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  October 2004  
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Rally at State Capitol

Monday, 25 October 2004
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Organizer: NJARA / SHAC

“One Struggle, One Fight - Human Freedom, Animal Rights!” Join the New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance and a coalition of countless other social justice organizations as we all come together to denounce the government’s indictment of non-violent animal rights activism. The attack on SHAC USA is an attack on all those who dare speak out passionately against injustice.

In opposition to the chilling of free speech, NJARA plans to rally at the State Capital building and march to the US attorney’s office. Speeches by various 1st amendment attorneys and social justice leaders will be given along the way. The political importance of this march cannot be overestimated. Please bring friends, family, co-workers, even if they are not yet in support of animal rights, as the first amendment is common ground for which we all must rally in defense. Permits are being obtained, and the rally and march will involve little to no risk of arrest.

Find out about NJARA’s other wonderful programs at their website.


Capital Building
Trenton, New Jersey

URL: http://www.shac7.com/october/


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