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  April 2004  
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Events for Friday, 02 April 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Atlanta IMC

First Friday Film Screenings

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Atlanta IMC monthly film screening 8 p.m.
Doors at 7:30.
All ages welcome!

Little 5 Points Community Center, 1083 Austin Ave. Atlanta Ga. 30307 (Corner of Austin Ave. and Euclid Ave. in L5P)

Cost: $0 -- Donations requested


URL: http://atlanta.indymedia.org


Active Compassion: Working for a Sane and Just Society

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

"ACTIVE COMPASSION:Working for a Sane and Just Society" is a 3-day conference on meditation and social action that will take place on April 2-4, 2004.

Jann Jackson, longtime meditation practitioner and currently Executive Director of Advocates for Children and Youth, will lead the conference and give the keynote lectures. A Buddhist and meditator for over thirty years, she also has many years of experience in advocacy work, including serving as associate director of the House of Ruth for 14 years.

Registration is open to anyone between the ages of 18-30. It should be noted: NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE WITH MEDITATION IS NECESSARY TO ATTEND THIS CONFERENCE!

The conference aspires to provide attendees with cognitive and emotional tools to empower themselves and their communities. We will seek a balance between the view/experience of meditation practice and the practical nuts and bolts matters of social justice work. The primary vehicle for this will be a panel discussion and focus groups led by six experienced meditators who also have an extensive background in the field of social justice. In addition, Jann Jackson will present mind-body exercises based on the work of Angeles Arrien, an anthropologist who has studied indigenous wisdom traditions.

The conference is a unique opportunity for social justice activists to enrich themselves and their effectiveness as community organizers and to unite with other civic-minded peers in order to make new connections. ACTIVE COMPASSION aspires to invigorate and strengthen existing social movements in Baltimore and to bring about genuine lasting benefit to the city and beyond.

Progressive Life Center, 2641 Maryland Ave.

Cost: $50 (all contributions will be honored)



Baltimore Ballroom Dancing

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The dancing is always free. Lessons & more from 7:50 p.m.
in the ROTC building, (north-west corner of) Johns Hopkins
University campus (just off San Marten Drive south of
University Parkway). Every Friday until June 11, 2004 except March 26, April 30, and June 11. Everyone is welcome. Bring goodies (non alcoholic) to share at
break time. Learn slow waltz, rumba, tango, line
dances, etc. Our 13th year. We change partners often to
meet everyone. Call 410-435-0967 for info, if needed.

ROTC building on the campus of the Johns Hopkins University

Cost: Always free

Directions: From North Charles Street go northwest (mostly west) to
first traffic light. Turn left onto San Marten Drive
(the extension of 39th Street which joins this
intersection from the north). Go a distance of a long city
block, turn left onto campus and see white ROTC building
on right; immediately bear right and pass the RORC building
now on your left. Lots of parking.


Boston IMC

From Abortion Rights to Social Justice, Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom Conference

3:00 PM - 10:00 PM

The conference is FREE, handicap accessible, and open to everyone of all ages, experiences and background knowledge. The weekend will include an abortion speak out, performances, a networking reception, and over 25 workshops on topics such as abortion access, human rights, opulation control, international women’s health, youth liberation, immigration, art and activism, welfare, globalization, spirituality, sex education, and caring for ourselves as activists. Food is included and housing and childcare are available with prior notice.

4/2/2004 3pm-10pm, 4/3/2004 ALL DAY, 4/4/2004 8am-12pm
Phone: 413.559.5416 E-Mail: clpp-AT-hampshire.edu

Hampshire College, Amherst, MA

Cost: FREE


URL: http://clpp.hampshire.edu

Indymedia Barcelona

Assamblea en El Prat contra el tancamente d'empreses

6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Ens dirigim a tots els col·lectius, organitzacions, persones i especialment treballadors i treballadores per a comunicar-vos una inquietud i intentar desenvolupar conjuntament amb totes les empreses situades al Prat de Llobregat algunes accions que ens permetin denunciar la situació que la indústria d'aquesta localitat està sofrint, en espera de tancaments (com en els casos de Fisipe o Reno de Medici) o d'expedients de regulació d'ocupació. Creiem que tot això motivat per la voraç especulació immobiliària.

