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  April 2004  
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Events for Monday, 19 April 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]


Baltimore County Greens Monthly Meeting

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The Baltimore County Greens will be holding its monthly meeting on April 19th at 7 p.m. at Ruby Tuesday's in Towson.

TOWSON, MD 21204

The Baltimore County Green Party meets every third Monday of each month. Questions can be emailed to Dave Goldsmith (Baltimore County Green Party Coordinator) at dave-AT-baltimorecountygreens.org> dave-AT-baltimorecountygreens.org

Ruby Tuesdays, Towson
TOWSON, MD 21204

Cost: Free!


URL: http://www.baltimorecountygreens.org


Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore Meeting

7:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Join the Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore as it meets on Monday nights at the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) building on York Road. The Pledge, formerly the Iraq Pledge of Resistance, regularly engages in civil disobedience on behalf of our collective civil liberties. Every action is non-violent and is conducted peacefully.

The Pledge has a series of actions planned in the upcoming months that are designed to visibly oppose the Bush administration's "preemptive" warmongering and attacks on the Bill of Rights. If you're concerned about the direction the US is heading to please consider coming out and joining us. (Note: it is always advisable to call in advance to confirm the meeting is being held as scheduled.)

806 York Road, Baltimore, MD



Eyewitness Palestine

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Danielle Sara Frank

speaks about her six month visit last year to the
West Bank, under Israeli military occupation.

She will show photos and video from her trip, and
discuss U.S. aid to Israel and U.S. responsibilities
in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Hodson Hall, room 216
Johns Hopkins University, Homewood campus

Cost: free

Directions: Building #2 on webapps.jhu.edu/jhuniverse/information_about_hopkins/visitor_information/how_to_get_here/homewood_campus/campus.cfm
For directions, see webapps.jhu.edu/jhuniverse/information_about_hopkins/visitor_information/how_to_get_here/homewood_campus/index.cfm


Big Muddy IMC

Waco: The Rules of Engagement

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

A outraging documentary about the corrupt and lying government (Clinton administration) that took place at the massacre in Waco, Texas. This film is disgustingly true and you will not trust your government afterwards. Come see it for free at seven p.m. tonight!

BMIMC 214 N. Washington

Cost: free: Donations gladly accepted


Indymedia Barcelona

5a. Concentració de Titelles

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

"Ja som a la 5a.edició de la trobada de titelles al Poble Espanyol. Creiem que aquest és un bon moment per fer una petita pausa i tornar a explicar el com i el perquè d’aquesta concentració. Aquesta breu reflexió servirà per no perdre mai la intenció que ens ha dut fins aquí.

Ara ja fa cinc anys ens vàrem plantejar la necessitat d’organitzar una trobada anual de titelles, amb l’objectiu d’esdevenir una plataforma de llançament de joves titellaires. Any rera any, ens hem anat retrobant en aquest bell recinte, - que enguany cel.lebra els seus 75 anys-, per participar dels tallers de construcció de titelles o de manipulació, per divertir-nos i aprendre amb espectacles vinguts de tot arreu, amb titelles característics de Catalunya o d’altres indrets, amb els divertits i esbojarrats titelles de cachiporra originaris de la resta de la península.

I ara, tanqueu els ulls per gaudir com els més petits; res no és el que sembla: els titelles no són ninots de paper maixé, sinó un món petit, o no tan petit, amb la única finalitat de refinar els sentits, fer revisar el món mort que ens envolta i dotar-lo, màgicament, de nous òrgans per a l’amor".

Patrícia Riveras


Cie. Théâtres de marionnettes Daniel Raffel – La cabaña de Pepe
Un petit teatret ambulant s’infiltra entre la multitud. En Pepe, un curiós personatge, apareix de sobte i en contacte directe amb el públic, provoca sorpresa al seu voltant. (Durada: 30 min.)
Plaça Major, a les 12 h i a les 15.35 h

Toni Zafra
Es mostren alguns dels nous personatges de Món nan, espectacle que s'estrenarà proximament i en el qual es recullen diferents atraccions clàssiques per a solista i on es fa referència, principalment, a la bohèmia i al món animal.
A Món nan, poesia i moviments sofisticats queden embastats per breus relats musicals. (Titelles de fil. Durada: 60 min.).
Plaça Major, a les 12.30 h i a les 17 h

