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  April 2004  
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Events for Saturday, 17 April 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Arkansas IMC

Fayetteville Demonstration Against Bush's War

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

ordinary citizens in Fayetteville are resuming weekly peace demonstrations against George Bush's war.

Evelyn Hills Shopping Center
(by the co-op)


URL: http://arkansas.indymedia.org/newswire/display/3436/index.php


PATRIOTS ACT! National Lawyers Guild Regional Conference

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


The Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of the National Lawyers Guild. April 17, 2004 at the University of Baltimore

9:00 am - Registration for Guild Members
9:30 am - Plenary Session (NLG members only; all other sessions are open to public)
10:30 am - Registration for the Public
11:00 am - PATRIOT Act
12:30 pm - Lunch address by Lynne Stewart
1:30 pm - International Affairs - Cuba and Haiti
2:30 pm - Organizing for Upcoming Supreme Court cases
3:30 pm - Police Tactics

Workshop descriptions:

- Presentation on the PATRIOT Act, including a talk by Chuck Michaels, Guild member and author of "No Greater Threat: America After September 11 and the Rise of a National Security State" and a
discussion by Guild members who have worked to get anti-PATRIOT Act resolutions passed by their local governments.

- Special lunchtime address by Lynne Stewart, the Guild attorney who has been falsely accused of helping terrorists in an attempt by the government to silence dissent and chill politically and socially responsible lawyering that challenges the status quo.

- International affairs session, including a report from Regional Vice President Ed Elder, who recently traveled to Cuba with the NLG, and a showing of excerpts of "Pote Mak Sonje: the Raboteau Trials," which chronicles the courageous and persistent fight by victims of a 1994 massacre to obtain justice through Haiti's court system.

- Session with Bruce Bentley, co-chair of the NLG-NYC Mass Defense Committee, on organizing public presence outside the Supreme Court around the Guantanamo detainees (April 20) and the "enemy combatant" cases of Padilla and Hamdi (April 28).

- Panel on police tactics including a report from NLG Legal Observers who have been arrested in the line of duty and a multi-media presentation on the "Miami Model" by Mike McGuire, an activist on the front lines of this drastically changing landscape.

Saturday, April 17, 2004 at 9 am. University of Baltimore Thumel Business Center Auditorium. Corner of Mt Royal Avenue and Charles Street (1 block from Penn Station).

$20 registration for attorneys and others who can afford it
$10 attorney recent grads (last 5 years)
$5 students/public
no one turned away for lack of funds

Please RSVP to: nlg_baltimore-AT-hotmail.com. Include your registration type (see levels above) and your lunch preference: meat, vegetarian, or vegan.

University of Baltimore Thumel Business Center Auditorium
Corner of Mt Royal Avenue and Charles Street
(1 block from Penn Station)

Cost: Sliding scale


URL: http://www.nlg-md.org

Boston IMC

DNC2RNC March Planning Consulta

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

DNC2RNC March: Resist Empire, Reclaim Democracy

Leaving from the Democratic National Convention in Boston, MA on July 30th and marching 225 miles and 28 days to the Republican National Convention in NYC, August 26.

East Coast organizing consulta will provide information about what has been done so far, what still needs to be done, and how we can all make it happen, as well as providing a space for East Coast DNC2RNC networking and discussion. A network of people and groups will be formed out of this meeting. We’ll go over logistics including the route, working with local communities, shelter, food, childcare, medical, outreach, and much more

Bring your vision, interests, and skills so we can all work together in a non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian way to create the world we want to live in

Feel free to arrive Friday night. PLEASE register in advance so that we can get you housing and food, but if you don’t, come anyway. Email grass8stain-AT-riseup.net to register, tell us how many people are coming, and when they’re showing up. Check the website for constant updates about the schedule.
Organizing collectives:
East Coast: dnc2rnc-AT-riseup.net
West Coast: NextStep-AT-riseup.net

Everywhere: DNC2RNC-AT-lists.riseup.net
East Coast: eastDNC2RNC-AT-lists.riseup.net

Amherst, MA
University of Massachusetts Campus Center Rm 917

Cost: Free

Directions: Email for directions

URL: http://www.dnc2rnc.org

Boston IMC


9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

This is a *2-day conference* in support of political prisoners and racially profiled detainees in the U.S. that will be preceeded by a concert featuring Dead Prez and other poets and Hip-hop artists on the evening of Friday April 16 from 7 PM to 11. *Please* read details of conference for more information!


