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  May 2004  
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Events for Friday, 07 May 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Atlanta IMC

First Friday Film Screenings

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Atlanta IMC monthly film screening 8 p.m.
Doors at 7:30.
All ages welcome!

Little 5 Points Community Center, 1083 Austin Ave. Atlanta Ga. 30307 (Corner of Austin Ave. and Euclid Ave. in L5P)

Cost: $0 -- Donations requested


URL: http://atlanta.indymedia.org


Emergency Protest Against Occupation and War

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Friday, May 7th, Gather at 5 P.M to 6:30 P.M. at Howard Street & MLK Blvd.(near the State Office Building Complex)
From here we will march to the Maryland Art Institute for a brief rally featuring Reverend Graylan Hagler and Council Person Kwame O. Abayomi

Don't let your loved ones die for Bush's lies. Know your rights.GI counseling available through SNAFU (Support Network for an Armed Forces Union) www.join-snafu.org or call (410) 235-7040

Called by community, student and union groups including the All Peoples Congress, Maryland ANSWER and many others.

If your group would like to be added as an endorser please call (410)235-7040 or (301) 385-2452




Baltimore Ballroom Dancing

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The dancing is always free. Lessons & more from 7:50 p.m.
in the ROTC building, (north-west corner of) Johns Hopkins
University campus (just off San Marten Drive south of
University Parkway). Every Friday until June 11, 2004 except March 26, April 30, and June 11. Everyone is welcome. Bring goodies (non alcoholic) to share at
break time. Learn slow waltz, rumba, tango, line
dances, etc. Our 13th year. We change partners often to
meet everyone. Call 410-435-0967 for info, if needed.

ROTC building on the campus of the Johns Hopkins University

Cost: Always free

Directions: From North Charles Street go northwest (mostly west) to
first traffic light. Turn left onto San Marten Drive
(the extension of 39th Street which joins this
intersection from the north). Go a distance of a long city
block, turn left onto campus and see white ROTC building
on right; immediately bear right and pass the RORC building
now on your left. Lots of parking.


IMC Canarias

[Gran Canaria]Mesa Redonda: Europa del Este

8:30 PM - 11:00 PM

Mesa Redonda: "Europa del Este, una visión general", a cargo de los amigos Matías Gula (párroco de Sta. Brígida) y Nicolai Potapouchkine (prof. de lengua rusa en la ULPGC).



Indymedia Barcelona

kernelpanic reloaded ::: curs de shell-scripts

7:30 PM - 12:00 AM

CURS: Iniciació a Shell-scripts

DIES: 23-abr, 7-mai, 14-mai

HORA: 19:30h

LLOC: CSO Miles de Vivendas (C/Sardenya 43)

DE QUÈ VA: aprendre a fer petits programes amb el llenguatge propi de la shell per facilitar-nos la vida. La idea és que el tercer dia tothom desenvolupi una petita aplicació pràctica que li pugui servir a nivell personal i/o ens pugui servir a nivell col.lectiu ;-)

* conèixer les comandes bàsiques de GNU/Linux
* nocions de programació (saber el què és una variable, un bucle, una funció,...)

TEMARI (orientatiu, segons com avanci la cosa...)

1ER DIA: Nocions bàsiques de bash per fer scripts
Redireccionaments d'entrada i sortida
Variables locals i d'entorn
Substitucions de variables i de comandes
Shell-scripts seqüencials

2ON DIA: Estructures de control
Arguments i variables especials
Operadors i especificació de condicions
Expressions numèriques
Instruccions d'entrada/sortida
Instruccions alternatives
Instruccions repetitives

3ER DIA: Una mica més...
Pràctica i dubtes

CSO Miles de Viviendas, C/Sardenya 43


URL: http://barcelona.indymedia.org/newswire/display/84482/index.php

Indymedia Barcelona

Presentació revista: SUICIDIO AUTÓNOMO Nº1

7:30 PM - 11:30 PM

Aquest divendres a la kafeta de la opera es farà la presentació de la revista: SUICIDIO AUTÓNOMO, després hi haurà musica llattinoamericana en directe.