Aquesta situació és dramàtica per als treballadors afectats i les seves famílies. Creiem que devem coordinar-nos per a poder donar una resposta en aquesta localitat que sigui escoltada pels diferents mitjans de comunicació, polítics i ciutadans en general. Sense oblidar que els pròxims afectats podem ser nosaltres o el nostre municipi.

Per això us convidem divendres que ve 2 de Març, a l'assemblea que tindrà lloc en el Centre Cívic “Jardins de la Pau” situat en la Plç. Jardins de la Pau S/N, Telf.: 93 478 21 41 del Prat de Llobregat a les 18:00 hores.

La intenció d'aquesta reunió és coordinar-se per a lluitar contra les deslocalitzacions i expedients, en ella totes les persones que vulguin participar tenen veu i vot.

Federació Comarcal de la CGT Baix Llobregat

Centre Cívic “Jardins de la Pau”

Directions: Plç. Jardins de la Pau S/N
Telf.: 93 478 21 41
El Prat de Llobregat


URL: http://www.cgt.es/cgtcatalunya

Indymedia Barcelona

Concentració suport hamsa

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Concentració davant el districte de Sants-Montjuïc a les 19:30 per protestar contra el desallotjament del CSOA HAMSA que pot produir-se en qualsevol moment i en contra de la política urnbanística de l'Ajuntament i les administracions



Indymedia Barcelona


7:30 PM - 10:00 PM


Se trata de debatir, sobre cómo el anarcosindicalismo puede ofrecer respuestas a la ofensiva del capital, desde nuestra visión personal como trabajadoras y trabajadores y como anarquistas y desde el análisis del actual contexto socio-económico y sin ánimo alguno de reclamar acuerdos, ni buscar la unidad de acción de las organizaciones que se reclaman anarcosindicalistas.

ESPAI OBERT, C/ Blasco de Garai nº 2 (metro línea 3-verde, estación Poble Sec)

Directions: Bill Clinton dijo: “Cualquier trabajo es mejor que ninguno”

Un cadáver domina la sociedad, EL CADÁVER DEL TRABAJO. Todos los poderes del planeta se han unido para la defensa de este dominio: el Papa y el Banco Mundial, Tony Blair y Jörg Haider, los sindicatos y los empresarios, los ecologistas alemanes y los socialistas franceses. Todos conocen una única consigna: ¡TRABAJO, TRABAJO, TRABAJO!.


URL: http://www.sindominio.net/rbronka

Japan Indymedia

Kamagasaki Homeless Night Patrol

9:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Volunteers needed!!! Please come and walk around with us to share some solidarity with the homeless in Osaka, deter harassment against the homeless, and check on their health conditions.
All are welcome!

Meet at Osaka station. Near the central ticket entrance there is a fountain- near there is a travel agency- Please meet in front of there.

Cost: free- of course


URL: http://www.geocities.co.jp/wallstreet/9279

Lawrence IMC

Jubilee Cafe

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

***Actual time is 7:15-8:15am***

Jubilee Café is an ecumenical campus and community outreach program sponsored by Canterbury House, the Episcopal Campus Ministry of the University of Kansas. It is committed to serving our homeless and in-need neighbors with dignity and respect. Our primary goals are to enhance self-esteem and promote wellness among our guests, our volunteers, and ourselves. Participation in, or affiliation with, either Canterbury House or any other sponsoring organization is not a prerequisite for volunteering at the Jubilee Café.

