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  December 2004  
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Public Forum on Living in a Reactor Community

Wednesday, 01 December 2004
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

For those interested in the social, environmental and health issues surrounding nuclear energy (and in the eventual shut-down of the VT Yankee nuclear reactor), come join neighbors to share concerns about the nearby VT Yankee nuclear reactor proposed "uprate." Situated just nine miles from the center of Gill, the Entergy Corporation intends to increase the risks to our health and safety in order to increase its profits by running the VT Yankee nuclear reactor at 120% of its design capacity before its license runs out in 2012 and its spent fuel pool fills up in 2008. There will be opportunities to ask questions, get answers, and join the efforts of many concerned citizens who are participating in the regulatory process for the safety of our children, our families and our homes.

See the video "Fatal Fall-Out," an award-winning documentary which features nuclear physicists and medical professionals describing the actual health risks of "low-level radiation" released into the air by commercial nuclear reactors such as VT Yankee. The risks of ingested or inhaled alpha or beta particles (such as those emitted by radioactive Strontium, Iodine, and Cesium, routinely released into the air or water by operating nuclear reactors) have been long downplayed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the nuclear industry. Instead, risk assessment by the NRC has used a model of whole body irradiation based on flawed studies of the aftermath of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.

According to Raymond Shadis (an expert on nuclear power generation who is staff advisor to the New England Coalition, in his testimony before the VT State Nuclear Advisory Panel), the 20% uprate of the VT Yankee Reactor will:

increase the likelihood of a nuclear accident
increase the consequences of a major accident by 30-40%
increase routine radiation releases to public space by 20-30%
increase high-level waste production over the life of the reactor by 20%

NRC Exit Interview Cancelled

The NRC planned, then cancelled, a public "exit meeting" November 9th with Entergy at which they were to present the findings of the scaled-down engineering assessment at VT Yankee and their review of the lost fuel rods fiasco. Due to pressure from the press and public officials in VT, the NRC will hold an exit meeting during which the public will be allowed to comment, at a time and place to be announced.

In the meantime, we have an opportunity to get informed and plan responsible action as we await the NRC meeting. Please help spread the word, and join us if you can.

Gill Town Hall, Main Road in Gill

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