Galiot, teatre de titelles – Animalets
Enmig d’un bosc hi viu el Sr. Natura. El gall serà l’encarregat de despertar-lo. A poc a poc aniran apareixent els diferents animals que hi viuen: un elefant, una serp, un gripau.... (Espectacle de titelles de tija. Durada: 55 min).
Plaça Aragonesa, a les 12.35 h i a les 16 h

Cia. Xicana – La vida màgica
Una aventurera que viatja arreu del món explica les seves anècdotes que reviuen amb la màgia i la participació dels assistents. (Durada: 60 min.)
Plaça Aragonesa, a les 13.35 h i a les 17 h

Cie. Théâtres de marionnettes Daniel Raffel – Cinemarionnette
Fent voltes a la manivela, el teatret es converteix en un estrany projector de cinema. El decorat es transforma en una pantalla, on el personatge mima el seu paper al ritme de la llum sincopada i de la música de Ragtime... (Durada: 7 min.)
Plaça de la Font, a les 13.15 h, 13.45 h, 16.45 h, 17.15 h i 18 h

La finestra imaginària* – Bigolí
Us penseu que ho sabeu tot sobre Dalí? Hi ha uns dies de la vida del geni, dels quals ningú no en té constància... Només hi ha una persona que ho sap tot... (Espectacle de pallassos i titelles. Durada: 45 min)
*Companyia creada fa poc temps que es dóna a conèixer seguint l’esperit de la concentració.
Baluard, a les 13.45 h i a les 18 h


Horari: de 12 a 14.30 h i de 15.30 a 18 h
Pl. Major

Taller de construcció de marotes* (places limitades)
Taller de manipulació de titelles (places limitades)

*marota: titella de pal de grans dimensions que utilitza la mà del titellaire per gesticular i manipular

Poble Espanyol de Montjuïc
Marques de Comillas, s/n
08038 Barcelona

Cost: Adults: 7 euros / Nens de 7 a 12 anys: 3,90 / Carnet Familiar: 14 euros


URL: http://www.poble-espanyol.com/cat/agenda/titelles/2004/index.html

Indymedia Barcelona

Talleres para la Mayday

11:00 AM - 10:00 PM

La idea de los talleres es poder sacar materiales, pancartas,etc, para la Maydady. Asi como si quieres dinamizar un taller solo tienes que venir y hacerlo.

Por favot traer materiales!!!!!! (e ideas)

Asi que si teneis ideas y materiales ir llevandolas a Miles de Viviendas
(Sardenya 43) donde serán los talleres.

DIA y Hora

miércoles 28--11am Taller de Inflables en Bellas Artes

--17hs.Inflables y plantillas, pancartas.

Jueves 29 -- 11hs.Inflabes y demas

-- 17hs. Peparacion de materiales para la Mayday.


- bolsas de plástico (liso)
- "cubre todo" (plástico que sirve para cubrir todo, ein?, pues asi se
conoce en las tiendas)
- celo ANCHO (si tod@s traen mejor!)
- folios de plástico
- CD's que no sirvan (cuantos mas tengan mejor!)
- Telas o plasticos para pancartas
- Pintura
- Spray
- cutter
- tijeras
- radiografias
- curriculums
- pegamento

y lo que se les ocurra!

Miles de Viviendas

Cost: gratix

Directions: Sardenya 43
Metro Bogatell y también Marina


URL: http://www.euromayday.org

Indymedia Euskal Herria


8:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Nekazari mugimendua Kolonbian.

Elizondoko Arizkunenean


Japan Indymedia

Turn Off TV Week Begins

All day



URL: http://www.tvturnoff.org

Kansas City IMC

Monthly Meeting for Citizens for Justice in the Middle East (CJME)

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

We encourage you to join with us in working towards peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Attend our next monthly business meeting on Village Presbyterian Church in Mission, Kansas to learn more about our work and find out how you can work with us.

Village Presbyterian Church
Room Y125
67th & Mission
Mission, KS

Cost: free and open to the public


URL: http://www.cjme.org

Lawrence IMC

Free Spanish Class

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Free Spanish Classes are held every Monday and Wednesday at the Solidarity! Center. Classes are for anyone and everyone interested in learning Spanish at any level.

Solidarity! Radical Center
13 w. 14th Street

Cost: Free!


