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Events for Friday, 13 July 2007

[click on event title for more detailed information]

CMI Brasil

Manifestação no Pan-americano

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Força nacional, operários em “trabalho escravo”, expulsões de moradores, e R$ 3 bilhões total no orçamento. Esse é o resumo pra definir os jogos Pan-americanos do Rio de janeiro.
Pergunto a ti caro leitor, do que o governo é capaz de fazer pra concluir seus objetivos?
Mentir! Há alguns meses o governador do Rio, Sergio Cabral, chamou a Força nacional de segurança dando a desculpa de que a violência no Rio havia chegado a um ponto insuportável dos níveis de segurança do estado. Passaram-se alguns meses e a violência continua, mas a Força nacional ainda não deu provas de seu trabalho. Ta na cara que eles vieram especialmente para ajudar na segurança dos jogos Pan, e a população ainda acreditando nessas baboseiras da mídia.
Explorar! Se houver alguém que mais ta saindo prejudicado nesse período de organização dos jogos Pan-americanos são os operários. O governo desvia dinheiro do orçamento pros seus bolsos, desperdiça dinheiro com construções fúteis e ainda forçam os operários a correrem com as obras sem lhes dar algo mais por todo seu esforço. E o pior! O presidente que foi o líder sindical dos trabalhadores proíbe os operário de fazer greves! Operários que além de ter uma péssima alimentação, e em alguns casos, dividem três banheiros entre 115 pessoas, e não tem seus salários aumentados.
Expulsar! Moradores de comunidades carentes próximas às imediações do Pan estão sendo expulsos de suas casas para “não sujar a imagem da cidade para os turistas”.
Gastar. Tanto dinheiro investido numa festa para burgueses e enquanto isso a educação continua decadente, a saúde precária, a segurança escassa, a infra-estrutura péssima ou até inexistente e o Brasil com pose de primeiro mundo.
Serão investidos ao todo nos jogos Pan, segundo o ministro dos esportes, Orlando silva, R$ 3 bilhões. Dinheiro que o Rio de janeiro precisa para dar um passo na educação, na saúde, na segurança entre outras coisas.
Investir em apartamentos de luxo para os atletas é fácil, mas investir em saneamento básico e reurbanização em comunidades carentes para eles, não é viável.

O Brasil não precisa sediar nenhum Pan-americano ou qualquer outro tipo de festa! O Brasil precisa de Educação! Precisa de Saúde, precisa de segurança, infra-estrutura, cultura! Vamos lutar contra essa barbaridade que o governo agora faz contra nossa população! Toda essa festa não passa de uma pose para o governo mostrar ao mundo sua “beleza” e chamar os burgueses para sua exploração!
No dia 13 de julho, às 16 horas será a abertura dos jogos Pan-americanos do Rio de janeiro. Venha conosco mostrar ao Brasil e ao mundo que a população carioca, e a cima de tudo Brasileira não está satisfeita com a sediaçao dos jogos Pan! Precisamos fazer algo! Vamos dar um soco no estomago desse governo desumano! Compareça dia 13 de julho, às 14 horas na entrada “Beline” do maracanã para reivindicarmos o dinheiro desperdiçado nos jogos Pan!

apoio: AJR (aliança da juventude revolucionaria), SEPE (sindicato dos profissionais de eduação) e CONLUTAS (coordenação nacional de lutas).

estadio de futebol mario rodrigues filho(maracanã), na entrada beline.(rio de janeiro)

Colorado IMC

Weekly Anti-War Protest

4:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Resist the War! Student & Youth Anti-War Mobilization

Every Friday from 4:30 - 5:30 PM, on the corner of 11th St. & Main Ave., Durango, CO

Bring banners, signs, placards, drums, other musical instruments, food & drinks, warm clothes, your family & friends, & your indomitable spirit of resistance! The youth must act NOW to end this and all war!

The corner of 11th St. & Main Ave., Durango, CO

Cost: free!

Organizer: free_world_alliance-AT-yahoo.com

URL: http://www.studentsforademocraticsociety.org/

Israel IMC

אז המצעד צעד!

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

ובכל זאת, ואולי דווקא בגלל זה

אנחנו ממשיכות !

כי השנאה ממשיכה.

כי הניסיון לדחוק אותנו מהרחובות ומהתודעה נמשך.

כי המצעד הקצר בשולי מרכז העיר צריך להיות רק צעד ראשון.

כי במשמרות המחאה אנחנו מצליחות לעשות דברים שבמצעד המתוחם לא היה אפשר:

לשוחח, לענות לשאלות, לבוא במגע עם אנשים.

