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  May 2004  
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Events for Saturday, 15 May 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Arkansas IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

Atlanta IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

Austin IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta


CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

Big Muddy IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

Boston IMC

MIT Sloan Women in Business & Technology Symposium - Making It to the Top

All day

Please join us at the 2nd Annual MIT Sloan Women in Business & Technology Symposium. Students, professionals, professors and speakers will spend a day exploring topics such as work-life balance, levers to succeed, and networking. Keynote speakers are Jane Swift, former Governor of Massachusetts; Ilene Lang, Founder of Altavista; and Robin Chase, Founder and Vice-chair of Zipcar. The all-day symposium will feature over 16 panelists, and will include lunch, networking cocktail, event-giveaway, and a 1-year subscription to Women’s Business Boston. The event is open to all interested parties.

Cambridge, MA

Cost: $110

Directions: University Park Hotel@MIT
20 Sidney Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Telephone: 617.577.0200
Toll Free: 800.222.8733
Fax: 617.494.8366

Ample parking is available in the hotel parking lot.


URL: http://www.MITSloanWomensEvent.com

Boston IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

Boston IMC

Beginning Spanish

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

This will be a beginners level class in Spanish. If there is a great demand for something more advanced, we may be able to work something out to do another class, but for now it is beginners in which we will learn verbs and nouns and the basics. This will be co-taught by two teachers: Carla (first language is Spanish) and Claire (second language is Spanish). Occurs every Sunday

Junebug Cafe, 403 Centre Street. Wheelchair Accessible.

Cost: Free


URL: http://www.jpfreeskool.org

Boston IMC

Growing Your Own Food: Gardening for Beginners

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Don't be intimidated by gardening! Some basics that we might cover: starting seeds, what is easy to grow in small spaces or in containers, transplanting... This class will be guided by what people are interested in learning. The coordinator of this class is Amy.

South Street Community Garden, 305 South Street. Not wheelchair accessible.

Cost: Free


URL: http://www.jpfreeskool.org

CMI Brasil

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

CMI Brasil

Iº Encontro do Movimento Posso Me Identificar

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

A reação da sociedade à violência institucionalizada e à ausência de direitos tem crescido no Rio de Janeiro. Destacam-se as mobilizações das comunidades das favelas e periferias, as mais atingidas pela violência, que atingiram um nível mais organizado a partir do ano passado, após 10 anos de sofrimento e resistência que se seguiram às chacinas da Candelária e Vigário Geral. Em particular, a mobilização da comunidade do Borel em protesto contra o assassinato por policiais de quatro jovens, estudantes e trabalhadores, em 16/04/2003. Também se estruturam melhor os movimentos e ações de familiares e vítimas de chacinas e arbitrariedades do estado, rompendo o isolamento e o medo a que são submetidos.

Como fruto desta luta surgiu o Movimento Posso me Identificar, reunindo comunidades, vítimas e familiares, movimentos sociais e de direitos humanos. Inspirado diretamente na luta do Borel, o Movimento organizou plenárias e discussões preliminares, elaborou propostas iniciais à sociedade e ao poder público. Numa demonstração de força e de maturidade já alcançada pela resistência comunitária à violência, realizamos a manifestação do último dia 16/04, que lembrou os assassinatos no Borel e todos os outros atos de violação de direitos que infelizmente marcam a atuação do poder público nas áreas pobres e marginalizadas do Rio de Janeiro.

Desde o início propusemos a construção de um movimento permanente, que não acabasse num ato nem se limitasse e organizar manifestações. Nosso objetivo é construir uma força social organizada capaz de mobilizar os setores marginalizados e violentados na luta por seus direitos e sua autodeterminação.

Neste sentido, estamos organizando nosso I Encontro, para o qual estamos convidando você, sua comunidade, seu grupo, sua instituição, seu movimento!

Estrutura do Encontro:

1) Abertura e Credenciamento

9:00 às 10:00 Credenciamento e entrega dos materiais aos participantes
9:00 às 9:30 Apresentação de vídeos sobre a manifestação de 16/04/2004

2) Discussão da linha e objetivos do Movimento, tendo como base o documento "O Movimento Posso me Identificar dirige-se à Sociedade Civil do Rio de Janeiro e do Brasil”.

9:30 às 11:00 Discussão em grupos
11:00 às 12:00 Plenária para discussão e deliberação
12:00 às 13:00 Almoço

3) Discussão: Ações do Movimento em relação às Vítimas (individuais e familiares) da Violência do Estado

4) Discussão: Ações do Movimento sobre o Poder Público, incluindo estratégia de participação e intervenção na Conferência Nacional de Direitos Humanos.

