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  April 2004  
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Events for Tuesday, 20 April 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Atlanta IMC

Currents of Resistance On WREK 91.1 *************** It's Radical, It's Timely, It's Info You Will Hear Nowhere Else!

6:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Listen to the Atlanta IMC radio show, Currents of Resistance, every Tuesday, from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m., on WREK, Georgia Tech Radio 91.1 FM

Atlanta, Georgia

Directions: WREK, Georgia Tech Radio 91.1 FM


URL: http://www.currentsofresistance.org

Boston IMC

Prison Book Program CLOSED

6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Prison Book Program is closed tonight due to our fundraising event with Howard Zinn. Please join us there!

110 Arlington St., Boston, MA


URL: http://www.prisonbookprogram.org

Boston IMC

Protest Israel's assassination of Dr. al-Rantissi

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM


Condemn Israel's Murder of Dr. al-Rantissi!

Protest IDF War Criminal and overseer of the Apartheid Wall speaking in Brookline!

Tuesday, 4/20, 6:30 p.m.
Congregation Kehillath Israel,
384 Harvard Street, Brookline

On April 17, Israeli occupying forces assassinated Dr.'Abdul 'Aziz al-Rantissi, leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement
(Hamas) in the Gaza Strip. The attack also killed two of Dr. al-Rantissi's bodyguards, and wounded four civilian bystanders. This assassination came less than one month following the assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader and founder of Hamas, who was assassinated by Israeli occupying forces on 22 March 2004.

Dr. al-Rantissi had survived an assassination attempt carried out by Israeli occupying forces on 10 June 2004. The attack left 2 Palestinian civilians dead and injured 30 others, including a number of children, and Dr. al-Rantissi's son.

Both attacks occurred only days after summit meetings between US and Israeli leaders -- the Aqaba Summit in June 2003 and the the April 14 meeting of Bush and Sharon in Washington. Bush no doubt okayed the assassination plan in his meeting with Sharon. It's hard not to see the lines of a joint US-Israeli plan for suppressing Palestinian resistance
by relentlessly targeting the leadership of the more active organizations struggling for liberation and Palestinian self-defense, and by collective punishment against civilians.

This is now the policy of the US government in it's own occupation of Iraq--a policy worked out with the help of Israeli military advisors. This was the policy of both governments in the occupation of Lebanon, until resistance forces drove out the occupation in 2000. It is a policy that is ultimately doomed in the face of a growing regional struggle to liberate the land from foreign occupation and colonial settlement. How many more casualties will be added to the list before this program of terror is ended?

On Tuesday, April 20 at 7:30 p.m. IDF General Doron Almog will be giving a talk in Brookline entitled "Israel's War on Terrorism: The View from the Front." This talk will be given by the expert on terrorizing Palestinians, who was appointed as Major General of the IDF's Southern Command and is the person responsible for the majority of the acts of violence committed against the Palestinians in Gaza since October of 2000. He was appointed as the overseer of the success of the Apartheid Wall and is responsible for the murder of hundreds of Palestinians, demolishing thousands of homes and
authorizing the use of shooting to kill as a so-called method of survival for the Israeli occupational forces.

Join us to protest this war-criminal! Join us to say

*No more colonial war in Palestine and Iraq!

*No more killing of resistance leaders!

*No more collective punishment of civilians!

*Long live the Intifada!

*Victory to the Iraqi and Palestinian resistance!

New England Committee to Defend Palestine

Outside of Congregation Kehillath Israel,
384 Harvard Street, Brookline

Cost: no cost, we just need everyone to bring their voice!


URL: http://www.onepalestine.org

Boston IMC

An evening with Howard Zinn - "Law and Justice in America"

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Join us for our spring fundraising event!

Light refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages will be served.
Venue is handicapped accessible and near the Red, Orange and Green lines.

11 Avenue de Lafayette, Boston, MA 02111

Cost: Admission is free, but donations between $20 – $2.8 Million (that’s $1 for each incarcerated person in the U.S.!) are welcom


URL: http://www.prisonbookprogram.org

Boston IMC

Defend Equal Marriage

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

By passing a discriminatory constitutional amendment on March 29th, the Massachusetts legislature has made clear its intention to take our rights away. Governor Romney is determined to defy the Supreme Judicial Court on May 17th. We must demand our rights! Help us organize for May 17th - the day when we finally have the freedom to marry whomever we choose.

