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  May 2004  
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Events for Saturday, 01 May 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Arkansas IMC

2nd Annual Liberty and Justice Festival Leslie AR

All day

The 2nd annual Liberty and Justice Festival, being held Saturday, May 1, 2004, near Leslie, Arkansas, is “nurtured, birthed and coordinated by a consortium of individuals who agree that liberty is the reason for, not the result of, America, and that you don't need three academic degrees and a black robe to understand the Constitution and the Bill of Rights,” according to Little Rock musician-celeb and co-organizer of the event, Will “Willy-T” Taylor.

Taylor and others, including Robert Reed, Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Arkansas, Charlie Smith, Chairman of the Van Buren County Greens, Don Richardson, Chairman of the Van Buren County Democratic Party, and Christine Weiss, Editor of Gozarks.com, through a merger of non-partisan volunteer efforts under the co-sponsoring Ozark Liberty Alliance (OLA) umbrella, have aligned energies to coordinate the all day agenda, merging egalitarian style, the edicts of participatory democracy, and a convivial spirit of family-style celebration.

Featured performers include “Feedback,” Larry Huie’s “4:20 Band,” Willy-T, and acoustic guitar soloist Matt Sturdovant with entertainment ongoing from 1pm. Between musical interludes, speakers and exhibitors representing various organizations will inspire public debate on socially relevant topics. A short sampling of this list includes:

Joe Diffie and Natalie McMahon of the Arkansas Indymedia Collective will host a voter-ed booth focused on consumer activism and Diffie will say a few words about the significance of Mayday, also known as International Workers Day, in American history and democracy.

Russell W. Patterson, Regional Organizer with United for a Fair Economy, will speak to the issue of “Fair Taxes for All.” The “Gozarkian Players” will present an original skit: “Mother Earth and the Evil Industrialist.” And Maryalice Hurst, owner of That Bookstore at Mountebanq Place, will host an exhibition catalog of literary works relevant to modern politics and civic wisdom.

Rex Petty will introduce the U.S. Marijuana Party to Arkansas voters and the Libertarian Party of Arkansas will host an “Operation: Political Homeless” voter registration booth. Voter-ed exhibitors and vendors include “For Mother Earth,” “Arkansans For Kucinich,” “The Hippie Shop,” and “Against the Wal.”

Ongoing activities include food & merchandise vendors, an “American Patriot Costume Contest” and a “Constitutional Hoedown.” To participate, simply dress as or adorn an exhibit booth in a way that represents “The Spirit of Liberty & Justice.” Token prizes will be randomly awarded throughout the festivities. In addition, copies of the U.S. Constitution will be freely available for perusal throughout the day in preparation for a Constitution Quiz at sundown.

Serenity Farm
Leslie Arkansas

Cost: Free!!!

Directions: The 2nd annual Liberty & Justice Festival convenes ½ mile south of Leslie at the park-like setting on Cove Creek located behind the Serenity Farm gift-pantry, pastry & coffee shop on U.S. Hwy. 65.


URL: http://www.gozarks.com


19th Annual Peace & Justice Conference

All day

“MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Peace and Justice, MIA”
We are excited to have as keynoter, Jonathan Schell, The Nation's peace and disarmament correspondent, the Harold Willens Peace Fellow at the Nation Institute and the author, most recently, of the just-published The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People (Metropolitan). He will also lead one workshop.
Additional workshops that have been arranged so far are: Military Toxics Project on Depleted Uranium and Military Environmental Exclusions, John Judge on Junior ROTC and Military Recruitment, Ambrose Lane of WPFW Radio on the Stifling of Dissent, the Impact of Anti-terrorism Laws on Arab-Americans, and Ira Shorr on the Physicians for Social Responsibility’s Proposal for Nuclear Disarmament. Ira will also do a comedy routine after a delicious vegetarian lunch. Other workshops in process are: prospects for peace in the Middle East, an update on the USA PATRIOT Act., and the struggles faced by the military and their families.
Also featuring the 10th annual Fred Benjamin Peace Awards for high school students.