5) Discussão: Construção de Rede de Solidariedade e Apoio Jurídico à Resistência Comunitária contra a Violência, inclusive Atuação Internacional.

6) Discussão: Ações de Mobilização, Comunicação, Formação, Informação e Organização nas Comunidades.

13:00 às 15:00 Discussão em grupos sobre os pontos 3, 4, 5 e 6.
15:00 às 15:30 Café
15:30 às 17:30 Plenária para discussão e deliberação sobre os pontos 3, 4, 5 e 6.
17:30 às 18:00 Encerramento com Confraternização

1) Os custos do Encontro serão cobertos por contribuições de instituições e pelo saldo financeiro do que arrecadamos para a manifestação de 16/04.

2) Solicitamos que cada comunidade que participe não inscreva mais de 10 (dez) participantes.

3) Durante o Encontro, na discussão do ponto (4), avaliaremos as respostas do poder público às propostas que encaminhamos, e traçaremos a continuidade da mobilização.

4) Na discussão do ponto (6) também serão abordadas as questões de organização do Movimento.

Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública (ENSP) 4° andar - Fundação Osvaldo Cruz (Manguinhos)
Obs: Haverá transporte para os participantes da entrada do campus da Fiocruz na Av. Brasil até a ENSP.


URL: http://www.midiaindependente.org/pt/blue/2004/05/279195.shtml

CMI Chiapas

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

CMI La Plana

Projecció "Hay Motivo" i Soparot

7:00 PM - 11:30 PM

Passe del recull de curtmetratges 'HAY MOTIVO'. Una interessant sèrie de curts, a mode de denúncia de l'actualitat social i política que es viu a l'estat espanyol. La violència de gènere, la desigualtat de drets, la vivenda i l'especulació, el pla hidrològic nacional o la manipulació informativa són alguns dels temes tractats des de la particular òptica de directores i directors com Isabel Coixet, Icíar Bollaín, Imanol Uribe, Sigfrid Monleón, Gracia Querejeta, etc.
I en acabar 'HAY MOTIVO', un SOPAROT DE SUPORT AL CASAL. Gaspatxo a l'estil Casal, truites tradicionals, amanides de primavera, fruita, begudes i delícies de la terreta per 4 euros. [Café, copa i puro a banda

casal popular

Cost: 4 euros

Directions: carrer jordo joan 37 baix


URL: http://www.haymotivo.com/

Colorado IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

IMC Canarias

[Gran Canaria]Concierto contra Incineración

9:00 PM - 11:00 PM

>Por la presente indicamos que el próximo 15 de Mayo en el Teatro Victor
>Jara en Vecindario a las 21,00 horas, se celebrará un concierto
>solidario contra la Incineración con el objetivo de captar fondos para
>sufragar los gastos que ocasiona dicha lucha.
>En este concierto intervendrán NON TRUBADA, FRANGOLLO.CON Y BEJEQUE. El
>precio de la entrada es de 10 y se pueden adquirir contactando con
>cualquiera de las personas que integran la organización.
>Rogamos la inestimable ayuda y colaboración en la venta y compra de
>dichas entradas.



Indymedia Barcelona

Encuentro en Barcelona de Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR)

All day


La organización de ciberderechos Computer Professionals for
Social Responsability y su capítulo español (CPSR-ES)
invitan a una jornada de presentación, debate y reflexión,
el próximo sábado 15 de mayo, en la Universitat Politècnica
de Catalunya. El encuentro se dirige a miembros de esta
organización así como a simpatizantes e interesados en las
políticas de tecnologías de la información.

Entre las charlas que tendrán lugar durante todo el día
destaca una presentación de CPSR a cargo de su presidente,
Nathaniel Borenstein, una conferencia sobre ciberseguridad
europea y ciberterrorismo, con el italiano Massimo Mauro, y
otra sobre los desarrollos subterráneos en políticas
globales de tecnologías de la información, impartida por el
suizo William J. Drake, director del Project on the
Information Revolution and Global Governance.

Diversos integrantes del capítulo español de CPSR ofrecerán
también sus conocimientos. Entre otros, el profesor de
filosofía David Casacuberta disertará sobre "Ciberactivismo
en Catalunya. Mas allá de la utopia digital".

¡Os esperamos!

