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  October 2004  
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Environmental Defense Center's TGIF Fall Feast

Friday, 01 October 2004
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Don't Miss EDC's LAST TGIF - The Fall - A fun happy hour event with food, drinks, great people and live music.
Many thanks to the sponsors of this event: Gaviota Coast Conservancy, Santa Barbara Channelkeeper, Shoreline Preservation Fund and the Surfrider Foundation - Santa Barbara Chapter. Favorite local artists Eric Cardenas, Dave Fortson and Corey Linberg will provide live reggae music. Win raffle prizes! Bring your friends!
This event costs $15 at the door and includes two drinks (beer, wine or soda) and hors d'oeuvres and a seafood feast, donated and prepared by local fisherman Steve Dunn.
Don't miss out on the LAST TGIF of the season.

The EDC Courtyard - 906 Garden Street in Santa Barbara.

Cost: This event costs $15 at the door and includes two drinks (beer, wine or soda) and hors d'oeuvres and a seafood feast.


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