Takoma Park Presbyterian Church
310 Tulip Avenue, Takoma Park MD

Cost: $20 (scholarships available)


URL: http://www.mupj.org


RedR Personal Security Training in Humanitarian Emergencies

All day

This training provides knowledge and skills regarding personal security issues that arise when working in humanitarian emergencies. The sessions run from Friday evening (April 30) to Sunday morning (May 2). The sessions are run by RedR Canada, an internationally known organisation (see www.redr.org). The training is informative and fun, and will be helpful to people working in all types of emergency situations.

Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
615 E. Wolfe St., Baltimore

Cost: $75


URL: http://www.jhsph.edu/studentgroups/relief


Celebrate May Day Baltimore!!

3:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Celebrate May Day Baltimore!!

The Coalition Against Global Exploitation (CAGE) and the Communist Party (CP) will be spreading May Day cheer this Saturday, May 1!! Join us at the Brooklyn-Baybrook Park Festival from 3-5:30 p.m., and then on to Labor Historian Bill Barry’s annual potluck at his home from 6-8:30 p.m. At both events CAGE and the CP will be hosting an “Eat the Rich” bake sale, complete with “muffins of mass destruction” and “Condeleeza Rice Krispie Treats” for starters! At these events you can also sign a letter to Governor Ehrlich, asking him not to veto the state living wage bill. Great labor tunes will be playing in the background, too!

Good music, good food, good fun: A great way to celebrate workers in Baltimore!

WHEN: Saturday, May 1, 3-5:30 p.m.

WHERE: 4300 West Bay Avenue, 21225

(in case of rain, we will meet at the Farring-Baybrook Recreation Center, 4501 Farring Court.)

WHEN: Saturday, May 1, 6-8:30 p.m.

WHERE: The home of Bill Barry; 4204 Elsrode Avenue, 21214 – Rain or Shine!

For directions go to mapquest.

Contact Virginia for more information! 410-908-7603; vrodino-AT-towson.edu

4300 West Bay Avenue, 21225
Bill Barry's home, 4204 Elsrode Avenue, 21214 – Rain or Shine!

Cost: free

Directions: www.mapquest.com


Big Muddy IMC

May Day

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

* 8am - 10am = Radio show on WDBX 91.1 FM. Labor-related music and vignettes about work and labor history.
* During the Day = Movies, Speakers, Discussion, and Art. Refreshments will be served.

Big Muddy IMC
214 N Washington


Boston IMC


6:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Come Celebrate May Day with the Lucy Parsons Center Bookstore (LPC) and Spontaneous Celebrations!

The Wake Up the Earth Festival began in 1979 when a group of local neighbors and activist banded together to stop the I-95 expansion into Jamaica Plain. The festival began as, and still is, a celebration of what can be accomplished when people of all traditions, cultures, ages, and beliefs come together. A great many individuals, local artists, community groups, and schools join forces every year to make a unique community collaboration. Recent festivals have included an enchanted puppet forest, sideshows, live bands, dancers, acoustic performers and a giant pageant.

In addition to a great day of fun and activities, LPC has been asked to host the AFTER PARTY!

The AFTER PARTY IS FULL OF FUN!! There will be several DJs, bands, food and dancing, with Special Guests the Foundation, DJ Nomadik, and more!!!

All Ages -- Beer & Wine w/ID

$5+ donation (In addition to being a great time this is a benefit for Spontaneous Celebrations and the Lucy Parsons Center, two great local, non-profits)

Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth Street in Jamaica Plain (Stony Brook T)

Cost: $5+ donation


Boston IMC


8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Come Celebrate May Day with Lucy Parsons Center (LPC) and Spontaneous Celebrations!

The Wake Up the Earth Festival began in 1979 when a group of local neighbors and activist banded together to stop the I-95 expansion into Jamaica Plain. The festival began as, and still is, a celebration of what can be accomplished when people of all traditions, cultures, ages, and beliefs come together. A great many individuals, local artists, community groups, and schools join forces every year to make a unique community collaboration. Recent festivals have included an enchanted puppet forest, sideshows, live bands, dancers, acoustic performers and a giant pageant.

In addition to a great day of fun and activities, LPC has been asked to host the AFTER PARTY!

THE AFTER PARTY will be held at Spontaneous Celebrations in Jamaica Plain and will be so FUN!!

