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  June 2007  
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Events for Friday, 08 June 2007

[click on event title for more detailed information]


Ralph Nader presents Taming the Giant Corporation, A National Conference on Corporate Accountability

9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

The giant corporation. It is the dominant institution in the global political economy. It inflicts a devastating toll on people and the planet – in the form of high drug prices, sweatshops, global warming and much more.

But what is the source of its power, and how is corporate power itself evolving? How can we subordinate corporate power to the will and interests of the people?

>From June 8-10, join Ralph Nader, Amy Goodman, Dr. Ron Daniels, Lois Gibbs, and hundreds of leading advocates and activists will convene in Washington, D.C. to discuss these questions.

This message is an invitation to participate in the conference. The agenda, full list of speakers, registration information, and other conference information are available at <www.tamethecorporation.org>.

"Taming the Corporation" will focus attention on issues too often overlooked in the endless news reports on corporate wrongdoing, as well as in campaigns against particular corporate abuses.

Participants will explore:

* How can we displace corporations (e.g., with national health insurance, by keeping information and knowledge in the public domain, or by expanding and strengthening the commons)?

* What tools and approaches can empower communities to set parameters on corporate activity?

* What countervailing institutions should be nurtured to offset concentrated corporate power?

"Taming the Giant Corporation" will be an opportunity to learn, debate, meet leading advocates and activists, and grapple with the questions that must be answered if we are to strive for a just and livable world.

Please join us and invite others in your organization. Again, conference details are available at: <www.tamethecorporation.org>.

June 8-10
Washington DC
1530 P St NW

Cost: $50 for June 8-10 and June 9th dinner

Organizer: info-AT-tamethecorporation.org

URL: www.tamethecorporation.org

Binghamton Independent Media Center

Crusade Against Hate

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

On Friday, June 8th, there will be a protest against the Franklin Graham crusade on the SUNY Binghamton campus sponsored by the coalition Crusade Against Hate (CAH).

We will be meeting at 5:15 pm by the East Gym track
and then marching over to the Events Center where the festival is taking place once we're assembled. Please bring signs if at all possible. We should have some extras available.

The East Gym is located immediately to the left if you're coming onto campus from the main entrance, and the track is on the left side of the East Gym parking lot. If you come late and we're not at the track, the Events Center is off to the right coming onto campus and there should also be signs directing.

Franklin Graham is a conservative Evangelical extremist who preaches hate and incites violence against those of us in our communities who are LGBT, Muslim, Hindu, and Arab.

Binghamton University
East Gym

CMI Brasil

Anti-G8 e Dia Internacional de Acao Contra Mudancas Climaticas.

All day

No inicio de junho de 2007, os representantes e chefes de estados de governo dos 8 paises mais ricos se reunirao em Heiligendamm(nos cafundós de uma ilha da Alemanha) para tomarem decisoes que favorecam seus interesses politicos mas que afetam globalmente a maioria de nós em forma de miséria, fome, guerras e exclusoes.

Protestos no mundo inteiro estao sendo organizados para mostrar que o meio ambiente nao pode continuar pagando em nome do crescimento da economia nos paises do Norte enquanto o hemisferio sul faminto se rende à leis criada pelo G8 e Neoliberalismo.

Organizem-se! Saiam às ruas!Pois as ruas sao nossas! Nós pagmos impostos para podermos usufruir das mesmas.


Colorado IMC

Weekly Anti-War Protest

4:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Resist the War! Student & Youth Anti-War Mobilization

Every Friday from 4:30 - 5:30 PM, on the corner of 11th St. & Main Ave., Durango, CO

Bring banners, signs, placards, drums, other musical instruments, food & drinks, warm clothes, your family & friends, & your indomitable spirit of resistance! The youth must act NOW to end this and all war!

The corner of 11th St. & Main Ave., Durango, CO

Cost: free!

Organizer: free_world_alliance-AT-yahoo.com

URL: http://www.studentsforademocraticsociety.org/

Español público


All day

En conmemoración al DÍA DEL OCÉANO este 8 de Junio. La organización S.O.S ARRECIFES incita a colgar una bandera, tela o cartel de color azul para manifestarte en contra de la contaminación de los océanos y arrecifes de coral.

Si hacemos la campaña unos pocos, no llamaremos la atención de los gobiernos, por eso debemos hacerlo todos juntos.

Por los Océanos
Por la vida.



Indymedia Barcelona

'TranXgènia. La història del cuc i el panís'

10:00 PM - 1:00 AM

Presentació del documental 'TranXgènia. La història del cuc i el panís', del col·lectiu Serindípia.

Els Transgènics, sense fer gaire soroll, són cada vegada més presents en les nostres vides; des del camp del productor fins al plat dels consumidors. En base a l'experiència local de Catalunya i Aragó, aquest documental fa un recorregut pels diferents nodes d'acció (consum, salut, coneixement, sistema productiu, entorn) y exposa el conflicte que es genera quan aquesta nova biotecnologia impedeix el desenvolupament del model ecològic alternatiu de producció i consum".

