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  April 2004  
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Events for Sunday, 18 April 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Boston IMC

Boston Skillshare

All day

The purpose of this event is to create a temporary space for people to share skills which help them to live practically and happily, creatively and sustainably. The emphasis is on action over theory, participation over talk. We want to live with enthusiasm, so let us learn with vigor!


11am-11:30am CHECK-IN

movement & body work
beginner spanish
controlling your fertility part one
herbal medicine basics
simple quilting
a brief overview of u.s. policy, or "how exactly did we fuck up?"

1pm-2:30pm LUNCH
provided by food not bombs, please bring your own dishes/utensils

get to know your bicycle: maintenance & troubleshooting
soy milk making
see your cervix
the balm squad presents: what every protester should know
seed saving & preserving plants
basic tapestry weaving

fix a flat in seconds flat
giving birth the way you want
beginning knitting
bootcamp fitness
tattooing for the moment
make your own cloth menstrual pads


11am-11:30am check-in

stretching for everyone
controlling your fertility part two
knitting for beginners & intermediates
container gardening
all the fixings: vegan nutrition & home electronics repair
french conversation

1pm-2:30pm LUNCH
provided by food not bombs, please bring your own dishes/utensils

silkscreening & d.i.y. screenprinting
zines: continuing the tradition of the underground press
clothes alteration basics
wildlife gardening
basic electrical wiring
breast & pelvic self-exam

baby workshop
safety on the streets
veggie sushi making
self-defense: diffusing violence lovingly
starting a worker co-op

( see www.bostonskillshare.org)

If you would like to volunteer to help out, please get in touch.Lunch will be provided both days, however we ask that you bring your own bowls, utensils, travel mugs, etc.Free childcare will also be available throughout the weekend. All facilities and workshops are wheelchair accessible.

April 17th & 18th @ Simmons College Main Building, 300 The Fenway, Boston Ma

Cost: Sliding scale of $3-->10 and/or volunteering

Directions: By T: Take Green Line E train to the Museum stop. Upon exiting train, stay on the same side of the street as the MFA. Take a right onto Louis Prang Street. Walk past the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. The main campus, 300 The Fenway, will be on the left.
By Bus: Take the #39 Bus (from Copley Square or anywhere on Huntington Ave) Exit near the MFA/Mass Art area. From Huntington Ave, turn onto Louis Prang St. (follow directions above)


URL: http://bostonskillshare.org

Boston IMC

Boston IMC's DNC planning meeting

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Boston Independent Media Center (IMC)
Planning meeting for events related to the Democratic National Convention (DNC)
Sunday, April 18, 4:00 pm
Lucy Parsons Center, 549 Columbus Avenue, Boston (near Mass. Ave. on the Orange line or Symphony on the Green/E line)

As local activist groups mobilize for protests and educational events in connection with the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in July, the Boston Independent Media Center (IMC) is gearing up to cover these events--and the issues behind them--from a progressive perspective that you would be hard pressed to find in the mainstream, corporate media.

Anyone who is interested in getting involved with our efforts is encouraged to come to our next DNC-related planning meeting on Sunday April 18th at 4:00 pm at the Lucy Parsons Center. We are looking for people who are interested in volunteering for any number of tasks, including fundraising, looking for office/organizing space for the duration of July, and reporting--whether in print, video or radio format--on such things as the organizing efforts of local groups in the months leading up to the DNC; the impact of the DNC on Boston; dirt on Kerry and other major Democrats, such as their corporate connections; the city and police's preparations for the DNC and surrounding protests; access of progressive groups to the DNC; and the whole gamut of issues that are important to progressives, as they tie in to the DNC.

Everyone is also welcome to come to our general monthly meetings, on the first Sunday of the month at 7:00 pm, at the Lucy Parsons Center. In addition to our preparations for the DNC, we are trying to increase our coverage of the full range of progressive events and issues in Boston and Massachusetts, serving as a general news and communications resource for progressive Bostonians.

The Boston IMC (boston.indymedia.org ) is part of the Global IMC (www.indymedia.org ), a worldwide network dedicated to not-for-profit, open-publishing, progressive, grassroots reporting. If you don't have time to come to meetings, but still want to get involved, feel free to contribute a story to our open-publishing newswire--anyone is free to post to it and your submission will be immediately visible on the website. Our volunteer editorial collective reviews the submissions, highlighting the best stories (and hiding anything really offensive or out-of-line that sneaks in). We always welcome new contributors.


