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  October 2004  
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Protest Sinclair Broadcasting on Como Ave

Monday, 18 October 2004
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Organizer: Bert

Protest against Sinclair on Monday Oct 18th at 6 pm

Bring your own Signs.

14 KMWB Owned And Operated WB www.kmwb23.com
1640 Como Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55108

The goal of the protest is to highlight corporate domination of our media. This will be a national protest at all of Sinclair's stations. The impetus for this protest is the partisan behavior of this station's owners and managers. They refused to air a broadcast of ABCs Nightline the evening that the names of US soldiers who had died in Iraq were read. Now, the group is forcing local stations to air a partisan film that attacks John Kerry's Vietnam record.

But this protest is bigger than the actions related to these two partisan actions. Consolidation and globalization of media over the past decade have been massive. The law used to limit ownership to 3 TV stations. Sinclair owns stations that reach 25% of the US population.

The bottom line of corporate media is profit, not content

Media conglomerates are not agents of a democratic citizenry but of a business and state elite

Critiques of corporate power are marginalized

Media audiences are treated as consumers rather than citizens

Traditional notion of media having a public interest obligation has disappeared.

>From Boston Indymedia:
Protest SInclair Media in Springfield

Picket lines @ Sinclair stations could really effect their ability to do business and placate advertisers.

The Sinclair station list - complete with addresses - is at Sinclair Station List.

If we can organize a Flash Mob type of action - large groups of protesters showing up at exactly 6pm local time (the time of their local news broadcast, where they derive 60% of their local revenue), it would make local and national news.

I suggest targeting this Monday, October 18 as a protest date. It gives us the entire weekend to organize, and Monday is a great news day. It's also four days before the scheduled broadcast of their "news story" against Kerry.

Please comment below on if you would be available for this effort, and then - SPREAD THE WORD, FAR AND WIDE.

14 KMWB Owned And Operated WB www.kmwb23.com
1640 Como Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55108


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