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  May 2004  
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Events for Thursday, 20 May 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]


Hand out peace diplomas at JHU

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Members of the Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore will meet at 8 AM on Thurs., May 20 on University Parkway, near the Johns Hopkins University baseball field. They will begin distributing peace diplomas at 8:15 AM as graduates and family members enter the Homewood campus commencement, which takes place in the lacrosse Stadium. The peace diplomas will urge the graduates to speak out against the weapons contracts of the Applied Physics Laboratory, notify the governor to stop the execution of Steven Oken and condemn the war in Iraq.




IndyMedia Center General Meeting

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Progressive Action Center 1443 Gorsuch


Baltimore IMC

Baltimore IMC General Meeting

7:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The Baltimore IMC general meetings are open to the public, and all are welcome and encouraged to participate.

We now have one general meeting that begins at 7:30 rather than splitting the Editorial group and general meetings. We discuss ongoing and upcoming news coverage projects, finances, forthcoming events (speakers, workshops, etc), and any other business related to the IMC.

If you are interested in attending, but aren't sure how you might participate in the group, please come and discuss it with us! We're a friendly group, and there are all sorts of ways to contribute...

Progressive Action Center
1443 Gorsuch Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21218

Directions: The PAC (Progressive Action Center) is located at the corner of Gorsuch and Kirk Ave. From the south, go north to 25th street, and head east about 7 blocks to Kirk Avenue (7-11, Allfirst Bank). Turn left and head about 5 blocks to Gorsuch. From the north, take 33rd street east to Loch Raven. Turn right (south) and head a few blocks to traffic light at Gorsuch. Turn left (east) and head 3 blocks to Kirk.


URL: http://baltimore.indymedia.org/

Boston IMC

Prison Book Program Volunteer Night

6:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Join us to answer prisoners' letters and send books to them.

110 Arlington St., Boston

Directions: 2 blocks from Arlington T stop or 3 blocks from Back Bay T stop


URL: http://www.prisonbookprogram.org

Boston IMC

A People's History of the United States

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Join us as we read and discuss Howard Zinn's telling of history through the eyes of the people whose stories you don't learn about in school or read about in books. We'll attempt to make visible the history of this country that people in power have gone great lengths to hide from us. The readings for each week are posted on the website. Twenty books are available to borrow for the duration of the class thanks to a personal donation from Howard Zinn. To sign up, e-mail Thomas or Seth, the class coordinators. The class runs from April 8th through June 10th.

Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St., Jamaica Plain

Cost: Free


URL: http://www.jpfreeskool.org

CMI Brasil


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

O primeiro ciclo /Cultura de Greve, Greve é Formação/ nasceu dos debates da greve de agosto de 2003, nas universidades públicas paulistas contra a Privatização da Previdência. Estes debates reuniram professores e estudantes do curso de Artes Plásticas, da ECA-USP, numa luta comum em defesa da educação e do serviço público.

Ao se estender para além da greve, como grupo de discussões e atos culturais, a organização do ciclo se propôs a novamente reunir professores, estudantes e funcionários em discussões de caráter interdisciplinar, com o objetivo de vivificar as práticas de pesquisa e
de difusão do saber, e num movimento igualitário pela universalização da cultura e das artes e a favor do caráter público e gratuito da educação como direito comum e permanente. Na luta contra a privatização da
universidade, greve é formação e informação pública.

/Cultura de Greve/.

Nas manifestações do II Cultura de Greve, no primeiro
semestre de 2004, as atividades já se iniciam ao mesmo tempo que a mobilização das universidades, contra a privatização do ensino público e por melhores salários, e a comissão organizadora do ciclo passa a incluir também estudantes da FAU-USP e em especial a contar com o apoio da revista /Contravento/. Deste modo, a maioria das sessões terão por tema problemáticas conexas às relações entre /visualidade e espaço urbano./

1) *DIA 20/5*, 18h

LOCAL: auditório Lupe Cotrim, prédio central da ECA, primeiro andar


Eduardo Aquino (arquiteto e artista, Universidade de Manitoba, Canadá), Alexandre Delijaicov (arquiteto e prof. FAU-USP) e Geraldo de Souza Dias (arquiteto, pintor e prof. ECA-USP);