The Boston Living Center, George Johnson Room, 29 Stanhope ST, Boston (in the South End, near Hard Rock Cafe)

Directions: For directions to the Boston Living Center via public transportation or car, visit the BLC Web site:


CMI Brasil

[a20] Campanha Contra a ALCA

2:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Ação Continental contra a ALCA. Ação pela liberdade de manifestação. Ação Anti-Capitalista.

14:00 - Av. Paulista. - Em frente à Gazeta. São Paulo-SP


IMC Canarias

[Tenerife]Ciclo de cine contra la videovigilancia y el control social

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

"La innovación tecnológica viene a complementar y multiplicar, no a sustituir, los sanguinarios modelos de la represión clásica”


-Martes 20 de abril: "BRAZIL"

Sinopsis: Brazil es una visión surrealista sobre un futuro perfecto en el cual impera la tecnología. Todo el mundo está controlado por una agencia gubernamental secreta que prohíbe que el amor interfiera con la eficacia.
Esta fantasía poco convencional, mezcla un humor cruel con un análisis mordaz sobre una inolvidable visión de un mañana soberbiamente sórdido.
Director: Terry William. Año:1985. Duración: 124 min. País: USA

- Miércoles 21 de abril: "EL SHOW DE TRUMAN"
Sinopsis: Truman Burbank, un ciudadano modelo, tiene la sensación de que le vigilan y no se equivoca. Cada segundo de día, desde el momento en que nació, ha sido el protagonista inadvertido de la telenovela más larga de la historia sin que él lo supiera.
Director: Peter Weir. Año:1998. Duración: 99 min. País: USA

-Jueves 22 de abril: "FAHRENHEIT 451"
Sinopsis: Adaptación de la novela de Ray Bradbury, sobre la civilización en el futuro en donde todo el material impreso está prohibido. Un brutal recordatorio de las implicaciones de perder nuestra individualidad y nuestra libertad. Fahrenheit 451 es la temperatura a la cual el papel arde. Guy Montag es un bombero del Departamento de Incendios cuyo trabajo consiste en quemar libros prohibidos por el Gobierno.
Director: François Truffaut. Duración: 113 min. Año: 1966 País: Francia.

-Viernes 23 de abril: "1984"
Sinopsis: Basada en el clásico de George Orwell, escrito en 1948. En 1984 el mundo esta dominado por gobiernos absolutistas que prohíben cualquier manifestación de placer. Winston, un trabajador del Ministerio de la Verdad, está escribiendo un diario que puede ser motivo de detención, tortura y ``vaporización´´. Su vida se complica cuando conoce a Julia, con la que inicia una relación clandestina, que mantienen fuera del alcance de las cámaras que vigilan a la población, para aniquilar cualquier asomo de rebelión.
Director: Michael Radford. Duración: 105 min. Año:1984. País: UK

Todas las proyecciones tendrán lugar en el local sociocultural TAMONANTE (c/Dr. Zamenhof nº7, La Laguna), a partir de las 20:00 horas.
Entrada: 0,50€. Bono 4 películas: 1,50€

Local Sociocultural Tamonante (c/Dr. Zamenhof nº7, La Laguna)

Cost: 0,50€. Bono para las 4 pelis: 1,50€


URL: http://www.azarug.org

IMC Canarias

[Gran Canaria]Conferencia ”Crisis mundiales en la era de la globalización”

8:30 PM - 11:30 PM

Conferencia ”Crisis mundiales en la era de la globalización”
Carlos Taibo, Profesor de Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Teatro Víctor Jara, Vecindario.


URL: http://canarias.indymedia.org/newswire/index.php

Indymedia Barcelona

Xerrada de Hebe de Bonafini (Madres de la Plaza de Mayo)

12:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Xerrada de la coneguda Hebe de Bonafini a la Facultat de Biologia (UB)

Aula Magna de la Facultat de Biologia

Indymedia Barcelona

Talleres para la Mayday

11:00 AM - 12:00 AM

La idea de los talleres es poder sacar materiales, pancartas,etc, para la Maydady. Asi como si quieres dinamizar un taller solo tienes que venir y hacerlo.