Espai Transformadors
C/Ausiàs March, 60
M: Arc de Triomf

Indymedia Barcelona

'TranXgènia. La història del cuc i el panís'

10:00 PM - 1:00 AM

Presentació del documental 'TranXgènia. La història del cuc i el panís', del col·lectiu Serindípia.

Els Transgènics, sense fer gaire soroll, són cada vegada més presents en les nostres vides; des del camp del productor fins al plat dels consumidors. En base a l'experiència local de Catalunya i Aragó, aquest documental fa un recorregut pels diferents nodes d'acció (consum, salut, coneixement, sistema productiu, entorn) y exposa el conflicte que es genera quan aquesta nova biotecnologia impedeix el desenvolupament del model ecològic alternatiu de producció i consum".

Espai Transformadors
C/Ausiàs March, 60
M: Arc de Triomf

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Emision: Genova Libera en el Gaztetxe de Basauri

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Apertura de la Teteria del Gaztetxe de Basauri todos los viernes.
Ambiente Tranquilo y de Debate.

Viernes 8 Junio: Emision de "Genova Libera" (19:00 h)

Génova libera es una película basada en una historia real (testimonio de dos activistas) que cuenta los recuerdos y las experiencias de unos jóvenes en la cumbre antiglobalización de Génova donde un autentico ejercito de soñadores puso en jaque a los máximos representantes del sistema capitalista.

Programacion del Resto de Junio:

Viernes 15 Junio: "La Estrategia del Caracol" + Charla sobre okupacion
Viernes 22 Junio: "Horas de Luz"
Viernes 29 Junio: "Farenheit 9/11"

Todas las emisiones seran a partir de las 7 de la tarde.

Txarraska Gaztetxea (Basauri)

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Iralako jaiak Ekainak 8-17 Junio (Bilbo)

7:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Gazteok egindako egitaraua:

Ekainak 8 ostirala
19:30 Konpartsen jeitsiera
20:00 Pregoia eta txupinazoa IROLA irratiaren eskutik (20. urteurrena)
16:00 (Auzoko eta inguruetako taldeen kontzertuak)JAM SESSION izarbeltz ateneoan
19:00 eten egingo da. 21:00 jarraituko du
21:00 Gazte Lokala zabalik egongo da

Ekainak 9 larunbata IROLA EGUNA
11:00 Irratia ezagutzeko aukera eta saiatu irratsaioa egiten
14:30 Bazkari herrikoia
17:00 Futbito txapelketaren final laurdenak
20:00 Irola rooling chessee
Txozna itxi baino lehen txokolatada irola txoznan

Ekainak 11 astelena
17:00 Hankapalu tailerra
18:00 Pleibaka + karaokea

Ekainak 12 asteartea
18:00 txalaparta tailerra gazte lokalean

Ekainak 15 ostirala GAZTE EGUNA
00:0 Gazte acampada + Mitologia
10:00 Gosaria + Merkatura bisita
12:00 Bazkari tailerra + Graffiti
14:30 Gazte bazkari herrikoia
16:00 Ipuin kontalariak
17:00 futbito semifinalak
18:00 Goitibera txapelketa
20:00 Elektro kalejira poteoa

Ekainak 16 larunbata
14:30 Herri bazkaria
17:00 Futbito finala
20:00 futbito sari banaketa + luntxa
gazte lokalean
21:00 KONTZERTUA gazte lokalean


National (US)

Steve Cole Reunited with Brian Culbertson

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Steve Cole reunites with keyboardist Brian Culbertson for select dates this summer!

Don't miss them when they perform as part of the Hyatt's Summer Jazz Series.

$45 to $80

Hyatt Newporter Amphitheater
Hyatt Regency Newport Beach
1107 Jamboree Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Saint Louis IMC

Let's Build a Fort @ Beverly

1:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Beverly Gallery
3155 Cherokee Street

Build forts! Bring extra blankets, sheets, and pillows. All donated items go to The Women's Safe House.

"Let's Build A Fort!" is an interactive, activity-based show, with viewers invited to participate in building forts out of sheets, blankets, and pillows. All are encouraged to participate, as well as bring additional bedding which will be donated to The Women's Safe House after the exhibit closes.


URL: http://stlcamp.org/node/1745

Saint Louis IMC

Young Adult Life Initiative - Summer Program

2:15 PM - 2:15 PM

REGISTER TODAY CALL\: 314-355-3330

Imani Holistic Center
14220 Old Halls Ferry Road, Suite 201
Florissant, Missouri 63034


URL: http://stlcamp.org/node/1647

Saint Louis IMC

Les Claypool "Fancy" Tour

7:00 PM - 11:30 PM

Renowned Primus bassist and front man, Les Claypool returns with his first solo Live DVD Fancy, set for release this coming Tuesday (May 29th) on Prawn Song Records.