2) *DIA 27/5*, 18h

LOCAL: auditório Freitas Nobre (Aquário-CJE), prédio do departamento de Jornalismo e Editoração (CJE), térreo


Sônia Salzstein (prof. ECA-USP e curadora);

3) *DIA 3/6*, 18h

LOCAL: auditório Lupe Cotrim, prédio central da ECA, primeiro andar


Abílio Guerra (prof. FAU-PUC-Campinas; editor: /Vitruvius/ e Romano-Guerra)

4) *DIA 17/6*, 18h

LOCAL: auditório Lupe Cotrim, prédio central da ECA, primeiro andar

PALESTRA: */Espaço, América e Geografia/*

Paulo Mendes da Rocha (arquiteto e prof. FAU-USP);

5) *DIA 23/6*, 18h

LOCAL: auditório Lupe Cotrim, prédio central da ECA, primeiro andar


Ismail Xavier (prof. ECA-USP)

Sessões de exibição video:

21 e 22/6, 12h e 18h

23/6, 12h
LOCAL: auditório Paulo Emílio, ECA

Universidade de São Paulo (maiores informações no próprio texto).


Indymedia Barcelona

Acte de Solidaritat amb els pobles oprimits

11:30 AM - 7:00 PM

11:30 - Xerrada amb:
- Xarxa d'enllaç amb PALESTINA
- Col·lectiu de Solidaritat amb la Rebel·lió ZAPATISTA
- Grup des suport al poble MAPUCHE
- Associació d'amics del poble SAHARAUÍ.
Aula 20.047

15:30 - Xerrada amb Daniel Lourenço (Responsable Nacional de l'organització estudiantil AGIR) [GALIZA].
Aula 20.059.

I després Festa Major de la UPF.

UPF Campus Ciutadella de Barcelona.
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27.


URL: http://www.alternativaestel.org

Indymedia Barcelona


12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Contra la destrucción sistemática de los derechos sociales. Contra el paro y la miseria. Por una cultura viva y no de mercado
¡¡Todos en canes!! del 12 al 23 de Mayo del 2004

Colectivos,organizaciones sindicales y asociativas, están creando un comite de ocupación del festival y poniendo en marcha una infrastructura de acogida en el lugar. Hay previsto en el calendario momentos de acción:
Mierco 12/5-Ceremonia de inaguración del festival
Vierne 14/5-Rueda de prensa de la Coordinadora Nacional de los "intermitentes" y Precarios de Francia, la Federación del Espectaculo CGT, y personalidades y miembros del Comite de Seguimiento de la Asamblea Nacional de Francia.
Sabad 15/5-Manifestación de los trabajadores del espectáculo y del audiovisual,en respuesta a la llamada hecha por los sindicatos y coordinadoras en lucha contra la destrucción del régimen específico del seguro de desempleo.
Domin 16/5-Reunión-Cumbre de los más grandes estudios cinematográficos mundiales-Americanos, Hindúes, Chinos y Europeos-para discutir sobre la lucha contra la pirateria
Marte 18/5-Iª Reunión de los 25 Ministros de Cultura de la UE para discutir de la "Excepción Cultural"

Del 20 al 22 de Mayo: El Colectivo "K.O.à Cannes hace un llamamiento a la unidad Interprofesional:Debates, coloquios,proyecciones,acciones y manifestaciones, guerrilla pacífica y reivindicativa Interprofesional

Primeras firmas:Convergence 06- CROAC Montpellier-AC! 13-CNT-espectacle- Union régionale dee la fédération spectacle CGT-Sud-culture- Sud-éducation-Fédétarion anrchiste Marseille-MADS(mouvement altermondialiste de désobéssance sociale)-CIPM(collectif des intermittents el précaries de Marseille-CIP_IdF-Ras l'front Marseille-Résister!-Ligue dess droits de l'homme Marseille Nord_sud-Solidaires 13-Solidaires34