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Rectorado - Sala del Lago
Campus Nord - Edificio R
C. Jordi Girona, 31. Barcelona

Directions: Más información:



Indymedia Barcelona


9:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Con la metodología de participación estructurada en forma de FORO(y desmarcándose del forum 2004), pretendemos que la participación, colaboraciónes, aportaciones en general... sean de carácter horizontal e igualitario. De esta forma se pretende ofrecer un espacio de debate en el cual las diversas aportaciones, (en sus connotaciones teóricas y/o prácticas elaboradas desde la experiencia) se complementen, en todos aquellos aspectos concretos marcados por los ejes del debate.


* Colectivo solidaridad con la rebelión zapatista.
* Consulta social europea (CSE)
* Plataforma Antiglobalizació Sant Martí, “Un altre món es posible”
* Infoespai
* Justicia i pau
* Una altra democràcia és possible
* Asamblea de resistències al FORUM 2004
* ATTAC- Calalunya

Centre Cívic de Sant Martí (C/Selva de Mar 215).
Metro Sant Martí (L2)

Cost: Gratuit

URL: http://attac.pangea.org/attac/Docs/Actividades/Forum%20democracia.pdf

Indymedia Barcelona


12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Contra la destrucción sistemática de los derechos sociales. Contra el paro y la miseria. Por una cultura viva y no de mercado
¡¡Todos en canes!! del 12 al 23 de Mayo del 2004

Colectivos,organizaciones sindicales y asociativas, están creando un comite de ocupación del festival y poniendo en marcha una infrastructura de acogida en el lugar. Hay previsto en el calendario momentos de acción:
Mierco 12/5-Ceremonia de inaguración del festival
Vierne 14/5-Rueda de prensa de la Coordinadora Nacional de los "intermitentes" y Precarios de Francia, la Federación del Espectaculo CGT, y personalidades y miembros del Comite de Seguimiento de la Asamblea Nacional de Francia.
Sabad 15/5-Manifestación de los trabajadores del espectáculo y del audiovisual,en respuesta a la llamada hecha por los sindicatos y coordinadoras en lucha contra la destrucción del régimen específico del seguro de desempleo.
Domin 16/5-Reunión-Cumbre de los más grandes estudios cinematográficos mundiales-Americanos, Hindúes, Chinos y Europeos-para discutir sobre la lucha contra la pirateria
Marte 18/5-Iª Reunión de los 25 Ministros de Cultura de la UE para discutir de la "Excepción Cultural"

Del 20 al 22 de Mayo: El Colectivo "K.O.à Cannes hace un llamamiento a la unidad Interprofesional:Debates, coloquios,proyecciones,acciones y manifestaciones, guerrilla pacífica y reivindicativa Interprofesional

Primeras firmas:Convergence 06- CROAC Montpellier-AC! 13-CNT-espectacle- Union régionale dee la fédération spectacle CGT-Sud-culture- Sud-éducation-Fédétarion anrchiste Marseille-MADS(mouvement altermondialiste de désobéssance sociale)-CIPM(collectif des intermittents el précaries de Marseille-CIP_IdF-Ras l'front Marseille-Résister!-Ligue dess droits de l'homme Marseille Nord_sud-Solidaires 13-Solidaires34


Indymedia Barcelona

Carnaval Antifòrum a Barcelona

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

El Fòrum de les "cultures la pau i la diversitat" ha organitzat pel pròxim dissabte dia 15 de maig un carnaval al carrer per fer propaganda sobre la gran diversitat de cultures que hi ha al Fòrum. Per aquest motiu, l'Ass. de Resistències al Fòrum (ARF)ha decidit participar en aquesta "festa" per denunciar l'hipocresia que representa el Fòrum 2004.
Per preparar pancartes, samarretes, disfresses i globos amb missatges antifòrum, s'ha quedat a les 15h a l'INFOESPAI (Pça. del Sol de la vila de Gràcia - Fontana).
També s'ha quedat després a las 17.30h en els Jardinets de Gràcia per baixar junts a la rua del Fòrum. Idees i penya benvinguts

15h: Infoespai (Plaça del Sol, a Gràcia)
17:30h: Jardinets de Gràcia per anar al carnaval del Fòrum

Cost: No s'ha de pagar perquè no som el Fòrum (lladres)


Indymedia Euskal Herria

II encuentro del Foro Social de Euskal Herria

All day

Celebración del II encuentro del Foro Social de Euskal Herria


Directions: sarea-AT-ehgf.org


URL: http://www.ehgf.org

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Por un festival internacional de las luchas sociales en Canes