SET THE CAPTIVES'S FREE! Conference on Political Prisoners,
Prisoners of War, and Racially Profiled Detainees in the U.S.
April 16 & 17, Lipke Auditorium, UMASS Boston
Friday, April 16, 7-11pm concert featuring Dead Prez, Iyeoka Ivie Okoawo,
FTP, Blackout Boston, The Foundation, Curtis King, Simon & Wagner, Reflect &
Strengthen, VCR, and PRESENTE!
Saturday, April 17, 9am-5pm workshops and presentations with Pam Africa
(MOVE), Fred Hampton, Jr., Linda Evans, Russell Shoates, III, Netdahe Williams, Rod
Coronado, Mike Duan, (South Asian Coalition,) Rawan Barakat, (New England Committee to Defend
Palestine), Kamel Bell, Michelle Morales, Soffiyah Elijah, Nancy Murray
(Patriot Act & Homeland Security), Prof. Robert Hall, Nalda Vigezzi (The Cuban 5)
and Jean Day (Leonard Peltier Defense)
$15 Fri. Concert, $10 Sat. Conference, $20 both days, 15 & under, FREE
Info: 617-288-1433 or email:
Sponsored by The William Joiner Center/UMASS Boston, The Jericho Movement
Boston Political Prisoner Defense Committee, Mobarezeh Collective, Int'l
Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu Jamal, American Friends Service
Committee, and PRESENTE!


PRESENTE! is a poetry and theatre collective that for the past three years
has been conducting artistic performances calling attention to the plight of
Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War held within the borders of the
United States. Many of these prisoners have been incarcerated for waging
struggle against the U.S. Government's colonialist and racist policies here
and abroad.

They are leaders and combatants for Puerto Rican Independence,
Native American rights, Black Liberation; some are North American anti
imperialists who interfered with their government's ability to wage war
around the world. Some are of Arab and Muslim backgrounds, recent targets
of "Homeland Security's" policies of racial profiling and disappearances,
which are implemented to silence the most critical voices of protest against
colonialism and genocide in the Middle East.

Many of these prisoners have been handed down sentences which amount to life
imprisonment -- sentences that are a great deal more severe than what is
often imposed on child molesters, rapists, and racists who engage in hate
crimes. Some, like the Arab and Muslim detainees have been subject to
indefinite incarceration, without charges, the benefit of counsel, or access
to their loved ones. Others, like Mumia Abu Jamal, are on death row.

The responses of those who have seen our performances have been very
positive. We have come to the conclusion however that our efforts are
wasted if they do not yield the result of active and massive organizing to
seek these prisoners' release from captivity.

It is in the interest of transforming our artistic work into concrete action
that would be useful in securing these prisoners' release, that we have organized this Set the Captives Free Conference in Boston. We hope
to bring together people from the communities the prisoners represent, as
well as organizers and activists. Our goal is to acquaint those who still
don't know of them with their history and plight, and develop strategies
that will lead to their long overdue exit from prison.

U-Mass Boston, Herbert Lipke Auditorium (science Building, 2nd floor,) 100 Morrissey Blvd

Cost: $15 concert, $10 day conference, $20 both events, 15 and under free.

Directions: Take the Red Line to JFK/UMass Station. A free shuttle bus will carry you to the campus. Directions to reach the University of Massachusetts Boston by public and private transportation is available at


Boston IMC

Boston Skillshare

11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

The purpose of this event is to create a temporary space for people to share skills which help them to live practically and happily, creatively and sustainably. The emphasis is on action over theory, participation over talk. We want to live with enthusiasm, so let us learn with vigor!

