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  December 2004  
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Critical Mass Bike Ride

Friday, 31 December 2004
5:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Minnesota Critical Mass rides the last Friday of each month starting in Loring Park. Meet up around 5:00 p.m., we get rolling by 5:30. One many simulatenous rides each month in a worldwide movement to promote the use of bicycles as a viable means of transportation. Critical Mass has arisen in response to what many call the "car-culture:" an overdependence on the private automobile. It is, more than anything else, a reclamation of space, a demonstration to show that the city belongs to people and not machines.

Loring Park, Minneapolis

Cost: bring your bike

Directions: Meet by the fountain on the East side of the park.

URL: http://www.MinnesotaCriticalMass.net



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