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  October 2004  
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protest capleton at the catalyst

Sunday, 03 October 2004
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Organizer: Merrie Schaller

Capleton is a dance hall Reggae singer whose songs advocate the killing of
gay men and lesbians.

Capleton was scheduled to headline this Sunday¹s Reggae in the Park concert
in San Francisco; in response to community outrage, and after attempts to
negotiate, Capleton¹s appearance was cancelled. The Catalyst picked him up,
and has scheduled him for an appearance here in Santa Cruz for Sunday at
8:30 pm.

If it concerns you that a singer who thinks that it¹s good to incite people
to kill queers is scheduled to sing in Santa Cruz, please do something about
it. Call The Catalyst at 423-1338 and ask them not to allow violent
homophobia on its stage; call The Catalyst¹s booking agent, Gary Tighe, at
464-1212 and tell him the same.

Ask any organization of which you¹re a member to contact The Catalyst; pass
this message along to friends; get the word out ­ and please let us know
when you¹ve called and what response you¹ve gotten ­ email
info@homosexualagenda.org or call Merrie Schaller at 335-3568.

The GLBT Alliance will be working to get as much pressure on The Catalyst as
we can, and will keep you updated ­ but be prepared to demonstrate our
outrage on Sunday evening if Capleton¹s appearance goes on as scheduled.

Some of the lyrics from Capleton¹s songs include:

Bun Out Di Chi Chi
Bun out ah chi chi, Blood out ah chi chi
(Burn out a queer, Blood out a queer)
Blood out: as in chop, cut, stab, shootŠ is a particularly violent, graphic

Batty dem ah fuck and ah suck too much pussy
(Queers are fucking and sucking too much pussy)
In Jamaica, pussy can refer to oral sex in general, which is also considered

Blood out ah chi chi, Blood out ah shitty
(Blood out a queer, Blood out a shit (fucker))

Sadomite and batty man mi shot up....Whoa
(Sodomite and queer man, I shoot upŠ Whoa)

Give Har
Shoulda know seh Capleton bun battyman
(You should know that Capleton burns queers)

Dem same fire apply to di lesbian
(The same fire applies to lesbians)

Seh mi bun everything from mi know seh dem gay
(Say, I burn everything as long as I know that they¹re gay)

All boogaman and sodemites fi get killed
(All queers and sodomites should be killed)

Hang Dem Up
Yow....String dem up and hang dem up alive
(Yow, string them up and hang them up alive)

Bare batty man come round yah Š
(All queers who come around here)

Dis mamma earth sey none cyann survive
(This mama earth says none can survive.)

Catalyst, downtown S.C.

Cost: free


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