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  November 2004  
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Don't Just Vote, Revolt!

Tuesday, 02 November 2004
8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Post-Election Drum, Dance, Shout party!

Not really sure on the candidates? Feel like you're choosing the lesser of two evils? Feelin' downright depressed cause of this sad state of affairs? Well come shake it off with others of like mind in Portsmouth's Market Square the night of the election!

This is a public expression of all that passion, frustration, and whatever the hell else can't fit in those narrow ballot boxes. So get up!

BRING: drums!, guitars, horns, noise makers, buckets, pots, pans, anything musical (or not). Flashlights and other spectacular items. Banners, flags, signs (no Candidate/Party signs for god sakes), puppets, costumes, whathaveyou. Bring everything and anything seen fit to express the utter futility of the election!

Its the most important party of all! (pun intended)

Market Square, Portsmouth


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