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  November 2004  
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Vegetarian Thanksgiving Dinner

Thursday, 18 November 2004
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Organizer: Interfaith Center

Contact: Will Major, Interfaith Center Assistant Director
549-7387 OR ucm (at) siu.edu

On Thursday, November 18th approximately 200 people will gather at the
Interfaith Center in Carbondale to celebrate Thanksgiving a week earlier
than most calendars otherwise indicate. The reason being that this
Thanksgiving Dinner is unique: there's no turkey.

For many years, the Vegetarian Thanksgiving Dinner has been the premiere
autumn event for the Interfaith Center, and it takes cooperation from
several other groups to put together the feast. Partners this year include
the Student Environmental Center (SEC), the Neighborhood Co-op, Dayemi
Tariqat, and the Southern Illinois Center for a Sustainable Future. They
all have a commitment to the annual dinner because it presents a healthier
alternative to the traditional concept of Thanksgiving, without sacrificing
any of the fun.

"This dinner gives people a chance to come together and eat wholesome food
in celebration of the all-giving Mother Earth" says Kim Stakal, an SEC
member who has been involved with the event for the past several years. The
menu includes tofu turkey, dressing and gravy, mashed potatoes, seitan
stroganoff, sweet potatoes, salad, and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. With
the exception of the stroganoff, all these dishes will be vegan, meaning
they contain no animal products whatsoever.

Serving will begin at 5:30, but in past years the line to get in often
begins forming as early as 4:30. A suggested donation of $5 per person (or
$10 for families) is appreciated. Volunteer help is also needed to prepare
the seating and clean up afterward. Call 549-7387 for more information.

Interfaith Center Carbondale

Cost: 5 per person 10 per family suggested donation

URL: http://www.siu.edu/~ucm


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