Por favot traer materiales!!!!!! (e ideas)

Asi que si teneis ideas y materiales ir llevandolas a Miles de Viviendas
(Sardenya 43) donde serán los talleres.

DIA y Hora

miércoles 28--11am Taller de Inflables en Bellas Artes

--17hs.Inflables y plantillas, pancartas.

Jueves 29 -- 11hs.Inflabes y demas

-- 17hs. Peparacion de materiales para la Mayday.


- bolsas de plástico (liso)
- "cubre todo" (plástico que sirve para cubrir todo, ein?, pues asi se
conoce en las tiendas)
- celo ANCHO (si tod@s traen mejor!)
- folios de plástico
- CD's que no sirvan (cuantos mas tengan mejor!)
- Telas o plasticos para pancartas
- Pintura
- Spray
- cutter
- tijeras
- radiografias
- curriculums
- pegamento

y lo que se les ocurra!

Miles de Viviendas

Cost: gratix

Directions: Sardenya 43
Metro Bogatell y también Marina


URL: http://www.euromayday.org

Indymedia Barcelona

xerrada sobre la situació del català

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

La Coordinadora d'Estudiants dels Països Catalans (CEPC) us convida avui dimarts 20 d'abril a les 6 de la tarda, a l'Aula Magna de la Universitat de Barcelona (Edifici Històric), a la xerrada sobre la situació del català,

Qui perd els orígens, perd la identitat

Emili Boix (sociolingüista i professor de la UB)
Tomeu Martí (periodista mallorquí)
Coordinadora d'Estudiants dels Països Catalans www.coordinadora.net cepc-AT-coordinadora.net

Aula Magna UB

Cost: gratis

Directions: Pça Universitat


Indymedia Barcelona

Charla sobre el Fórum 2004

7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Casa de la solidaritat

Directions: Vistalegre 15, BCN

URL: http://barcelona.indymedia.org/newswire/display/81766/index.php

Indymedia Barcelona

Veus afganeses

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Projecció dels documentals "L'11 de setembre ens vam posar molt contents" i "Kabul, how are you?", i xerrada a càrrec de Mònica Bernabé, presidenta d'ASDHA

Casal d'Associacions Juvenils de Barcelona (c/ Ausiàs Marc, 60)


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Concentración contra la Incineradora de Txingudi

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Concentración contra la Incineradora de Txingudi

En FICOBA (Avda. Iparralde)con motivo de la las Jornadas organizadas por Servicios de Txingudi para vender la Incineradora como una solución a la gestión de los RSU.



URL: http://www.txingudibizirik.tk

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Concentración contra la Incineradora de Txingudi

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Concentración contra la Incineradora de Txingudi

En FICOBA (Avda. Iparralde)con motivo de la las Jornadas organizadas por Servicios de Txingudi para vender la Incineradora como una solución a la gestión de los RSU.



URL: http://www.txingudibizirik.tk

Indymedia Euskal Herria

presentación de el libro "Con la comida no se juega"

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Charla de presentación de el libro "Con la comida no se juega" escrito por dos miembros de Bajo el Asfalto esta la Huerta!
¿Qué es el BAH?

BAH! es un colectivo madrileño dedicado desde 1999 a la agroecología que propone un modelo alternativo de producción, distribución y consumo agrícola. Este modelo se basa en la autogestión, sustentado en una estructura asamblearia y un funcionamiento horizontal que hace posible la relación directa productor-consumidora, implicando la participación tanto del colectivo de trabajadoras como de los diferentes grupos de consumo de distintos barrios, localidades y colectivos de Madrid que han ido constituyendo y ampliando el proyecto.

Likiniano Kultur Elkartea. Calle Ronda, 12. Casco Viejo de Bilbao.


Indymedia Scotland

Schnews at Ten Tour 2004

7:30 PM - 11:30 PM

The Uk's weekly direct action newsletter, is going on tour around Britain to talk about Schnews, alternative news media and more...
Direct Action campaign films.
Discussions on the G8 coming to Britain, anti-GM actions and what local direct action groups are up to.