With Special Guests the Foundation, DJ Nomadik, and more! There will be several DJs, live bands, food and dancing!!
All Ages -- Beer & Wine w/ID

$5+ donation (In addition to being a great time this is a benefit for Spontaneous Celebrations and the Lucy Parsons Center)

The After PARTY FUN starts at 8 p.m. and goes late into the evening.

COME JOIN US for a GREAT TIME and help raise money for two really wonderful non-profit organizations.

Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth Street in JP (Stony Brook T on the Orange Line)

Cost: $5


CMI La Plana


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM






Indymedia Barcelona


All day

Como cada año llega el 1º de Mayo, pero este año será un 1º de Mayo diferente ¡ ¡ por fin ! ¡

Después de intensos contactos y reuniones de los colectivos de Barna e individualidades se está organizando una gran mani que no será ni aburrida ni un desfile.

En la misma participaran la mayoría de colectivos que están llevando luchas contra el sistema dominante, anarquistas y no anarquistas y donde se visualizará todo tipo de precariedad, personal, social, laboral,....

Y en coordinación con el EURO MAYDAY se convoca MANI el 1º de mayo a las 6 de la tarde en la Plaza Universidad.

Por la mañana en las Cocheras de Sants a partir de las 11 horas, en lugar del clásico mitin, habrá una ASAMBLEA ABIERTA SOBRE PRECARIEDAD, donde previamente, podrán informar todos los colectivos que quieran sobre las luchas que están llevando y donde se pueda debatir un mínimo sobre las mismas, con la intención de que puedan ser asumidas al máximo por todos, para que dentro de lo posible los diferentes colectivos nos apoyemos mutuamente. Así si un colectivo está llevando a cabo una lucha, por ejemplo contra la marginación de la mujer, inmigración, especulación, despidos masivos.....los otros les apoyemos extendiendo las convocatorias y acudiendo a ellas. La intención es que este 1º de Mayo sea un punto de encuentro de las diferentes movidas no asimiladas por el sistema y donde todos podamos expresarnos libremente sobre la precariedad y explotación a la que estamos sometidos.

También se pasará un vídeo de movidas recientes, se hará exposición de la historia del 1º de Mayo y de las pancartas que se llevaran a la MANI del MAY DAY

Y habrá barra con bocatas y bebidas

¡¡¡¡ Estáis todos convocados, ¡!!!!!!!! ¡¡¡ VENID !!!!! ¡¡¡¡ PARTICIPAD ¡!!!!


C N T - Joaquín Costa 34 . 08001 - Barcelona Tf. 93.318.88.34


Indymedia Barcelona

Festa Cubana

11:00 PM - 11:30 PM

CSOA Hamsa, c/Miquel Bleach 15 Hostafrancs (Barcelona)

Cost: gratuit


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Gipuzkoako CNT-AITren deialdia Maiatzak 1erako

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

LEMA: Lan istripua... terrorismo patronala!!
LEKUA: Donostiako Bulebarra
ORDUA: goizeko 11:30tan



URL: http://www.cnt.es/gipuzkoa

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Gasteizko gaztetxea: Bazkari Herrikoia

2:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Gaztetxearen urtemuga: "Ateari ostikada... 16 urte dira jada!!!"


Cost: 3€


Indymedia Euskal Herria


6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Prekarizazioa (bizitzarena, lanak, gerrak eta estatuak eragindakoa) ikus dadin, Bartzelona eta Milanen eginen den protesta martxa.

Manifestoa: euskalherria.indymedia.org/eu/2004/04/13662.shtml
Informazio gehiago: www.euromayday.org

Bartzelonan, Plaça Universitat, arratsaldeko 6etan
Milanen, Porta Ticinese, arratsaldeko 3etan

URL: http://www.euromayday.org

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Euskal Herriko 3garren Foro soziala Baionan

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Maiatzaren 1ean (arratsaldea) eta 2an (egun osoa), 14
taller, 2 konferentzia eta ekitaldi kulturalak
iraganen dira, "erresistentzi iharduerak eraiki"

Baionako Gaztelu berriko IUT-ko unibertsitatean

Cost: sarrera euro bat


URL: http://www.forumsocialpaysbasque.org

Indymedia Euskal Herria

Exposicion Ventanas existenciales

7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Kaixo Lagunok!!
Hola amigos/as!!.

