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  July 2007  
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Peace Picnic at Otsiningo Park

Tuesday, 31 July 2007
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

On Sunday, August 26th the peace and social justice community will hold its annual Potluck Peace Picnic at Otsiningo Park. This is a fabulous
opportunity for all peace and social justice groups to come out and share information about their organization - and share some fun too!

This informal potluck was a huge success last year and this year we're expecting an even greater turnout. There'll be live music, featuring
singer-songwriter colleen Kattau, an acoustic "Peace Jam", activities for children and more fun is being planned.

Please bring:

whatever food or drink you'd like to share - know that some people are vegetarians or vegans, so label contents of dishes please.

*In the interest of sustainability, please bring your own non-disposible
dishes, utensils, etc. We will provide charcoal for grilling.

*Acoustic instruments to join the Peace Jam

*Printed matter about your group, petitions to sign, campaign matter for favorite candidates, information of interest you want to make available (Note: organizers will not censor material, folks should feel free to offer whatever they like and to take only what they want to with no pressure)

*Kids, friends, neighbors - any and all folks who are interested, even (or maybe especially) folks who are reluctant to come to peace rallies or protests of any kind, but who might want to meet other people who long for a more peaceful world

*Groups may choose one member to speak VERY Briefly (2 to 3 minutes) about the group. This is not a forum for long speeches but an opportunity to introduce ourselves to each other and to socialize and converse on an informal level while relaxing and playing together.

Please help:

*Please print and post flyers in all of the usual places and all the unusual ones as well. Email us and we'll send the flyers as attachments

*We could use some help in setting up, and also, in organizing fun games and activities for kids. If you can help, let us know.

Peace Picnic

For more info or to help out contact:
Peg Johnston at (607)785-3429 x11
Stephen Schweitzer schwe@localnet.com

Or just show up!

Yours in Peace and Social Justice

-Adam Flint

Otsiningo Park Pavilion
Its the furthest shelter (up by the bathrooms of what used to be the rest stop off the highway).


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