Pearce Institute
840 Govan Road


URL: http://www.schnews.org.uk

Lawrence IMC

Jubilee Cafe

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

***Actual time is 7:15-8:15am***

Jubilee Café is an ecumenical campus and community outreach program sponsored by Canterbury House, the Episcopal Campus Ministry of the University of Kansas. It is committed to serving our homeless and in-need neighbors with dignity and respect. Our primary goals are to enhance self-esteem and promote wellness among our guests, our volunteers, and ourselves. Participation in, or affiliation with, either Canterbury House or any other sponsoring organization is not a prerequisite for volunteering at the Jubilee Café.

he Jubilee Café provides our homeless and in-need neighbors in the Lawrence area a generous and healthy breakfast on Tuesday and Friday mornings in a setting that allows our volunteers to interact with each person on an individual basis. Jubilee Café is a fully licensed restaurant that has been operating since 1994. We believe that by treating our visitors as guests and our volunteers as vital, we will affirm individual humanity and enhance self-esteem. The simple act of choosing an item from a menu allows a person to exercise a measure of control in one basic area of his or her life, which can cross over into other areas as well. And the act of serving another person in need gives us the direct experience of "loving our neighbor as ourselves."

pen on Tuesday and Friday mornings, the Café serves its guests from 7:00 am to 8:00 am.

Basement of the First Methodist Church, 10th and Vermont, Lawrence.

Cost: free

URL: http://www.ku.edu/~jubilee/whatis.htm

Lawrence IMC

Free Meal at L.I.N.K.

1:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The purpose of L.I.N.K., the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, is to provide a pleasant, safe place for the hungry or lonely to share a free, nutritious meal and the companionship of one another. We believe loneliness can be as painful as hunger, companionship as powerful as love. Anyone who desires a meal is served, no questions asked. Diners are treated as our invited guests. We do not provide counseling, but rather refer individuals to appropriate agencies when they ask for help. Our focus is on food and fellowship.

Basement of 1st Methodist Church
221 West 10th Street
Lawrence, KS

Cost: free


URL: http://community.lawrence.com/link/

Lawrence IMC

Anarchist Study Group

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

We meet every Tuesday at 7:00pm to read books, pamphlets, or articles, and then discuss and debate our interpretations and feelings about them.

13 W. 14th Street, Lawrence

Cost: free

Lawrence IMC

Anarchist Study Group

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Anarchist Study Group hosts films, book and zine readings, speakers, presentations, and knowledge sharing about anarchism and anti-capitalist ideas. Any and all are invited, no knowledge about these philosophies is needed.

Solidarity! Center
13 W 14th Street


Lawrence IMC

KU Environs Meeting

8:30 PM - 12:00 AM

A student group which undertakes environmentally-related activities.

3rd floor of the Kansas Union, KU


URL: http://www.ku.edu/~environs/

San Diego IMC

Reefer Madness world premiere

7:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Museum of Photographic Art in Balboa Park hosting a world premiere of the colorized version of Reefer Madness, a notoriously terrible 1938 pot propaganda film.

There are two showings. Call for details.

Museum of Photographic Arts in Balboa Park, 1649 El Prado, San Diego, CA.

Cost: $5


URL: http://www.legendfilms.net

Santa Barbara IMC

Outreach in the Era of Arnold: A Community and University Discussion

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Tuesday, April 20, 2004
7:00 PM
MultiCultural Center Lounge

The UCSB English Department's Diversity Work Group committee, along with co-sponsors Asian American Studies, Black Studies, Center for Black Studies, and Chicana/o Studies, is excited to announce an upcoming event on a topic that is important to and affects all of us--outreach. The event is entitled "Outreach in the Era of Arnold: A Community and University Discussion," and is scheduled for this Tuesday, April 20, at 7:00 PM in the MultiCultural Center Lounge. We have invited a diverse and dynamic panel of speakers to help us initiate a dialogue about the current status of outreach on our campus and in our community, the kinds of work being done, and the development of concrete
strategies for the near future. Panelists will give brief (5-minute) opening remarks, which will then be followed by discussion and a reception. We also hope to hold a follow-up session in May to put some of these ideas into

Panelists include Babatunde Folayemi (former City Council member and former director of Pro-Youth Alliance), Diane Hale (guidance counselor at San Marcos High School and former president of the George Washington Carver Scholarship
Committee), Monique Limon (special program advisor at Cal-SOAP), Patricia Canning (coordinator of School Relations at SBCC), John Mohr (Associate Dean of UCSB's Graduate Division), Marisela Marquez (Director of the Center for Faculty Outreach), among others.