New Hampshire IMC

Film Presentation: “Life and Debt”

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The film examines the impact of Jamaica’s debt to international lending organizations on local industry and agriculture. A harsh but persuasive indictment, “Life and Debt” portrays the end of Jamaica as a self-sufficient economic entity, and its conversion into a market for North American goods and a source of underpaid labor.

“Life and Debt” details how Jamaica’s involvement in the global economy has been harmful. Examples include how powdered milk from the United States, (purchased from subsidized American dairy farmers and dumped at a loss) has destroyed the Jamaican fresh milk industry, and how subsidized Idaho potatoes have bankrupted Jamaican potato farmers. Other examples cited are McDonald's refusal to buy local meat, and how sweet Jamaican onions are underpriced by American onions sold at a loss.

The IMF funds may be used to help local businesses, but as former Jamaican prime minister Michael Manley observes, it charges twice the world rate for interest and forbids the country from charging its own lenders less. An IMF-backed small business loan in Jamaica might carry 25 percent interest.

''You ask, whose interest is the IMF serving?'' Manley says. "Ask--who set it up?''

IMF policies can be changed only by an 80 percent vote. The United States, Japan, Germany, England, Canada and Italy control more than 80 percent of the votes. This raises the question: Are the economies of less industrial nations, like Jamaica, deliberately destablilized and turned into captive markets for the wealthier nations, while their once self-sufficient inhabitants become cheap labor and local competition is stifled?

For some, such a question is absurd. For others, the jury is still out. For those protesting in Washington DC later this month, their voices of concern and outrage speak to the certainty of their convictions. Here in New Hampshire, “Life and Debt” provides a thoughtful report to broaden awareness.

Parish Hall, Peterborough UU Church, 25 Main Street, Peterborough, NH

Cost: The event is free and open to the general public.


URL: http://www.lifeanddebt.org/

Rochester IMC

More testy

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Santa Barbara IMC


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

KCSB-FM Presents Amy Goodman
Live at Campbell Hall
University of California, Santa Barbara
Monday, April 19, 2004 @ 7pm

KCSB 91.9 FM is proud to present award-winning radio journalist Amy Goodman, host and executive producer of "Democracy Now!," live at UCSB's Campbell Hall on Monday, April 19th at 7 P.M. Goodman will appear in Santa Barbara as a part of a west coast tour promoting her first book, "The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media that Love Them," to be released in early April by Hyperion Books. Her appearance will include a screening of the short documentary film, "Independent Media in a Time of War," a lecture, a question-and-answer session, and a book signing.

"Democracy Now!" airs daily on over 200 non-commercial radio and television stations throughout the United States including KCSB, which was the only station in Southern California to carry the program from Aug. 2001-Jan. 2002, while it was "in exile" from the Pacifica Radio Network. Goodman, who began working in community radio in 1985, is the recipient of numerous awards for her accomplishments, including the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Prize and the 1998 George Polk Award for her radio documentary produced with Jeremy Scahill, "Drilling and Killing: Chevron and Nigeria's Oil Dictatorship," which exposes the oil company's role in the killing of two Nigerian villagers that year. Recently, Goodman was the first journalist in the United States to report on allegations of the U.S. kidnapping of Haiti's president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and provided exclusive reports on his return to the Caribbean. This coverage subsequently gained the attention of other U.S. news outlets, and is sparking support for congressional investigations. More generally, her work has also earned her access to the mainstream news media, such as the New York Times and CNN.

Tickets on sale now at the Associated Students Ticket Office on campus, and will also be available by phone, (805) 893-2064. Admission is $6 student, $12 general (plus service charge), and half-off on a single admission with the purchase of "The Exception to the Rulers" from co-sponsor Chaucer's Books (redeemable with Chaucer's receipt at A.S. Ticket Office). All proceeds raised from ticket sales will benefit KCSB, a listener-supported college and community radio station now in its 42nd year. Additionally, Chaucer's will sell copies of Goodman's book at the event. The lecture is expected to sell out, and assigned seating will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. "Democracy Now!" itself can be heard on KCSB Mondays through Fridays from 4-5pm.

For more information, the public can contact KCSB at (805) 893-3757, or e-mail info-AT-kcsb.org. This event is also sponsored by The Santa Barbara Independent.