Boston Independent Media Center (IMC):
Goals for Coverage of the News and Politics Related to the Democratic National Convention (DNC)

The Boston Independent Media Center plans to provide in-depth coverage of local, DNC-related organizing--not only of the protests against the Democratic National Convention but of the issues behind them. We want to report on groups planning educational events and protest actions, covering the issues they consider important. We aim to put isolated reports of protester actions and police violence (the standard fare of much protest reporting) in the context of larger issues. As part of this, we plan to cover the organizing efforts leading up to the DNC, not just the teach-ins and protests themselves. We encourage all IMC reporters to blend event-reporting and issue-reporting in their coverage, using the former as a hook for the latter. We plan to provide some basic resources in how to do this, including how-to guides that can be read on our website and story ideas and lead for reporters.

The Boston Independent Media Center also hopes to provide some logistical coordination for all IMC reporters in town for the protests, at a minimum a dispatch desk and a friendly face for people to talk to. We are fundraising and currently seeking a space or spaces that would allow us to house some of our office equipment and organizing efforts and to provide 1) computer facilities for people to work on stories, photos, videos, etc. and that they can use to upload these to the Boston IMC site and elsewhere; 2) DSL or cable access; 3) maps of the Boston area to help orient out-of-town reporters; and 4) a place for people to socialize, relax and network.

The Boston Independent Media Center will provide a list of local camp sites and other such resources on our websites, but we can not coordinate housing, food or related resources for people coming in from out of town. This is simply beyond our abilities at the current moment.


Boston Independent Media Center Mission Statement

The Boston Independent Media Center is a consensus-based, open-publishing, not-for-profit collective with the goal of providing an alternative to mass media, for-profit reporting. Our news is by the people, for the people.

With autonomous chapters in more than 200 cities across the world, the three-year-old Independent Media Center network has become an international information source for media activists. The IMC seeks to create a new media ethic by providing progressive, in-depth, and accurate coverage of issues. We are a community-based organization using media to facilitate political and cultural self-representation. We seek to illuminate and analyze issues impacting individuals, communities and eco-systems by providing media tools and knowledge to those seeking to communicate.

Unlike corporate media, we encourage open dialog, and the importance of placing the means of communication and creativity back in the hands of the people, away from the drive for profit. The Boston Independent Media Center is created, maintained, and funded entirely by volunteers.



IMC Norway

Mat ikke Makta, Bergen

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Vengansk folkekjøkken , mat til en billig penge og til de trengende fra kl. 16-19

på Ungdomshuset 1880 domkrikegata 4 i sentrum www.u1880.no

Cost: 0-20kr


Indymedia Barcelona

5a. Concentració de Titelles

12:00 AM - 7:00 PM

"Ja som a la 5a.edició de la trobada de titelles al Poble Espanyol. Creiem que aquest és un bon moment per fer una petita pausa i tornar a explicar el com i el perquè d’aquesta concentració. Aquesta breu reflexió servirà per no perdre mai la intenció que ens ha dut fins aquí.

Ara ja fa cinc anys ens vàrem plantejar la necessitat d’organitzar una trobada anual de titelles, amb l’objectiu d’esdevenir una plataforma de llançament de joves titellaires. Any rera any, ens hem anat retrobant en aquest bell recinte, - que enguany cel.lebra els seus 75 anys-, per participar dels tallers de construcció de titelles o de manipulació, per divertir-nos i aprendre amb espectacles vinguts de tot arreu, amb titelles característics de Catalunya o d’altres indrets, amb els divertits i esbojarrats titelles de cachiporra originaris de la resta de la península.

I ara, tanqueu els ulls per gaudir com els més petits; res no és el que sembla: els titelles no són ninots de paper maixé, sinó un món petit, o no tan petit, amb la única finalitat de refinar els sentits, fer revisar el món mort que ens envolta i dotar-lo, màgicament, de nous òrgans per a l’amor".