he Jubilee Café provides our homeless and in-need neighbors in the Lawrence area a generous and healthy breakfast on Tuesday and Friday mornings in a setting that allows our volunteers to interact with each person on an individual basis. Jubilee Café is a fully licensed restaurant that has been operating since 1994. We believe that by treating our visitors as guests and our volunteers as vital, we will affirm individual humanity and enhance self-esteem. The simple act of choosing an item from a menu allows a person to exercise a measure of control in one basic area of his or her life, which can cross over into other areas as well. And the act of serving another person in need gives us the direct experience of "loving our neighbor as ourselves."

pen on Tuesday and Friday mornings, the Café serves its guests from 7:00 am to 8:00 am.

Basement of the First Methodist Church, 10th and Vermont, Lawrence.

Cost: free

URL: http://www.ku.edu/~jubilee/whatis.htm

Lawrence IMC


12:00 PM - 2:00 PM



Cost: $$$

Directions: XX


URL: http://Jim.com

Lawrence IMC

Vegan Potluck, Post-Potluck Movie

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Bring vegan food and enjoy!

1400 Tennessee, #1 (basement apt. in back)

Cost: bring food


New Hampshire IMC

From Abortion Rights to Social Justice, Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom Conference

3:00 PM - 10:00 PM

The conference is FREE, handicap accessible, and open to everyone of all ages, experiences and background knowledge. The weekend will include an abortion speak out, performances, a networking reception, and over 25 workshops on topics such as abortion access, human rights, opulation control, international women’s health, youth liberation, immigration, art and activism, welfare, globalization, spirituality, sex education, and caring for ourselves as activists. Food is included and housing and childcare are available with prior notice.

4/2/2004 3pm-10pm, 4/3/2004 ALL DAY, 4/4/2004 8am-12pm

Hampshire College, Amherst, MA

Cost: FREE


URL: http://clpp.hampshire.edu

New Hampshire IMC

Peace Vigil

5:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Peace Vigil on Market Square in Portsmouth. The vigil is a presence in opposition to U.S. bombing and warfare and to any further expansion of military retaliation.

Market Square
Portsmouth, NH


URL: http://www.seacoastpeaceresponse.org

New Hampshire IMC

Seacoast Peace Response Planning Meeting

6:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Planning meeting of Seacoast Peace Response (usually the first Friday of every month). Please bring some light snacks to share.

Please contact us, if it is your first time attending. Dates and Times change occasionally.

Basement, Unitarian Universalist Church (South Church)
292 State Street
Portsmouth, NH


URL: http://www.seacoastpeaceresponse.org

San Diego IMC

Eveoke Dance Theatre Presents Funkalosophy

All day

Don't miss the last 2 weeks of Eveoke Dance Theatre's powerful and political hip-hop dance sensation, Funkalosophy!

Playing Now Thru April 4
at Sushi Performance Space
320 Eleventh Avenue between J and K Streets in Downtown San Diego

Wed-Thurs-Fri-Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 7pm
Wednesdays and Thursdays: Pay-What-You-Can Tickets 1 Hr before show
Student and Group Discounts available!

1-866-FUNK101 or www.funkalosophy.com for info and tickets

320 Eleventh Avenue between J and K Streets
(Downtown in the Ballpark District)

Cost: Ticket Prices Vary- Call for info


URL: http://www.funkalosophy.com

San Diego IMC

SDIMC Open House

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Informal meeting at the indymedia office, a chance to meet media activists and plug in to the media revolution.

2552 'K' St. San Diego (Sherman Heights/Grant Hill area)

Cost: Free, maybe bring a drink, or snack.

Directions: see URL


URL: http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Local/ImcSanDiegoLocation

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Move Along To be Declared Unconstitutional

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Judge Michael Barton makes a final written ruling in the "Move Along" case of Steve Argue. See indymedia posting "Steve Argue Arrested By The Santa Cruz Police For Literature Table!" June 24, 2003 as well as "Santa Cruz Police Violate Free Speech With Two More Arrests!" July 7, 2003.