כי אין תחליף לנראות קבועה במרכז ירושלים ולשיח עם כל מי שברחוב - בלי מחיצות ומחסומי משטרה.

כי היה כיף להיפגש כל יום שישי, ואנחנו לא מוותרות על כיף בחיים (וגם לא על הרגלים מגונים).

כי אם בן-גביר בסתיו והברד בחורף לא הפחידו אותנו - מה זה קצת שמש?

אז בואו גם ביום שישי הזה:

12:00 בכיכר ציון, ירושלים

לפרטים והצטרפות:
GayPrideIsrael@ gmail.com


Israel IMC

אנחנו ממשיכות!

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

אז המצעד צעד!

ובכל זאת, ואולי דווקא בגלל זה

אנחנו ממשיכות !

כי השנאה ממשיכה.

כי הניסיון לדחוק אותנו מהרחובות ומהתודעה נמשך.

כי המצעד הקצר בשולי מרכז העיר צריך להיות רק צעד ראשון.

כי במשמרות המחאה אנחנו מצליחות לעשות דברים שבמצעד המתוחם לא היה אפשר:

לשוחח, לענות לשאלות, לבוא במגע עם אנשים.

כי אין תחליף לנראות קבועה במרכז ירושלים ולשיח עם כל מי שברחוב - בלי מחיצות ומחסומי משטרה.

כי היה כיף להיפגש כל יום שישי, ואנחנו לא מוותרות על כיף בחיים (וגם לא על הרגלים מגונים).

כי אם בן-גביר בסתיו והברד בחורף לא הפחידו אותנו - מה זה קצת שמש?

אז בואו גם ביום שישי הזה:

12:00 בכיכר ציון, ירושלים


Israel IMC

Bilin بلعين ١٢٧ בילעין

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

כלקראת כל יום שישי
הנכם מתבקשים להירשם (בהקדם) להסעה המאורגנת מתל אביב
להפגנות יום השישי ב-13 ביולי - בבילעין (ה-127)
ובדרום בית לחם גם.
עדיף להתקשר עד יום חמישי בערב כדי להקל על ההתארגנות.

אפשר ואף רצוי להירשם בדואל - חשוב לצרף מס. טלפון נייד

ilan@shalif. com

אך גם בטלפונים:

עדיף 03-6482749



As in previous weeks you are invited to register to the organized
transportation to the 13th of Julye, Friday demo - in Bilin (the 127th).
and at south of Bethlehem too.

Please contact as early as you can but not later than Thursday night.

(Village style cloths are recommended. )


03-648-2749 (the best)


Or better by e-mail with your mobile phone number to:

ilan@shalif. com

Ilan S.


Saint Louis IMC

St. Louis' LGBTQ Film Festival

12:00 AM - 4:59 AM

Fundraiser and kick-off for Q Fest - St. Louis' LGBTQ Film Festival - scheduled for Thursday, July 12 and Friday, July 13 in Grand Center


URL: http://stlcamp.org/event2007/st_louis_lgbtq_film_festival

Saint Louis IMC

Getting the Real Story\: skillsharing for journalism

12:00 AM - 1:30 AM

This ongoing class will evolve based on the desires of the participants. It will alternate weekly between "Getting the Story" a cooperative and practical skill-share for people interested in investigative journalism and "Words Found Here" a chance for writers to come together to share work for constructive critique and exploration of creative resources including READING!


URL: http://stlcamp.org/event2007/getting_real_story_skillsharing_journalism

Saint Louis IMC

Bastille Day

11:00 PM - 11:00 PM

off with their heads...

JULY 13TH - 15TH, 2007

6\:00 pm A farewell gathering at the corner of Russell and Menard for Queen Marie Antoinette & King Louis. Gather at Joanie’s, Johnny’s or The Bastille to send the King and Queen off to their dreaded fate.

6\:30 pm Walking street parade with marching crewes and royalty, led by “Joia” percussion group storming the streets of Soulard, gathering the mob for the beheading of King Louis & Queen Marie Antoinette.


URL: http://stlcamp.org/event2007/bastille_day

San Diego IMC


All day

"Imagination" is coming to the Ken Cinema Friday, July 13th for a special MIDNIGHT only screening!

"Imagination" is a surrealist, fantasy feature film about twin girls who overcome physical limitations to learn the secrets of heaven and nature.