Indymedia Barcelona


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Desde Ràdio Contrabanda, informamos de quel próximo sabado en el local del A.L.A. C/Salvadors 30 St. Antoni L2(Associació Lliure Antiprohibicionista) tindrá lloc la presentació de la revista "Suicidio Autónomo" , publicació de més de 100 pagines dedicades un dels grans tabú de la nostra societat: El dret a la mort voluntària. Amenizarán la velada el combo "El Niño del Parche y Muletitas" con su Rumba Punk (versiones de los Chichos, Rumba 3, Eskorbuto,etc...).
El evento empieza sobre las 21:30 y es totalmente gratis.
Decir que el acto estarà dedicado a la memória de Raúl Fernandez, Bitter o Ra, compañero de Radio Contrabanda que nos ha dejado esta semana.
Para mas información www.contrabanda.org majaras-AT-ravalnet.org

Local de l´A.L.A (Associació Lliure Antiprohibicionista)
C/Salvadors 30 St. Antoni L2

Cost: 0 euros


URL: http://www.contrabanda.org

Indymedia Barcelona

II Aniversari del CSO La Opera

7:00 PM - 11:30 PM

II Aniversari del CSO La Opera

19h Passi de video sobre Itoiz "Herriak Bizirik"
+Xerrada sobre la situació actual de la lluita en contra l'embassament d'Itoiz

22h Concert amb PANTANITO (Neocalóritmo)

c/Josep Prats 56-58 cantonada amb Francesc Moragues
L'Hospitalet (centre) de Llobregat

metro: L1 av. carrilet
fgc: av. carrilet
renfe: hospitalet
bus's: L10, L12, LH2, N15, N13

Directions: CSO LA OPERA
c/Josep Prats 56-58 cantonada amb Francesc Moragues
L'Hospitalet (centre) de Llobregat

metro: L1 av. carrilet
fgc: av. carrilet
renfe: hospitalet
bus's: L10, L12, LH2, N15, N13


URL: http://www.sindominio.net/okupesbcn

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Por un festival internacional de las luchas sociales en Canes

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Contra la destrucción sistemática de los derechos sociales. Contra el paro y la miseria. Por una cultura viva y no de mercado.
Colectivos, organizaciones sindicales y asociativas, están creando un comité de ocupación del Festival y poniendo en marcha una infraestructura de acogida en el lgar. Hay previsto momentos fuertes en el calendario de acciones:
Miercoles 12/5: Ceremonia de inauguración del Festival
Viernes 14/5: Rueda de prensa de la Coordinadora Nacional de los "intermitentes" y Precaruis de Francia, la Federación del Espectáculo CGT, y personalidades i miembros del Comité de Seguimiento dee la Asamblea Nacional de Francia
Sabado 15/5:Manifestación de los trabajadorres del espectáculo y del audiovisual, en respuesta a la llamada hecha por los sindicatos y coordinadoras en lucha contra la destrucción del régimen específico del seguro de desempleo.
Domingo 16/5:Runión-Cumbre de los más grandes estudios cinematográficos mundiales-Americanos,Hindúes,Chinos y Europeos-para discutir sobre la lucha contra la piratería.
Martes 18/5:Iª reunión de los 25 Ministros de cultura de la UE para discutir sobre la "Excepción Cultural"

Del 20 al 22 de Mayo:el colectivo "K.O.à Cannes hace un llamamiento a la unidad inerprofesional:Debates, coloquios, proyecciones acciones y manifestaciones, guerrilla pacífica y reivindicativa Interprofesional.

Primeras firmas: Convergence 06-CROAC Montpellier- AC! 13- CNT_espectacle-Union régionale de la fédération spectacle CGT-Sud_culture-Sud_éducation-Fédération anrchiste Marseille-MADS (mouvement altermondialiste de désobéissance sociale)-CIPM (collectif dees intermittents et précaires de MArseille)-CIP_IdF-Ras l'front Marseille-Résister!-Ligue des droit de l'homme Marseille Nord_Sud- Solidaires 13- Solidaires 34


Indymedia Euskal Herria


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Preso politikoekiko nazioarteko elkartasunezko konferentzia. Munduko preso politkoen eta hauekiko elkartasuna edierazten duten taldeen topagunea.



URL: http://www.kalera.org

Indymedia Scotland

ID Card public meeting in Glasgow

7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

We have started having regular meetings every Thursday evening at 7pm, and are calling a public meeting on Thursday the 20th May at 7pm, at the Printworks Social Centre.