Patrícia Riveras


Cie. Théâtres de marionnettes Daniel Raffel – La cabaña de Pepe
Un petit teatret ambulant s’infiltra entre la multitud. En Pepe, un curiós personatge, apareix de sobte i en contacte directe amb el públic, provoca sorpresa al seu voltant. (Durada: 30 min.)
Plaça Major, a les 12 h i a les 15.35 h

Toni Zafra
Es mostren alguns dels nous personatges de Món nan, espectacle que s'estrenarà proximament i en el qual es recullen diferents atraccions clàssiques per a solista i on es fa referència, principalment, a la bohèmia i al món animal.
A Món nan, poesia i moviments sofisticats queden embastats per breus relats musicals. (Titelles de fil. Durada: 60 min.).
Plaça Major, a les 12.30 h i a les 17 h

Galiot, teatre de titelles – Animalets
Enmig d’un bosc hi viu el Sr. Natura. El gall serà l’encarregat de despertar-lo. A poc a poc aniran apareixent els diferents animals que hi viuen: un elefant, una serp, un gripau.... (Espectacle de titelles de tija. Durada: 55 min).
Plaça Aragonesa, a les 12.35 h i a les 16 h

Cia. Xicana – La vida màgica
Una aventurera que viatja arreu del món explica les seves anècdotes que reviuen amb la màgia i la participació dels assistents. (Durada: 60 min.)
Plaça Aragonesa, a les 13.35 h i a les 17 h

Cie. Théâtres de marionnettes Daniel Raffel – Cinemarionnette
Fent voltes a la manivela, el teatret es converteix en un estrany projector de cinema. El decorat es transforma en una pantalla, on el personatge mima el seu paper al ritme de la llum sincopada i de la música de Ragtime... (Durada: 7 min.)
Plaça de la Font, a les 13.15 h, 13.45 h, 16.45 h, 17.15 h i 18 h

La finestra imaginària* – Bigolí
Us penseu que ho sabeu tot sobre Dalí? Hi ha uns dies de la vida del geni, dels quals ningú no en té constància... Només hi ha una persona que ho sap tot... (Espectacle de pallassos i titelles. Durada: 45 min)
*Companyia creada fa poc temps que es dóna a conèixer seguint l’esperit de la concentració.
Baluard, a les 13.45 h i a les 18 h


Horari: de 12 a 14.30 h i de 15.30 a 18 h
Pl. Major

Taller de construcció de marotes* (places limitades)
Taller de manipulació de titelles (places limitades)

*marota: titella de pal de grans dimensions que utilitza la mà del titellaire per gesticular i manipular

Poble Espanyol de Montjuïc
Marques de Comillas, s/n
08038 Barcelona

Cost: Adults: 7 euros / Nens de 7 a 12 anys: 3,90 / Carnet Familiar: 14 euros


URL: http://www.poble-espanyol.com/cat/agenda/titelles/2004/index.html

Indymedia Barcelona

Conflictes oblidats a l'Àfrica

12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Xerrada taller + vídeo
Óscar Mateos i Josep Maria Royo parlen dels conflictes oblidats a l'Àfrica. Escola de cultura de pau de la UAB.

la Sedeta
c/ sicília 321.
Metro L4 Joanic i L2 i L5 Sagrada Família


URL: http://www.moviments.net/armatderaons

Indymedia Barcelona


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM




Apresentamos a Actualização de Abril do site www.franciscotrindade.com
Com a introdução de um novo texto intitulado


Procurar pelo link Novidades
Segue-se excerto do texto que pode ser lido na íntegra em www.franciscotrindade.com.
Responsável técnico máximo, como de costume
José Carlos Fortuna.