Representatives involved in all different kinds of outreach and from all over our campus and community will be participating, and we see this as an extraordinary opportunity to discuss, network, and share resources with others doing similar kinds of work. There are so many of us who are committed to outreach to underrepresented communities, to diversity in higher education, and we think getting all of us together is a really exciting prospect.

UCSB MultiCultural Center Lounge


URL: http://www.sa.ucsb.edu/mcc/

Santa Barbara IMC

Father Speaks out Against War in Iraq

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Fernando Suarez del Solar, father of U.S. soldier killed in Iraq, Speaks out against IRAQ WAR:

Mr. Suarez went to Iraq where his son was killed. He is now traveling the U.S. to expose-without bitterness-the lies and injustices perpetuated by the Bush Administration in it war in Iraq.

All are welcome to this free event sponsored by local supporters of Global Exchage, a human rights organization working for peace and justice.

(Just off 101 Fwy. in shopping center at Borchard Rd. and Michael Dr.)

Cost: FREE


URL: http://www.globalexchange.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Reverand Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir defeats Big Box Chain Stores

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Church of Stop Shopping performs radical “retail interventions” of political theater cloaked in eh frock of evangelical fervor.

Just back from actions in Barcelona, Spain, the Church has fought Starbucks, Disney and Walmart in support of independent businesses and the survival of our neighborhoods. They will perform briefly (2hrs) in Santa Cruz on their tour from the Walmart invasions in L.A. to proposed Big Box Store developments in Northern California.

More into:
Reverend Billy and the Stop Big Boxes Gospel Choir sing and preach from LA to Humboldt County April 17 to 24th, performing for citizens, activist groups and union locals who are resisting the predatory influx of transnational chain stores.  Fourteen events over the course of the week include a Los Angeles screening of Playloud! Productions documentary “Reverend Billy”, a live concert for tree-sitters near Arcata and the finale performance at the 1400 seat Castro Theater in San Francisco.

Some performances take place in theaters, others are “retail interventions” –unannounced, unpermitted appearances that take place in “contested space” supercenter lobbies, sweatshop dressing rooms and strip mall parking lots. Throughout its seven year existence the OBIE-winning Church of Stop Shopping has fought Starbucks, Disney, Wal Mart (to name a few) promoting independent businesses and gift, thrift and barter economies; encouraging the survival of our neighborhoods; and giving a voice to countless sweatshop workers worldwide.

Pacific Avenue. Starting near the GAP proceeding to Urban Outfitters.

Cost: free

URL: http://revbilly.com

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Critical Resistance meeting

6:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Critical Resistance Santa Cruz County

Critical Resistance seeks to build an international movement to end the Prison Industrial Complex by challenging the belief that cages and controlling people makes us safe and secure.

Are you an organizer? A participant? Do you have IDEAS? Are you interested in learning more about the prison industrial complex? Are you already doing work on prison issues? Do you want to start working on prison issues? WE NEED YOU!

*We are looking to form an Advisory Board made up of prisoners, former prisoners, and families.* ALL ARE WELCOME!


Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos, 1817 Soquel Drive. 6:30-8PM

URL: http://www.criticalresistance.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

The Fragile Promise of Choice - speakers and video

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The Fragile Promise of Choice

Support reproductive freedom and the April 25 March for
Women's Lives in Washington, DC

Speakers & Video: Barbara Fuller of Planned Parenthood and Betsy McCarty of the County Public Health Department.