Printworks Social Centre,
58 Albion St.

Cost: Free

Directions: In the merchant city


URL: http://www.glasgow-autonomy.org/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=3&Itemid=2

Kansas City IMC

Indy Film Showcase Screening of The Fourth World War

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM


presents an

screening of the award winning documentary


THURSDAY - May 20, 2004
6:15 PM
- FILMMAKER DIALOGUE with Jordon Flaherty, member of Big Noise Collective
Westport Coffee House - FREE

7:30 PM

Admission - $7.00 - General Public / $5.00 - Seniors
FREE - IFC, FSGKC members and students - must show card or school ID


While American airwaves are crowded with talk of a new world war, narrated by generals and filmed from the noses of bombs, the human face of war is rarely seen. The Fourth World War weaves together the images and voices of the war on the ground - from the front lines of struggles in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Palestine, Korea, 'the North' from Seattle to Genova, and the 'War on Terror' in New York and Iraq.

The product of over two years of filming, The Fourth World War is a new kind of film for a new world. The intensity and immediacy of its images are beyond anything the mainstream media can shoot, the intimacy and passion of its stories are beyond anything it can feel. Narrated by Tony Award winner Suheir Hammad and Singer Michael Franti of Spearhead, it is a radical story of hope and human connection in the face of a war that shatters and divides.

"THE FOURTH WORLD WAR is a daring, courageous, heart-pounding intervention against empire. It heralds a remarkable, inspiring cinematic achievement that completely reprograms the vectors of politically engaged documentary to protest the new face of war in the 21st century. It fights the new endless war without end with megadoses of guts and hope."
- Patricia R. Zimmermann, author, States of Emergency: Documentaries, Wars, Democracies

Big Noise is a non-profit, all-volunteer collective of media-makers around the world, dedicated to circulating beautiful, passionate, revolutionary images. For more info: www.bignoisefilms.com

Thanks to our sponsors: Tivoli Cinemas, Westport Coffee House, InfoZine, Quarterage Hotel, Missouri Arts Council

Tivoli Cinemas - 4050 Pennsylvania - Westport

Cost: $7- general, $5 seniors


URL: http://www.kcjubilee.org

Lawrence IMC

Free Meal at L.I.N.K.

1:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The purpose of L.I.N.K., the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, is to provide a pleasant, safe place for the hungry or lonely to share a free, nutritious meal and the companionship of one another. We believe loneliness can be as painful as hunger, companionship as powerful as love. Anyone who desires a meal is served, no questions asked. Diners are treated as our invited guests. We do not provide counseling, but rather refer individuals to appropriate agencies when they ask for help. Our focus is on food and fellowship.

Basement of 1st Methodist Church
221 West 10th Street
Lawrence, KS

Cost: free


URL: http://community.lawrence.com/link/

Lawrence IMC

Anarchist Black Cross Letter Writing

6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The Anarchist Black Cross has sought to bring attention to the plight of all prisoners and to inspire an Anarchist resistance and support movement on the outside. We fund-raise on behalf of prisoners or defense committees in need of funds for legal cases or otherwise, and organize demonstrations of solidarity with imprisoned Anarchists and other prisoners.
Please attend a letter writing session before attending a regular meeting.

13 W. 14th Street

Cost: free

Directions: Between Massachusetts and Vermont, on the south side.


URL: http://www.kansasanarchist.net/ABC/

New Hampshire IMC

Seacoast Peace Response Planning Meeting2

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Second monthly planning meeting of Seacoast Peace Response. Usually the third Thursday of every month.

Please contact us if it is your first time attending. Dates and times change occastionally.

Dover Friends Meeting House (Quaker)
141 Central Ave.
Dover, NH


URL: http://www.seacoastpeaceresponse.org

Rochester IMC


8:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Every Thursday eve. (8:30pm-9:00Pm) on cable channel 15 in the city of Rochester Indymedia produces the TV Dinner show. The show provides a range of local, national and international, political and socially conscious, video work. Tune in to view this weeks show...