I a partir de les 22:00h començarà la primera eliminatoria del campionat de ping-punk.

C/Josep Prats 56-58
Hospitalet de Txobregat
bus's: L10, L12, LH1, N15, N13

Directions: CSO LA OPERA
C/Josep Prats 56-58
Hospitalet de Txobregat
bus's: L10, L12, LH1, N15, N13


URL: http://www.sindominio.net/okupesbcn

Indymedia Barcelona

Xerrada informativa sobre la futura presó del Bàges + Festa

9:00 PM - 12:00 AM

El divendres 7 de maig es fa a l´Hamsa una xerrada informativa sobre la futura presó del Bàges. L´acte començarà a les 21 hores. Després festa amb bona música!

Hamsa, Barcelona

Cost: Gratix


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Por un festival internacional de las luchas sociales en Canes

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Contra la destrucción sistemática de los derechos sociales. Contra el paro y la miseria. Por una cultura viva y no de mercado.
Colectivos, organizaciones sindicales y asociativas, están creando un comité de ocupación del Festival y poniendo en marcha una infraestructura de acogida en el lgar. Hay previsto momentos fuertes en el calendario de acciones:
Miercoles 12/5: Ceremonia de inauguración del Festival
Viernes 14/5: Rueda de prensa de la Coordinadora Nacional de los "intermitentes" y Precaruis de Francia, la Federación del Espectáculo CGT, y personalidades i miembros del Comité de Seguimiento dee la Asamblea Nacional de Francia
Sabado 15/5:Manifestación de los trabajadorres del espectáculo y del audiovisual, en respuesta a la llamada hecha por los sindicatos y coordinadoras en lucha contra la destrucción del régimen específico del seguro de desempleo.
Domingo 16/5:Runión-Cumbre de los más grandes estudios cinematográficos mundiales-Americanos,Hindúes,Chinos y Europeos-para discutir sobre la lucha contra la piratería.
Martes 18/5:Iª reunión de los 25 Ministros de cultura de la UE para discutir sobre la "Excepción Cultural"

Del 20 al 22 de Mayo:el colectivo "K.O.à Cannes hace un llamamiento a la unidad inerprofesional:Debates, coloquios, proyecciones acciones y manifestaciones, guerrilla pacífica y reivindicativa Interprofesional.

Primeras firmas: Convergence 06-CROAC Montpellier- AC! 13- CNT_espectacle-Union régionale de la fédération spectacle CGT-Sud_culture-Sud_éducation-Fédération anrchiste Marseille-MADS (mouvement altermondialiste de désobéissance sociale)-CIPM (collectif dees intermittents et précaires de MArseille)-CIP_IdF-Ras l'front Marseille-Résister!-Ligue des droit de l'homme Marseille Nord_Sud- Solidaires 13- Solidaires 34


Indymedia Euskal Herria

NÓS-Unidade Popular superou as 15.000 assinaturas exigidas polo Estado espanhol

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

NÓS-UP acabou de anunciar publicamente que o objectivo de atingir as 15.000 assinaturas para poder apresentar candidatura às Eleiçons europeias foi conseguido. Sexta-feira, em conferência de imprensa, serám oferecidos todos os dados sobre a importante campanha desenvolvida durante a última semana. De Primeira Linha, damos os nossos parabéns a NÓS-UP e ao conjunto da base social independentista por esta vitória, e oferecemos a seguir a informaçom adiantada no seu web pola organizaçom unitária da esquerda independentista:

"A esquerda independentista superou as 15.000 assinaturas exigidas polo Estado espanhol

Quatro dias antes de se cumprir o prazo imposto polo Estado espanhol para que NÓS-Unidade Popular apresente as 15.000 assinaturas exigidas e poder assim legalizar a candidatura independentista galega às Eleiçons europeias, podemos já confirmar que esse número foi superado.

Nestes momentos, está a realizar-se a contagem pormenorizada dos milhares de assinaturas recolhidas, mas a cifra de 15.000 foi ultrapassada sem dúvida nengumha.