Sponsors: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Santa Cruz Branch

When: Tuesday, April 20 at 7:00 PM

Where: Quakers Meeting House 225 Rooney St. Santa Cruz
Turn right at North end of Morrisey ramp and around to Rooney St. Short left

Information 831-457-6797

Quakers Meeting House
225 Rooney St.
Santa Cruz

Directions: Quakers Meeting House 225 Rooney St. Santa Cruz
Turn right at North end of Morrisey ramp and around to Rooney St. Short left


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Santa Cruz Copwatch Meeting

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Weekly Copwatch meetings to help shape our purpose and plan of action in our community.

509 Broadway
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(Near Ocean St.)


URL: http://santacruzcopwatch.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

The Muslimah Voice

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The UC Santa Cruz Muslim Student Alliance presents

ALL ARE WELCOME to this weeklong event of educational talks,
dialogue, and a poetry performance to challenge and deconstruct stereotypes and misconceptions of Women in Islam.

Tues 4/20: The Muslimah Voice
Kresge 327
7:00 pm

A Q&A panel of 4 Muslim women from different backgrounds share their unique experiences

- -

Wed 4/21: Women and Islamic Law (Shariah)
Kresge 327
7:00 pm

A talk on Women and Islamic Law Stanford Professor Hina Azam

- -

Thurs 4/22: Muslim Poetry Performance
College 9/10 Namaste
8:00 pm

Spoken word artists perform Calligraphy of Thought
- a Bay area artist collective

- -


For more info:
Sr. Fatimah 831-502-0243


Cost: FREE! (including) REFRESHMENTS!


URL: http://www.ucscmsa.org

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC


All day

ADrug-Free Radio
Liars beware: Al Franken, co-host Katherine Lanpher and Team O'Franken invite you to spend three hours a day in the Zero Spin Zone.
Weekdays noon-3pm
Repeat: 11pm-2am

The Right has had its say for the last three years. Now, on "The Majority Report", co-hosts Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder have theirs. Our side just got a little bit louder.
Weekdays 8pm-11pm

Randi brings her own brand of provocative and infectiously humorous talk to Air America Radio.
Weekdays 3pm-7pm
Repeat: 2am-6am

Unfiltered is co-hosted by Lizz Winstead, Chuck D, and Rachel Maddow. This uncompromising program puts politics and culture through the wringer, uncensored and unfiltered.
Weekdays 9am-Noon

Go to www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Directions: For details related to available radio stations
and for RealAudio Live Feed, go to the web site

URL: http://www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Twincities IMC

Fair Trade and Human Rights Event with indigenous woman from Chiapas

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Fair Trade and Human Rights Event with indigenous woman from Chiapas

Women and their children make up more than 70% of the world’s poorest people and are often the first affected by the consequences of globalization. Women are also at the frontlines of the struggle for social justice, economic equality, democracy and fair trade.

Atzimba Perez from Chiapas, Mexico and Tom Hansen from the Mexico Solidarity Network will:
• Discuss threats to indigenous communities, especially women, such as the Free Trade Area of the Americas, NAFTA, Plan Puebla Panama, and the corn and coffee crisis in Mexico.
• Discuss human rights abuses in Mexico, their relationship to globalization and how indigenous communities are working to end the abuses and impunity.
• Promote a sustainable model of international trade based on economic justice
• Discuss the leadership of women in fair trade cooperatives
• Offer weavings and traditional handicrafts made in women’s cooperatives for sale to raise money to improve the living conditions in communities


SPONSORED BY: Mexico Solidarity Network,, Resource Center of the Americas, Centro de Derechos Laborales, MCTC’s ASEEJ & Student Life, Solidaridad para Mujeres, Metro State Student Senate & Cultural Diversity Committee,La Raza & Sin Fronteras Video Production

Minneapolis Comm. & Tech. College
1501 Hennepin Av. Mpls-Outdoor Event
(If Rain, Helland Center Student Lounge)

Cost: Free


Twincities IMC

Women Confronting Globalization

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Fair Trade and Human Rights Event with indigenous woman from Chiapas

Women and their children make up more than 70% of the world’s poorest people and are often the first affected by the consequences of globalization. Women are also at the frontlines of the struggle for social justice, economic equality, democracy and fair trade.

