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  January 2005  
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Events for Wednesday, 19 January 2005

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Austin IMC

Austin Indymedia Collective Meeting (all welcome)

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Regular collective meetings will be on Wednesdays (every other week). They are open to the public and we encourage anyone considering volunteering to come check out the meetings. We will be glad to answer any questions and show you around.

Come get involved and become a media hoodlum.
We are looking for dedicated, conscious, self-motivated individuals who want to change the world.

The Rhizome warehouse
300 Allen St.

Directions: From Downtown:
by bike: take 5th east past pleasant valley, right on allen (at the meals on wheels), dead ends at the warehouse.
by car: take 7th east past pleasant valley, next right (after bridge) on allen, take till dead end.


URL: http://rhizomecollective.org/directions.html

Boston IMC

American Library Association Conference

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

The 2005 American Library Association Midwinter Meeting will be held in Boston, MA, from January 14-19, 2005. The exhibits will be held January 14-17, 2005 in the Hynes Convention Center, with the Ribbon-Cutting held Friday, January 14 at 5:15 pm preceding the All-Conference Reception.

Headquarter Hotels will be the Marriott Copley Place, Sheraton Boston Hotel and the Westin Copley Plaza.

50 E. Huron Chicago, IL 60611 Call Us Toll Free 1-800-545-2433

ALA President's Program
Creating an Advocacy Epidemic
Sunday, January 16, 2005, 3 - 5pm
In today’s difficult economic conditions, it is more important than ever before to stand up and speak out for libraries to ensure that we retain our funding and support. Join ALA President Carol A. Brey-Casiano as she welcomes Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, and a panel of distinguished speakers in an exciting program that demonstrates how to mobilize individual grassroots advocacy efforts in your community into a nation-wide advocacy ‘epidemic.’ By turning passive support into educated action, we can enhance the image of and increase support for libraries, librarians and library workers, bring increased attention to critical national issues such as literacy and equity of access, and expand the global reach of librarians. Whether you are an experienced library advocate or are taking your first steps along this important path, you can’t afford to miss this program. We Can Do It!/Si, Se Puede!
Sponsored by Little, Brown and Company

Author Forum
The Friday afternoon Author Forum has three speakers on the panel this year.
Come and hear these exciting New England authors
Friday, January 14, 4pm - 5:15pm, Convention Center
Chris Bohjalian, author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller Midwives, is once again engaging readers in his latest novel, Before You Know Kindness. Bohjalian is the author of nine novels, various magazine credits, and currently has three works in development for movies (The Buffalo Soldier, The Law of Similars, and Water Witches), establishing him as not only as “America’s answer to Joanna Trollope” (Kirkus), but an American treasure.    
Sponsored by Random House

Nathaniel Philbrick takes his fans on yet another riveting voyage with his latest book Sea of Glory: America’s Voyage of Discovery-The U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842. Sea of Glory integrates his esteem and acute knowledge of history with his proclivity for compelling drama, while he discuss the journey from the South Pacific to the Antarctic, Pacific Northwest to New York City. Philbrick is currently working on a novel about the voyage of the Mayflower.     
Sponsored by Penguin Putnam

Tom Perrotta is the author of several works of fiction, including Joe College and Election, which was made into the acclaimed 1999 movie starring Reese Witherspoon and Matthew Broderick. Perrotta’s latest novel, Little Children finds him illuminating some new yet familiar territory-the American suburb.  Hailed as his best work, Kirkus calls Perrotta “an accomplished comic novelist extends his range brilliantly”.
Sponsored by Holtzbrinck Publishers including St. Martin's Press; Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Henry Holt; Picador; Tor Books and Audio Renaissance

ALA Planned Giving Seminar
ALA Development
Monday, January 17, 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Please join the ALA Development Office for a one-hour seminar on estate planning and recent changes in estate and gift lax laws. Reservations are required. An invitation can be requested by calling 800-545-2433, extension 5050. There is no fee for this event.