Check out more info at:



The Pageant 6161 Del Mar, St Louis MO 63112

Saint Louis IMC

KANTOREI, The Singing Boys of Rockford, Illinois

7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Acclaimed for their musical discipline, maturity, sensitivity, and well-rounded programming, KANTOREI represents the finest tradition of boys’choirs. Under the musical direction of Joel Ross and Diane Rodway Knight, the choir will present a varied program of choral masterworks including selections by Fauré, Rachmaninoff, and Voullaire. Music of the Czech Republic, Scotland, France, Brazil, and Japan will add to the international flavor of the program. KANTOREI will also premiere a newly-commissioned work Where There is Light in the Soul, with text based on Chinese proverbs. As a tribute to our American musical heritage, the boys will also sing arrangements of folk hymns, spirituals, and audience favorites from stage, screen, and yesteryear.

Celebrating 43 years, KANTOREI continues to offer boys and young men age 7-18 an outstanding musical education while providing opportunities for personal growth. The choir has delighted audiences nationally and throughout the world, including tours of Scandinavia, Great Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Canada, Japan, and Brazil. The choir has been invited four times to appear at the Alliance Festival for Men and Boys Singing, a prestigious choral festival held at St. John’s University in Minnesota. KANTOREI has released five critically-acclaimed compact disc recordings showcasing the boys talents in a diverse repertoire.


Tompkins County (NY) Swarm

"Kilowatt Ours"

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

"Kilowatt Ours" (Run time: 64 minutes) Jeff Barrie's 2006 documentary takes us on a journey from the coal mines of West Virginia to the solar panel fields of Florida. Along the way, Jeff and his wife Heather share a plan to eliminate their use of coal and nuclear power at home through energy conservation and the use of renewable sources. "Kilowatt Ours" invites us all to help build a "net zero" nation. Learn 10 simple steps to save $600/year on electricity.

More info at www.kilowattours.org. Please join our circle discussion after the film and share your energy-saving ideas and questions!

All BTD events free & open to the public. Park in adjacent lot, but please do not block the fire truck bays.

Trumansburg Fire Hall-Rte 96/Main St., Trumansburg-
go North from Ithaca to T-Burg through the center of town. Pass Post Office on Left, Fire Hall next building on right.

Twincities IMC

Palestinian Solidarity

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

every Friday, 4:15 - 5:30 pm

Vigil to end the occupation of Palestine

Snelling and Summit Avenues, St Paul

Twincities IMC

Noche Hispana TRES

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM



 Noche Hispana TRES

La música, el baile y la poesía se juntan nuevamente en Patrick’s Cabaret para mostrarnos la diversidad cultural de las Ciudades Gemelas. Paulino reúne a talentosos artistas locales en un par de noches donde la cultura hispana es la protagonista. No se lo pierda!

Music, dance and poetry come together again at Patrick’s Cabaret to show off the cultural diversity of the Twin Cities. Paulino brings together talented local artists for two nights where the common thread is golden: la cultura hispana. Don’t miss it!

Danzas tradicionales de Bolivia (Traditional Bolivian dances) by Caporales de Bolivia

Canciones de Latinoamérica (Songs from Latin-America) by music trio “Raices” (Debut in Twin Cities!)

Javier Carrasco músico peruano, Temas Propios (His own songs)

Los Alegres Bailadores Bailes tradicionales de México (Traditional dances from Mexico)

Judd August Canciones de Latinoamérica y España (Songs from Latin-America and Spain)

Guest Curator (and poem reader): Paulino Brener

Reservations 612-721-3595 www.patrickscabaret.org


3010 Minnehaha Av S
Minneapolis 55406

Cost: $8 at the door $6 in advance from the artists

Organizer: mail-AT-paulino.info

URL: http://www.patrickscabaret.org/

Twincities IMC

Noche Hispana TRES

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM



 Noche Hispana TRES

La música, el baile y la poesía se juntan nuevamente en Patrick’s Cabaret para mostrarnos la diversidad cultural de las Ciudades Gemelas. Paulino reúne a talentosos artistas locales en un par de noches donde la cultura hispana es la protagonista. No se lo pierda!

Music, dance and poetry come together again at Patrick’s Cabaret to show off the cultural diversity of the Twin Cities. Paulino brings together talented local artists for two nights where the common thread is golden: la cultura hispana. Don’t miss it!

Danzas tradicionales de Bolivia (Traditional Bolivian dances) by Caporales de Bolivia

Canciones de Latinoamérica (Songs from Latin-America) by music trio “Raices” (Debut in Twin Cities!)

Javier Carrasco músico peruano, Temas Propios (His own songs)

Los Alegres Bailadores Bailes tradicionales de México (Traditional dances from Mexico)

Judd August Canciones de Latinoamérica y España (Songs from Latin-America and Spain)

Guest Curator (and poem reader): Paulino Brener

Reservations 612-721-3595 www.patrickscabaret.org


3010 Minnehaha Av S
Minneapolis 55406

Cost: $8 at the door $6 in advance from the artists

Organizer: mail-AT-paulino.info

URL: http://www.patrickscabaret.org/



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