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  May 2004  
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Events for Monday, 31 May 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]


Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore Meeting

7:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Join the Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore as it meets on Monday nights at the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) building on York Road. The Pledge, formerly the Iraq Pledge of Resistance, regularly engages in civil disobedience on behalf of our collective civil liberties. Every action is non-violent and is conducted peacefully.

The Pledge has a series of actions planned in the upcoming months that are designed to visibly oppose the Bush administration's "preemptive" warmongering and attacks on the Bill of Rights. If you're concerned about the direction the US is heading to please consider coming out and joining us. (Note: it is always advisable to call in advance to confirm the meeting is being held as scheduled.)

806 York Road, Baltimore, MD


Indymedia Barcelona

Passi del vídeo "Ebre" de la PDE.

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Dins la Festa Major de Prosperitat (Nou Barris), passi del Vídeo "Ebre", docmental de la PDE sobre la lluita en defensa de l´Ebre.

Casal de Barri de Prosperitat, Pl.Àngel Pestanya, metro L4


URL: http://www.racocatala.com/laforca

Indymedia Euskal Herria

4 personas ingresan en la prision de Guadalajara,Mexico

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Alrededor de 95 personas fueron detenidas el viernes en la manifestacion que se realizao en guadalajara, Mexico para protestar por la Cumbre que realizaban los jefes de Estado de Europa, America Latina y Caribe. Hoy lunes 31 de mayo 4 de ellas/os han ingresado en el Penal Puente Grande de Guadalajara y posiblemente hoy ingresen unas 5 mas, pero no es seguro, ya que al mediodia de hoy hora mejicana caduca el plazo de 72 horas legal que la policia tiene para decidir la situacion de los/as DETENIDOS/AS. Como viene pasando en estas protestas el dispositivo policial era brutal y la ciudad ya estaba cerrada, sobretodo el centro, unos dias antes. 33 personas fueron liberadas la madrugada del viernes, la mayoria de Guadalajara, 10 mas el sabado por la tarde y 8 extranjeros, entre ellos/as 2 catalanes 1 vasco y una chica de Madrid o almenos vive en Madrid, estos estan en el Instituto Nacional de Migracion de Iztapalapa en el D.F. Salieron en autocar el sabado a la noche hacia este centro y alli decidiran sobre su situacion, lo mas probable es que acepten la deportacion, pero no han podido hablar con los abogados. Ninguno/a de los 95 detenidos/as ni aun hoy lunes, ninguno/a de los/as 44 que restan detenidas/os ha podido hablar con sus abogados/as. Se les ha torturado, maltratado fisica y psicologicamente, se habla de posibles VIOLACIONES a algunos HOMBRES y tocamientos a mujeres, no han tenido asistencia medica ni jurica, se les ha obligado a firmar declaraciones bajo amenazas. Es un proceso lleno de irregularidades i donde no se estan cumpliendo los derechos basicos ni humanitarios, cuando no hay pruebas contra la mayoria de los/las detenidos/as. Desde las organizaciones de Guadalajara se convoca internacionalmente para el proximo Viernes 4 de junio, para realizar acciones delante de las embajadas o consulados mexicanos para pedir la libertad de los/las detenidos/as. El gobernador del estado de Jalisco, Francisco Ramirez Acuña ha declarado:'A los que sean puestos en libertad y no sean vecinos del estado, se les exigira que abandonen de inmediato el estado de Jalisco' esta declaracion viola el derecho a la libertyad de transito que ampara el art. 11 de la Constitucion mexicana. Para consultar el comunicado de prensa hecho publico hoy y algunas de las declaraciones de los/as detenidos/as o testimonios: www.enlazandoalternativas.org Para mas info: otromayoguadalajara.org indymediamexico


Rochester IMC

Memorial Vigil in Time of War

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

What: Rochester area residents will gather to remember the dead in Iraq, both soldiers and civilians. FLOWERS WILL BE DROPPED IN THE GENESEE RIVER AS PARTICIPANTS READ THE NAMES OF THE DEAD.

****Please bring a flower****


When: Memorial Day, Monday May 31st, 9am

Who: Sponsored by the Peace Action and Education Task Force of Metro Justice. David Brickman, soloist with the Rochester Philharmonic, will play solo violin and representatives of various faith traditions will lead prayers and benedictions for the dead.

Why: Local residents are moved to honor the humanity of those who have been lost in the war.

Where: Sister Cities Bridge, behind the Federal Building, downtown Rochester. Parking available on Andrews Street

Cost: free


Santa Cruz Indymedia

FIRST AID TRAINING for the Street Activist

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

The Bay Area Radical Health Collective presents a six hour training that
will teach activists with basic first aid training and skills valuable
for protests and beyond. You will learn about primary assessment, dealing
with pepper spray and other policeweapons, treating wounds and sprains,
herbal first aid, and emotional aftercare. There are no prerequisites and
no prior medical knowledge or experience is necessary. While this is a
basic class, it is also useful for people with advanced medical training
who wish to learn more about providing first aid in an activist context.
This course will help you to be safer and stronger in your activism.
Expect to have lots of fun! Rise-Up in Strength and Health!!! Spread
Healing in the Streets

St. Boniface Church, on Golden Gate between Jones and Leavenworth, San Francisco

Cost: $5-10 sliding scale, nobody turned away for lack of funds


URL: http://barhc.w2c.net/pdf/barhc-training.pdf

Twincities IMC


11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

REMEMBER. Mourn all victims of violent conflict—including civilians, combatants, production workers, and the earth.

VISION. Bring belief in the power of nonviolence and respect for all living things.

ACT. Become educated and informed, then act! Support nonviolent civil obedience at Alliant Techsystems. Contact your representatives, the media, and church and neighborhood groups.

AlliantACTION will observe a World Memorial Day of remembrance, vision and action at Alliant Techsystems, Minnesota’s largest military contractor, on Monday, May 31 at 11 a.m.

AlliantACTION vigils weekly on Wednesdays at Alliant Techsystems’ corporate headquarters in Edina. Although vigils and demonstrations have focused on different weapon systems over the years, the main theme has always been to reduce the military budget and fund human needs. More information online at CircleVision.org

Alliant’s corporate Headquarters, 5050 Lincoln Drive, Edina. Take Hwy 169 north or south toward Hopkins. Take the 5th St/Lincoln Dr. exit. Turn east one block.


URL: http://www.circlevision.org/alliantaction.html


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