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  April 2004  
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Events for Thursday, 22 April 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Arkansas IMC

The Omni Centers First Annual Earthday Celebration

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

APRIL 22 Earth Day Community FAIR,
Walton Arts Center Parking Lot
2:00 - 3:30 –
Information and talks on local, eco-friendlyprograms, products and services, presented by localbusinesses, City of Fayetteville, and Washington County, Fayetteville Animal Shelter see pets for adoption and learn about affordable spay and neuter services.Animal Haven, a no kill animal shelterBike Trial & Stunt Demonstrations Presentation of Fayetteville's Alternative Transportation and Trails System Master Plan

FREE Food, courtesy of Ozark Natural Foods, OzarkCo-Operative Warehouse and Outback Steakhouse

Starts at the Walton Arts Center parking lot to the Greek Theater.

Dr Stephen Best’s will speak on “What does it mean to be an Environmentalist.”For more information Please Contact: Rachel Townsend-Moore 479-521-4706

Walton Arts Center Parking Lot on Dickson Street

Cost: FREE


Arkansas IMC

BCO Earth Day Bike Ride- Fayetteville

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Meet at La Maison des Tartes Bakery, 481 S. School
(In the Mill District Complex)
Fayetteville Arkansas


URL: http://www.uark.edu/ALADDIN/bco


Earth Day on 28th Street Bridge: Save the Earth - End War

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

The Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore will celebrate Earth Day on the 28th Street Bridge over I83 with two banners: Save the Earth - End War. War is a recipe to environmental disaster. Most ominously, perhaps, several thousands of tons of depleted uranium ammunition were used so far in the invasion and occupation of Iraq. This is sure to be an environmental hazard for years to come in Iraq. Thus Pledge activists will celebrate Earth Day by condemning war and its resultant environmental destruction.

Meet in the park in Reservoir Hill at the end of Park Avenue before climbing the stairs to the sidewalk on the 28th Street Bridge.

Directions: Head west on North Avenue. After passing the entrance to I83, turn right [go north] on Park Avenue. Go to the end of Park Avenue.



Baltimore Green Party

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The Baltimore Green Party meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month

Progressive Action Center
1443 Gorsuch Avenue, Baltimore

URL: http://www.baltimoregreens.org

Big Muddy IMC

Earth Day Celebration

All day

Schedule of Events:

  • 10am = Interfaith Center set-up

  • 11am = Information/Action Fair begins and Free Bike Repair until 5 pm

  • 12-1pm = FREE global luncheon; come join us for a taste of how others in the world live.

  • 1-2pm = Performance by SIWADE: Southern Illinois West African Drum Ensemble

  • 2 pm = Movies showing in Dave Columbo Library: Barak and Isla de Flores [Isle of Flowers]

  • 2-4pm = Tour of Dayempur Farm by Wayne Weiseman [off-site; shuttle leaves Interfaith at 1:30]

  • 4-5pm = Wildlife Birds of Prey demonstration by Free Again

  • 5:30 pm = Vegetarian Potluck Dinner with music by CoalTrain. Hugh opens with a celebratory spiritual reading. Main menu: squash soup, saffrom rice, sushi roll, homemade pizza, spring greens salad, and more!


Dave Blume is a pioneer and major advocate of permaculture who started operating a farm applying permaculture methods and providing quality produce to hundreds of people in the San Francisco area. He is also the author of "Alcohol Can Be a Gas."

Schedule of Events:
  • 6:30 pm = Poetry Reading by Treesong

  • 6:45 pm = "Nature, Society, and the Role of Individual Responsibility" by Yuki

  • 7:00 pm = "Permaculture: Designing with Nature" by Dave Blume

  • 8:30 pm = Open Conversation with Refreshments

We hope to see you there!

Interfaith Center
[913 S. Illinois Ave. in Carbondale]


URL: http://www.permaculture.com/

Big Muddy IMC

WSIU Local Earth Day Special

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

A locally produced special about Earth Day and our relationship with the Earth

Channel 8


URL: http://www.wsiu.org/programming/tvschedules/localproduction.shtml

Boston IMC

Prison Book Program Volunteer Night

6:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Join us to answer prisoners' letters and send books to them.