From the Top: Technology Opportunities Program Basics
Friday, 1:00pm - 5:00pm
This lively and interactive session will provide ALA members information about the TOP program, its support of libraries in the past, and give participants an opportunity to think about how to put together a technology project in your community. First, TOP staff and library grantees from years past will share lessons learned and describe outstanding projects featuring libraries. Next, TOP staff will outline a typical grant round, including the award criteria, tips on elements to include, and pitfalls to avoid. Finally, participants will collaboratively brainstorm project ideas and share them with the rest of the group. TOP staff will be available for more detailed critique of potential project ideas after the meeting. No fee is required to attend, but attendees must register in advance. To reserve your spot, please send an email to rreynolds-AT-alawash.org.

Serving the Underserved IV
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Registration for this event is by invitation only. To register for this event, Please contact YALSA at yalsa-AT-ala.org.

Friends of Libraries U.S.A. – Boston Tea Party
Monday, 2pm - 4pm
A Boston Tea Party - FOLUSA style! Friends of Libraries U.S.A. will host four best-selling authors discussing their work while you munch on finger sandwiches, fine pastries, fruits and cheeses, and a wide assortment of teas. All authors will sign copies of their latest books – many of which will be available free - others will be offered at a very generous discount. Don’t miss this opportunity to hobnob with some of your favorite authors and leave with signed, first editions! Call 800-936-5872 or logon www.folusa.org for tickets. Tickets are $35 in advance, and $45 onsite.

Exhibit Information
The exhibits will include over 800 booths, and will be housed in the Hynes Convention Center in Boston. The ALA Midwinter Exhibition is packed with demonstrations and free samples from over 425 vendors.

For detailed information on all our exhibitors, please visit our online exhibitor database. Or, you can view an online, interactive exhibit floorplan.

Exhibit Events and Hours
Friday, January 14
4 – 5:15 pm  Best-Selling Authors Forum  
5:15 – 7:30pm Exhibits Opening Ceremony and ALA/ERT All Conference Reception (includes entertainment and complimentary refreshments)
Saturday and Sunday, January 15-16
9am – 5pm Exhibits Open

Monday, January 17
9am – 2pm Exhibits Open
10am – 1:15pm Technology Showcase

Special Events on the Exhibit Floor

Basket Raffle
Friday, January 14, 5:30 - 7:30pm
Exhibitors will be raffling off exciting gift baskets at their booths during the All Conference Reception. Baskets will be displayed near registration on Friday afternoon. Check the Final Meeting Program and Cognotes for descriptions of the baskets.

Technology Showcase
Monday, January 17, 10am - 1:15pm
Don’t miss this year’s Technology Showcase, which will consist of free concurrent programs on the exhibit floor featuring new products and demonstrations. See the Final Meeting Program and Cognotes for further information.

Hynes Convention Center

URL: http://www.ala.org/ala/eventsandconferencesb/midwinter/2005/home.htm

Boston IMC

Counter-Inaugural Events

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

This is a great site for info on the Counter-Inaugural activites.

Washington DC mostly

URL: http://www.counter-inaugural.org/index.php?name=events

Boston IMC

The Perilous Earth

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

The Perilous Earth: Understanding Natural Hazards

Mr. Daniel Barclay, Political Science, MIT

"An Evaluation of Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Measures"

Sponsored by MIT Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

Open to the public

MIT 54-915

Cost: free

URL: http://eapsweb.mit.edu/events/lecture_series.shtml

Boston IMC

Buses to Wash DC for Counter-Inauguration

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Leaving Wed. Jan 19, 7-10pm Boston Common

UJP is pleased to publicize buses that other groups are organizing to go down to Washington DC for the counter-inauguration. Check out these websites also: www.redefeatbush.com & www.counter-inaugural.com

1. Boston Mobilization:
Wednesday, Jan. 19th, Buses Leave for DC; DC Trip Kick Off Rally, Boston Common 7 - 10pm; Depart for DC: 7-10pm, Return to Boston: 4-7am, Friday, Jan. 21st; $50 per person
*Accepting donations for individuals in need