Atzimba Perez from Chiapas, Mexico and Tom Hansen from the Mexico Solidarity Network will:
• Discuss threats to indigenous communities, especially women, such as the Free Trade Area of the Americas, NAFTA, Plan Puebla Panama, and the corn and coffee crisis in Mexico.
• Discuss human rights abuses in Mexico, their relationship to globalization and how indigenous communities are working to end the abuses and impunity.
• Promote a sustainable model of international trade based on economic justice
• Discuss the leadership of women in fair trade cooperatives
• Offer weavings and traditional handicrafts made in women’s cooperatives for sale to raise money to improve the living conditions in communities


Also on Monday April 19th @ 7pm, join Atzimba as she speaks with leading Afro-Indigenous Venezuelan organizer, Jesus “CHUCHO” Garcia, At his presentation, “SOVEREIGNTY AGAINST GLOBALIZATION” At Wiley Hall, U of M West Bank Campus, Room 175

SPONSORED BY: Mexico Solidarity Network,, Resource Center of the Americas, Centro de Derechos Laborales, MCTC’s ASEEJ & Student Life, Solidaridad para Mujeres, Metro State Student Senate & Cultural Diversity Committee,La Raza & Sin Fronteras Video Production

University of Minnesota/La Raza
Coffman Union-300 Washington Av
Mpls. Suite 211- La Raza

Cost: free


Twincities IMC

Challenging Corporate Power w/ Betsy Barnum

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Are you interested in learning more about Corporations and Democracy? Betsy Barnum will speak on “Challenging Corporate Power, Asserting the People’s Rights,” a campaign of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). We will also discuss organizing study groups around this campaign.

Betsy Barnum is Executive Director of the Great River Earth Institute, a Fellow at the Center for Prosperity (a new, progressive think tank located in the Twin Cities), a member of the Alliance for Democracy and WILPF, and has been trained by the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy (POCLAD) to speak on issues of corporate power and democracy.

2001 Riverside Ave. The meeting room upstairs from St. Martin's Table. Enter up the stairs in the back from the parking lot. (This is the Trinity Lutheran Church offices.)

Cost: Free

Directions: Located at the corner of Riverside Ave and 20th Ave S in south Minneapolis near the west bank campus of the U of M. Across the street from North Country Co-op Grocery. From 94 take the Riverside Ave exit and go to 20th Ave S. From 35W take the University/4th St. exit, turn south on 10th Ave SE, go over the bridge and turn left on Riverside Ave. Go one block to 20th Ave S. Limited parking behind St. Martin's Table, otherwise park on the street.


Twincities IMC

Women Confronting Globalization

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Women Confronting Globalization

Fair Trade and Human Rights Event with indigenous woman from Chiapas

Women and their children make up more than 70% of the world’s poorest people and are often the first affected by the consequences of globalization. Women are also at the frontlines of the struggle for social justice, economic equality, democracy and fair trade.

Atzimba Perez from Chiapas, Mexico and Tom Hansen from the Mexico Solidarity Network will:
• Discuss threats to indigenous communities, especially women, such as the Free Trade Area of the Americas, NAFTA, Plan Puebla Panama, and the corn and coffee crisis in Mexico.
• Discuss human rights abuses in Mexico, their relationship to globalization and how indigenous communities are working to end the abuses and impunity.
• Promote a sustainable model of international trade based on economic justice
• Discuss the leadership of women in fair trade cooperatives
• Offer weavings and traditional handicrafts made in women’s cooperatives for sale to raise money to improve the living conditions in communities


SPONSORED BY: Mexico Solidarity Network,, Resource Center of the Americas, Centro de Derechos Laborales, MCTC’s ASEEJ & Student Life, Solidaridad para Mujeres, Metro State Student Senate & Cultural Diversity Committee,La Raza & Sin Fronteras Video Production

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
2730 East 31st Street Mpls
(around corner from Post Office & Resource Center of the Americas)

Cost: Free


Twincities IMC

Indymedia Film Night

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Join the Twin Cities Independent Media Center on the third tuesday each month for an exclusive screening of the indymedia newsREAL: independently produced news videos you won't see from corporate media from Independent Media Centers around the globe! Plus an independently produced film--changes each month.

Two showings:
8pm, 18+
10pm, 21+

the dinkytowner
412-1/2 14 th Ave SE Mpls

Cost: no cover

URL: http://satellite.indymedia.org



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