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Contra la destrucción sistemática de los derechos sociales. Contra el paro y la miseria. Por una cultura viva y no de mercado.
Colectivos, organizaciones sindicales y asociativas, están creando un comité de ocupación del Festival y poniendo en marcha una infraestructura de acogida en el lgar. Hay previsto momentos fuertes en el calendario de acciones:
Miercoles 12/5: Ceremonia de inauguración del Festival
Viernes 14/5: Rueda de prensa de la Coordinadora Nacional de los "intermitentes" y Precaruis de Francia, la Federación del Espectáculo CGT, y personalidades i miembros del Comité de Seguimiento dee la Asamblea Nacional de Francia
Sabado 15/5:Manifestación de los trabajadorres del espectáculo y del audiovisual, en respuesta a la llamada hecha por los sindicatos y coordinadoras en lucha contra la destrucción del régimen específico del seguro de desempleo.
Domingo 16/5:Runión-Cumbre de los más grandes estudios cinematográficos mundiales-Americanos,Hindúes,Chinos y Europeos-para discutir sobre la lucha contra la piratería.
Martes 18/5:Iª reunión de los 25 Ministros de cultura de la UE para discutir sobre la "Excepción Cultural"

Del 20 al 22 de Mayo:el colectivo "K.O.à Cannes hace un llamamiento a la unidad inerprofesional:Debates, coloquios, proyecciones acciones y manifestaciones, guerrilla pacífica y reivindicativa Interprofesional.

Primeras firmas: Convergence 06-CROAC Montpellier- AC! 13- CNT_espectacle-Union régionale de la fédération spectacle CGT-Sud_culture-Sud_éducation-Fédération anrchiste Marseille-MADS (mouvement altermondialiste de désobéissance sociale)-CIPM (collectif dees intermittents et précaires de MArseille)-CIP_IdF-Ras l'front Marseille-Résister!-Ligue des droit de l'homme Marseille Nord_Sud- Solidaires 13- Solidaires 34


Indymedia Scotland

Kyoto March and Dinosaur Party

10:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Call for international, environmental justice.

Meet:10.45 am Outside the Consulate General of the Russian Federation, 58 Melville Street (parallel to Shandwick Place)

11.45 am East end of Princes Street (by statue)

12 pm Dinosaur Party outside the American Consulate (3 Regent Terrace). Bring musical instruments (esp drums), dinosaurs and costumes.

Participants to include Mark Ballard, MSP

…In solidarity with protests in London, called by the Campaign against Climate Change on 3rd anniversary of USA rejecting Kyoto treaty.

The Kyoto March is an annual event that enables people to get together and onto the streets to sound the alarm about the accelerating deterioration of the global environment and in particular the huge threat posed by the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate. It is a chance to make a stand against those with the greatest power who are most to blame: currently George W Bush and his backers in the US fossil fuel industry, who sabotaged the world's efforts to deal with global climate change by rejecting the Kyoto treaty 3 years ago. Our event marks the anniversary of that greatest of environmental crimes.

Even Tony Blair has admitted that there is "no bigger long-term question facing the global community than the threat of climate change", though his actions have not reflected these fine words.

The Kyoto Treaty is a first step towards reining in global emissions of carbon dioxide, obligating countries to reduce their carbon emissions to 1990 levels. Kyoto has been ratified by 121 nations, but to take effect, it must be ratified by nations that account for 55% of developing countries’ carbon dioxide emissions. The USA, the world’s biggest CO2 polluter (at 36% of worldwide emissions), refused to sign up in 2001 (it's 'too expensive'!). Current signatories account for only 44% of emissions, and only Russian ratification can now make the treaty binding (if the US continues to refute it). One advisor to President Putin, Illarionov, is pressuring the Government to reject Kyoto, the Russian Foreign Ministry has the final say on May 20th. In a world in which the sole superpower refuses to accept or address climate change as the single largest risk facing our planet's future, Russia needs to fill the environmental leadership gap.

Dress code theme (if you fancy it!): Dinosaurs (to demonstrate Bush as fossil fool and humans as endangered species if we continue with current rates of environmental destruction), extinct /threatened species, Oil/Coal industry Dinosaurs, Bush/Cheney Dinosaurs, or of course just identify yourself as a member of a threatened species! Plus anything that shows Bush, Uncle Sam, Exxon fat-cats etc ...as climate/environmental villains.

