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  December 2004  
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The Freedom Fighter Film Festival

Saturday, 18 December 2004
2:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Organizer: Jericho Boston

Bringing out the real history of Peoples' Struggle.

Program will include presentations by University of Massachusetts Boston Africana Studies Professor Tony Van Der Meer and poet Askia M. Toure, winner of the 1989 American Book Award for Literature, and the following films (details below):

Jalil Muntaqim: Voice of Liberation (Freedom Archives, 2000) 20 min.

The Eyes of the Rainbow: Assata Shakur and Oya
(Imagines del Caribe/Gloria Rolando, 1997) 47 min.

The Prison Industrial Complex: A video interview with Mumia Abu-Jamal on Death Row (People’s Video Network, 2000) 29 min.

This is the first installment in a continuing series presenting films on progressive political activists imprisoned by the United States and the liberation movements they represent.

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Jalil Muntaqim: Voice of Liberation (Freedom Archives, 2000) 20 min.
An interview with Jalil Muntaqim who talks about becoming a Black Panther and part of the Black Liberation Army. Arrested in 1971 at the age of 19, he is one of the longest held U.S. political prisoners. In 1997 he initited the Jericho Amnesty Movement which advocates amnesty for U.S. political prisoners on the basis of international law, working to gain the recognition that political prisoners do exist in this country and should be granted amnesty because of the political nature of their cases. Videocassette of a film originally made in 2000. Based on an interview by John O'Reilly and Nina Dibner.


The Eyes of the Rainbow: Assata Shakur and Oya
(Imagines del Caribe/Gloria Rolando, 1997) 47 min.
Eyes of the Rainbow deals with the life of Assata Shakur, the Black Panther and Black Liberation Army leader who escaped from prison and was given political asylum in Cuba, where she has lived for close to 15 years. In it we visit with Assata in Havana and she tells us about her history and her life in Cuba. This film is also about Assata's AfroCuban context, including the Yoruba Orisha Oya, goddess of the ancestors, of war, of the cemetary and of the rainbow.


The Prison Industrial Complex
A video interview with Mumia Abu-Jamal on Death Row
(People’s Video Network, 2000) 29 min.
Death Row inmate and internationally aclaimed author, Mumia Abu-Jamal, discusses prison labor in the United States, youth, elections, economics and the state of the world in this interview by Monica Moorehead and Larry Holmes. Mumia Abu-Jamal was a member of the Black Panther Party and a supporter of the MOVE organization. His writing from the Black Panther Party newspaper was cited by prosecutors arguing that he given sentenced to death for the murder of a Philadelphia policeman.

AAMARP, 76 Atherton St. Jamaica Plain

URL: http://www.jerichoboston.org/



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