Queremos compartir con vosotros/as nuestro último proyecto.
Se trata de una MUESTRA PICTORICA Y POETICA que lleva como nombre

Esta exposicion estara colocada en la Casa de Juntas de Aribe desde el dia 1 hasta el 9 de Mayo . La muestra consta de 24 Cuadros y 24 poemas.El dia 1 de Mayo a las 19:30h. dia de la inauguracion, queremos hacer algo especial. Hemos preparado un pequeño acto, lo hemos llamado ACCION PERCEPTIVA LUCIERNAGA - IPURTARGI SOMAKOR EKINTZA que tiene como finalidad acercarse a la muestra-exposicion desde otra perspectiva distinta a la que estamos acostumbrados. Habra actuacciones de musica a cargo de la cantautora Resu Ansorena de Orbaitzeta,txalaparta,poesia... Para el desarrollo optimo de este evento es recomendable que las personas que acudan lleven linternas.
Y eso era todo, esperamos que os guste y que disfruteis este trabajo, tanto como lo hemos disfrutado nosotros. Eskerrik asko!!
Muchas gracias!!.



URL: http://www.txiski.net/

Indymedia Euskal Herria

UFESTUEK, Durangoko Gaztetxean

10:00 PM - 11:30 PM

UFESTUEK Durangoko gaztetxean eskeiniko dute kontzertua bertze hainbat taldeekin batera.

Durangoko Gaztetxea

URL: http://www.ufestuek.tk

Indymedia Scotland


1:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Glasgow's annual anti-capitalist street festival takes over the streets: with sound systems, performers and YOU !

Celebrate ! Demonstate ! Create !

As well as being a self declared workers holiday, Mayday has traditionally been celebrated as the herald of spring and a festival of fertility. A day in which the normal social order is turned on it's head. Mayday is unique because it fuses the licentious pleasure principle of festival with the transformative energy of radical politics.

Meet at Glasgow Buchanan Street Underground, 1st of May, 2004


URL: http://www.liveinthemoment.org

Japan Indymedia

Nagai Homeless Farming Volunteers

9:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Volunteers needed to help with the farm. Produce is used by the homeless community and to sell to make some profit for the homeless. Please come!!!

We meet EVERY first and Third Saturdays and every 2nd, 3rd, 5th Sundays!

Meet at Nagai Park in Osaka. Meet us at the homeless blue tents. We will travel together to go to the farm.

Cost: Small transportation fee


URL: http://www.geocities.co.jp/wallstreet/9279

Japan Indymedia

KYOTO MayDay♪はたらくひとのまつりです♪ 

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

♪はたらくひとのまつりです♪  5/1/2004

10:00-12:00 集会・デモ 3条橋の下でunion net kyoto とレンタイ デモ、音あり。

1:00-5:00 ゲリラ★ハイキング  

テレビ捨てるに¥2700。冷蔵庫捨てるに¥4600。運搬日にそれぞれ¥2000。これ家電リサイクル法の仕業。 大量生産と労働者搾取で商品をこさえ、もうけておいて、ゴミと化したら消費者の責任です、リサイクルしましょう。 黙って従っていたら今以上につけあがる。 みんなのゴミ化した電化製品を企業に送り返します・・・自動車動かしてくれるボランティア募集!

スペクタクル社会万歳最!優秀賞、優秀賞、クリエイティブ賞などあり・・・ 参加自由

オルガナイザー:MayDay Kyoto実行委員会 ACA★Kyoto puppychan-AT-gold.ocn.ne.jp

10:00の集会に関しては、他の行事とは関係なく、連絡はきょうとユニオンへ (075)-691-6191


Cost: フリー


Lawrence IMC

Peace Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Demonstration of opposition to the ongoing occupation of Iraq.

Outside the courthouse
11th & Mass, Lawrence


URL: http://www.lcpj.org/

Lawrence IMC

IndyMedia Collective Meeting

1:00 PM - 12:00 AM

This is the weekly meeting of the IndyMedia editorial collective, open to the public. To become an editor, attend two of these meetings. We discuss various topics and strategies.