Details: www.campaigncc.org


Lusi Alderson at:

Edinburgh Peace and Justice Resource Centre
St John's Church

Email: peace-justice-AT-btconnect.com
Phone: 0131 229 0993

inner city Edinburgh

URL: http://www.campaigncc.org

Indymedia Scotland

Boycott Marks and Spencers.Victory to the Intifada! Troops out of Iraq!

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

A regular picket to draw attention to the particular role played by Marks and Spencers in supporting the racist state of Israel and to support the resistance of the Palestinian people against Zionist violence and occupation of their lands.This Saturday is an International Day of Action for the Palestinian People.

Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow


URL: http://www.revolutionarycommunist.com

Indymedia Scotland

Hands Off Iraq! Stop the Torture! Troops Out Now!

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Join with others in protesting against the imperialist war against the Iraqi people. Others have called for support for this event to run up until the "transfer of power" on June 30th from the occupiers-the British and US Coalition- to the unelected stooge Iraqi government.Lets get out there and build the anti-imperialist, anti-war movement!

Buchanan St.Glasgow.


URL: http://www.revolutionarycommunist.com

Indymedia Scotland

Jam 74 Present - Night of Music & Laughs

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Phil Kay
Sweet T and the Section (dub/regae)
The Claichies
Organic Ale

Bringing attention to the multi-nationals propsoed 6 lane motorway...

Carnival Arts Centre - 34 Albion Street - off Argyle Street

Cost: £3 donation


URL: http://www.jam74.org

Japan Indymedia

Nagai Homeless Farming Volunteers

9:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Volunteers needed to help with the farm. Produce is used by the homeless community and to sell to make some profit for the homeless. Please come!!!

We meet EVERY first and Third Saturdays and every 2nd, 3rd, 5th Sundays!

Meet at Nagai Park in Osaka. Meet us at the homeless blue tents. We will travel together to go to the farm.

Cost: Small transportation fee


URL: http://www.geocities.co.jp/wallstreet/9279

Kansas City IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

Kansas City IMC

"Peace is Possible" Speaking tour

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

▪ CJME will be sponsoring a talk by Jeff Halper, director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, and Salim Shawamreh, a Palestinian whose house has been demolished four times. These two will be in the Kansas City area on the weekend of May 15 to discuss the impact of the Israeli occupation on the lives of Palestinians and Israelis.

ROYALL HALL Room 111 (Stack Auditorium),

University of Missouri-Kansas City,

5200 Rockhill Road

Cost: free


URL: http://www.cjme.org

Lawrence IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

Lawrence IMC

Peace Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Demonstration of opposition to the ongoing occupation of Iraq.

Outside the courthouse
11th & Mass, Lawrence


URL: http://www.lcpj.org/

Lawrence IMC

IndyMedia Collective Meeting

1:00 PM - 12:00 AM

This is the weekly meeting of the IndyMedia editorial collective, open to the public. To become an editor, attend two of these meetings. We discuss various topics and strategies.

Aimee's Coffeehouse, 1025 Massachusetts, Lawrence

Cost: free


URL: http://www.lawrenceimc.org

Lawrence IMC

Free Meal at L.I.N.K.

1:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The purpose of L.I.N.K., the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, is to provide a pleasant, safe place for the hungry or lonely to share a free, nutritious meal and the companionship of one another. We believe loneliness can be as painful as hunger, companionship as powerful as love. Anyone who desires a meal is served, no questions asked. Diners are treated as our invited guests. We do not provide counseling, but rather refer individuals to appropriate agencies when they ask for help. Our focus is on food and fellowship.

Basement of 1st Methodist Church
221 West 10th Street
Lawrence, KS

Cost: free


URL: http://community.lawrence.com/link/

National (US)

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

New Hampshire IMC

Who Will Stop CAFTA Contest

All day

Quest for Peace of the Quixote Center will run a full-page, New York Times signature ad in opposition to CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement. The 44,000 dollars and 2,500 signatures it takes is being raised from engaged citizens like you, who wish to proudly and publicly say "No" to CAFTA. The state with the highest number of signers (as a percentage of the state's total population) will be specifically acknowledged in the New York Times Ad. Show the country and Mr. Bush that your state will not tolerate CAFTA! See ad text at our website: www.quixote.org/cafta.