110 Arlington St., Boston

Directions: 2 blocks from Arlington T stop or 3 blocks from Back Bay T stop


URL: http://www.prisonbookprogram.org

CMI La Plana

Impacte socio-ambiental del Pla Eòlic Valencià

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

A càrrec de la Colla Ecologista de Castelló.

Casal Jaume I c/Mare de Déu de la Balma 1 (Castelló)


Colorado IMC


7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

50m, 2002 documentary
Suspino - A Cry For Roma takes an unflinching look at the persecution that continues to plague Europe's largest and most vilified minority. With the fall of communism and rise of right-wing nationalism, the Roma (or Gypsies as they are pejoratively called) have become scapegoats for Eastern Europe's nascent democracies. Because of violent conflicts and discrimination, tens of thousands of Eastern European Roma are fleeing their countries. The film focuses on Romania where Europe's largest concentration of Roma are considered 'public enemies', and Italy, where the Roma are classified as nomads and relegated to living in camps. Here they are denied basic human rights available to refugees and foreign residents. Aiming to create a "Gypsy-free" Romanian town, a mayor tries to move local Roma into an abandoned chicken farm, encircled with barbed wire and patrolled by guards with dogs.

Mercury Cafe 2199 California St, Denver, CO 80205

Cost: donation


URL: http://www.mercurycafe.com

IMC Canarias

[Tenerife]Ciclo de cine contra la videovigilancia y el control social

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

"La innovación tecnológica viene a complementar y multiplicar, no a sustituir, los sanguinarios modelos de la represión clásica”


-Martes 20 de abril: "BRAZIL"

Sinopsis: Brazil es una visión surrealista sobre un futuro perfecto en el cual impera la tecnología. Todo el mundo está controlado por una agencia gubernamental secreta que prohíbe que el amor interfiera con la eficacia.
Esta fantasía poco convencional, mezcla un humor cruel con un análisis mordaz sobre una inolvidable visión de un mañana soberbiamente sórdido.
Director: Terry William. Año:1985. Duración: 124 min. País: USA

- Miércoles 21 de abril: "EL SHOW DE TRUMAN"
Sinopsis: Truman Burbank, un ciudadano modelo, tiene la sensación de que le vigilan y no se equivoca. Cada segundo de día, desde el momento en que nació, ha sido el protagonista inadvertido de la telenovela más larga de la historia sin que él lo supiera.
Director: Peter Weir. Año:1998. Duración: 99 min. País: USA

-Jueves 22 de abril: "FAHRENHEIT 451"
Sinopsis: Adaptación de la novela de Ray Bradbury, sobre la civilización en el futuro en donde todo el material impreso está prohibido. Un brutal recordatorio de las implicaciones de perder nuestra individualidad y nuestra libertad. Fahrenheit 451 es la temperatura a la cual el papel arde. Guy Montag es un bombero del Departamento de Incendios cuyo trabajo consiste en quemar libros prohibidos por el Gobierno.
Director: François Truffaut. Duración: 113 min. Año: 1966 País: Francia.

-Viernes 23 de abril: "1984"
Sinopsis: Basada en el clásico de George Orwell, escrito en 1948. En 1984 el mundo esta dominado por gobiernos absolutistas que prohíben cualquier manifestación de placer. Winston, un trabajador del Ministerio de la Verdad, está escribiendo un diario que puede ser motivo de detención, tortura y ``vaporización´´. Su vida se complica cuando conoce a Julia, con la que inicia una relación clandestina, que mantienen fuera del alcance de las cámaras que vigilan a la población, para aniquilar cualquier asomo de rebelión.
Director: Michael Radford. Duración: 105 min. Año:1984. País: UK

Todas las proyecciones tendrán lugar en el local sociocultural TAMONANTE (c/Dr. Zamenhof nº7, La Laguna), a partir de las 20:00 horas.
Entrada: 0,50€. Bono 4 películas: 1,50€

Tras la película del viernes habrá una "fiesta contra la videovigilancia"

Local Sociocultural TAMONANTE (c/Dr. Zamenhof nº7, La Laguna)

Cost: 0,50€, Bono para las 4 pelis: 1,50€.


URL: http://www.azarug.org

IMC Canarias

[Gran Canaria]Charla: "La escuela racionalista"

8:00 PM - 11:30 PM




Indymedia Barcelona

Xerrada "Hem derrotat el neofranquisme?"