Em 1840, um homem escreve: “A propriedade, é o roubo!” e ele crítica violentamente os fundamentos. Seis anos mais tarde, ele “balança”: “A propriedade, é o roubo, e a propriedade é uma instituição de justiça”. Dois anos antes, ele escreve: “É preciso armar a propriedade contra o comunismo”. Quatro anos ainda, e afirma: “A propriedade deve ganhar sem cessar na liberdade e na garantia”. Seis anos passam, e este indivíduo proclama: “Pela justiça… a propriedade tornou-se num elemento económico e social”. Quatro anos passam e o mesmo homem, na sua teoria da propriedade conclui: “A propriedade… é o apoio e a grande mola real do sistema social”. E quando ele aflige, três anos antes, um revolucionário (Marx) que ele admira sempre, em seguida repreende-o pela sua versatilidade, não havia razão de o tratar, no artigo necrológico que o consagra de “sofista” e de “pequeno burguês”?
O homem “versátil” que está em questão é mesmo Proudhon. Estas linhas contraditórias são bem as suas, e este procedimento da exposição, à rigorosa lógica cronológica, é certamente aquele, tão conhecido, das citações mutiladas. Mas isso diz, deve-se constatar que este conjunto tão terrivelmente imperfeito, resume muito perfeitamente o que, até à nossa época, um homem medianamente sensato, com as ideias sociais afirmadas, era ajuizado em conhecer o autor das contradições económicas.
Com este desconhecimento, ainda todo relativo, existem razões históricas. A maldição pura dos moderados (Proudhon, o anti-proprietário, o anarquista) e, sucedendo aos elogios ditirâmbicos, a maldição furiosa de Marx (Proudhon, “o merceeiro”, o “pequeno burguês”) são reencontrados para afastar os espíritos demasiado conformistas desta obra genial. E a reivindicação que os “maurassiens” fizeram – pelo preço de um verdadeiro contrasenso – não contribuirá para a confusão. Além disso, se Marx tivesse a felicidade de ter em Engels um amigo fiel e um grande clarificador, Proudhon não teria a oportunidade de ter, pelo menos em França, discípulos cuja envergadura intelectual e fidelidade teriam servido a inteira difusão e a exacta sobrevivência da sua mensagem. Desde logo, as deformações conscientes ou inconscientes que farão suportar à sua obra ignorantes e malévolos, produzirão as confusões resistentes; e estes contrasensos afastarão da obra proudhoniana aqueles que eram os mais certos a ler.
Será que Proudhon é exclusivamente a vítima de circunstâncias contrárias e de intrigas políticas? Não é ele de algum modo ou em parte, responsável por estas confusões de facto?

Saudações proudhonianas
Até breve
Francisco Trindade


Indymedia Barcelona

La Habitación Número 6 de Antón Chejov

8:30 PM - 9:30 PM

La Cuadra Mágica Teatre Obert

Cost: 3

Directions: Sant Domenech de Call Nº 8
Barri Gotic Liceu(L3) o Jaume I(L4)


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Recital de Poesía con Jesus Lizano

5:30 PM - 7:00 PM



URL: http://www.nodo50.org/ermualibertario

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Euskal Jai gaztetxean: QUERIDÍSIMOS VERDUGOS

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Basilio Martín Patino. 1973 (101 min.)

Esta peli documental explora una zona particularmente oscura de los últimos años del franquismo: la pena de muerte y as condiciones materiales en que se aplicaba. Para ello se vale del testimonio de tres verdugos -personajes reales- que "ejecutaban sentencias en los primeros años setenta. La peli indaga en la historia personal de estos tres tíos y sus maneras de entender el oficio, a la vez que habla de sus ajusticiados, de los crímenes de los que fueron acusados, etc.
En conjunto, se dibuja un retrato bastante atroz de la sociedad en que actuaban.

Euskal Jai gaztetxea. San Agustin 17. Iruñea


Japan Indymedia

Seminar and Panel about sexual abuse

1:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Lecture by Takahashi Lilith
Panel with projectQ member
No English translation, Only Japanese
For more info

Hito Mati Kouryu-kan

Cost: 1000yen


URL: http://projectQ.info/

Lawrence IMC

Free Meal at L.I.N.K.

1:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The purpose of L.I.N.K., the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, is to provide a pleasant, safe place for the hungry or lonely to share a free, nutritious meal and the companionship of one another. We believe loneliness can be as painful as hunger, companionship as powerful as love. Anyone who desires a meal is served, no questions asked. Diners are treated as our invited guests. We do not provide counseling, but rather refer individuals to appropriate agencies when they ask for help. Our focus is on food and fellowship.

Basement of 1st Methodist Church
221 West 10th Street
Lawrence, KS

Cost: free


URL: http://community.lawrence.com/link/

New Hampshire IMC

Youth Activism Conference-Peace College

All day

Religion Beats Fire Landmines Israel Environment Vieques Protests Bombings Love Murder Corporations Prisons Homelessness Negotiation Art Economy United Nations Poetry NRA Resistance Courage Holocaust Belief Sarajevo
King Books Food Sweatshops Ignorance Pain Hierarchy Injustice Violence Sexism Democracy Prejudice Beauty Love Hope Truth. A Youth Activism Conference to
bring together a new generation of peaceful leaders. NH Peace Action and AFSC have brochures on this FOR youth conference. Contact The Peace College, Box 547, Durham, NH 03824 or (603) 498-6185.