NÓS-UP oferecerá umha conferência de imprensa na próxima sexta-feira, dia 7 de Maio, e nela serám apresentadas publicamente as assinaturas e serám oferecidos todos os dados relativos à exitosa campanha desenvolvida pola nossa organizaçom durante a última semana.

A seguir, no sábado dia 8 de Maio, umha delegaçom de NÓS-UP entregará toda a documentaçom necessária à Junta Eleitoral Central espanhola, em Madrid, com o objectivo de podermos finalmente garantir a apresentaçom de umha candidatura 100% galega, da esquerda independentista, às Eleiçons europeias de 13 de Junho.

Adiantamos já o nosso agradecimento aos milhares de galegos e galegas que dérom o seu apoio à iniciativa de NÓS-Unidade Popular. O seu compromisso democrático e o grande trabalho da filiaçom e simpatizantes da nossa organizaçom é sem dúvida a melhor resposta à antidemocrática barreira legal colocada polo Estado espanhol.

Galiza, 6 de Maio de 2004"




Indymedia Euskal Herria


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Montejurra Jurramendi 2004:

Programa de actos


17h: Reunión del Consejo Federal y de las Juventudes en el Círculo de Estella

19h: Concentración en la Plaza de los Fueros

19,30: Festival en el Conservatorio J. Romano (Plza. de la Coronación) con actuación de Voces Graves del Coro Sta. Mª la Real.

21,30: Cena en el Hotel Irache.


Otros Actos

9.15h: Concentración en la Campa y almuerzo

12h: Espectáculo de música y danzas en la campa.

13.15h: Acto político desde la tribuna de la Campa; Intervienen:

Gloria Moro, candidata al Parlamento Europeo.

Héctor Mir, pte. de las Juventudes.

José Ángel Pérez-Nievas, secretario general del Partido Carlista en Navarra.

Evaristo Olcina, secretario general federal.

Saludo de los representantes de las nacionalidades.

14.45h: Comida popular en la Campa y juegos para los pequeños.

17.30h: Despedida desde el monolito recordando a Ricardo y Aniano.

NOTA: Los interesados en la cena del sábado o comida del domingo, deben llamar al 948 210149 o al948 340449 antes del 30 de Abril.



Indymedia Euskal Herria

Periferiak Bilbo: Hitzaldia, musika eta dokumentala

6:30 PM - 9:30 PM


maiatzak 7 mayo
-Biblioteca Bidebarrieta liburutegia-

18.30 Laberinto de mentiras/ Gezurren labirintoa
(Iban del Campo- Ixiar Rozas)

Dokumental honetan, harrapatuta gauzkan gezurren labirintoa nola hautsi asmatu nahirik John Berger, Bernardo Atxaga, Gianni Celati, Joaquín Jordá eta Abdel Azizek egindako gogoetak bildu dira.

Documental que recoge las reflexiones de John Beger, Bernardo Atxaga, Gianni Celati, Joaquín Jordá y Abdel Aziz sobre cómo romper el laberinto de mentiras que nos atrapa hoy.
- V.O con subtítulos en castellano-

19.00 Begiradak eta memoriak ertzetik
Bernardo Atxagaren hitzaldia.
Ruper Ordorikaren kantuak eta poemen irakurketa John Bergerren haritik.

Conferencia de Bernardo Atxaga.
Canciones de Ruper Ordorika y lectura de poemas de John Berger.



Indymedia Euskal Herria

Por qué rechazar los transgénicos

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Jornadas de accion contra transgénicos, 7-9 mayo Bilbo

Por qué rechazar los transgénicos, Helen Groome.

La Bolsa, Pelota Kalea 5, alde zaharra Bilbo.


URL: http://euskalherria.indymedia.org/eu/2004/05/14202.shtml

Indymedia Scotland

Change is a Sound, a benefit gig for the Aberdeen Poster Collective

7:30 PM - 12:00 AM

As the Aberdeen Poster Collective is an anonymous group, all the bands will be playing under a different name; some might even come up with a slightly unusual set. The following bands/projects will be on stage:

Art Fuck are an electrifying splinter group flown in straight from Tibet. They claim to be the missing link between Jonathan Richman and Big Black.