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM


12:00 facultat d'Economiques aula 120
Taula rodona:"Hem derrotat el neofranquisme?"
a càrrec de:

Arcadi Oliveras (president de Justicia i Pau)
Felipe Aranguren (Socioleg i Politoleg)
Antoni Barberà (Metge i membre del PCC)
Raul Valls (Portamveu de la plataforma Salvem les Valls)

Facultat d'Economiques

Cost: gratuit


URL: http://www.pcc.es/cjc

Indymedia Barcelona

Dinar Popular i Festa

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


14:00 gespeta PALAU REIAL


menú carnívor: botifarra+pa amb tomàquet + patates + vi.
o menú vegetarià

i Festa amb el Ragga-Reagge de:


Fira d'Entitats que treballen al Campus

Salut i Revolució!

Gespa Palau Reial
metro palau reial


URL: http://www.pcc.es/cjc

Indymedia Barcelona

Inaguración del C.S.O La banka Rota (KNY )

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Este viernes inaguramos oficialmente el nuevo centro social La Banka Rota, estais invitad@s. A partir de las 22h, cena espectaculo, + cantautor con Jose Merino + DJ´s del centro social, estais tod@s invitad@s.

C/ Rubio i Ors nº 103, KorNeYa, Metro cornellà, FFCC cornellà.

Cost: gratix


Lawrence IMC

Free Meal at L.I.N.K.

1:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The purpose of L.I.N.K., the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, is to provide a pleasant, safe place for the hungry or lonely to share a free, nutritious meal and the companionship of one another. We believe loneliness can be as painful as hunger, companionship as powerful as love. Anyone who desires a meal is served, no questions asked. Diners are treated as our invited guests. We do not provide counseling, but rather refer individuals to appropriate agencies when they ask for help. Our focus is on food and fellowship.

Basement of 1st Methodist Church
221 West 10th Street
Lawrence, KS

Cost: free


URL: http://community.lawrence.com/link/

Lawrence IMC

Anarchist Black Cross Letter Writing

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The Anarchist Black Cross has sought to bring attention to the plight of all prisoners and to inspire an Anarchist resistance and support movement on the outside. We fund-raise on behalf of prisoners or defense committees in need of funds for legal cases or otherwise, and organize demonstrations of solidarity with imprisoned Anarchists and other prisoners.
Please attend a letter writing session before attending a regular meeting.

13 W. 14th Street

Cost: free

Directions: Between Massachusetts and Vermont, on the south side.


URL: http://www.kansasanarchist.net/ABC/

New Hampshire IMC

Thursday in Wells, Maine: Protest Bush’s Earth Day visit

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Dear MoveOn member,

We hope you can make it to Wells, Maine, this Thursday morning, to protest President Bush's Earth Day visit there.

Details, provided by our friends at U.S. PIRG, follow.

Have fun!

- Peter Schurman
April 19th, 2004


This Thursday, April 22nd, President Bush is traveling to Wells, Maine, about ten miles from his parents’ estate in Kennebunkport, to announce funding for salmon conservation projects already under way. It’s fitting that President Bush has chosen Maine for his Earth Day visit. Like the rest of America, the state has felt the brunt of President Bush’s systematic effort to let his campaign contributors in the oil, coal, and timber industries dismantle protections for America’s clean air, clean water, and open space.

To send a message that President Bush should start prioritizing America’s environment over the corporate polluters who contribute to his campaigns, please join Mainers and other New Englanders at a rally outside President Bush’s event on Thursday, April 22 at 8 am in Wells.

Here are the details:

* Show up at 8 am on Thursday, April 22,
at the Wells Town Offices parking lot
at 208 Sanford Road in Wells.


Since entering office, President Bush has systematically dismantled America’s most basic environmental protections. Maine has suffered some of the worst environmental damage from his actions. Maine’s Acadia National Park suffers some of the worst smog and haze of any National Park in the country, and Maine’s once-famous salmon contain high levels of mercury and toxic PCB’s that make them unsafe to eat. At the same time, President Bush has given in to pressure from his campaign contributors in the coal and power plant industries and weakened and delayed implementation of the Clean Air Act.

Of course, this isn't the only way the Bush administration is weakening environmental protections. Since the last Earth Day alone, President Bush has taken several other major anti-environment actions:

- Signed his "Healthy Forest Initiative" into law, allowing the timber industry to log America’s biggest, most ecologically valuable, and most fire-resistant trees in the name of fire prevention.