Aimee's Coffeehouse, 1025 Massachusetts, Lawrence

Cost: free


URL: http://www.lawrenceimc.org

Lawrence IMC

Free Meal at L.I.N.K.

1:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The purpose of L.I.N.K., the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, is to provide a pleasant, safe place for the hungry or lonely to share a free, nutritious meal and the companionship of one another. We believe loneliness can be as painful as hunger, companionship as powerful as love. Anyone who desires a meal is served, no questions asked. Diners are treated as our invited guests. We do not provide counseling, but rather refer individuals to appropriate agencies when they ask for help. Our focus is on food and fellowship.

Basement of 1st Methodist Church
221 West 10th Street
Lawrence, KS

Cost: free


URL: http://community.lawrence.com/link/

Lawrence IMC

"A Voice For Everyone"

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Hello Lawrence!

I am a member of a local group called Majestic 6.0, which was created by six students in the Communication Studies department with the goal to help those who help others. We have an exciting opportunity for anyone who is interested in the welfare of communities across The United States. The event is entitled, “A Voice For Everyone”. The event is a workshop exploring the effects of stereotypes and prejudices in American Society, and how to overcome them.

Event Info:
What: “A Voice For Everyone”
When: May 1st, 2004 @ 4-6pm
Where: Ecumenical Christian Ministries (across from the Crossing and Yellow
Sub near campus).
Who: Majestic 6.0 and Headquarters Counseling Center.
Why: The event is to raise community awareness and funds for Headquarters
Counseling Center at the same time create community dialogue on important
issues that are directly relevant to Headquarters.
How much: Free and open to everyone. Donations are appreciated.

If you are not interested or cannot attend, but know someone who might be interested please tell him or her about the event. If you are an instructor please feel free to tell you class, if appropriate, about the event. If you do tell your class let us know! It is shaping up to be an event to be talked about!

If you have questions, concerns, or comments, let us know.
Contact Info:
Person: Scott Criqui
Phone: 785-760-2484
E-mail: scott_s_criqui-AT-yahoo.com

Thank you for your time,
Majestic 6.0

The following is information on Headquarters:
What is Headquarters:
Headquarters is a phone and walk-in counseling and information service. We
provide a number of services, and our 14,000 contacts a year are extremely
varied, with most of our services are provided directly to individuals. People
may contact us about relationships, suicide, Phone A Friend (for
elementary-aged children), emergency housing, community resources, support
groups, and many other concerns. For more information on Headquarters click

Interested in Volunteering:
Being a good friend is great preparation for volunteering at Headquarters! At
any given time, HQ may have from 60 to 90 counseling volunteers, with various
ages and life experiences. Most of our volunteers do not have previous
counseling experience or any specific common history. (Our extensive training
covers the knowledge and skills needing to be an effective volunteer
counselor.) What our volunteers do share is a desire to help people and an
openness to grow from the unique experience of working as a volunteer
counselor. For more information on volunteering at Headquarters click here:

1204 Oread St. Ecumenical Christian Ministries (across from the Crossing and Yellow
Sub near campus).

Cost: Free; donations are appreciated.


National (US)

Global Love Day

All day

Join people around the world in Celebrating and Expanding LOVE.


May 1, 2004

"Love Begins With Me"

We are one humanity on this planet.
All life is interconnected and interdependent.
All share in the Universal bond of love.
Love begins with self acceptance and forgiveness.
With tolerance and compassion we embrace diversity.
Together we make a difference through love.

Be a part of it.
Spread the word.

Your heart.


URL: http://www.thelovefoundation.com

New Hampshire IMC

Solar Fest at UNH

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Solar powered music & food, progressive tabling & artists galore!

UNH, Durham, NH

Cost: free

New Hampshire IMC

Weekly Peace Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Every week we gather at the Peterborough Town House, rain, snow or shine, at the corner of Grove and Main Streets, to call for peace and non-military solutions to the world's problems. Please join us for all or part of the hour. Signs provided, or bring your own.

Peterborough NH, Town House (Town Hall) at corner of Grove and Main Streets downtown.


