VIGILS: Please join us to peacefully protest our country's "endless" and "permanent" war. Bring signs, banners, flags, costumes, and noisemakers - or use ours! Choose from the following locations for weekly vigils:

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At The Plaza in Watsonville.

Fridays, 4:45-5:30pm
In front of The Ugly Mug Coffeehouse at the corner of Porter and Soquel in Soquel.

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At the corner of Ocean and Water Streets in Santa Cruz.

The Ugly Mug Coffeehouse at the corner of Porter and Soquel in Soquel.


URL: http://wilpf.got.net

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Watsonville peace vigil

5:00 PM - 12:00 AM

PEACE VIGILS: Please join WILPF to peacefully protest our country's "endless" and "permanent" war. Bring signs, banners, flags, costumes, and noisemakers - or use ours! Choose from the following locations for weekly vigils:

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At The Plaza in Watsonville.

Fridays, 4:45-5:30pm
In front of The Ugly Mug Coffeehouse at the corner of Porter and Soquel in Soquel.

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At the corner of Ocean and Water Streets in Santa Cruz.

The Plaza in Watsonville
(Main St. and the 129)


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Santa Cruz peace vigil

5:00 PM - 12:00 AM

PEACE VIGILS: Please join us to peacefully protest our country's
"endless" and "permanent" war. Bring signs, banners, flags, costumes,
and noisemakers - or use ours! Choose from the following locations
for weekly vigils:

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At The Plaza in Watsonville.

Fridays, 4:45-5:30pm
In front of The Ugly Mug Coffeehouse at the corner of Porter and
Soquel in Soquel.

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At the corner of Ocean and Water Streets in Santa Cruz.

corner of Ocean and Water Streets in Santa Cruz


URL: http://wilpf.got.net

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Terror and the Patriot Act: The Congressional Response

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

The Santa Cruz Chapter of the ACLU continues its series of discussions on Civil Liberties & Authoritarian Regimes:
The Politics of Fear

Friday, April 23, 2004

Panel discussion on Terror and the Patriot Act: The Congressional Response

featuring Congressman Sam Farr, Santa Cruz City Council member Mike Rotkin, and a civil liberties expert from ACLU-Northern California New legislation before the House could effect civil liberties for years to come, such as the CLEAR Act, which would require our overburdened local and state law enforcement officers to enforce federal immigration laws at new levels. But there's also good news: the bi-partisan Security and Freedom Ensured (SAFE) Act, would represent a significant first step toward rolling back some of the PATRIOT Act's worse excesses.

Come hear Rep. Farr and others discuss up-to-the-minute civil liberties developments taking place in the halls of Congress.

Louden Nelson Community Center, Rm 3,
301 Center St, Santa Cruz

Free (donations welcome), no R.S.V.P. required.

Louden Nelson Community Center, Rm 3,
301 Center St, Santa Cruz

Cost: Free (donations welcome)


URL: http://www.acluncsc.org/

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In: Dr. Strangelove

8:00 PM - 10:30 PM

Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In Presents:

Dr. Strangelove
(or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb )

We kick off the first movie of this year's Guerilla Drive-In summer series with this dark, comic tale of political intrigue, mad scientists, a military run amok, and atomic war. PLUS selected shorts, previews, yummy popcorn, good company, and an intermission.

8:00 pm Friday April 23 Dubois St, Santa Cruz

bring blankets, lawn chairs, friends, wine & snackies for intermission. We encourage you to bring a $2 to 5 donation to support the project.

Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In is exactly what it sounds like -- an outdoor movie theatre that springs up unexpectedly in the fields and industrial wastelands. Guerilla Drive-In is helping transform our urban environment into the joyful playground it should be.

This will be the second summer that Guerilla Drive-In will be entertaining folk for free in the San Francisco Bay area. Last year, we showed such films as Cool Hand Luke, Pump Up the Volume, Repo Man, and Fight Club. This year, our summer series will feature a dozen films, a film every other Friday night.

Dubois St, Santa Cruz

Cost: 3 to 5 dollar donation encouraged, but FREE really

Directions: S on Hwy 17 to Hwy 1, R on River St/hwy 9, L on Encinal, L on Dubois, look for empty field next to big white wall


Tallahassee-RedHills IMC


All day

ADrug-Free Radio
Liars beware: Al Franken, co-host Katherine Lanpher and Team O'Franken invite you to spend three hours a day in the Zero Spin Zone.
Weekdays noon-3pm
Repeat: 11pm-2am

The Right has had its say for the last three years. Now, on "The Majority Report", co-hosts Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder have theirs. Our side just got a little bit louder.
Weekdays 8pm-11pm

Randi brings her own brand of provocative and infectiously humorous talk to Air America Radio.
Weekdays 3pm-7pm
Repeat: 2am-6am

Unfiltered is co-hosted by Lizz Winstead, Chuck D, and Rachel Maddow. This uncompromising program puts politics and culture through the wringer, uncensored and unfiltered.
Weekdays 9am-Noon

Go to www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Directions: For details related to available radio stations
and for RealAudio Live Feed, go to the web site

URL: http://www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Thunder Bay IMC

Hands for Nature: Greening our Communities

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Whether your goal is to transform a small neighbourhood park or contribute to the restoration of a watercourse, this workshop will provide you with the tools to make your vision a reality.

Travel subsidies are available for non-profits.

Dryden Fire Service Training Room
189 Colonization Drive
Dryden, Ontario

Cost: $15.00 includes lunch and refreshments.


URL: http://www.ecosuperior.com

Twincities IMC

Free Democracy Summit

4:00 PM - 11:30 PM

Too often, we forget that our struggles to make the world a cleaner,
safer place without crime, war and injustice are linked with common bonds. With the help of keynote speakers, organizations from around the country, and a collection of activists, the Free Democracy Summit will create real change in our world.

Duluth, MN

URL: http://www.freedemocracysummit.org

Twincities IMC

green conference

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Twincities IMC

green conference

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM



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Today is Thursday


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