Contact: Brady Chalmers, 617-327-3499, brady.chalmers (at) gmail.com
or contactus (at) bostonmobilzation.org
website: www.bostonmobilization.org/nomandate.php

2. ANSWER Boston Buses will leave by 10:30 PM, Wednesday, Jan. 19 from Roxbury Community College Parking Lot (on street parking only - Cedar at Center St., (Roxbury Crossing orangeline T) return early Friday, January 21 (the T will not be running)

$50 / seat (+ $5.00 voluntary donation to subsidy fund); Contact 617-522-6626, email:info (at) answerboston.org; www.iacboston.org/j20.cfm

Washington DC

Cost: see above

URL: http://www.justicewithpeace.org

Boston IMC

"Atomic Cafe" - Radical Film Night

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

(1982, 92 min) “lighthearted look at nuclear war, produced during the height of the Cold War entirely using stock footage from the 1940s and 1950s”

Atomic Cafe is a review of the atomic age and the beliefs held by Americans at the time. Many things such as Burt the Turtle who was the figurehead the "Duck and Cover" campaign are featured. Along with these film clips are portions of Army training films and demonstration films concerning atomic testing. All of these clips are combined to show how little the experts knew about atomics at the time. And even more to the heart, the point is to show the extent propaganda was used to mollify the fears of the American public, and her soldiers.

Lucy Parsons Center
549 Columbus Avenue
Boston's South End

Cost: free


URL: www.lucyparsons.org

IMC Norway

Mer markedsretting og mindre demokrati innenfor høyere utdanning?

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

I disse dager diskuteres et forslag til ny lov for høyere utdanning på

Hvilke konsekvenser kan et ja til dette forslaget og til Ot.prp.79 få for høyere utdanning i Norge og ved NTNU.

Innledning ved Julie Feilberg (prorektor ved NTNU).

Tid: Onsdag 19.januar kl 19:00
Sted: Scapa – andre etasje (Brattørgata).

Underskriftliste mot Ot.prp.79 henger på ATTAC sine tavler på Dragvoll
og Gløshaugen. Her henger også informasjon om forslagene.

Sted: Scapa – andre etasje (Brattørgata).


URL: www.org.ntnu.no/Attac

Indymedia Barcelona

Taller de Dansa al CSOA l'Estella

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Com ja es costum els dimecres es realitza un curs/taller de dansa principalment oriental al CSOA l'Estella.

CSOA l'Estella

Directions: c/ Lepant, 83
al costat de l'estació de tren
de Mataró


URL: http://www.musaik.net/estella

Indymedia Barcelona

Debat "Constitució europea: el que no ens diuen"

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Tabla redonda sobre el Tratado Constitucional que será sometido a reférendum consultativo el 20 de febrero. En ella participarán diversos colectivos, bajo el titulo "Constitución europea, lo que no nos cuentan".

CCCB (Centre Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona)
C/ Montalegre 5, 08001 Barcelona
Tel. 93 306 41 00

Cost: Gratuita

Directions: Metro: línies 1, 2 i 3 (Pl. Catalunya i Pl. Universitat) FGC i RENFE.
Bus: 7, 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 24, 38, 41, 50, 54, 55, 58, 59, 66, 91, 141, L90, Tombús, Aerobús.
Pàrquings: Pl. Castella, Carrer dels Àngels, Pl. Catalunya


URL: http://www.cccb.org/cat/info/agendam.htm

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Cine Pobre en Kalaska: "En busca de hackers"

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Elegant mob films. 2005. 60 min.

