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  October 2004  
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Sunday, 17 October 2004
All day

Organizer: International Longshore and Warehouse Union

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 10, recently passed a resolution proposing a million worker march on Washington in 2004. Mid October has been chosen for the march with an exact date to be determined in the coming weeks. This mobilization is being proposed in response to the attacks upon working families in America and the millions of jobs lost during the Bush administration and with the complicity of Congress. The working class has not suffered such hardships since the Great Depression.

We are encouraging everyone to have the resolution adopted by your membership or organization. We are also asking that your organization start a Million Worker March Committee to mobilize organized/unorganized labor and our community and religious allies in your area, ultimately merging with a National Committee to be formed at a later date. Finally, we are asking for a financial contribution from your organization to be sent to the address below until a national Committee is created.

The Bush Administration and Congress's focus of placing the acquisition of capital and the quest for profits above the needs of working people is undermining the economic security of working people and the nation as a whole.

Now is the time for organized/unorganized labor, the interfaith and community organizations to show solidarity and demand that all elected officials address the needs of working people. As working class people, we know more than any others the difficulties and limitations we face both in our communities and workplaces. We shall
therefore be representing ourselves during this march, independent from all politicians, while putting forward to the entire country, our program for the betterment of America's majority working population.

While we are in the early stages of planning this action, we are urging organizations to join us in making this march a reality. We need you and your organizations' help. The crises we face is severe. By mobilizing and uniting organized and unorganized labor with our community and religious allies we will be able to more effectively stop the attack on working people and improve our living and working conditions.

ILWU Local 10
400 North Point
San Francisco, CA 94133
(415) 441-0610
Email: millionworkermarch@comcast.net

Lincoln Memorial Center
Washington D.C.

Cost: Free

URL: http://www.millionworkermarch.org


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