Salem State College, Salem, MA

New Hampshire IMC

"Put your Foot Down on Sexual Assault" Walk-A-Thon

1:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Groups and individuals are welcome. Free t-shirts for the first 150 people who register. Call 603-436-4107 for details on how to become involved.



Rochester IMC

jump of the bridge

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM


Santa Barbara IMC

FiLMS in Isla Vista

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

HopeDance FiLMS in Isla ViSTA
This film gives us the deeper perspective of Haiti: the Lavalas movement and the grassroots rise of Father Aristide to Presidency, the coup and back again. “I ask all Americans and friends of Haiti to see it. They will truly understand and feel the Haitian people’s fight for democracy.” - President Jean-Bertrand Aristide

April 11: Ram Dass FiERCE GRACE
A moving portrait of this modern spiritual teacher who keeps sharing his profound wisdom even after being “stroked.” “Mickey Lemle’s fascinating overview of Ram Dass’s extraordinary spiritual journey is a wonder to behold.” — Spirituality & Health

April 18: 9-11 PAINFUL DECEPTIONS (plus Eric Hufschmid to answer questions)
More about 9-11 by local author, filmmaker and 9-11 researcher Eric Hufschmid. He will answer questions after the film. “Provocative and controversial... from wreckage to fire... a scathing technical analysis debunking the official version of the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center.”

Apri 25: THE 4th WORLD WAR
First premiered in the US at the SBIFilm Festival, we are honored to show it here in Isla Vista. If you missed it in Santa Barbara, don’t miss it in IV.
“Passionate, euphoric, contagious. . . It is our worlds against their system.” — IDFA, Amsterdam

Isla Vista, Friendship Manor. see directions below

Cost: $5

Directions: HopeDance FiLMS presents films every Sunday, 8pm at the Friendship Manor (on the corner of El Colegio and Los Carneros) in the Theatre up the stairs at the main El Colegio Entrance. Tickets are only available at the Isla Vista Food Coop (6575 Seville Road; 968-1401 (no money accepted at the door; only 66 tickets will be sold! first come first serve!)
Organic sandwiches, chips and cookies are often available at the film.

Parking is at the Manor Corner Parking Lot (the entrance is on the southeast corner of the empty lot at Camino Pescadero and El Colegio, on the east side of Friendship Manor. The opening is nearly opposite the west end of Cervantes Road.) Do not park in the underground parking structure!


URL: http://www.hopedance.org / www.hopedance.org/new/film_flyers/arts_apr04.pdf

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Northern California Peace Centers Conference

All day

Northern California Peace Centers Conference
April 16-18, 2004, Santa Cruz, CA
Host - Resource Center for Nonviolence
Co-hosts:SC Peace Coalition, SC & Pajaro Valley WILPF, SC Art & Revolution

(Please help us. Send registration now. Save us a lot of work and hassles by not waiting until the last minute to register. Registration that includes meals or free overnight lodging must be received by Wed. 4/16.)

Various Locations, Check www.rcnv.org for details!

Cost: Sliding Scale: $4 - 40


URL: http://www.rcnv.org/rcnv/peacecenters

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

AMY GOODMAN speaks on her book: "THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULERS: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them."

The Rio Theater
1205 Soquel Ave. in Santa Cruz

An evening with Amy Goodman and her co-author/brother David Goodman

Proceeds will benefit KUSP and FRSC

For tix and more information call Capitola Book Café at
(831) 462-4415 or Bookshop Santa Cruz at (831) 423-0900.

Rio Theatre
1205 Soquel Ave.
Santa Cruz

Cost: $15


URL: http://www.bookshopsantacruz.com

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Santa Cruz Indymedia meeting

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Santa Cruz Indymedia currently holds general meetings every other Sunday, 7:00 PM, at the Resource Center for Nonviolence.

Next General SC-IMC Meeting:

Sunday April 18
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Resource Center for Nonviolence
(515 Broadway at Ocean)

If you would like to get more involved with Santa Cruz Indymedia, you can contact us by sending an email to:
scimc (at) indymedia.org

Resource Center for Nonviolence
(515 Broadway)

URL: http://santacruz.indymedia.org/mod/info/display/meetings/index.php

Santa Cruz Indymedia


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Professor Ronnie Lipschutz will speak on th role of Palistine, Israel and United States in ending the violence in the Middle east. Can we change the focus of the debate from Arab vs. Jews, to our responsibilities as U.S. citizens? Come listen, learn and share.

