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  July 2007  
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Events for Wednesday, 04 July 2007

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Binghamton Independent Media Center

Binghamton Indymedia General Meeting

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

General meeting for Binghamton Indymedia volunteers to discuss ongoing and new projects. New members and interested volunteers are welcome to attend to learn more about our online open newswire, The Bridge (our quarterly publication), our community screenings of independent films, and hands-on skills workshop.

We're always looking for determined, reliable volunteers: videographers, photographers, technicians, programmers, journalists, writers, editors, and anybody committed to the creation and distribution of noncorporate, community media.

Come down and learn more about this global media phenomenon

Cyber Cafe, Second Floor, 176 Main Street, Binghamton

Boston IMC

What's Up: Weekly Volunteer Meeting

6:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Whats Up Magazine is a non-profit arts and social awareness street magazine. Whats Up is produced by volunteers and distributed on the streets of Boston (and sometimes beyond) by vendors in need of alternative income. We are always looking of contributors and volunteers in all capacities. Come to a weekly meeting or shoot us an email to get involved. Thanks!

23 Dartmouth St., South End, Boston

Directions: Orange line to Back Bay or Green line to Copley; walk down Dartmouth away from Copley (about a 5 min. walk)


URL: www.whatsupmagazine.org

Indymedia Barcelona

VI Jornades de Programari Lliure

9:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Fidels al compromís dels organitzadors per fer d'aquestes jornades les jornades de tothom, en aquesta edició les jornades se celebraran a Girona. Per primera vegada en les sis edicions de JPL visitarem una universitat diferent a la UPC.

Les JPL tenen com a principal objectiu la difusió del programari lliure. Es debat com potenciar el seu ús a la recerca, desenvolupament i docència, així com donar a conèixer les activitats on intervé el programari lliure que actualment es porten a terme a les diverses universitats catalanes i també a altres sectors del país inclosa l'administració.

Les jornades són obertes a tothom i són un bon punt de trobada per les persones involucrades en el programari lliure i també per aquelles persones que volen conèixer aquest món.


Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdG

Rochester IMC

Rochester Stand Up, Speak Out! End the War!

4:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Mass Downtown Anti-War March and Rally

Rochester Stand Up! Speak Out!

Let's End this War!!!

Let's tell Congress  to "Cut the Excuses, Cut the Funds"

Event Date: Monday, July 2, 2007

Location:    March starts at War Memorial at 4:30pm,

Rally starts at Federal Bldg. at 5:30pm

Sponsored by: Rochester Against War and members of dozens of local peace and anti-war organizations


Recent polls show that Americans are, more than ever, fed up with the War in Iraq . In a poll taken by NBC News/Wall St. Journal on June 11th, 68% of respondents disapproved of Bush’s handling of the war. In a CNN poll taken on May 4th, 65% of respondents said they “Opposed the US war in Iraq .” And yet it continues…

After years of complacency, Congressional Democrats are finally beginning to stand up to Bush and talk about ending the war. Great… but TALK is cheap! We demand they ACT to end the war and bring the troops home now. Additionally, the budget for this war should be cut and the money spent on veterans benefits, aid to Iraqis to help rebuild their country, universal healthcare, better education and other pressing needs inside the US.


More than 40 members of Rochester's anti-war community came together on June 11th for the first planning meeting for this event.


"We are the anti-war majority. We've listened to them, now they need to listen to us!",  said rally organizer Jeff DeToro.


Rochester War Memorial

Organizer: jeffdetoro-AT-yahoo.com

URL: www.rochesteragainstwar.org

Saint Louis IMC

Katastrophe with Guests

1:00 AM - 3:00 AM

Katastrophe writes and performs conscious, positive, world changing emo hip hop
songs. Show at 8pm. Cover at door.


URL: http://stlcamp.org/event2007/katastrophe_guests_0

Santa Barbara IMC

Old Fashioned 4TH of July Celebration

11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Old-fashioned fun at the Stow House: live music, children's games,local artists, hay rides and more.

All day entertainment including Hot Lava, hot new rock music band for kids, The Very Lonesome Boys, formerly the Floyd County Boys, and Centerpiece Barbershop Quartet.

$5 adults/ kids are free

304 N Los Carneros Road
Goleta, CA

Tompkins County (NY) Swarm

Cuba Friendship 'Inter-dependence' Day Celebration

5:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Cuba Friendship 'Inter-dependence' Day Celebration The Cuba Friendship Group of Greater Ithaca is holding a July 4th 'Inter-dependence Day' event to welcome the 18th Pastors for Peace "Friendshipment" caravan to Cuba. The event starts at 5 pm at the large pavilion in Stewart Park with a dish to pass. Inter-dependence with all other people on the planet, with no exception for Cuba, is the theme. Ellen Bernstein, who has organized 16 Congressional delegations to Cuba, will be the featured speaker. As Associate Director of the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO), Bernstein continues to play a major role in all of Pastors for Peace's unfolding Cuba work. Caravaners from Buffalo and Toronto will also be welcomed. They will be continuing all the way to Cuba, challenging current US policy. A proposed three-way sister city partnership involving Ithaca, NY, Cienfugos, Cuba, and Kingston, Ontario will also be discussed. RSVP via the group's web site ithacacubafriendship.blogspot.com or call Cris at 387-9830 or Kathy at 273-4523.

Stewart Park Large Pavilion



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