UCSB - Campbell Hall

Cost: Students $6, Community Members $12

URL: http://www.kcsb.org, www.democracynow.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Julian Keniry presentation

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Julian Keniry, founder of the National Wildlife Federation's Campus Ecology Program

"Ecodemia: The Greening of University Campuses"

UCSC - Classroom Unit 2 (near the Baytree Bookstore)

Cost: No Charge (Donations accepted)


URL: http://www.eslp.net/santacruz/santacruz.htm

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Women In Islam 101

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

The UC Santa Cruz Muslim Student Alliance presents
April 19th-22nd

ALL ARE WELCOME to this weeklong event of educational talks,
dialogue, and a poetry performance to challenge and deconstruct stereotypes and misconceptions of Women in Islam.

Mon 4/19: Women In Islam 101
College 9/10 Namaste

An introductory talk about Women in Islam Maha El-Genadi

- -

Tues 4/20: The Muslimah Voice
Kresge 327
7:00 pm

A Q&A panel of 4 Muslim women from different backgrounds share their unique experiences

- -

Wed 4/21: Women and Islamic Law (Shariah)
Kresge 327
7:00 pm

A talk on Women and Islamic Law Stanford Professor Hina Azam

- -

Thurs 4/22: Muslim Poetry Performance
College 9/10 Namaste
8:00 pm

Spoken word artists perform Calligraphy of Thought
- a Bay area artist collective

- -


For more info:
Sr. Fatimah 831-502-0243


Cost: FREE! (including) REFRESHMENTS!


URL: http://www.ucscmsa.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against the Third World

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

a video compilation
featuring: interviews and speeches by Martin Luther King, John Stockwell, Bill Moyers, Amy Goodman, Ramsey Clark and S. Brian Willson

and scenes from the award winning documentary films:
Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair, Genocide by Sanctions, School of the Americas/School of Assassins, and The Panama Deception

This video is an excellent and invaluable educational tool that reveals the true nature of U.S. foreign policy

This 2-hour video is about how the CIA, the military-industrial-complex, the Pentagon, the multinational corporations, the media and the Government of the United States are responsible for the deaths of millions of people in the third world, not to mention the poverty and oppression of millions more. We support, arm, and train dictators and militaries that do these evil actions to their own people. All of this is to insure that we control the natural resources of these countries and their market place, use the people for cheap labor and keep the business of war (which is our biggest business) ongoing.
--Frank Dorrel

People such as Howard Zinn, S. Brian Willson, Blase Bonpane, Michael Parenti, Oliver Stone, Father Roy Bourgeois, Ramsey Clark, Ed Asner, Casey Kasem, Susan Sarandon, Chalmers Johnson and many others have seen this video and find it very informative and empowering!

Community Television of Santa Cruz County

URL: http://www.addictedtowar.com

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC


All day

ADrug-Free Radio
Liars beware: Al Franken, co-host Katherine Lanpher and Team O'Franken invite you to spend three hours a day in the Zero Spin Zone.
Weekdays noon-3pm
Repeat: 11pm-2am

The Right has had its say for the last three years. Now, on "The Majority Report", co-hosts Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder have theirs. Our side just got a little bit louder.
Weekdays 8pm-11pm

Randi brings her own brand of provocative and infectiously humorous talk to Air America Radio.
Weekdays 3pm-7pm
Repeat: 2am-6am

Unfiltered is co-hosted by Lizz Winstead, Chuck D, and Rachel Maddow. This uncompromising program puts politics and culture through the wringer, uncensored and unfiltered.
Weekdays 9am-Noon

Go to www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Directions: For details related to available radio stations
and for RealAudio Live Feed, go to the web site

URL: http://www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Anarchist Reading Circle

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

The Anarchist Reading Circle is a vegan potluck and study group for those interested in writings by classic anarchists such as Bakunin, Kropotkin, Stirner and Proudhon. We have also studied different schools, current issues and trends such as lifestylism vs. social anarchism.


Cost: free

URL: http://www.infoshop.org

Twincities IMC

Women Confronting Globalization

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Fair Trade and Human Rights Event with indigenous woman from Chiapas

Women and their children make up more than 70% of the world’s poorest people and are often the first affected by the consequences of globalization. Women are also at the frontlines of the struggle for social justice, economic equality, democracy and fair trade.