Cable channel 15 city of Rochester

Cost: cost of basic cable


Santa Barbara IMC

Mayda del Valle

8:00 PM - 9:30 PM

HBO Def Jam poet Mayda del Valle draws inspiration from her memories of growing up Puerto Rican in a multicultural neighborhood in the southwest side of Chicago. Mayda del Valle was the 2001 Nuyorican Grand Slam Champion and the 2001 National Poetry Slam Champion, the youngest person to ever win the coveted title and the first woman since 1996, as well as the first of Latin heritage ever.

Isla Vista Theater

Cost: free


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Texts of Terror Discussion

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Rev. Sandy Hulse, Interim Associate Pastor of First Congregational Church, will talk about the scriptural passages used by biblical literalists against homosexuality. Bring your bag lunch!

UCSC GLBTI Resource Center

Cost: Free

Directions: Near Merrill and Crown Apartments behind KZSC!


URL: http://www2.ucsc.edu/glbticenter

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Lunch with John Rumbiak and Patsy Spier

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Brown-bag Lunch with John Rumbiak and Patsy Spier
May 20th (Thursday), 12-1:30 PM
Graduate Student Commons, UCSC (www2.ucsc.edu/gradcommons/)
For directions: 831-459-1557
Please bring your own food and drink

John and Patsy are speaking in ten cities across the Western U.S. during the inaugural events of the West Papua Action Network. Join us in this opportunity for intimate conversation with inspirational speakers. This is the only public event in the Santa Cruz area.

"US Involvement in the History of West Papua and the Human Rights Situation Today"
John Rumbiak
* Visiting Scholar - Colombia University, Center for Human Rights Study.
* Chairman of International Affairs for ELSHAM.
As the leading Papuan human rights defender, and an advocate for self-determination for the people of West Papua, John Rumbiak is an inspiration to all those working for peace and justice in the world. ELSHAM is an internationally respected West Papuan human rights organization instrumental in efforts to establish West Papua as a Zone of Peace.

Patsy Spier
* School teacher.
Patsy survived an ambush that took place at the gold mine of Freeport McMoRan­a US multinational corporation­on August 31, 2002. Patsy's husband Rick was killed in the ambush along with her school superintendent Ted Burgon, of Oregon, and her teaching colleague Bambang Riwanto, an Indonesian citizen. This case is currently being investigated by the FBI.

(Note: All university events listed are open to the public!!! Events are still being confirmed; please contact Pam at psexton-AT-sasquatch.com for more details or see phone numbers in parentheses)

Thurs. May 13: Seattle - daytime talk (11-12:30) at UW Seattle, Thomson Hall, Rm 317 (206-543-9606 )
Fri. May 14: Seattle - meetings with African American activist leaders and others
Sat. May 15: Seattle - 2:00-3:30pm presentation at the Art of Resistance conference (206-547-7735 )
Mon. May 17: Berkeley - 7pm talk at UC Berkeley, 182 Dwinelle Hall (510-540-0945)
Tues. May 18: interview KPFA Berkeley
7pm talk at Stanford University, Palo Alto, History Corner, Building 200, Rm 203 (650-326-8837)
Wed. May 19: Santa Cruz events (831-227-4347)
Fri. May 21: Santa Barbara events (805-965-5938)
Sun. May 23: Los Angeles - 6pm talk at the Faith United Methodist Church, 1713 W. 108th Street
Mon. May 24: Los Angeles - 7pm talk at Immanuel Presbyterian Church, 3300 W. Wilshire
(for all LA events: 323-291-4114 )
Tues. May 25: Phoenix - 7pm talk at ASU (480-965-0477)
Wed. May 26: Tucson events (520-731-0572)
Thurs. May 27: John and Patsy arrive at Teluride Film Festival as speakers

This tour is organized by the new national organization, the West Papua Action Network.

THE MISSION of West Papua Action Network (WPAN) is to stop the human rights abuses and genocide in West Papua, influence U.S. foreign policy to implement the original terms of the New York Agreement, and pressure the United Nations to bring about a legitimate act of self-determination in West Papua.

West Papua is currently occupied by the Indonesian military, whose reputation for brutality was underscored by its more-publicized abuses in its former colony, East Timor.