Quaker meeting house. 225 Rooney St. Santa Cruz.

Cost: Donation. No one turned away

Directions: Turn right from North end of Morrisey ramp and around to Rooney St.Short left.


URL: http://wilpf.got.net

Santa Cruz Indymedia

IRAQ, A Year Later: Occupation, Reconstruction and Resistance

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

FSTV's Shannon Service just returned from Baghdad with 35 hours of footage from war-torn Iraq. Shannon was part of a Global Exchange delegation of journalists, including anti-globalization activist and author Naomi Klein, whose purpose was to report back on the U.S. occupation and reconstruction of Iraq. The experience was intense with bomb blasts to hotels on either side of the delegation. She visited hospitals, witnessed local protests on the anniversary of the bombings, and mostly spoke with a broad range of Iraqis, including artists, academics and people in the markets. She witnessed so much devastation, yet she was struck by the openness and kindness of the Iraqi people.

Shannon's footage from Iraq will be featured in the program, along with special guests: Anas Shallal, founder of the Iraqi-Americans for Peaceful Alternatives; Rania Masri, program director at the Institute for Southern Studies and one of the producers of the soon-to-be released documentary, 'About Baghdad'; and Peter Ambler from Public Citizen discussing his report investigating the failure of Bechtel -- one of the lead contractors in the country's reconstruction -- to provide adequate water services to Iraqi citizens.

FSTV is once again promoting "House Parties" – where dedicated viewers open their homes to family and friends to let them know about the kind of unique programming we offer. If you're interested in participating, please send an email to Outreach Director, Nancy McKenna at nancy-AT-freespeech.org so that we can not only offer support to House Party hosts, but so that we know how many folks around the country are participating in this grassroots effort to assist in expanding and strengthening our network.

At Free Speech TV, we want to engage concerned citizens in a public discourse about our future.

Community Television of Santa Cruz County


URL: http://www.freespeech.org

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC


All day

ADrug-Free Radio
Liars beware: Al Franken, co-host Katherine Lanpher and Team O'Franken invite you to spend three hours a day in the Zero Spin Zone.
Weekdays noon-3pm
Repeat: 11pm-2am

The Right has had its say for the last three years. Now, on "The Majority Report", co-hosts Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder have theirs. Our side just got a little bit louder.
Weekdays 8pm-11pm

Randi brings her own brand of provocative and infectiously humorous talk to Air America Radio.
Weekdays 3pm-7pm
Repeat: 2am-6am

Unfiltered is co-hosted by Lizz Winstead, Chuck D, and Rachel Maddow. This uncompromising program puts politics and culture through the wringer, uncensored and unfiltered.
Weekdays 9am-Noon

Go to www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Directions: For details related to available radio stations
and for RealAudio Live Feed, go to the web site

URL: http://www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Peace Vigil

12:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Join the Tallahassee Network for Justice and Peace, Veterans for Peace, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Students United for Peace, Sundays and Thursdays in front of the Old Capitol, corner of Apalachee Parkway and Monroe Street

Sundays 12:30 to 2:30.
Thursdays 4:00 to 6:00

In front of the Old Capitol, corner of Apalachee Parkway and Monroe Street

Cost: FREE!!!


URL: http://www.tnjp.org

Thunder Bay IMC

Emergency Peace Vigil

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

A nationwide call for action to stand in solidarity with the people of Iraq, to protest the increasing brutality and aggession of the US occupiers, and to give support to the people of Fallujah in their resistance to US terrorism

Hillcrest Park

Cost: free

Directions: PA side of town, on High Street overlooking the Lake


Twincities IMC

Weekly Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Since January 2003 a weekly public demonstration of support for civil liberties and peaceful solutions to world problems. Show like-minded people that they are not alone in questioning government policies and encourage others to think about current events.
Bring your own sign or banner, or use one of ours.

Intersection of Snelling and Summit Avenues in St. Paul

Directions: One mile south of I-94 on Snelling Avenue.