- Proposed to allow coal fired power plants to emit six to seven times the amount of poisonous mercury into the air, while delaying full implementation of the Clean Air Act for mercury until 2018.

- Implemented a guidance that eliminated protection for 20 million acres of American wetlands, and over 20 percent of American waterways, allowing industrial mining operations and developers to fill and pollute America’s waters.

- Has made taxpayers foot the bill for clean up of toxic waste sites polluters are responsible for.

This Earth Day, join other New Englanders in Wells, Maine to call on President Bush to protect America’s environment, not polluters.
This is a message from MoveOn.org.
To unsubscribe yourself from this list, please visit
our subscription management page at

Wells Town Offices parking lot
208 Sanford Road
Wells, ME

Cost: O

Directions: Directions to the rally from north or south:

* Heading north or south on I-95,
* take the ME-109/ME-9 exit (Exit 2) towards Wells/Sanford.
* Continue for approximately .7 miles.
* Turn left onto Sanford Rd./ME-9/ME-109.
* Continue for approximately 1 mile towards downtown Wells.
* Take a left into the Wells Town Offices parking lot at 208 Sanford Rd.


New Hampshire IMC

Peace Vigil-Concord

5:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Thursday Peace Vigil

in front of the NH State House, Concord

in front of NH State House, Concord


Rochester IMC

Smash The State

1:30 PM - 9:30 PM




Rochester IMC

Smash The State

8:30 PM - 9:30 PM




Santa Cruz Indymedia

Sacred Earth, Sacred Texts: Spiritual Basis for Environmentalism

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

In Celebration of Earth Day 2004,
Sacred Earth, Sacred Texts:
Spiritual Basis for Environmentalism

Thursday, April 22, 5-7 pm
College Nine/Ten, UCSC
Namaste Lounge

Music, snacks and drinks, and lively discussion available to all!

Everyone welcome!

Join the University Religious Council as we explore spiritual resources for environmental action with our guest speaker, Gary Patton, as he speaks on This Earth and Our World - Reflections on What The Serpent Said.

Gary Patton is the Executive Director of Land Watch. LandWatch is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization whose mission is to "promote and inspire sound land use policy through grassroots community action." This environmental organization strives to limit the impact of human populations on the environment by shaping the land use policies of city and county general plans. He is also a regular commentator on KUSP, the local NPR affiliate. Before serving as a representative on the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors for twenty years, Gary Patton came to prominence locally as the man who saved Lighthouse Field. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the California
Futures Network, a statewide coalition working for fundamental changes in California's land use laws and regulations.

Sponsored by the University Religious Council including: Baha'i Association, Buddhist Society, Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, International Students, Inc., Lutheran Campus Ministry, Newman Catholic Campus Ministry, Santa Cruz Hillel Foundation and United Campus Christian Ministry.
Also sponsored by Colleges Nine & Ten.

The URC would like to make this event accessible to people with disabilities. Please call SAO, 831-459-2934.

Questions? Contact Pat - patpuder-AT-aol.com, 247-6145

Namaste Lounge
College Nine/Ten, UCSC


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Copwatch / HUFF Street Organizing & Broadcasting

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) activists and Copwatch workers will jointly staff a table to sign up volunteers, gather reports, and broadcast Bathrobespierre's Broadsides, a Free Radio Santa Cruz show that airs 6-8 PM Thursdays (as well as Sundays 9:30 AM -1 PM). Folks are invited to call in reports from the street about police and host behavior as well as updates on other matters.

Pacific and Soquel Sts. in front of the Borders Bookstore

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Green Building Public Forum

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

The City of Santa Cruz Green Building Working
Group, appointed in October 2002 by the City
Planning Commission, seeks public input on its
draft report for establishing a citywide Green
Building Program. The proposed program would
provide a mechanism for green or sustainable
building techniques to be phased into planning
and approval processes applicable to public and
private development projects within the City of
Santa Cruz.