PRESENTA: Hack-resi, hacklab de Iruñea

¿Qué tienen en común abogadas, estudiantes, ingenieros, funcionarias o maestros? Aparentemente nada. Sin embargo, todos forman parte de un nuevo fenómeno social cuya realidad pujante, amplia y combativa crece como el ceral en primavera. Y eso a pesar de la tergiversación, la censura y la criminalización de los medios de formación de opinión. Efectivamente, los hackers no necesariamente tienen gafas, pelo grasiento, mirada huidiza o fobias edípicas. Ni hablar de seres cuya vida transcurre entre el resentimiento social e incomprensibles jaculatorias cibernéticas. Se trata, más bien, de una comunidad que comparte proyectos colectivos sobre la base del apoyo mutuo y de la libre circulación de saberes. Su potencia política es grande porque sus coordenadas ideológicas son radicales y transformadoras... ergo son peligrosos. Aviso: han venido para quedarse.
Es este un breve e intenso recorrido por algunas de estas sorprendentes experiencias: riereta.net, que ha montado un local para freelances que quieran desarrollar software libre; lavapieswireless.net, que es una red de ordenadores pública no estatal diseñada y puesta en marcha por una comunidad vecinal; o el proyecto fadaiat, unas jornadas en torno a la libertad de movimiento y de conocimiento que se celebraron en Tarifa y Tanger...

Kalaska (Zabaldi). Navarrería 25, bajo. Iruñea

Cost: Entrada libre


URL: http://www.kalaska.org

New Hampshire IMC

USA Springs at Nottingham Planning Board

7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

It appears that the company is trying to get all its ducks in a row with the state prior to the January 19 site plan review public hearing before the Nottingham Planning Board, one of the steps needed in the quest to build its
water bottling plant. And--surprise, surprise--our state guardians of the environment--paid for with our tax dollars--are helping them right along.


What: Planning Board Meeting
When: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2004 @ 7:30PM
Where: Nottingham Town Offices, Route 152, 139 Stage Road, Nottingham
Questions: Call Planning Board at (603) 679-9597

Nottingham Town Offices, Route 152, 139 Stage Road, Nottingham


Northwest Florida IMC

Reading of the Names of the Dead in Iraq

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

This will be a solemn, candlelight vigil and reading of the names of the American and Iraqi dead from the war. Please bring candles. If you like to read some of the names, please e-mail vfppcola-AT-yahoo.com

MLK Plaza (inclimate weather location will be Center for Social Justice at 1603 North Davis Hwy)

Cost: free

Directions: corner of Palafox and Gregory


URL: http://www.angelfire.com/fl5/vfppcola

San Diego IMC

SDIMC Counter-Inaugural Film Night!

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Wednesday, January 19th, the San Diego Independent Media Center will present a night of Counter-Inaugural film in opposition to the illegitimate coronation of George W. Bush.

7pm, Voz Alta, 1544 Broadway

Three films:
Empire State, lotus' 25 minute film about the RNC
Unconventional TV, imc coverage of the RNC
J20 DC: 2000 Inauguration

Voz Alta, 1544 Broadway

Cost: donation suggested

Directions: Voz Alta, 1544 Broadway, 16th and Broadway in Downtown San Diego


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom (HUFF)

8:30 AM - 12:00 AM

HUFF is a civil rights organization of housed and unhoused folk intent on overturning laws and practices that criminalize poor people.

Baker's Square Restaurant 1107 Ocean St. Santa Cruz

Cost: Free

Directions: Just off Highway 17 half-way between Denny's Restaurant and the County Building.


URL: http://www.huffsantacruz.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

HUFF's Vigil Against Two Wars

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

HUFF shares space with Santa Cruz Copwatch in front of Borders Book Store. We also have a radio which plays Free Radio Santa Cruz's Bathrobespierre's Broadsides--a two hour civil rights show concerned with local human rights violations--from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Often we have access to a cellular phone to call in to the show and report police misconduct and other discrimination against the poor directly from the street.

We also circulate petitions urging City Council to take actions to end the War in Iraq and the War Against the Poor in Santa Cruz. The petitions urge the Rotkin City Council to loosen local laws so as to permit medical marijuana distribution centers, urge the Council to press for the impeachment of Bush, urge immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq, urge restoration of public spaces and benches downtown, and urge an end to the Sleeping, Blanket, and Camping Bans.

We also distribute literature as well as the monthly homeless newspaper Street Spirit.

HUFF activists also cook and distribute food, often vegan, which we pass out until the pot is empty.

