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  June 2007  
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Ralph Nader presents Taming the Giant Corporation, A National Conference on Corporate Accountability

Friday, 08 June 2007
9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Organizer: The Center for Study of Responsive Law - Drew Bush

Organizer Email:

The giant corporation. It is the dominant institution in the global political economy. It inflicts a devastating toll on people and the planet – in the form of high drug prices, sweatshops, global warming and much more.

But what is the source of its power, and how is corporate power itself evolving? How can we subordinate corporate power to the will and interests of the people?

>From June 8-10, join Ralph Nader, Amy Goodman, Dr. Ron Daniels, Lois Gibbs, and hundreds of leading advocates and activists will convene in Washington, D.C. to discuss these questions.

This message is an invitation to participate in the conference. The agenda, full list of speakers, registration information, and other conference information are available at <www.tamethecorporation.org>.

"Taming the Corporation" will focus attention on issues too often overlooked in the endless news reports on corporate wrongdoing, as well as in campaigns against particular corporate abuses.

Participants will explore:

* How can we displace corporations (e.g., with national health insurance, by keeping information and knowledge in the public domain, or by expanding and strengthening the commons)?

* What tools and approaches can empower communities to set parameters on corporate activity?

* What countervailing institutions should be nurtured to offset concentrated corporate power?

"Taming the Giant Corporation" will be an opportunity to learn, debate, meet leading advocates and activists, and grapple with the questions that must be answered if we are to strive for a just and livable world.

Please join us and invite others in your organization. Again, conference details are available at: <www.tamethecorporation.org>.

June 8-10
Washington DC
1530 P St NW

Cost: $50 for June 8-10 and June 9th dinner

URL: www.tamethecorporation.org



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