Thursday evening, April 22, 2004

(Space is limited. Please RSVP by calling 831
420 5127or by email to
lmiranda-AT-ci.santa-cruz.ca.us )
6:30 - 7:00 PM Introductions and Orientation
7:00 - 8:30 PM Presentation & Open Discussion
lead by the Green Building Working Group
8:30 - 9:00 PM Additional Input and Networking


Louden Nelson Community Center (corner of Laurel & Center Streets)
301 Center St., Room #3
Santa Cruz CA 95060


Prior to the Community Workshop, review the
draft report available on or after April 1,
2004, at the:

City Webpage: www.ci.santa-cruz.ca.us/pl/gbwg/gbwg.html

City Planning Department Information Counter:
809 Center Street, Room 206, Santa Cruz CA 95060

City Library: Reference Desk, 224 Church St, Santa Cruz CA 95060

Provide input to the Green Building Working
Group on the draft report for a Green Building
Program as follows:

Attend and present your comments at the Workshop

Place your written comments in the suggestion box at the Workshop

Mail your comments to the Green Building
Working Group: City Hall, 809 Center St, Rm.
206, Santa Cruz CA 95060

Send comments by Email:
rstubendorff-AT-ci.santa-cruz.ca.us or


Everyone. Residents interested in every aspect
of property development within the City of Santa
Cruz, including: Landowners, Builders,
Designers, Planning and Environmental
Consultants, Architects, Engineers, Developers,
Realtors, Property & Facility Managers, Tenants,
Inspectors and Planners

Louden Nelson Center
301 Center Street
Santa Cruz


URL: http://www.pacfuel.com

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Muslim Poetry Performance

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

The UC Santa Cruz Muslim Student Alliance presents

ALL ARE WELCOME to this weeklong event of educational talks,
dialogue, and a poetry performance to challenge and deconstruct stereotypes and misconceptions of Women in Islam.

Thurs 4/22: Muslim Poetry Performance
College 9/10 Namaste
8:00 pm

Spoken word artists perform Calligraphy of Thought
- a Bay area artist collective

- -


For more info:
Sr. Fatimah 831-502-0243


Cost: FREE! (including) REFRESHMENTS!


URL: http://www.ucscmsa.org

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC


All day

ADrug-Free Radio
Liars beware: Al Franken, co-host Katherine Lanpher and Team O'Franken invite you to spend three hours a day in the Zero Spin Zone.
Weekdays noon-3pm
Repeat: 11pm-2am

The Right has had its say for the last three years. Now, on "The Majority Report", co-hosts Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder have theirs. Our side just got a little bit louder.
Weekdays 8pm-11pm

Randi brings her own brand of provocative and infectiously humorous talk to Air America Radio.
Weekdays 3pm-7pm
Repeat: 2am-6am

Unfiltered is co-hosted by Lizz Winstead, Chuck D, and Rachel Maddow. This uncompromising program puts politics and culture through the wringer, uncensored and unfiltered.
Weekdays 9am-Noon

Go to www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Directions: For details related to available radio stations
and for RealAudio Live Feed, go to the web site

URL: http://www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Thursday Peace Witness

4:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Capitol Vigil Thursday

Join the Tallahassee Network for Justice and Peace, Veterans for Peace, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Students United for Peace, Thursdays in front of the Old Capitol, corner of Apalachee Parkway and Monroe Street

Sundays 12:30 to 2:30.
Thursdays 4:00 to 6:00

The Old Capitol, corner of Apalachee Parkway and Monroe Street

Cost: free


Western Massachusetts IMC

Transforming Globalization through Community

All day

The 2004 New England Conference on Economic Justice
April 22-24, 2004

Thursday April 22 7:30 pm
Keynote - David Korten “Renewing The American Experiment”
author of "When Corporations Rule the World"

Just Peace Players
returning from tour of People's Republic of China
online brochure:

Downloadable resources:

Brochure and registration form (pdf files)
Poster about the conference

A Sampling of Workshops

Globalization 101, FTAA, Cancún - This workshop will concentrate on a general overview of Corporate Globalization. Jean Grossholtz, who is recently returned
from the People’s World Water Forum and The World Social Forum, taught Politics and Women’s Studies at Mt. Holyoke College.

SaliAgua - an interactive dramatic workshop which shows how a small Latin American country has been affected by the forces of the global economy during
the past three decades: the 1970’s Growing Debt, the 1980’s Structural Adjustments, and the 1990’s Globalization: The New World Order. Participants in the workshop will represent the characters in the drama, ranging from
campesinos, to arms dealers, to the IMF. Newell Hendricks

Migrant Workers - Luis Alvarenga

How to End Corporate Rule in America - This workshop will be led by Ward Morehouse who, along with Richard Grossman, founded POCLAD (Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy) in 1995, after having helped lead the fight to bring redress to the thousands who suffered in the Bhopal disaster in India. Here is one of the most articulate and original thinkers and activists on the question of corporate power and its displacement of democratic process.