County Court Building at 701 Ocean St. Dept. 2

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Norse Trial for Playing a Video on the Sidewalk

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Court Trial of Robert Norse for playing a video on the sidewalk last June 30th in front of The Pacific Trading Company. Cited with a $300+ ticket by Sgt. “Butchie”Baker for “not having a sound amplification permit” Norse will be defended by attorney Tony Bole.

(See indymedia post: "Police Shut Down Video Near Pacific Trading Company" July 5, 2003)

701 Ocean St. (Court Building) Dept. 1

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Soquel peace vigil

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

PEACE VIGILS: Please join us to peacefully protest our country's "endless" and "permanent" war. Bring signs, banners, flags, costumes, and noisemakers - or use ours! Choose from the following locations for weekly vigils:

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At The Plaza in Watsonville.

Fridays, 4:45-5:30pm
In front of The Ugly Mug Coffeehouse at the corner of Porter and Soquel in Soquel.

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At the corner of Ocean and Water Streets in Santa Cruz.

The Ugly Mug Coffeehouse at the corner of Porter and Soquel in Soquel.


URL: http://wilpf.got.net

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Watsonville peace vigil

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

PEACE VIGILS: Please join WILPF to peacefully protest our country's "endless" and "permanent" war. Bring signs, banners, flags, costumes, and noisemakers - or use ours! Choose from the following locations for weekly vigils:

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At The Plaza in Watsonville.

Fridays, 4:45-5:30pm
In front of The Ugly Mug Coffeehouse at the corner of Porter and Soquel in Soquel.

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At the corner of Ocean and Water Streets in Santa Cruz.

The Plaza in Watsonville
(Main St. and the 129)


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Santa Cruz peace vigil

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

PEACE VIGILS: Please join us to peacefully protest our country's
"endless" and "permanent" war. Bring signs, banners, flags, costumes,
and noisemakers - or use ours! Choose from the following locations
for weekly vigils:

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At The Plaza in Watsonville.

Fridays, 4:45-5:30pm
In front of The Ugly Mug Coffeehouse at the corner of Porter and
Soquel in Soquel.

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At the corner of Ocean and Water Streets in Santa Cruz.

corner of Ocean and Water Streets in Santa Cruz


URL: http://wilpf.got.net

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

BASKETMANIA!!! A Basket Raffle Fundraiser

7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Extended Circle Animal Haven Presents:

A Basket Raffle Fundraiser

Friday, April 2, 7:00 pm
Elk’s Lodge
276 N. Magnolia Drive
(across from Tallahassee Ford)

Entry includes cake, coffee/tea, or iced tea. Participants will be able to purchase raffle tickets to win one of the more than 100 theme baskets, ranging from spa treatments, to car care items, pet gifts, gift certificates to many fine area restaurants, movie tickets, original artwork, and much much more! ECAH will also have a 50-50, which will allow participants to split the money collected with ECAH. There will be door prizes and loads of fun for all! Food can be purchased and there will be a cash bar.

Winners will be announced shortly after 8:00pm.

Proceeds from this fundraiser will go toward the purchase of housing for homeless animals.

Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door, and may be purchased online at: www.extendedcircle.org, or
at our office. ECAH Phone: 850.656.9170

Tickets may also be purchased at Crystal Connection next to New Leaf Market.

Elk’s Lodge
276 N. Magnolia Drive
(across from Tallahassee Ford)

Cost: $10 in advance, $12 at the door (if not sold-out)


URL: http://www.extendedcircle.org

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

BASKETMANIA!!!! A Basket Raffle Fundraiser

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Extended Circle Animal Haven Presents:

A Basket Raffle Fundraiser

Friday, April 2, 7:00 pm
Elk’s Lodge
276 N. Magnolia Drive
(across from Tallahassee Ford)

Entry includes cake, coffee/tea, or iced tea. Participants will be able to purchase raffle tickets to win one of the more than 100 theme baskets, ranging from spa treatments, to car care items, pet gifts, gift certificates to many fine area restaurants, movie tickets, original artwork, and much much more! ECAH will also have a 50-50, which will allow participants to split the money collected with ECAH. There will be door prizes and loads of fun for all! Food can be purchased and there will be a cash bar.

