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  November 2004  
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Parents Opposed To fines associated with your child having a few tardys @ public school

Wednesday, 10 November 2004
All day

Organizer: Bekah Gage

Need to have a group meeting STAT regarding the challenge and opposition of the Fayetteville School Districts charge with administering Attendance Laws.
I am strongly opposed to the threatening letters I have recieved from my Kidnergardners school Princapal stating that if he were late again I would be turned over to the prosecuting attourney! If my kid is sick or is running a few min. late in the morning because he peed the bed and has to take a shower thats our freakin buisness!!! I shouldnt have to justify this to anyone. If you feel this is an outrage that the government will try to prosecute & fine you for being a like maybe 10 min late please contact me. I am willing to petition,lobby, protest and do whatever it takes to try to eradicate this and have this "compulsory school attendance law" changed or done away with completely!But I cant do it as effectively alone. The government has nor the right reason or virtue to threaten parents and try to control us through our children. If I could afford it, my baby would be in private or homeschooling but thats not possible financially. Be proactive with me!! contact me to help me form a group. tinkerbell@disinfo.net

Just contact me for now if interested in forming a group
to get our game plan together. I would like to meet probably thursday evenings.

Cost: Freedome

Directions: I will probably have the meetings @ wilson park in fayetteville on thursday evenings for now. I need people to help me research and coordinate a gameplan.



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