Globalization and its Effects on the People of Kenya, Especially Women - Anne Nasimiyu-Wasike is a Kenyan Religious woman belonging to the Religious Institute
of Little Sisters of St. Francis of Diocesan Right in Uganda. Currently she is professor of Systematic Theology at Kenyatta University in Nairobi Kenya. She is interested in the Theology of Inculturation as a Liberation Theology for Africa and lectures in African Women’s Theology and African Theology. This academic year she is a Faith Fellow at Yale University Divinity School.

Lobbying Effectively - Jim Stipe, North East Regional Organizer for Bread for the World, a faith-based advocacy group that works legislatively to address problems of hunger and poverty both in the US and around the world. One person does make a difference. Learn the steps necessary to become an effective advocate for economic justice issues.


Date and Time: This Conference begins at 7 pm on Thursday, April 22, 2004 and ends at 3 pm on Saturday, April 24. For those arriving early, there will be displays and a bookstore.

Place: The conference will be held at Mont Marie Conference Center, 34 Lower Westfield Road, Holyoke, MA (www.ssjspringfield.org). Meals, housing and all
conference gatherings will be held at the Conference Center. Other meal and housing options are available in the immediate vicinity.

Bookstore: Massachusetts Bible Society will provide a display of books and resources for sale, including liturgical and educational resources, as well as
books by the workshop leaders.

Displays: UCC FairTrade Coffee, Bread For the World, Jubilee USA, Justice & Witness Ministries UCC, AFSC

Financial Help: Scholarship Aid is available through local Conference offices.
See Conference information.

Costs $200 for overnighters: includes Conference registration, two nights, six meals.
$175 for overnighters: includes Conference registration, two nights, any four meals.
$100 Commuter Cost, Conference Registration, dinner Thur. and Fri., lunch Fri. and Sat.
$50 Commuter without meals. Thursday or Saturday only $10/no meals Friday only $15/no meals.
Registration after April 8 incurs a $15 charge.

Mont Marie Conference Center
34 Lower Westfield Road in Holyoke

Cost: see description

URL: http://uccjubilee.topcities.com/JubileeJustice.html

Western Massachusetts IMC


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Join students and staff at Smith College in support of members of Service Employees (SEIU) Local 211 who are fighting for a fair contract. SEIU Local 211 represents about 150 Housekeeping and Dining Service workers at Smith.

The College is intent on drastically cutting the numbers of kitchens and dining rooms for students. In doing so, it is showing little respect for the needs of the staff. The predominantly female staff are faced with the prospect of fewer jobs, reduced pay, cuts in hours, and increased health
insurance costs as a result of the College's plans. Students and staff alike are outraged!

Full-time positions are being cut and the number of part-time jobs will increase. Many full-time employees are being either moved to lower paying jobs or cut to 32 hours, thus eliminating health care benefits. For a college that prides itself on fostering a social conscience among its
students to so blatantly mistreat its staff is unconscionable.

The purpose of the vigil is to SHED LIGHT ON INJUSTICE and to urge the Smith administration to honor it's commitment to all women and preserve good jobs with good pay and benefits.

SEIU Local 211 proposed the following Preamble to their contract: "The College appreciates that the Union began, and has its historic roots, as a women's union and agrees that the dignity of work and the sufficiency of
wages and benefits for members of this Union should reflect and incorporate the commitment of Smith College to the rights and dignity of women workers." The response by the College's negotiators: "We are not interested."

Please also write a letter to President Carol T. Christ, President, College Hall 20, Smith College, Northampton MA 01063, mailto:cchrist-AT-email.smith.edu, urging her to tell the College's negotiators to Honor Labor by implementing the changes in a manner that are women- and worker-friendly.

Info, fact sheet: Ferd Wulkan, mailto:WULKAN-AT-external.umass.edu, or Maura
Carland, 585-7682, mailto:mcarland-AT-smith.edu, or WMass Jobs With Justice, mailto:wmjwy-AT-hge.net.

In front of John Greene Hall, Smith College, Elm St (Route 9),
Northampton. After speakers, we will march to the President's house.



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Today is Thursday


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