In 1961 America helped seal the fate of West Papua by brokering the “New York Agreement”­a deal that transferred administration of this territory from the Dutch to the newly independent Republic of Indonesia. The New York Agreement guaranteed Papuans the right to participate in a referendum where they would decide ‘(a) whether they wish to remain with Indonesia; or (b) whether they wish to sever their ties with Indonesia’. Instead of a referendum, just 1,022 people were rounded-up by the Indonesian military under its dictator Suharto. These people publicly declared their love for Indonesia. Not a single person dared to air a dissenting opinion.

Chakravarthy Narasimhan, who was then the UN Undersecretary, said in November 2001: "It was a whitewash. Nobody gave a thought to the fact that there were a million people there who had their fundamental human rights trampled. Suharto was a terrible dictator. How could anyone have seriously believed that all voters unanimously decided to join his regime?"

* * *

Voice Your Opinion !

Join Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa in support of the UN Review. Your congress person can call on the UN Secretary General to initiate a review of the UN's actions in the Indonesian take-over of West Papua.

Form a WPAN Chapter!
To form a WPAN Chapter all you need are five committed members and a clear plan of action.

Join us in Washington!
From June 6th-8th WPAN will join the East Timor Action Network in lobbying our representatives.

Support this tour!
Send information about this tour to your friends and family. Join us at an event near you. Help local organizers with tour preparations.

Graduate Student Commons, UCSC (http://www2.ucsc.edu/gradcommons/)
For directions: 831-459-1557


Santa Cruz Indymedia

UC Workers to Hold Statewide Marches May 20 Rallies to Protect Quality Care and Service at UC UC Workers March for Contract

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

UC Workers to Hold Statewide Marches May 20
Rallies to Protect Quality Care and Service at UC

Thousands of UC hospital and campus employees concerned about quality at UC will launch a series of statewide marches on Thursday, May 20, 2004 to demand meetings with top UC officials.

Workers at each campus and their supporters will confront UC executives, demanding immediate action to protect quality and service at America’s premier public university system and its academic medical centers from budget cuts and managements’ misplaced priorities.

Staffing shortages and high turnover rates in radiology and other hospital departments and the increasing use of temporary personnel in the medical centers threaten the quality of patient care at UC medical centers at UCSF, UCLA, UCSD, UCI and UC Davis. On the campuses, inadequate staffing leads to decreased services for students and at times, to costly overtime pay.

“We lost almost half of the most skilled and experienced employees in our department last year,” said Francine Cobla, a UCLA Medical Center MRI technologist who helps detect early cancer and other diseases. “UC Medical Centers have all the latest hi-tech equipment, but it’s wasted if we don’t have the people to run and maintain it.”

AFSCME Local 3299-represented employees who take care of patients, clean buildings, serve food, and maintain grounds are presenting management with suggestions to protect quality patient care and maintain services. They include the following:

• Reducing costly staffing turnover and boosting retention in problem departments;
• Providing educational and training opportunities for employees at one of the nation’s leading educational institutions, which currently offers little career training and almost no advancement opportunities for the majority of employees;
• Replacing an outdated pay-system that encourages discrimination and favoritism with a transparent system based on objective criteria;
• Reforming UC’s policy of granting big bonuses and hefty raises to a handful of executives, while enrollment is capped, student fees increase, services are cut back and employees get little or no raises.

Site Time Location
UCSF Med Ctr 12 noon Main Hospital, 505 Parnassus
UCSD Med Ctr 11:30 am Hillcrest Medical Center, 400 Arbor Drive
UC Davis Med Ctr 12:10 pm Main Hospital, 2315 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento
UC Irvine Med Ctr 12 noon 101 The City Drive, Orange, breezeway between cafeteria & library
UCLA 3:30 pm De Neve Residence Hall
UC Berkeley 3:45 pm California Hall
UC Riverside 1:30 noon Bell tower
UC Santa Cruz 12 noon In front of Baytree Bookstore at Quarry Plaza
UC Santa Barbara 5/21 4:30 pm Cheadle Hall

UC Santa Cruz In front of Baytree Bookstore at Quarry Plaza


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Civil Liberties and the U.S. Prison System

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Panel Discussion on Civil Liberties and the U.S. Prison System

featuring Angela Y. Davis, UCSC professor and activist; Maya Harris, Director of the Racial Justice Project at the ACLU-Northern California; and others.