Rochester IMC

The Justice for Farmworkers Campaign

All day


May 1- May 11, 2004


 ARTURO RODRIGUEZ, leader of the United Farmworkers of America (UFW) founded by Cesar Chavez, will join the march and vigil in Albany.

Join farmworkers as they march 10-days from Auburn to Albany, culminating in a 24-hour vigil at the Capitol in Albany to demand passage of the Farmworker Fair Labor Practices Act.

If you are interested in organizing a bus, van or carpool from your communities to join a segment of the march or vigil, please contact us.  See the attached flyer or visit our website for the march and vigil schedule.  


Log onto www.ruralmigrantministry.org

Every day there will be a report and photos from the March for Justice and

24-hour Vigil for Justice in Albany.



URL: http://www.ruralmigrantministry.org/

Santa Barbara IMC

Prison Industry and Youth

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Special Community Screening of Chance Films Documentary:
Followed by Forum:
Prison Industry and Youth: A Critical Analysis of Incarceration, Legislation,
and Aggressive Police Measures In Our Barrios

With Guest Panelists From:
Chicano Mexicano Prison Project
Operation Street Kids
Committee on Raza Rights
and More..

Dr.Rodolfo Acuna Gallery and Cultural Center/Cafe on "A"
438 South "A" Street
Oxnard, Ca.

Cost: Free to Community

Directions: Downtown Oxnard:
From Santa Barbara: 101 South, Exit Oxnard Blvd., Right on on 5th street, right on "A" street. Right hand side second building.

From Los Angeles: 101 North, Exit Rose Ave., left over bridge, right on Gonzalez, left at Oxnard Blvd., Right on on 5th street, right on "A" street. Right hand side second building.


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Community Conversations

9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Momentum building month by month by month... Conversations for Peace.. Always the first Saturday of the month.... Always in the same space.... Santa Cruz Community Room in the new police department on Center @ Laurel.
"Precious" "extraordinary" "profound" "transformative" "very heartening" "delightful" "restorative" "better every month"
"real community"

sponsored by WomenRise for Global Peace

Give Voice, Be Heard, Share Your Vision

First Saturday morning of every month

9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Held monthly on the first Saturday of each month.

Opening by Santa Cruz Council Member Emily Reilly and Elder Stateswoman Eleanor Wasson (96 years)

And facilitated by WomenRise for Global Peace at Community Room by the fountain, Santa Cruz Police Department 155 Center Street, at Laurel, Santa Cruz

Refreshments served

Free admission, donations appreciated

Gather with other concerned women and men to encourage effective actions for peace in ourselves, in our community and in our world. Share thoughts, feelings, experiences, and visions of peace. Get to know each other, act together and live peace together, in this surprisingly comfortable setting.

Email info-AT-womenrise.org for more information or to RSVP (much appreciated)

Please pass this on to your network of friends, together we do make a bigger difference,

thank you

Sponsored by WomenRise for Global Peace

WomenRise for Global Peace - Guiding Principles

… We can live in celebration and respect for all life and all love.

… The power of our individual choices to be peaceful in thought, word and deed does change the world.

… We can promote peace as a world solution more effectively than others promote war.

Community Room by the fountain, Santa Cruz Police Department 155 Center Street, at Laurel, Santa Cruz

Cost: Free admission, donations appreciated


URL: http://www.womenrise.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Mock SHU downtown Santa Cruz

10:00 AM - 12:00 AM

We will be tabling 1st Saturday of every month in different cities across CalifAtzlan. Petitioning and information to Abolish Security Housing Units & to Free Jose Luis Avina!!

Pacific & Cooper (infront of O'Neal's), downtown Santa Cruz


Santa Cruz Indymedia

International Workers Day films

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

International Workers Day Peace Luncheon

Sponsored by the Santa Cruz County Chapter of the United Nations Association.

Speaker: Brian McWilliams, past President of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union

Mexican food will be served for a donation of $7-10.
For more information call 425-7618.

- - -

Location to be announced, Santa Cruz • 5:30-7 pm

Reception for Haskell Wexler & Ian Ruskin
To reserve tickets to the reception, call 831-469-3848.