Proceeds from this fundraiser will go toward the purchase of housing for homeless animals.

Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door, and may be purchased online at: www.extendedcircle.org, or at our office. ECAH Phone: 850.656.9170

Tickets may also be purchased at Crystal Connection next to New Leaf Market.


Cost: $10 in advance, $12 at the door (if not sold-out)


URL: http://www.extendedcircle.org

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC


8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Ron Fricke has made a documentary about the World today for a day: starting at dawn with monkeys in hot springs in Japan, and the morning rituals of various religions. This is followed by the awakening of the human race, both in the big cities and on the country side. Brilliantly edited together follows every aspect of human daily life combined with the general changes of the planet itself and all the ecological systems upon it.

My comparison of the film to the Gaia idea (that the Earth as a whole being a unit, a living organism) is detectable both in the way every different cultures shown are found to be very similar to one another, as well as the speeded up people at side walks and zebra crossings look very much like the stream of blood in the veins of an organism.

All in all this is a marvelous movie pointing out both the uniqueness of the individual and the unity with all people.


Directions: For directions please email cobdance-AT-hotmail.com.


Thunder Bay IMC

Critical Mass Ride

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

This is a shout out to all Thunder Bay cyclists! Come one and all to participate in Thunder Bay’s first Critical Mass ride for 2004! As the roads are clearing of snow and ice it’s time to revitalize the velo revolution and remind motorists of our existence and our right to be on the road.

Meet at the Lakehead University Agora Circle. Route to be determined.


Twincities IMC

North Country Coop Re-Grand Opening

All day

Chicks on Sticks, David Stenshoel, and the Jo Dan Drummers perform at North
Country Co-op's Grand Opening April 2-4, 2004

North Country Co-op, the Twin Cities¹ oldest surviving food cooperative, is
celebrating its Grand Re-opening April 2nd - 4th. The celebration will
showcase the bold new look of North Country Co-op¹s store: brighter colors,
better layout, and a greatly expanded selection.

Chicks on Sticks, the all-women's stilt walking group, will be at North
Country, grooving to David Stenshoel of Boiled in Lead and Sam Adams of the
Blackbirds, as well as the Jo Dan Drummers. Puppeteers and other
entertainment promise to make North Country¹s opening gala fun for all ages.

This free, family-friendly entertainment, plus special discounts, and food,
last from 11:00 - 8:00 PM all weekend on April 2-4th. North Country Co-op
is located at 1929 S. 5th Street, near the intersection of Cedar and
Riverside on the West Bank of Minneapolis.

After buying their building in September of 2003, North Country Co-op¹s
staff and volunteers decided that the store needed a new look. ³We¹ll have
the same healthful, nutritious food, the same great prices, the same
knowledgeable and friendly staff,² says store associate Christopher
DeAngelis. ³But we have lots of wonderful new additions. For example, for
the lunch-time shopper, we have hot fresh pizza from Spokes, and a salad

North Country Co-op has also added, among other things, Fair trade bananas
and mangoes, and an expanded selection of healthy, ready-made soups. And,
in the Body Care Department, an increasingly popular local handmade soap by
Dun Laoghaire is now available.

For more information about North Country Co-op, call (612) 338-3110.

North Country Coop

Cost: Free

Directions: call (612) 338-3110.