Learn such skills as:
Beginning/Advanced Bike Repair* Self Defense* Container & Wildlife Gardening* Vegan Ice Cream Making* Crocheting* D.I.Y. Screen Printing* Tattooing* Vegan nutrition &home electronics repair* Quilting* Controlling Our Fertility* See Your Cervix* Zines*Breast & Pelvic Self-Exam* How to Make Veggie Sushi* Seed Saving & Plant Preserving* Beginner Spanish*Haircutting* Basic Clothing Alteration* Bootcamp Fitness* Radical Parenting* Make yr own Soymilk*
FOR KIDS: *Movement & Body Work* Origami*How to make Play-Doh* Painting* Breadmaking* Making music*
AND MORE!! (for a complete listing, see www.bostonskillshare.org)

If you would like to volunteer to help out, please get in touch.Lunch will be provided both days, however we ask that you bring your own bowls, utensils, travel mugs, etc.Free childcare will also be available throughout the weekend. All facilities and workshops are wheelchair accessible.

April 17th & 18th @ Simmons College Main Building, 300 The Fenway, Boston Ma ***Saturday and Sunday 11am-6pm***

Cost: Sliding scale of $3-->10 and/or volunteering

Directions: By T: Take Green Line E train to the Museum stop. Upon exiting train, stay on the same side of the street as the MFA. Take a right onto Louis Prang Street. Walk past the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. The main campus, 300 The Fenway, will be on the left.
By Bus: Take the #39 Bus (from Copley Square or anywhere on Huntington Ave) Exit near the MFA/Mass Art area. From Huntington Ave, turn onto Louis Prang St. (follow directions above)

URL: http://www.bostonskillshare.org

Colorado IMC

Derailer Bicycle Collective Benefit

8:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Come support the Derailer Bicycle Collective and have a sweet rockin' time. Bikes! Bands! Beer! Sweet original Schwinn cruiser bicycle for raffle. Bands to announced. Cheap drinks and lot o' fun!!!

The Bar Bar (21st & Champa)

Cost: $3-5 suggested donation

Indymedia Barcelona

Dissabtes al carrer contra la especulació i el forum

All day

DISSABTES AL CARRER contra la Especulació i el Forum,
Dinars lliures, expos, videos, debats...DESEMMASCAREM la màfia
immobiliària al teu barri.

Al Forat de la Vergonya

Cost: Lliure

Indymedia Barcelona

Innaguració del PARC de FORAT DE LA VERGONYA

12:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Innaguració del PArc del Forat de la Vergonya, amb plantada d'arbres, papeo, i més...

Forat de la Vergonya

Directions: Carrer Metges, entre C/Carders i C/Sant Pere + baix

Indymedia Barcelona

Escola de Primavera del Masnou (temes: Pla de Mobilitat i la CUP a Europa)

6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Escola de Primavera

17 d’abril del 2004 a Can Malet (2a Planta), El Masnou

L'Escola de Primavera que se celebra al Masnou el proper dia 17 d’abril, vol ser un punt de trobada de diferents opinions per tal de construir una societat amb més consciència d'ella mateixa i de les seves virtuts i mancances. Tot i que el títol de l'acte anterior celebrat al novembre del 2003 fou "Taula Rodona: Escola de tardor" aquest ha estat escurçat a Escola de Primavera encara que segueix mantenint la voluntat de transmetre tarannà de diàleg entre tots els participants. El centre d’interès de la primera part de l’acte serà el pla de mobilitat per a la vila. Tot i que ja es van establir les línies base a la passada edició, aquesta vegada es presentarà una proposta concreta que entre tots acabarem d’establir i fer nostra; contemplant les necessitats reals dels masnovins i masnovines i no de l’interès especulatiu d’algú. Per a poder ser un pla de referència és important que tothom exposi ses necessitats. Per acabar aquesta primera part es proposaran mecanismes per tal de dur-ho endavant.
El darrer punt de la tarda s’emmarcarà en el context de les eleccions europees i del paper de la CUP en elles. L’esquerra independentista catalana per primera vegada trenca el silenci en unes eleccions no municipals i es presenta a les eleccions europees sota el lema “ Sí als Països Catalans, No a aquesta Constitució Europea”.