In front of New Leaf Market at Pacific and Soquel

Directions: In front of Borders Book Store in Santa Cruz downtown on Pacific Avenue at Soquel


URL: www.huffsantacruz.org, www.santacruzcopwatch.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Films on 9/11 unanswered questions.

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

The Santa Cruz 9/11 Truth Network
If you question "the official story," don't miss this event!!

Wednesday, January 19 – Selected portions of two outstanding films

“Painful Deceptions” (abridged to 1 hr)
Eric Hufschmid explores disturbing questions about the Twin Towers and Bldg. 7 collapses and the attack on the Pentagon.

“The Great Deception: The War on Terrorism” (abridged to 35 min.)
Canadian journalist and media critic, Barrie Zwicker, plus a
provocative panel ask searching questions about intelligence and media failure in relation to 9/11.

Where and when: 7:30pm - Veterans' Hall, 846 Front St., Santa Cruz.
Donation of $5. (no one turned away). Discussion after events.
For info., email:santacruz911truth-AT-yahoo.com / tel. 325-3135



Tampa Bay Indymedia

Tampa Bay IndyMedia Meeting

8:30 PM - 10:00 PM

All are invited to post to the site, and share their view of what is news in their community. At the weekly meetings, we discuss changes to the site, benefits, skill-sharing, work on our print publication, The Open Press, and ways to become a more effective resource to the community.

Sacred Grounds Coffee House, 4819 E. Busch Blvd., Tampa

Cost: free


URL: www.tampaindymedia.org

Tennessee Independent Media Center

Let Them Eat Cake - CounterInauguration Gathering in Clarksville

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

In Clarksville we are also having a "Let Them Eat Cake" inauguration
discussion at the Public Library on January 19th, 6:30 p.m. to 7:45
p.m. We
will have cake to celebrate the positive things we have despite the

We have a newsletter called: Clarksville Freethinkers for Peace and
Liberties. Our e-mail is Freeinthesouth-AT-bellsouth.net

Thanks again,


Thunder Bay IMC

Media as teh Judge: the case of accused 'Eco-Terrorist' Tre Arrow

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

"Media as the Judge: the case of accused 'Eco-Terrorist' Tre Arrow" - an event hosted by Snow-pirg
Tre Arrow is currently a political prisoner in Canada awaiting extradition to the United States for 'alleged' connection with the destruction of logging equipment in Oregon in 2001. This case is highly political with the FBI and Corporate Media branding Mr. Arrow as an 'Eco-Terrorist'.
On Wednesday, January 19th, the Tre Arrow National Speaking Tour will be at the Study at 7pm with the aim of raising awareness on how the corporate media has already indicted, tried and convicted environmentalist Tre Arrow. For more information visite www.trearrow.org.

The Study, Lakehead University

Cost: free (donations appreciated)


Twincities IMC

AlliantACTION Vigil

7:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Ninth year of a weekly vigil outside international war merchant Alliant Techsystem's corporate headquarters. Although we are opposed to specific weapon systems produced by ATK, our main concern is the violent solutions this Minnesota based company represents to complex world problems. We ask who profits and who dies?

Alliant’s corporate Headquarters, 5050 Lincoln Drive, Edina. Take Hwy 169 north or south toward Hopkins. Take the 5th St/Lincoln Dr. exit. Turn east one block.

Networking continues at breakfast for those interested following the vigil.


URL: http://www.circlevision.org/alliantaction.html

Western Massachusetts IMC

Reclaim Democracy meeting

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

A new chapter of Reclaim Democracy is starting up in Greenfield, MA. Our focus is in restoring democratic authority over corporations, reviving grassroots democracy, and revoking the power of money and corporations to control government and civic society. So many people have expressed their frustrations with corporate influence and crime, un-democratic practices in government (irrespective of the party) andmedia mis-information - here's a chance to do something about it locally. Please come join us to kick off the conversation and the action.

For more information, check out the website at reclaimdemocracy.org

Agenda available by request

The Greenfield Public Library, Main Street



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