Cost: $35/individual donation (recommended)


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

New Hampshire IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

New Hampshire IMC

Progressive Influence at the NH Democratic Party Convention

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

In this practical, working session, we'll talk about ways of making a progressive impact on the NH Democratic Party convention (May 22) - as a delegate or a non-delegate (all registered Democrats can participate). Topics will include: drafting platform and resolution statements; convention procedures and rules; the "official" party draft full platform; development of strategies and arguments; and some presentation and support "role play" opportunities. For more information and to RSVP, contact Mary L. MacArthur at marimaca-AT-earthlink.net.

UNH MUB, Room 330-332, Durham, NH

New Hampshire IMC

Weekly Peace Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Every week we gather at the Peterborough Town House, rain, snow or shine, at the corner of Grove and Main Streets, to call for peace and non-military solutions to the world's problems. Please join us for all or part of the hour. Signs provided, or bring your own.

Peterborough NH, Town House (Town Hall) at corner of Grove and Main Streets downtown.


New Hampshire IMC

"The Economics of War: A Foundation for Conflict"

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Featuring Lori Heninger, CSW, who is the Quaker Representative to the UN. Her work focuses on the relationship between international economic systems and conflict, children in armed conflict, and global governance. Refreshments catered by the Purple Onionwill be served before the lecture.

First Religious Society, 26 Pleasant Street, Newburyport, MA

Cost: free and open to the public


URL: http://www.frsuu.org

Rochester IMC

Basic Street Medic Training, May 14-16, 2004 in Albany

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Basic Street Medic Training, May 14-16, 2004
Albany, New York

This course is designed as a complete introduction to action medical
knowledge and skills. The completion of this course will prepare you to
serve as a street medic at political actions. Street medics also serve as
a source of health care information and resources within their
communities, and so the training is open to anyone who wishes to gain
greater first aid/medical knowledge to use in their lives and to share in
their community. We cover Basic Street First Aid (from treating bleeding
wounds to splinting sprains and breaks to calling 911 for emergencies),
Weather-Related Injuries, Street Operations Tactics, Initial Patient
Assessment, Psychological First Aid, Chemical Weapons Treatments and
Aftercare, and Stress Management and Treatment. We can also provide Skills
Evaluations for folks who want them.

You do not need to have any previous medical or first aid training in
order to attend this course.

What Information Will Be Covered in the Training?
Practical information on taking care of yourself and your friends if you
plan to attend protest events. While the focus will be on urban street
protests, much of the material may also be applicable to wilderness
situations and first aid needs in your community. This includes preparing
for actions, personal care, affinity group safety considerations,
weather-related hazards, detox and aftercare, and your questions.

Street Operations Tactics, including a presentation and discussion of
codes of conduct and ethics, team makeup and teamwork, calling for backup,
and dealing with police/EMS, how/when to move patients and how to conduct

Basic Street First Aid, including Initial Patient Assessment, treating
bleeding wounds, splinting sprains and breaks, calling 911 for
emergencies, and weather-related injuries.

Psychological First Aid. How to recognize and assist people with emotional
distress whether it results from physical injury, excessive stress, or
traumatic experience.

Chemical Weapons Treatments and Aftercare. Covers a review of current
chemical agents in use, a discussion of personal protection gear (gas
masks, respirators, etc), and a complete introduction to tear gas and
pepper spray decontamination and treatment protocols with demonstrations,
hands-on practice and role-plays.

The tentative schedule for this training is as follows: Friday evening,
May 14 from 6-10 pm; Saturday, May 15 from 9 am to 7 pm; and Sunday, May
16 from 9 am to 7 pm. We encourage people to attend all of the training,
and we will give registration preference to people who can attend all of
the training sessions. We will provide specific information about the
training and various logistics to registered participants before the
training weekend.

Food and Housing
We hope to supply some vegan food for participants during the training. We
also encourage participants to bring extra (preferably vegan) food to
share if they can.

Housing during the training weekend is available on a
first-come-first-served basis. If you will need housing, please contact me
(dylan) as soon as possible. When you request housing for the training
weekend, please tell us about any allergies, dietary restrictions, or
other special needs you have so we can try to accommodate your requests.

We have a sliding scale fee from $0 to $100 for this training course, and
we welcome barter in place of money. We do not want financial restrictions
to keep anyone from taking this course. We anticipate that our cost per
trainee will be between $30 and $40, and we hope that donations from
participants will cover our costs.