Addtional info and trailer can be found at:


Ken Cinema, 4061 Adams Avenue

San Diego IMC

Welcome to the Terrordome: Political Sportswriter Dave Zirin Speaks in La Jolla

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The Pain, Politics, and Promise of Sports
wiht author Dave Zirin

Tuesday, July 13th, 7 pm
DG Wills Bookstore
7461 Girard Avenue
La Jolla 92037

At the intersection of sports and politics…
You'll find heroes.
You'll find villains.
You'll find oppression.
You'll find protest.
You'll find a platform.
And you'll find Dave Zirin.

"Welcome to the Terrordome is the sports primer for our time."
—legendary sports writer Robert Lipsyte, New York Times

"If you're a sports fan you'll love this book. If you're politically active, you'll love this book. If you're a politically active sports fan, you've found your bible."
—Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor & publisher, The Nation

"In sportswriting, attitude is easy. But Zirin's also got razor smarts, rapier wit, and, most of all, a rebel's large heart...you'll never see sports the same way again.
—Jeff Chang, author, Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation

"Welcome to the Terrordome." Public Enemy's 1990 hip-hop anthem was a call to arms against a world—and a popular culture—gone mad. A real Terrordome emerged in the New Orleans Superdome in the horrifying aftermath of Hurricane Katrina—a gruesome collision of sports and politics as thousands sat stranded in a sports arena where most could never have afforded even the cheapest ticket.

Today the "Terrordome" is a twenty-first century sports world that is frightening, ridiculous, horrifying, and inspiring…all before the next commercial break. From Don Imus' racist comments to the inspiring legacy of Muhammad Ali; from the stormy marriage between hip-hop and the NBA to Zinedine Zidane's head butt—it will get you talking and thinking.


Dave Zirin is the author of the widely acclaimed book What's My Name, Fool? (Haymarket Books) and writes the weekly column "Edge of Sports" (edgeofsports.com ). He writes a regular column for Nation and Slam magazine, and has appeared as a sports commentator on ESPN TV and radio, CBNC, WNBC, Democracy Now!, Air America, Radio Nation, and Pacifica.

DG Wills Bookstore
7461 Girard Avenue
La Jolla 92037

San Diego IMC

89.9 KCRW presents Bitter:Sweet, Forro in the Dark, Matt Jennings, and DJ Corey Biggs

9:00 PM - 11:30 PM

Cost: $10 advance / $12 day of
Purchase Tickets:

The Belly Up Tavern, 143 S Cedros Ave. Solana Beach, CA 92075

Tompkins County (NY) Swarm

An evening with Marino Cordoba

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

In co-operation with Cornell's Committee on U.S.-Latin American Relations (CUSLAR), Back to Democracy presents an evening with Marino Cordoba, founder and first president of the Association of Displaced Afro-Colombians (AFRODES).

Born in the small community of Riosucio, Colombia, Mr. Cordoba was displaced from the community following a brutal massacre committed by paramilitary death squads alongside the Colombian military. He fled to the capital, Bogotá, where he helped found AFRODES. After multiple death threats and attacks Mr. Cordoba received asylum in the US, where he continues to work on behalf of Afro-Colombians.

A "powerful and gripping" speaker, Mr. Cordoba will discuss the situation of Afro-Colombians, who make up 25 percent of Colombia’s population. More than 3.5 million people have been internally displaced over the last decade in Colombia, and at least a third of these are Afro-Colombian. According to the international NGO Internal Displacement Monitoring Center, “Forced displacement in Colombia is primarily a way to seize agricultural land from peasants and small farmers, and only to a lesser degree the unintended consequence of fighting between warring parties.” It should also be noted that this displacement is contributed to by US taxpayers, in the form of US aid to the Colombian military, and by US corporations who are often complicit with the paramilitaries.

AFRODES, the Association of Displaced Afro-Colombians, was founded in 1999 in response to the mass displacement of Afro-Colombians from their ancestral lands. AFRODES works to defend the rights of displaced Afro-Colombians, raise awareness, preserve cultural heritage, and seeks to guarantee all Afro-Colombians the conditions necessary to live with dignity.

Trumansburg Fire Hall, Main St/Rte 96, Trumansburg

Cost: Free


URL: www.backtodemocracy.org

Twincities IMC

Davenport, IA band, Jim the Mule at Bayview Bar and Grill

9:00 PM - 1:00 AM

Davenport, IA band, Jim the Mule will be performing at the Bayview Bar and Grill on Friday, July 13th and Saturday, July 14th. Both shows start at 9 p.m. Check out www.jimthemule.com for more information.


URL: www.jimthemule.com


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