Louden Nelson Center, Santa Cruz

Cost: donation


URL: http://www.reelwork.org/schedule.html

Santa Cruz Indymedia

May Day Reception with Haskell Wexler and Ian Ruskin

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The Reel Work May Day Labor Film Festival invites you to our
May Day Reception with Cinematographer/Director Haskell Wexler and Actor Ian Ruskin

Join us to celebrate the finale of our third season with three-time Oscar-award winner Haskell Wexler, cinematographer for Matewan, Bound for Glory, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, The Secret of Roan Inish, American Grafitti, Medium Cool and the list goes on… Reel Work will be screening Wexler’s Bus Riders Union film later that
evening at the Rio.

Accomplished actor Ian Ruskin will also be present at the reception. Ruskin will be performing his one-man play about the life of ILWU labor leader Harry Bridges at 7pm at the Rio.

(see below for short bios on Mr. wexler and mr. ruskin.)

Light Fare, Wine and Refreshments will be served.


May 1, 2004

@ “The Next Door”

next to the Rio Theatre

1207 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, CA

Tickets are sliding scale starting at $20*.
*All proceeds go to cover the costs of the festival.

call #469-3848 for ticket reservations.

Space is limited; please call ahead.

RSVP required.


IAN RUSKIN attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London and worked in West End repertory theater, television and film. In Los Angeles his work has ranged from Murder She Wrote to the acclaimed one-man play The Man Himself.He has also done extensive voice work in radio plays, commercials, and in over one hundred films and television programs. He is founder and director of The Harry Bridges Project and has portrayed Bridges in hundreds of theatrical performances since 1994.

HASKELL WEXLER, a native of Chicago, broke into feature films in 1959 as a cinematographer. He received his first Academy Award for work in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?(1965). He produced and directed the documentary Medium Cool(1969), a very successful and controversial film that exposed the brutality of Chicago cops during targeting the anti-war movement at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Paramount refused to release Medium Cool for almost a year after Wexler had finished editing it. The executives asked him to tone down the police-brutality
scenes, but he wouldn't do it. The Motion Picture Association of America gave the film an X rating -- ostensibly because it had a nude scene. Wexler maintains to
this day that the X stood for unacceptable political content. During the 1980s, he also produced and directed the feature film Latino (1985), which was highly critical of American policy in Central America. Wexler filmed numerous important works including Matewan and Bread & Roses, shown during previous Reel Work seasons, and has received several Oscars. The film industry recognized Wexler's genius in 1996, giving him the Motion Picture Academy's Lifetime Achievement Award. At the time he was videotaping bus riders in Los Angeles to dramatize the ordeal of getting from the
ghetto to downtown L.A. by public transit. It was his third "bus" documentary. The first was a 1963 film about freedom riders. The second, some twenty years later, was about a bus full of people making a cross-country trip for peace and
disarmament. Saul Landau has named him "The people's cinematographer."

“The Next Door”
next to the Rio Theatre
1207 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, CA

Cost: Tickets are sliding scale starting at $20 * All proceeds go to cover the costs of the festival

Directions: Tickets are sliding scale starting at $20*.
*All proceeds go to cover the costs of the festival.

call #469-3848 for ticket reservations.

Space is limited; please call ahead.

RSVP required.


URL: http://www.reelwork.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Film and Play about Passion and Struggle

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

From Wharf Rats to Lords of the Docks
(Actor: Ian Ruskin, 60 min)
A one-man play portraying Harry Bridges' passion, struggles and sense of humor.

The Bus Riders Union
(Director: Haskell Wexler, 1999, 86 Min)
LA's poor and minority bus riders organize, Transit Authority takes notice.

Speakers: Brian McWilliams, past President of the ILWU
Ian Ruskin, actor portraying Harry Bridges Haskell Wexler, cinematographer for Matewan, Bread and Rosesand many others

The Rio Theater, Santa Cruz

Cost: donation


URL: http://www.reelwork.org/schedule.html

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC


8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Extended Circle Animal Haven, will join with Chihuahua Rescue and Transport, Florida Wild Mammals Assoc., Gadsden County Humane Society, Gulf Coast German Shepherd Rescue, Gulf Coast Shih Tzu Rescue, Pet Haven and Animal Rescue, Tallahassee Big Dog Rescue, Whippet Rescue and Placement, and other area animal rescue groups to bring you the first annual Grrragesaleathon! We’ll have great bargains: bikes, household items, washer/dryer combo, trampoline, furniture, artwork, TVs, baby items, toys, pet supplies, sporting goods and much more. Each organization sells their own wares and keeps their own profits to benefit the animals in their care. Come out, have fun, find a bargain, and learn more about our community’s various animal rescue groups. Sales benefit our community’s homeless animals!

