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  October 2004  
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A Poetics of Peace

Wednesday, 06 October 2004
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

A Poetics of Peace
Wednesday October 6, 2004
First Congregational Church ~ Santa Cruz, CA

On Wednesday, October 6th at the First Congregational Church in Santa Cruz, Mosaic presents Michael Meade in an evening of stories, poems and discussion that address the social and political dilemmas facing America. A renowned storyteller, mythologist and author, Meade is able to find psychological and mythic chords which open deeper meanings in the stories we are living today.

Although commonly used to describe something false, Myth actually refers to cultural truths that are trying to emerge. In response to the dramatic events now changing the face of the world, myths provide suprising perspectives and telling insights. By contrasting fear with the natural desire for beauty and truth, Meade is able to open mythic
views that reveal new avenues for understanding the threat and chaotic nature of these times.

Traditionally, the role of poets and artists is to remind us that each person and thing is resonant with meanings that sustain life. Poetic speech is the universal language; the one foreign language that everyone must learn. Genuine hope, therefore, lies in a ‘poesis,’ a ‘making’ through which we re-invent language and make culture real again.

Having culled stories and images from many cultures, Michael Meade will offer a procession of ideas and a ritual of regeneration that reweaves the cultural fabric with threads of imagination and meaning.

Wednesday, October 6th, 7:00 PM
First Congregational Church
900 High Street, Santa Cruz CA

Donations support cross-cultural youth and elder peace initiatives.

For more information go to http://www.mosaicvoices.org
To arrange interviews please call Jacob Lakatua at Mosaic, 206-935-3665.

First Congregational Church
900 High Street, Santa Cruz CA

Cost: Donations support cross-cultural youth and elder peace initiatives.

URL: http://www.mosaicvoices.org


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