Rockets Are Red is the alter ego of an infamous Aberdeen noise-rock outfit, bringing you a sound that will delight any fan of Fugazi, Shellac or the Birthday Party.
The monarchs of brutish punkrock are sending their military wing, The Youngbloods. Watch out, they won't take any prisoners!
The Meccano Set are guaranteed to entertain our audience with their fantastic blend of jazzy and easy-going sounds punctuated by an occasional surf edge.
Last but not least The Without Measure Project will bring you the Pixie-esque sounds of solo-artist RM performed by a complete band for the first time ever.

In-between the bands, our invisible Poster DJ is going to give you an insight into the record collections of the Aberdeen Poster Collective. There will be info leaflets to spread the word of the poster campaign, kind of an 'exhibition' of our posters and maybe even a projection of posters, art and film excerpts (we're still working on that one, technology technology...).

Hopefully this sounds interesting?! ;) Thanks so much to the team from Dr Drake's and all the bands for making this possible!!! We hope to see you all on Thursday, May 13th, joining us when we'll turn our little conspiracy into one big party! :)

The event will take place at Dr Drake's Bar (62 Shiprow) on Thursday, May 13th 2004. Doors open at 7.30 pm

Cost: Entrance only 2 pounds!


URL: http://www.aberdeen-posters.tk

Japan Indymedia

Kamagasaki Homeless Night Patrol

9:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Volunteers needed!!! Please come and walk around with us to share some solidarity with the homeless in Osaka, deter harassment against the homeless, and check on their health conditions.
All are welcome!

Meet at Osaka station. Near the central ticket entrance there is a fountain- near there is a travel agency- Please meet in front of there.

Cost: free- of course


URL: http://www.geocities.co.jp/wallstreet/9279

Lawrence IMC

Jubilee Cafe

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

***Actual time is 7:15-8:15am***

Jubilee Café is an ecumenical campus and community outreach program sponsored by Canterbury House, the Episcopal Campus Ministry of the University of Kansas. It is committed to serving our homeless and in-need neighbors with dignity and respect. Our primary goals are to enhance self-esteem and promote wellness among our guests, our volunteers, and ourselves. Participation in, or affiliation with, either Canterbury House or any other sponsoring organization is not a prerequisite for volunteering at the Jubilee Café.

he Jubilee Café provides our homeless and in-need neighbors in the Lawrence area a generous and healthy breakfast on Tuesday and Friday mornings in a setting that allows our volunteers to interact with each person on an individual basis. Jubilee Café is a fully licensed restaurant that has been operating since 1994. We believe that by treating our visitors as guests and our volunteers as vital, we will affirm individual humanity and enhance self-esteem. The simple act of choosing an item from a menu allows a person to exercise a measure of control in one basic area of his or her life, which can cross over into other areas as well. And the act of serving another person in need gives us the direct experience of "loving our neighbor as ourselves."

pen on Tuesday and Friday mornings, the Café serves its guests from 7:00 am to 8:00 am.

Basement of the First Methodist Church, 10th and Vermont, Lawrence.

Cost: free

URL: http://www.ku.edu/~jubilee/whatis.htm

Lawrence IMC

Vegan Potluck, Post-Potluck Movie

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Bring vegan food and enjoy!

1400 Tennessee, #1 (basement apt. in back)

Cost: bring food


New Hampshire IMC

Peace Vigil

5:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Peace Vigil on Market Square in Portsmouth. The vigil is a presence in opposition to U.S. bombing and warfare and to any further expansion of military retaliation.

Market Square
Portsmouth, NH


URL: http://www.seacoastpeaceresponse.org

New Hampshire IMC

Seacoast Peace Response Planning Meeting

6:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Planning meeting of Seacoast Peace Response (usually the first Friday of every month). Please bring some light snacks to share.

Please contact us, if it is your first time attending. Dates and Times change occasionally.

