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  October 2004  
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The New Censorship: Discretion or Taboo?

Thursday, 21 October 2004
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Organizer: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

It is said that a photograph is by definition more volatile, dangerous, and less controllable than a written or verbal description. In these digital times we are facing many new forms of photographic censorship: images are released, disseminated, and then removed. What is the difference between photographs that are made available to a U.S. and to a European public? How does the awareness of public acceptability differ betwen the United States and Europe and why? What are the taboos around bodily exposure? Where do notions of public acceptability end and those of political motivation begin?

With Melissa Harris, Editor-in-Chief, Aperture
Alfredo Jaar, Conceptual Artist
Kathy Ryan, Photo Editor, The New York Times Magazine

This series has been sponsored, in part, by 90.9FM WBUR.

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
280 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02115

Cost: Lecture and Reception: $15 Adults; $13 Museum Members and Seniors; $8 for Students;

Directions: www.gardnermuseum.org/information/visit.asp

URL: http://www.gardnermuseum.org


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