Twincities IMC

"Citizens of the Empire": Book Reading by Robert Jensen

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Robert Jensen reads from his new book, "Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity" at Ruminator Books

Friday, April 2, 2004
7:30 p.m.
Ruminator Books
1648 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, MN
(651) 699-0587

Dr. Robert Jensen, University of Texas professor of media law, ethics, and politics, speaks on maintaining political, intellectual, and ethical hope in the heart of the world's most powerful nation. "Citizens of the Empire" probes deeply into the sense of disempowerment that has resulted from the Left's inability to halt the violent and repressive course of post-9/11 U.S. policy. In this passionate and very personal exploration of what it means to be a citizen of the world's most powerful, affluent, and militarized nation in an era of imperial expansion, Jensen offers a potent antidote to leftists' despair over the future of democracy.

Free and open to the public.

Robert Jensen is also speaking at St. Olaf College and the University of Minnesota, giving radio interviews, hosting a workshop day, and having a reception while he is in the Twin Cities. Visit the Center for Prosperity web site for a full list of events: www.prosperitycenter.org.

Co-sponsored by Ruminator Books and the Center for Prosperity. For more information, visit www.prosperitycenter.org, or contact Erik Esse at (612) 824-4373 or info-AT-prosperitycenter.org.

Ruminator Books
1648 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, MN
(651) 699-0587

Cost: Free and open to the public


URL: http://www.prosperitycenter.org

Twincities IMC

Robert Jensen - Citizens of the Empire

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Citizens of the Empire (City Lights Books) is a much-needed citizens' manual that explains the evasion of moral principles that underlie appeals to patriotism, and the difference between a vibrant and an empty, stage-managed democracy. It is vital reading for anyone who would seek to forge a viable alternative politics in the contemporary U.S.

In this passionate and very personal exploration of what it means to be a citizen of the world's most powerful, affluent, and militarized nation in an era of imperial expansion, Jensen offers a potent antidote to despair over the future of democracy, revealing the contradictions and falsehoods of the prevailing myths by using common-sense analogies that provide the reader with a clear-thinking rebuttal and a way to move forward with progressive political work and discussions.

With an ethical framework that integrates political, intellectual and emotional responses to the disheartening events of the past two years, Jensen examines the ways in which society has been led to this point and offers renewed hope for constructive engagement.

Robert Jensen is a professor of media law, ethics and politics at the University of Texas, Austin. He is the author of Writing Dissent: Taking Radical Ideas from the Margins to the Mainstream, among other books. He also writes for popular media, and his opinion and analytic pieces on foreign policy, politics and race have appeared in papers and magazines throughout the United States.

Ruminator Books, 1648 Grand Avenue, St. Paul MN

Cost: Free

Twincities IMC

"Citizens of the Empire": Book Reading by Robert Jensen

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Robert Jensen reads from his new book, "Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity" at Ruminator Books

Friday, April 2, 2004
7:30 p.m.
Ruminator Books
1648 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, MN
(651) 699-0587

Dr. Robert Jensen, University of Texas professor of media law, ethics, and politics, speaks on maintaining political, intellectual, and ethical hope in the heart of the world's most powerful nation. "Citizens of the Empire" probes deeply into the sense of disempowerment that has resulted from the Left's inability to halt the violent and repressive course of post-9/11 U.S. policy. In this passionate and very personal exploration of what it means to be a citizen of the world's most powerful, affluent, and militarized nation in an era of imperial expansion, Jensen offers a potent antidote to leftists' despair over the future of democracy.

Free and open to the public.

Robert Jensen is also speaking at St. Olaf College and the University of Minnesota, giving radio interviews, hosting a workshop day, and having a reception while he is in the Twin Cities. Visit the Center for Prosperity web site for a full list of events: www.prosperitycenter.org.

Co-sponsored by Ruminator Books and the Center for Prosperity. For more information, visit www.prosperitycenter.org, or contact Erik Esse at (612) 824-4373 or info-AT-prosperitycenter.org.

Ruminator Books
1648 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, MN
(651) 699-0587

Cost: Free and open to the public


URL: http://www.prosperitycenter.org



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