Basement, Unitarian Universalist Church (South Church)
292 State Street
Portsmouth, NH


URL: http://www.seacoastpeaceresponse.org

Rochester IMC

solidaRITity : Support the RIT Women's Center

12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

The RIT womens center is in danger of losing all of its funding for the coming school year. The school wants to build a football team and in order to do that they need to cut funding from all sorts of smaller programs like the womens center. Come and speak about why you feel a women's center is essential to our campus. Hear from the staff at the women's center and your fellow students.

We encourage and hope for a large audience from outside of RIT as well.

In front of the SAU (student alumni union) on the RIT campus


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Soquel peace vigil

4:30 PM - 12:00 AM

PEACE VIGILS: Please join us to peacefully protest our country's "endless" and "permanent" war. Bring signs, banners, flags, costumes, and noisemakers - or use ours! Choose from the following locations for weekly vigils:

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At The Plaza in Watsonville.

Fridays, 4:45-5:30pm
In front of The Ugly Mug Coffeehouse at the corner of Porter and Soquel in Soquel.

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At the corner of Ocean and Water Streets in Santa Cruz.

The Ugly Mug Coffeehouse at the corner of Porter and Soquel in Soquel.


URL: http://wilpf.got.net

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Hollister in Black

4:30 PM - 12:00 AM

two years grieving victims of violence. please wear black and prepare for counterdemonstrators.

corner 4th and san benito streets hollister

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Watsonville peace vigil

5:00 PM - 12:00 AM

PEACE VIGILS: Please join WILPF to peacefully protest our country's "endless" and "permanent" war. Bring signs, banners, flags, costumes, and noisemakers - or use ours! Choose from the following locations for weekly vigils:

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At The Plaza in Watsonville.

Fridays, 4:45-5:30pm
In front of The Ugly Mug Coffeehouse at the corner of Porter and Soquel in Soquel.

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At the corner of Ocean and Water Streets in Santa Cruz.

The Plaza in Watsonville
(Main St. and the 129)


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Santa Cruz peace vigil

5:00 PM - 12:00 AM

PEACE VIGILS: Please join us to peacefully protest our country's
"endless" and "permanent" war. Bring signs, banners, flags, costumes,
and noisemakers - or use ours! Choose from the following locations
for weekly vigils:

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At The Plaza in Watsonville.

Fridays, 4:45-5:30pm
In front of The Ugly Mug Coffeehouse at the corner of Porter and
Soquel in Soquel.

Fridays, 5:00-6:00pm
At the corner of Ocean and Water Streets in Santa Cruz.

corner of Ocean and Water Streets in Santa Cruz


URL: http://wilpf.got.net

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Bladerunner at the Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In Presents:


A sci-fi noir detective story, a meditation on the value of life, the responsibility of God, and what it means to be human. Hosted by Reverend Johnny.

May 7th 8:00 pm & every other Friday all summer,
Dubois St, Santa Cruz

PLUS selected shorts, previews, yummy popcorn, good company, and an intermission.

BRING blankets, lawn chairs, friends, wine, & snackies for intermission. Donations to support the project are more than welcome.

SANTA CRUZ GUERILLA DRIVE-IN is exactly what it sounds like -- an outdoor movie theatre under the stars that springs up unexpectedly in the fields and industrial wastelands. Guerilla Drive-In is helping reclaim public space and transform our urban environment into the joyful playground it should be.

This will be the second summer that Guerilla Drive-In will be entertaining folk for free in the San Francisco Bay area. Last year, we showed such films as Cool Hand Luke, Pump Up the Volume, Repo Man, and Fight Club. This year, our summer series will feature a dozen films, a film every other Friday night.

Our entire summer schedule can be found on the web at www.thespoon.com/drivein/summer-schedule-2004.html

Guerilla Drive-In, Dubois St, Santa Cruz

Cost: FREE

Directions: DIRECTIONS: S on Hwy 17 to Hwy 1, R on River St/hwy 9, L on Encinal, L on Dubois, look for an empty field next to a big white wall


Twincities IMC

An evening of Train movies

7:00 PM - 11:00 PM

This is a benefit for the Bat Annex Free School and Resource Center There will be 3 movies shown.

Wild Boys of the Road

Long Gone

Wedding Train

MALA - 3026 Minnehaha Ave (behind the Hub bike shop)

Cost: $3-5



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