Atzimba Perez from Chiapas, Mexico and Tom Hansen from the Mexico Solidarity Network will:
• Discuss threats to indigenous communities, especially women, such as the Free Trade Area of the Americas, NAFTA, Plan Puebla Panama, and the corn and coffee crisis in Mexico.
• Discuss human rights abuses in Mexico, their relationship to globalization and how indigenous communities are working to end the abuses and impunity.
• Promote a sustainable model of international trade based on economic justice
• Discuss the leadership of women in fair trade cooperatives
• Offer weavings and traditional handicrafts made in women’s cooperatives for sale to raise money to improve the living conditions in communities


SPONSORED BY: Mexico Solidarity Network, Resource Center of the Americas, Centro de Derechos Laborales, MCTC’s ASEEJ & Student Life, Solidaridad para Mujeres, Metro State Student Senate & Cultural Diversity Committee,La Raza & Sin Fronteras Video Production

St. Paul Campus-New Main
700 E. 7th Street St. Paul


Twincities IMC

Women Confronting Globalization

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Fair Trade and Human Rights Event with indigenous woman from Chiapas

Women and their children make up more than 70% of the world’s poorest people and are often the first affected by the consequences of globalization. Women are also at the frontlines of the struggle for social justice, economic equality, democracy and fair trade.

Atzimba Perez from Chiapas, Mexico and Tom Hansen from the Mexico Solidarity Network will:
• Discuss threats to indigenous communities, especially women, such as the Free Trade Area of the Americas, NAFTA, Plan Puebla Panama, and the corn and coffee crisis in Mexico.
• Discuss human rights abuses in Mexico, their relationship to globalization and how indigenous communities are working to end the abuses and impunity.
• Promote a sustainable model of international trade based on economic justice
• Discuss the leadership of women in fair trade cooperatives
• Offer weavings and traditional handicrafts made in women’s cooperatives for sale to raise money to improve the living conditions in communities


Also on Monday April 19th @ 7pm, join Atzimba as she speaks with leading Afro-Indigenous Venezuelan organizer, Jesus “CHUCHO” Garcia, At his presentation, “SOVEREIGNTY AGAINST GLOBALIZATION” At Wiley Hall, U of M West Bank Campus, Room 175

Metropolitan State University
St. Paul Campus-Auditorium
700 E. 7th Street St. Paul

Cost: free

Directions: SPONSORED BY: Mexico Solidarity Network,, Resource Center of the Americas, Centro de Derechos Laborales, MCTC’s ASEEJ & Student Life, Solidaridad para Mujeres, Metro State Student Senate & Cultural Diversity Committee,La Raza & Sin Fronteras Video Production


Twincities IMC

Sovereignty Against Globalization: The Afro-Latino-Indigenous Resistance in Venezuela

7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Jesus 'Chucho' Garcia, founder of the Afro-Venezuelan Network will be speaking about the afro-latino-indigenous resistance to neo-liberalism in Venezuela. 'Chucho' was part of the delegation that was sent to Miami in November of 2003 to present Venezuela's alternative model to the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas. 'Chucho's' national tour is focused on building resistance to the FTAA. 'Chucho' will also be addressing the challenges to sovereignty that Venezuela and Haiti have experienced as a result of U.S. economic interests.

Chucho will be joined by Guest Speaker Atzimba Perez of the Mexican Solidarity Network who will be speaking about the impacts of Globalization on Women and indigenous communities in Mexico.

Wiley Hall
Room 175
University of Minnesota
West Bank, Minneapolis

Cost: Free and Open to the Public


Western Massachusetts IMC

Oliver Mtukudzi Concert (Afropop)

8:00 PM - 10:30 PM

Oliver Mtukudzi, soulful & political Zimbabwean artist performs live at Chapin Auditorium, Mt. Holyoke College with topical songs about today's political climate and social issues. Oliver Mtukudzi is Zimbabwe's most beloved performer, pioneeer of 'TUKU' music. Opening for Oliver is Chris Berry & Panjea, featuring legendary Zimbabwean guitarist, Banning Eyre. Tickets at UMass/Amherst FAC Box Office 413-545-2511

Chapin Auditorium, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA (just south of Amherst, MA)

Cost: $15. (call 413-545-2511)


URL: http://www.mtholyoke.edu/go/students


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