Recent news stories about scandalous abuse in California's penitentiaries and California Youth Authority (CYA) camps raise questions about the state of our prisons. Are the basic civil rights of prisoners being violated? Which citizens' rights and liberties do prisoners, both citizens and noncitizens, explicitly lose while they are incarcerated, and why?

Join scholar and activist Angela Davisand ACLU racial justice expert Maya Harris for a discussion of these and many other issues.

Louden Nelson Community Center
Rm 3, 301 Center St, Santa Cruz

Cost: Free, donations welcome


URL: http://www.acluncsc.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Video Showing: UNCOVERED: The Whole Truth Behind the Iraq War

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

UNCOVERED: The Whole Truth Behind the Iraq War

The story of how truth became the first American casualty in Iraq. This controversial film produced by MoveOn.org takes you behind the walls of government, as CIA, Pentagon
and foreign service experts speak out about the lies, misstatements and exaggerations that the Bush Administration used to bring America into war with Iraq.

The Live Oak Grange Hall, 1900 17th Ave. in Live Oak

Cost: Admission is free, however a $3-$5 donation is requested


URL: http://www.TheMeridianNews.com

Santa Cruz Indymedia

"Surplus" - free film screening Thursday May 20th 8pm

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Surplus: a film by Erik Gandi
Doors open 8:00pm
Other short films may also be presented.
Screening at the High St. Barn - Thursday, May 20th

Surplus is a visual odyssey filmed over three years in eight countries. From the explosive riots of the G-8 summit in Genoa, Italy, to a sex doll factory in the United States, Surplus explores the nature of consumer culture. Against a backdrop of world leaders, corporate captains and Microsoft CEOs, the film focuses on the controversial anti-globalization guru John Zerzan. “We are terrorized into being consumers,” he claims. Stunning editing and breathtaking cinematography turns the fact that 20% of the world is gobbling 80% of its resources from a plain statistic into an overwhelming emotional experience.

This collage/commentary by Italian filmmaker Erik Gandini takes a hard look at the grotesque nature of civilization and the multifaceted resistance to it. This musically and visually stunning film is reminiscent of Godfrey Reggio’s KOYAANISQATSI, but with more overt commentary and political relevance. Tackling weighty themes like consumption, technology, objectification, domination, ideology, and resistance, this film is an intense hyper-sensory composition questioning the totality of civilization.

1463 High St. (just below UCSC campus, across from the Arboretum - NOT the campus "Barn Theatre"!)
NOTE: an incorrect address ("356 high st") was printed on some of the flyers - make sure your friends know!

Cost: free

Tennessee Independent Media Center

United Nations Brown Bag Lunch

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Come join this monthly forum as we discuss issues relevant to the international community today and of particular concern to the United Nations. For more info call 321-9066

Nashville Peace and Justice Center
1016 18th Ave So


Twincities IMC

Twin Cities Solidarity with Florida Farmworkers

All day

Florida Farmworkers call for National Day of Action Next Thursday, May 20th! Join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) in their protest against Taco Bell's parent company, Yum! Brands, during its annual shareholders meeting Thursday, May 20th


SUMMARY: The CIW will make the 1000-mile trek from Immokalee, FL, to Louisville, KY, to hold an all-day fast and action at Yum! Brands annual shareholder meeting, calling on the world's largest fast-food company to use its gigantic buying power to protect human rights in its supply chain. From 8am to 5pm on May 20th, the farmworkers and their allies will fast, hold a major press conference, and protest outside of Yum! Brands' headquarters.

Farmworkers are calling on YOU to help put pressure on Yum! Brands - by joining in a NATIONAL DAY of ACTION / FASTING for Farmworker Justice! By organizing a local action in the Taco Bell Boycott, including pledging to go without food on Thursday, May 20th, you will send a powerful message to Yum! Brands! Our voices will be heard! We will display and read the names of everyone who commits to organize a solidarity action as we protest with our minds, bodies, and spirits in front of Yum!'s headquarters on the 20th.

Twin Cities


URL: http://www.ciw-online.org



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