Escola de Primavera:

18:00 El Masnou diu SÍ al Pla de Mobilitat

19:30 La CUP diu no a aquesta Constitució Europea

Dissabte 17 d’abril del 2004 a Can Malet (2a planta)

Can Malet (2a planta)
El Masnou

Cost: Accés LLIURE

Directions: Edifici de Can malet (2a planta) darrere de l'Ajuntament.
A 1 minut de l'estació d'Ocata (del ferrocarril de RENFE).


URL: http://www.paisoscatalans.org/cup-masnou

Indymedia Barcelona

Xerrada - col.loqui + sopar + recital de poesia

8:00 PM - 11:00 PM

La precarietat de les dones joves també és violència!
LLuitem per a la justícia social!

Xerrada-col.loqui a càrrec del Grup de Lesbianes Feministes
Sopar popular
Recital de Poesia a càrrec de Mireia Redondo

Us esperem a totes i a tots!
Sense les dones no hi ha revolució!

La Torna Nova de Gràcia


Indymedia Barcelona

fotut 2004::: presentació interactiva:

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Presentació interactiva: "Jo al fòrum no hi participo"

Presentació interactiva sobre la falsedat del fòrum, organitzada pel col·lectiu fotut2004
Una mentida que mourà el món...

La presentació es trasllada al forat de la vergonya degut al brutal desallotjament de pl virreina

abans pl virreina, ara forat de la vergonya


URL: http://barcelona.indymedia.org/newswire/display/83591/index.php

Indymedia Barcelona

Recital poetic d'en Zena

10:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Recital poético de Francisco Cenamor. Sábado 17 de abril a las 22 h. en el Espai Alliberat de Molins de Rei. Plaça de la Creu, 17. Recitará sus poemas, alguno de ellos en catalán ayudado por algunos amigos y amigas.

Francisco Cenamor tiene publicados los libros de poemas:
Amando nubes. Talasa Ediciones, Madrid, 1993.
Ángeles sin cielo. Ediciones Vitruvio, 2003.

Ha sido incluido en las Antologías:
Poemas contra la guerra. Ediciones Vitruvio, Madrid, 2003.
Salida de emergencia. Nosomoscómodos Producciones, Madrid, 2004. (De próxima aparición).

Espai Alliberat de Molins de Rei. Plaça de la Creu, 17

Cost: 0 eu


Indymedia Euskal Herria

euskal herriko Gizate Foroko bilera

9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kaixo lagunok, mezu honen bitartez gogoratu nahi dizuegu larunbata honetan, apirilak 17 Gizarte Foroko bilera dugula, Bilboko La Bolsan 9:30tan. Bileraren planteamendua, aurrez adostu genuen bezala, honakoa da:
1- Gai ardatz bakoitzaren asanblada: jaso diren proposamen guztiak kontutan hartuta gai ardatzaren egitaraua behin betikoa finkatzeko.
2. Aurreko tartea bete ondoren, gai ardatzetako arduradunak bilduko lirateke(hauetaz gain nahiko luketen guztiak, noski) gai ardatz jakin batean kokapen oso argia ez duten proposamenei konponbideak bilatzeko.

3. Ondoren, asanblada osoaren bilkura gai ardatz bakoitza nola geratu den ikusteko eta egitarau osoari oniritzia emateko.
4. Azkenik, II. Topaketa antolatzeko zereginen errepasoa.

Hauxe izango litzateke larunbateko bileraren mamia. Beraz, ondo izan eta larunbata arte.

Un saludo a todas, queríamos refrescar la memoria avisando de que este sábado 17 de abril en el Centro Cívico La Bolsa de Bilbo a partir de las 9:30 se va a celebrar la siguiente reunión del FSEH. El planteamiento de la reunión, tal y como se acordó en la última reunión, sería el siguiente:
1- Asamblea de cada eje temático: para a partir de las propuestas recibidas dar forma definitiva al programa de cada eje.
2- A continuación reunión de las responsables de ejes(más todas aquellas que esten animadas) para buscar soluciones a aquellas propuestas que no tengan un encaje claro en ninguno de los ejes.
3. Después, asamblea con todas las personas participantes para ratificar el programa definitivo de cada uno de los ejes acordados.
4. Por último, un repaso de todos los quehaceres pendientes para la organización del II. Encuentro.

Este sería en resumen el contenido de la reunión del sábado.
Pues nada, hasta el sábado y a seguir bien.

