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  October 2004  
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Summerfield PUD/County Commission Public Hearing

Tuesday, 12 October 2004
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Organizer: Heart of the Earth

Hi Everyone,

We need your help to protect a tract of land along Lake Jackson. On North Monroe, between Lake Jackson and Little Lake Jackson there is a 107 acre land tract that is being proposed for apartments, houses, and office/retail space. The development plan, the Summerfield Planned Unit Development (PUD), is coming up for a vote before the County Commission on October 12 at 6:00 p.m. There is a multitude of problems with this development, as listed below. This development is the classic clear the land rather than design to fit the land. If the sentiments expressed in Between Two Rivers appeals to you, help us to fight for protecting this land. Contact the commissioners to let them know your opposition to the Summerfield PUD. Go a step further and attend the County Commission meeting at the County Courthouse on October 12th at 6:00.

Here is what you can say in your email or phone conversation:
I do not believe the Summerfield PUD application does an adequate job of balancing growth and environmental and community protection in the area. My main concerns are:

* The proposed access to Old Bainbridge Road and the associated destruction of the canopy.
* The increase in traffic volume on Old Bainbridge and North Monroe Street, especially the impact that this will have on commuter, pedestrian, and bicyclist safety.
* The inclusion of 13 three-story apartment buildings that are incompatible with the surrounding area.
* The lack of specific protections for the patriarch trees and other large trees on the site.
* The request for a variance from the required Environmental Impact Analysis being completed as part of the project's conceptual plan.
* The lack of consideration for a wildlife corridor along the northern boundary of the site.
* Despite some stormwater provisions, the threat to Lake Jackson from stormwater from the development's buildings and roads.

Given these concerns, I urge you to deny the PUD request and to keep the area as it is currently zoned or, failing that, to require that Arbor Properties revise their proposal to more specifically address these specified concerns prior to acceptance of their conceptual plan.


Bill Proctor proctorb@leoncountyfl.gov
Jane Sauls saulsj@leoncountyfl.gov
Dan Winchester danw@leoncountyfl.gov
Tony Grippa grippat@leoncountyfl.gov
Rudy Maloy rudy@leoncountyfl.gov
Cliff Thaell cliff@leoncountyfl.gov
Bob Rackleff bradyk@leoncountyfl.gov (This is Bob's aide.)

Heart of the Earth Council

Leon County Courthouse, 5th floor

Cost: zippo!

Directions: Write your county comissioners!


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