Twincities IMC

Special Event 4/18: Chucho Garcia at St. Joan of Arc

2:30 PM - 4:30 PM


You are cordially invited to an event featuring Jesus "Chucho" Garcia, Afro-Venezuelan human rights, economic justice and anti-racism activist. Chucho is the founder of many organizations active in South America and the Spanish speaking Caribbean, and edits the magazine "Africamerica." He will speak to resisting corporate globalization and its injustices throughout the Americas, and to the roles of people of color and white people in this effort.

Sunday, April 18th, 2004
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
4537 3rd Ave. S., Mpls.
Hospitality Hall
2:30 p.m.

Refreshments and Music
Free Child Care
Donations gladly accepted to help with Chucho’s Speaking Tour

Sponsored by Sin Fronteras Video Productions, Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace, St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church and Friends for a Non-Violent World.

Phil Steger of FNVW will MC
Music provided by:
Pachamama Band & Jooho Park

The Pachamama Band plays Latin American music.
Jooho Park plays the Korean chonggo drum.

For more information: www.sinfronterasvp.com/Jesus_Chucho_garcia_Biography.html

or call 612-724-5330

St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
4537 3rd Ave. S., Mpls.
Hospitality Hall
2:30 p.m.

Cost: Donations gladly accepted to help with Chucho’s Speaking Tour


Twincities IMC

Women Confronting Globalization

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Women Confronting Globalization

Fair Trade and Human Rights Event with indigenous woman from Chiapas

Women and their children make up more than 70% of the world’s poorest people and are often the first affected by the consequences of globalization. Women are also at the frontlines of the struggle for social justice, economic equality, democracy and fair trade.

Atzimba Perez from Chiapas, Mexico and Tom Hansen from the Mexico Solidarity Network will:
• Discuss threats to indigenous communities, especially women, such as the Free Trade Area of the Americas, NAFTA, Plan Puebla Panama, and the corn and coffee crisis in Mexico.
• Discuss human rights abuses in Mexico, their relationship to globalization and how indigenous communities are working to end the abuses and impunity.
• Promote a sustainable model of international trade based on economic justice
• Discuss the leadership of women in fair trade cooperatives
• Offer weavings and traditional handicrafts made in women’s cooperatives for sale to raise money to improve the living conditions in communities


12:00 pm: Metropolitan State University
St. Paul Campus-New Main
700 E. 7th Street St. Paul
4:00 pm: Metropolitan State University
St. Paul Campus-Auditorium
700 E. 7th Street St. Paul

Also on Monday April 19th @ 7pm, join Atzimba as she speaks with leading Afro-Indigenous Venezuelan organizer, Jesus “CHUCHO” Garcia, At his presentation, “SOVEREIGNTY AGAINST GLOBALIZATION” At Wiley Hall, U of M West Bank Campus, Room 175

12:00pm: Minneapolis Comm. & Tech. College
1501 Hennepin Av. Mpls-Outdoor Event
(If Rain, Helland Center Student Lounge)
3:00pm: University of Minnesota/La Raza
Coffman Union-300 Washington Av
Mpls. Suite 211- La Raza

7:00pm: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
2730 East 31st Street Mpls
(around corner from Post Office & Resource Center of the Americas)

SPONSORED BY: Mexico Solidarity Network,, Resource Center of the Americas, Centro de Derechos Laborales, MCTC’s ASEEJ & Student Life, Solidaridad para Mujeres, Metro State Student Senate & Cultural Diversity Committee,La Raza & Sin Fronteras Video Production

For more info contact: luchaparajustica-AT-yahoo.com or (612) 871-1271

Walker Community Church
3104 16th Ave So. Mpls

Cost: Free


Western Massachusetts IMC

Pioneer Valley Vigil for Peace and Justice

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The Sunday vigil was begun by local "Parents and Grandparents for Peace" on July 14, 1979, under the street-wide banner: "TOWARD GLOBAL NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT AND A VERIFIABLE US-USSR MORATORIUM ON NUCLEAR TESTING." The vigil has met every Sunday since, from 12 noon to 1 p.m., barring a couple of impossible blizzards. It has passed out thousands of leaflets on a great variety of issues under the slogan, "If You Want Peace, Work for Justice," and participants have varied from a dozen or so die-hard activists to fifty and more during the Gulf War.

Amherst Common

URL: http://www.nonviolence.org/amhvigil/



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