Donate your unwanted, but in good condition, items to ECAH for use in this sale!

Extended Circle Animal Haven and most of the other groups are 501(c)3 non-profit organizations, and donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Indoors at the Elk’s Lodge - 276 N. Magnolia Dr.
(across from Tallahassee Ford)

Cost: FREE


URL: http://www.extendedcircle.org/

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Dances of UIniversal Peace

7:30 PM - 12:00 AM

Circle dances celebrating the worlds religions and spiritual traditions. No experience necessary. All are welcome.

Unitarian Church
2810 N. Meridian


URL: http://www.peacedances.org

Thunder Bay IMC

May Day Potluck

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Come on out and celebrate may day! There will be food, games and all sorts of fun.

Boulevard Lake

Cost: Bring food if you can


URL: http://nyaac.cjb.net

Twincities IMC

AIDS Care Kit Bag Sewing Bee

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

AIDS Care Kit Bag Sewing Bees

Sunday, April 25, 2004
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Saturday, May 1, 2004
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

1653 Laurel Avenue, St. Paul, MN

The Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) has launched a 10-year multi-million dollar initiative called Generations at Risk to respond to the growing HIV/AIDS pandemic. Join Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace in sewing fabric drawstring bags for supplies used by thousands of home care volunteers to provide comfort to people living with HIV/AIDS. We will be donating the bags to Ten Thousand Villages on Grand Avenue, which will be collecting the care kit supplies to fill them. No sewing experience or equipment is required, but bring your sewing machine, sharp scissors, and other tools if you have them.

Materials Donations Needed!
Once again, we are counting on generous materials donations from the Twin Cities peace/justice community to make this project a success:

* Fabric - Sturdy, woven (no knits), clean fabric, at least 26" x 18"
* Thread - All colors, regular and serger spools
* Drawstring Cord - Sturdy cord or rope suitable for shoulder drawstrings, at least 6' lengths

Please visit your local fabric store for a donation or contribute the discarded scraps from your sewing room spring cleaning to this worthwhile project. Drop off all donations inside the front porch at 1937 Ashland Avenue, St. Paul, or call Krista to arrange for pick-up: 651-641-7592. We will be collecting fabric, thread, and cord, and sewing bags through the middle of June.

About the MCC's Generations at Risk initiative:

About the MCC's AIDS Care Kit project:

Sponsored by Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace in cooperation with Ten Thousand Villages and the Mennonite Central Committee.

Web Site: www.mppeace.org
E-mail: info-AT-mppeace.org
Phone: 651-641-7592 (Krista)

1653 Laurel Avenue, St. Paul, MN

Cost: Free, but materials donations are needed!


URL: http://www.mppeace.org

Twincities IMC

Oraganizing for Peace and Justice in Palestine

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Women in Solidarity

Nadya Waziri is a founder and team member of the International Women's Peace Service (www.womenspeacepalestine.org), an all women, non-faith based project based in a small village in the West Bank. The project focuses mainly on non-violent resistance to the illegal Israeli Occupation, human rights monitoring, media outreach and coordination of peace efforts in the region. Nadya will begin with a power point presentation about the wall that Israel is currently building through Paletinian territory.

Black Dog Cafe
308 Prince St., St. Paul
(Kitty Corner from St. Paul Farmer's Market in Lowertown St. Paul)

Cost: $5 Suggested Donation


Western Massachusetts IMC


12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Over 370 Women Have Been Killed Just Minutes Across the Border: Over 500 More are missing in Juarez, Mexico
Don’t stand by and let these crimes go unsolved. 370 women dressed in black will speak on behalf of the missing girls, featuring speeches by mothers of the victims.

Amherst Town Common


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Today is Thursday


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