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  November 2004  
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The Media and The Election

Wednesday, 10 November 2004
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Organizer: Cambridge Forum

In 2000 the media were criticized for prematurely calling
the presidential election. Admitting that they could have
better fulfilled their responsibilities, major newspapers and
television news organizations vowed to improve their performance
in 2004. How have they done? What is the appropriate role for the
news media in a 21st century democracy? What rights and privileges
should the fourth estate have? To whom are they beholden?
And what do they owe shareholders, citizens, and the profession
of journalism?
Mark Jurkowitz currently writes as the first full-time media
reporter for the Boston Globe, where he had previously served as
ombudsman. He is also a regular Friday Beat the Press panelist
for Channel 2's Greater Boston news magazine with Emily Rooney.
A graduate of Boston University's College of Communication, he has
been an astute observer the intersection between the press and
politics for almost 30 years. He has been an instructor of media
ethics at Northeastern and Tufts Universities. Jurkowitz has also
worked as a talk radio host and for two years, he was a public
affairs commentator for Monitor Radio.

Cambridge Forums are free and open to the public. Book signing will follow
program. Open discussion follows speaker presentation. Events are recorded
for public radio broadcast. CDs and tapes are available. Call 617-495-2727.
Forums can also be viewed online: Go to www.cambridgeforum.org and click on the
WGBH Forum Network.

First Parish, 3 Church Street, Harvard Square,
in Cambridge.

Cost: Free

URL: http://www.cambridgeforum.org/cfweb/cfschedule.html



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