Bilboko La Bolsan


Indymedia Euskal Herria

Marcha Republicana

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

IV Marcha Republicana ERMUA-EIBAR organizada por Gazte Komunistak. Inicio: 10, 30 en la Plaza Patxi de Ermua.

¡¡Caminemos hacia la tercera republica!!

Plaza Patxi de Ermua


URL: http://www.gazkom.org

Japan Indymedia

Nagai Homeless Farming Volunteers

9:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Volunteers needed to help with the farm. Produce is used by the homeless community and to sell to make some profit for the homeless. Please come!!!

We meet EVERY first and Third Saturdays and every 2nd, 3rd, 5th Sundays!

Meet at Nagai Park in Osaka. Meet us at the homeless blue tents. We will travel together to go to the farm.

Cost: Small transportation fee


URL: http://www.geocities.co.jp/wallstreet/9279

Lawrence IMC

Peace Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Demonstration of opposition to the ongoing occupation of Iraq.

Outside the courthouse
11th & Mass, Lawrence


URL: http://www.lcpj.org/

Lawrence IMC

IndyMedia Collective Meeting

1:00 PM - 12:00 AM

This is the weekly meeting of the IndyMedia editorial collective, open to the public. To become an editor, attend two of these meetings. We discuss various topics and strategies.

Aimee's Coffeehouse, 1025 Massachusetts, Lawrence

Cost: free


URL: http://www.lawrenceimc.org

New Hampshire IMC

Youth Activism Conference-Peace College

All day

Religion Beats Fire Landmines Israel Environment Vieques Protests Bombings Love Murder Corporations Prisons Homelessness Negotiation Art Economy United Nations Poetry NRA Resistance Courage Holocaust Belief Sarajevo
King Books Food Sweatshops Ignorance Pain Hierarchy Injustice Violence Sexism Democracy Prejudice Beauty Love Hope Truth. A Youth Activism Conference to
bring together a new generation of peaceful leaders. NH Peace Action and AFSC have brochures on this FOR youth conference. Contact The Peace College, Box 547, Durham, NH 03824 or (603) 498-6185.

Salem State College, Salem, MA

New Hampshire IMC

DNC2RNC March Planning Consulta

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

DNC2RNC East Coast Consulta

DNC2RNC March: Resist Empire, Reclaim Democracy

Leaving from the Democratic National Convention in Boston, MA on July 30th
and marching 225 miles and 28 days to the Republican National Convention
in NYC, August 26.

East Coast organizing consulta will provide information about what has
been done so far, what still needs to be done, and how we can all make it
happen, as well as providing a space for East Coast DNC2RNC networking and
discussion. A network of people and groups will be formed out of this
meeting. We’ll go over logistics including the route, working with local
communities, shelter, food, childcare, medical, outreach, and much more

Bring your vision, interests, and skills so we can all work together in a
non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian way to create the world we want to
live in

Amherst, MA
University of Massachusetts Campus Center Rm 917
Saturday April 17: 9am to 5pm
Sunday April 18: more stuff

Feel free to arrive Friday night.  PLEASE register in advance so that we
can get you housing and food, but if you don’t, come anyway.  Email
grass8stain-AT-riseup.net to register, tell us how many people are coming,
and when they’re showing up.  Check the website for constant updates about
the schedule.
Organizing collectives:
East Coast: dnc2rnc-AT-riseup.net
West Coast: NextStep-AT-riseup.net

Everywhere: DNC2RNC-AT-lists.riseup.net
East Coast: eastDNC2RNC-AT-lists.riseup.net

This summer, we’re going beyond voting to weave together a wide range of
issues, ideas, and communities: local, global and everywhere in between.
We will be networking, learning, sharing, singing, dancing in the streets,
and more.  Beyond resistance to corporate-military empire, we’ll create
alternatives and demonstrate that another world IS possible, right now!


Amherst, MA
University of Massachusetts Campus Center Rm 917

Cost: Free


URL: http://www.dnc2rnc.org

New Hampshire IMC

Weekly Peace Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Every week we gather at the Peterborough Town House, rain, snow or shine, at the corner of Grove and Main Streets, to call for peace and non-military solutions to the world's problems. Please join us for all or part of the hour. Signs provided, or bring your own.