A Message From Our Trainer
Hi there. My name is Eowyn, and I am thrilled to be one of the trainers
for the May street medic training in Albany, New York. I am writing this
so you know a bit about me and what to expect from the training. I am an
anarchist, vegan, happy and pissed-off-at-the-state-of-the-world kind of
person. I am also a street medic, wilderness first responder, budding
herbalist, and family physician working with poor people in Lawrence,
Massachusetts. I do street medic work because I want all people to feel
confident and cared for during demonstrations, and I hope to help people
have more autonomy and power in their efforts to be healthy. In addition
to the information we'll present, the Albany training will include lots of
interactive work, discussion and opportunities to develop specific,
concrete skills that we all use on the streets and in our communities. We
are also designing the training so it represents our philosophy as
activists—respecting and valuing everyone's knowledge and experiences,
promoting and creating an anti-authoritarian and anti-oppressive
movement, and having lots of fun while we learn and share together. If you
have any questions about the training, you can contact the other
organizers or email me at dreowyn-AT-yahoo.com. See you soon!


Registration Information
Space for this course is limited, so please provide us with the
information asked for below as soon as possible. Once we receive this
information, we will reserve a space for you in the course. If your plans
change, please let us know as soon as possible so we can let someone else
have your spot. All information you give us is confidential, and will not
be used in anyway that is not directly related to this training.

To register for the Basic Street Medic Training, write to the dylan at
dylan-AT-sunstillrising.com or call at (518) 436-0929 and give us the
information requested below. We expect this course to fill up quickly, so
the sooner you register, the more likely that you will be in the course.
Keep in mind that registration preference will be given to people who can
attend all of the training sessions. We will have a waiting list if the
course fills up. It is particularly important to contact me promptly if
you are coming from out of town and will need a place to stay during the

Please provide the following information when registering for this
training course...

Your Name:

Phone Number(s) where we can leave messages regarding the training:

Email Address:

Best way to contact you:

Best times to contact you:

Can you come to all of the sessions?

If not, which sessions will you miss?

What dietary restrictions do you have (if any)?

What allergies do you have that we should know about for food and housing

Do you have any other special needs?

Do you need housing during the training?

If so, when?

Friday night
Saturday night
Sunday night

Do you have any other concerns or considerations we should know about?

Optional: Where did you first hear about this training?

Thanks for your interest in this training course. We hope to see you there!


Cost: $0-100, sliding scale


San Diego IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

San Diego IMC

Unearthly Delights in LIMBO May 15, 2004 7-11pm

7:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Be sure to check out this show, we reccommend the new gallery Limbo fine arts very highly. Limbo is one of the newest and most happening art spaces in Hillcrest, San Diego. Be sure to stop in and see the show!

Unearthly Delights
May 15 - June 6, 2004

Craig LaRotonda,
Sean Christopher, &
Kevin Peterson

Reception for the artists

Limbo Fine Arts:
1432 University Ave.
(Behind Ray's Tennis)


Santa Barbara IMC


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The Raza Press Association, the Red CalacArts Collective and dedicated individuals are proud to present BARRIO BOOKFEST 2004: Liberation through Media and Cultural Expression.

BARRIO BOOKFEST 2004 will take place May 14-15
at Memorial Academy Charter School in San Diego's Barrio Logan.

This first annual grassroots activist book festival will focus on issues related to social justice and human rights from a Chicano perspective.

--- BARRIO BOOKFEST 2004 ---
Readings | Panel Discussions | Workshops | Book Signings | Publishers | Bookstores
Live Music | Community Organizations | And More!

Featured authors include:
Luis J. Rodriguez (Always Running: La Vida Loca, Gang Days in LA)
raúlrsalinas (Un Trip through the Mind Jail y otras Excursions)

Cesar A. Cruz (Teolol) of the END-Dependence Collective
Caballo Verde Quinteto Latin Jazz


Memorial Academy Charter School
2850 Logan Ave. (Barrio Logan), San Diego, Califas 92113

Cost: BARRIO BOOKFEST 2004 is a free community event.




Santa Cruz Indymedia

Santa Cruz Indymedia Yard Sale!

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Time for Spring Cleaning!!!

Santa Cruz Indymedia is having a fundraising YARD SALE!!

After several years of operating Santa Cruz Indymedia without a budget, we are holding a fundraising yard sale.

We hope to raise funds to provide people in the community with free workshops such as learning to publish on Indymedia and editing audio and video. We also hope to have media making equipment available for lending out to people. We aim to expand the scope of Santa Cruz Indymedia by getting more people involved!

If you have items you would like to donate to the Indymedia Yard Sale, please call Lisa at 429-5472 or send an email to scimc (at) indymedia.org and we'll arrange to pick it up.