Peterborough NH, Town House (Town Hall) at corner of Grove and Main Streets downtown.


New Hampshire IMC

Shaw's Supermarket CEO Paul Gannon to Marry Human-sized Genetically Engineered Corn on April 17th Despite Customer Objections

3:30 PM - 6:30 PM

True Food Network representatives and local Shaw’s customers from across the state will enact a mock wedding to illustrate the dedication of Shaw’s CEO Paul Gannon to the continued use of Genetically Engineered ingredients in Shaw’s store-brand products, despite consumer demands to stop. This action follows months of protests and tens of thousands of comments to Shaw’s from customers across New England. At the most recent action, consumers were arrested at Shaw’s Boston Copley Square location for attempting to deliver “disloyalty pledge cards” exhibiting the voice of 7,000 Shaw’s consumers.

SHAW’S Supermarket
Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham, NH 03885

Cost: FREE


San Diego IMC

A Celebration of Resistance for International Day of Farmers' Struggle

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

April 17th, A Celebration of Resistance for International Day of Farmers' Struggle

2pm @ The City Heights Recreational Center on Fairmont and Landis

In honor of Via Campesina's call to action for International Day of Farmers' Struggles around the world, we will be doing a joint event with San Diego Indymedia showing films and sharing free organic food on Saturday, April 17th at 2pm at the City Heights Recreational Center.

We will be showing Praha 2000, a film about the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and resistance to their polices in Prague. In addition, we will be showing "A Burning Hunger", a short film from the SD/TJ Mobilization about Via Campesina, farmers and globalization.

A member of the ORGANIC collective will also give a short presentation about resistance to Corporate Globalization by farmers around the world. Come and learn about the movements and strategies in action around the world for food sovereignty.


2pm @ The City Heights Recreational Center on Fairmont and Landis


Santa Cruz Indymedia

Northern California Peace Centers Conference

All day

Northern California Peace Centers Conference
April 16-18, 2004, Santa Cruz, CA
Host - Resource Center for Nonviolence
Co-hosts:SC Peace Coalition, SC & Pajaro Valley WILPF, SC Art & Revolution

(Please help us. Send registration now. Save us a lot of work and hassles by not waiting until the last minute to register. Registration that includes meals or free overnight lodging must be received by Wed. 4/16.)

Various Locations, Check www.rcnv.org for details!

Cost: Sliding Scale: $4 - 40


URL: http://www.rcnv.org/rcnv/peacecenters

Santa Cruz Indymedia

Santa Cruz Coordinating Committee for the September Project

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

This is an initial meeting to discuss plans for public events, centered around Santa Cruz County Libraries, for Patriot Day, 9/11/2004. We believe the most patriotic gesture citizens can make on this day is to come together in public places like local libraries. Through talks, roundtables, deliberations, and performances, citizens will participate collectively and think creatively about our country, our government, our community, and encourage and support the well-informed voice of the American citizenry.

This is a national project with the goal of instigating events in many of the 16,000 public libraries in the US.

The aim of The September Project is to create a day of engagement, a day of community, a day of democracy. Our goal is to foster a tradition for citizens around the world to recognize and give meaning to September 11th.

Central branch of the Santa Cruz County public library, 224 Church Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060-3873 (831) 420-5700


URL: http://www.theseptemberproject.org

Santa Cruz Indymedia


7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Discussion of the past year of war in Iraq and the lies of the Bush Administration in coercing the U.S. legislature, media and public to go along with its war crimes.

Hosted by Mark Halfmoon

Guests: Sarah Phelan, News Editor, MetroSantaCruz
Michael Sammet, Host, Talkabout, KZSC 88.1
Simba Kenyatta, Citizen Revolutionary
Tom Conant, Co-Producer, Voices, CTSCC

This program is a taped repeat, originally aired April 15 on channel 27.

Channel 27
Community Television of Santa Cruz County

Cost: this program will cost you your ignorance


URL: http://www.communitytv.org

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC


All day

ADrug-Free Radio
Liars beware: Al Franken, co-host Katherine Lanpher and Team O'Franken invite you to spend three hours a day in the Zero Spin Zone.
Weekdays noon-3pm
Repeat: 11pm-2am

The Right has had its say for the last three years. Now, on "The Majority Report", co-hosts Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder have theirs. Our side just got a little bit louder.
Weekdays 8pm-11pm

Randi brings her own brand of provocative and infectiously humorous talk to Air America Radio.
Weekdays 3pm-7pm
Repeat: 2am-6am

Unfiltered is co-hosted by Lizz Winstead, Chuck D, and Rachel Maddow. This uncompromising program puts politics and culture through the wringer, uncensored and unfiltered.
Weekdays 9am-Noon

Go to www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Directions: For details related to available radio stations
and for RealAudio Live Feed, go to the web site

URL: http://www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Art Workshop with Irish Artist Patricia McKenna

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

An art workshop about photo transfer to found objects with Dublin artist Patrica Mc Kenna. McKenna is in the area for a three week residency where she will create an installation called the "Raggedy Tree." Her work emphasiszes landscape, geography, memory, and found objects. The artist has exhibited in Europe and throughout the United Kingdom. She has been featured in Sculpture Magazine.

621 Gallery 621 Industrial Drive (Railroad Square)

Cost: $20


URL: http://www.artboundariesunlimited.com

Twincities IMC

Sovereignty Against Globalization: The Afro-Latino-Indigenous Resistance in Venezuela

5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Jesus 'Chucho' Garcia, founder of the Afro-Venezuelan Network will be speaking about the afro-latino-indigenous resistance to neo-liberalism in Venezuela. 'Chucho' was part of the delegation that was sent to Miami in November of 2003 to present Venezuela's alternative model to the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas. 'Chucho's' national tour is focused on building resistance to the FTAA. 'Chucho' will also be addressing the challenges to sovereignty that Venezuela and Haiti have experienced as a result of U.S. economic interests.

'Chucho' will be joined by
Danza Mexica Cuauhtemoc-Traditional Mexica Ceremonial Dance
Wayne McFarland and Ipso Facto - Reggae
Shvonne L. Johnson - spoken word
Nomhata Drum Group

Sabathani Community Center
310 E. 38th St.

Cost: Free and Open to the Public

Directions: Take 4th Ave. S. South from Lake Street for 8 blocks, turn right and it is right there on the Right, large, large building with sign.


Western Massachusetts IMC

East Coast DNC2RNC Consulta

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

DNC2RNC East Coast Consulta

East Coast organizing consulta will provide information about what has
been done so far, what still needs to be done, and how we can all make it
happen, as well as providing a space for East Coast DNC2RNC networking and
discussion. A network of people and groups will be formed out of this
meeting. We’ll go over logistics including the route, working with local
communities, shelter, food, childcare, medical, outreach, and much more

Bring your vision, interests, and skills so we can all work together in a
non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian way to create the world we want to
live in

Amherst, MA
University of Massachusetts Campus Center Rm 917
Saturday April 17: 9am to 5pm
Sunday April 18: more stuff

Feel free to arrive Friday night. PLEASE register in advance so that we
can get you housing and food, but if you don’t, come anyway. Email
grass8stain-AT-riseup.net to register, tell us how many people are coming,
and when they’re showing up. Check the website for constant updates about
the schedule.
Organizing collectives:
East Coast: dnc2rnc-AT-riseup.net
West Coast: NextStep-AT-riseup.net

Everywhere: DNC2RNC-AT-lists.riseup.net
East Coast: eastDNC2RNC-AT-lists.riseup.net

DNC2RNC: Resist Empire, Reclaim Democracy

Leaving from the Democratic National Convention in Boston, MA on July 30th
and marching 225 miles and 28 days to the Republican National Convention
in NYC, August 26.

This summer, we’re going beyond voting to weave together a wide range of
issues, ideas, and communities: local, global and everywhere in between.
We will be networking, learning, sharing, singing, dancing in the streets,
and more. Beyond resistance to corporate-military empire, we’ll create
alternatives and demonstrate that another world IS possible, right now!

Amherst, MA
University of Massachusetts Campus Center Rm 917

URL: http://dnc2rnc.org



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