WHAT: Santa Cruz Indymedia Yard Sale
DATE: Saturday, May 15 and Sunday, May 16
WHEN: 8am - 3pm ish
WHERE: 727 Hanover Street (off Seabright)

You will find lots of great items, including:


Home Wares


Reading materials

Limited Supply of Cut Flowers

and more!!!

Santa Cruz Indymedia is also looking for donated media making equipment such as video cameras, audio recorders, still cameras, etc., so please contact Santa Cruz Indymedia if you have media equipment to donate.

Thanks for your support!

- The Santa Cruz Indymedia Collective

727 Hanover
Eastside of Santa Cruz
Seabright is the cross street

Cost: nothing

Directions: If you have items you would like to donate to the Indymedia Yard Sale, please call Lisa at 429-5472 or send an email to scimc (at) indymedia.org and we'll arrange to pick it up.

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

FSU Chamber Music Ensembles Benefit Concert

8:00 PM - 10:30 PM

All proceeds will benefit Friends of Gypsy.

About Friends of Gypsy (FOG):

To help save the lives of feral cats (the wild offspring of abandoned or stray cats) in Leon County, we are humanely trapping these feral cats, and having them altered (neutered or spayed), tested, vaccinated, and micro-chipped. These cats are then returned to their colony, where there is a caretaker to feed and watch over them. This is called a TTVARM (trap, test, vaccinate, alter, release, and maintain) program.

Why We Do It:

TTVARM programs have been established all over the world as a humane response to cat overpopulation. However, many cities, counties, and states respond to feral cat colonies with euthanasia. In Leon County, feral cats may be euthanized immediately upon delivery to an animal shelter. We believe this response is unethical and inhumane. Feral cat colonies are the direct result of human irresponsibility, and it is our duty to do what we can to help save these cats.

It costs approximately $75 for each cat to be neutered, tested, vaccinated, and micro-chipped.

FSU Dohnanyi Recital Hall ~
located in the Housewright Music Bldg. on Copeland St.

Cost: Students and seniors: $5, General Admission: $8/advance, $10/door

URL: http://www.extendedcircle.org/fog

Tennessee Independent Media Center

Rally for the DREAM Act

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

A rally in solidarity with Nashville's immigrant and Latino communities to pressure Senator Bill Frist to sign onto the DREAM Act legislation. The DREAM Act (S. 1545) would do the following:
* Permit undocumented students who graduate from high school to apply for legal residency; and
* Allow these students to pay in-state tuition at public colleges and universities in their home state.

Coleman Park, at the Corner of Thompson Lane and Nolensville Road in Nashville.

Thunder Bay IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

Twincities IMC

Abolish Nuclear Weapons! Non-violent Direct Action at Navy's Project ELF

All day

Join us for a weekend of study and action to shut down the Navy's Project ELF and the Trident nuclear arsenal. Located in the Northwoods of Wisconsin and Michigan, Project ELF serves to signal a first-strike submarine-launched nuclear attack, all the while pumping millions of watts of electricity into the Laurentian Shield bedrock. Help us shut down Project ELF! Workshops, community-building and action planning on May 15 at the United Church of Christ in Cable, WI. Rally and direct action at Project ELF on May 16. Speakers include Liz McAlister - Plowshares antinuclear activist and co-founder of Jonah House - and poet Ellie Schoenfeld.

United Church of Christ in Cable, WI

Directions: call for directions


URL: http://www.nukewatch.com

Twincities IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

Western Massachusetts IMC

CAFTA- The Trojan Calf

All day

**Please forward**

Dear friends,

Never thought international trade laws would make you laugh? Check this out:

It's a biting, two-minute movie called "CAFTA -- The Trojan Calf." Its
message -- that the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has been
presented to Central America as a gift, but like the Trojan Horse, it's
really a vehicle for American corporations to secretly invade new markets.
It's an important story that will keep you smiling, and hopefully inspire
you to action. (Make sure you watch for the kicker at the end!)

After watching the movie you can join with thousands of others in
rejecting CAFTA by signing a full-page ad to appear in the NY Times the
first of June. Congress may vote on the agreement as early as July.

We hope you like the movie, and we encourage you to pass it along to your
family and friends.


Enjoy the show!
The Quest for Peace Staff

Need Flash Player - get it free


Cost: 35/individual donation (recommended)

Directions: Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.


URL: http://www.quixote.org/cafta

Western Massachusetts IMC

Take back the Night

2:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Zero Tolerance and Take back the Night Activities, Springfield
2PM through 8PM at Magazine Park
More information to come.




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