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  April 2004  
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Events for Saturday, 10 April 2004

[click on event title for more detailed information]

Arkansas IMC

Fayetteville Emergency Iraq Protest

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Given the violence the Bush Administration has unleashed in Iraq this past week, the ANSWER Coalition has put out a nationw-wide call for Emergency Iraq Protests this weekend. In Fayetteville's answer to that call, we will do a sign holding demonstration on College Ave.

Evelyn Hills Shopping Center
Fayetteville AR


URL: http://www.internationalanswer.org/

Arkansas IMC


6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The African Students Organization at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, will hold their 2nd Annual Sound of Africa AIDS/HIV benefit concert on April 10th 2004. The Banquet is a preservation of the Vision, by past President, Eko Anipa, to help raise funds that will support HIV/AIDS research in Africa. Last April, at the 1st Concert, we raised and donated $800 to the Christian Children’s Fund of Kenya.

In addition, we use this Banquet to inform and expose people to the unique culture, sound, and people of Africa. Donations can be made before, during, or after the event. Any donation is greatly appreciated. Tickets are free and can be obtained or reserved by contacting ialikor (at) uark.edu or African (at) uark.edu. We encourage everyone to bring a can of food for donation to a Fayetteville Shelter.

Alltel Ballroom at the University of Arkansas Student Union

Cost: Donation



April 10th Teach-in on IMF/World Bank & Alternatives

12:00 PM - 5:30 PM

April 10 - Teach-in on "Imperialism and Global Plunder: The Institutions, the Resistance and the Alternatives"

In addition to bringing people together, the April 10 event will include workshops, panel discussions and open dialogue. Topics will address the role and functions of the IMF & World Bank in corporate globalization, the resistance efforts of the Global Justice Movement, and alternative paths for the future.

WHEN: Saturday April 10, 2004 from Noon - 5:30pm

The April 10 Teach-in is part of a larger initiative to raise awareness about the upcoming April 22-25 IMF meetings in Washington, DC. This will be the 60th Anniversary of the IMF.

Co-Sponsors: Coalition Against Global Exploitation, UB Progressives, All People's Congress, Baltimore Action for Justice in the Americas, Research Associates Foundation.

See also:

Schedule of Events for April 10 Teach-in:

"The Problem: IMF/World Bank"

50 Years is Enough Speakers
Kwami Abyomi (City Councilperson; member of delegation to Colombia)

"Resistance & Alternatives":

Marina Sitrin (Activist recently returned from Argentina)
Katrina Abarcar (Center for Economic Justice)
Robin Hahnel (American University; author "Political Economy of Participatory Economics" and "ABCs of Political Economy")

4:00-5:30pm (Or other times during the day)"Workshops":

Worker Cooperatives
* John Lawrence (Staten Island University; editorial board member of GEO Newsletter)

Direct Action Strategy/Tactics
* Marcos Bisticas-Cocoves (Coalition against Global Exploitation),
* Patrick McKale (NEFAC; Anti-Racist Action)
* Patrick Stanley (Jonah House)

Discussion of Past IMF/WB Convergences (open discussion)


"Police Tactics & Resistance: The Miami Model" (Mike McGuire, Coalition against Global Exploitation)
Friday, April 9th, at University of Baltimore, Thumel Business Center Auditorium. More details see RadiCalendar listing for April 9th.

UB Progressives & CAGE

University of Baltimore
Thumel Business Center Auditorium
South East corner of North Charles & Mt. Royal Ave.
The Business Center Auditorium is up a flight of stairs.

MAP: http://www.ubalt.edu/glance/campusmap.html

University of Baltimore
1420 N. Char

Cost: Any donation is welcomed

Directions: Directions (from DC):
Route 95 to Inner Harbor exit
Right on Conway (1st light)
Left on Charles Street (at Sheraton Hotel)
Left on Mt. Royal (Thumel Center in this block)
South East corner of North Charles & Mt. Royal Ave.
Map: www.ubalt.edu/glance/campusmap.html


URL: http://www.baltimorecage.org

Boston IMC

Death and Taxes Resistance Festival

12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Every year, on tax day, activists from around Massachusetts set their sites on the Military Industrial Complex and speak out against the obscene military budget of the US, where we spend more than the rest of the world combined on the instruments of death and destruction.

In front of the IRS building: Rt. 93 to Rt. 133 exit in Andover, right off exit, IRS immediately to the right.

Directions: See it on Mapquest


URL: http://deathandtaxesfest.org

Boston IMC

Emergency Iraq Protest

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

- Bring the Troops Home Now
- Money for jobs, education and healthcare - Not for wars
of aggression

In coordination with:
Friday, April 9 - Monday, April 12

*Call initiated by the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition*

Park St. Sta., Boston


URL: http://www.answerboston.org

Colorado IMC

Mark Rudd of the Weather Underground

7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Mark Rudd, former member of the SDS and Weathermen during the 1960s and 1970s will speak at Fort Lewis College. Rudd appears in the documentary, "Weather Underground," which has been shown recently at the Abbey Theater in Durango and which will be screened in conjunction with his talk. Rudd will share his experience in the militant arm of the anti-war movement during the Vietnam conflict, as well as those living underground in the years that followed, and will discuss his current perspectives on social and political activism.

Chemistry Hall, Room 130 on the Fort Lewis College Campus

Cost: free


URL: http://www.upstatefilms.org/weather/

IMC Canarias

[Fuerteventura] Concentracion Salvar El Cotillo

1:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Actividades: Compartir comida que llevemos. Juegos (cometas, pelota, etc.) Taller de pinturas con niños sobre el uso de espacios naturales. Lectura de comunicados en defensa de El Cotillo. Poesía para querer El Cotillo. Música popular y todo lo que se te ocurra para salvar El Cotillo...


URL: http://canarias.indymedia.org/es_ES/mozwin.css/newswire/display/5972/index.php

Indymedia Barcelona

1a trobada del jovent independentista d'osona i el lluçanès

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Hi haurà una actuació de teatre a càrrec de joves de la comarca, un dinar popular, una xerrada sobre la repressió del jovent català, un passi de vídeo, una concentració, i una cercavila fins al pavelló on començarà el concert a càrrec de Skarface, Skarnio, Pirats sound sistem, Desperta ferro, i dos grups més del poble.

pavelló de Prats. Prats de lluçanès és un poble entre Vic, Manresa i Berga.

Cost: 10 euros, i el veure a preus populars


Indymedia Barcelona

L'Hamsa no descansa

All day

TALLER DE CLOWN. Divendres 9 i dissabte 10 A partir de les 11 de Matí. Porteu roba per jugar i disfressar-vos.

CSOA HAMSA C/ Miquel Bleach 17 Hostafrancs L1 Cola't


Indymedia Barcelona

Dissabtes al carrer contra la especulació i el forum

All day

Dissabtes al carrer contra la especulació i el forum,
dinars lliures, expos, videos, debats...
DESEMMESCAREM la Màfia immobiliaria al teu barri.

A la Rambla Poblenou amb Ramón Turró

Cost: Lliure

Indymedia Barcelona

Dissabtes al carrer contra la especulació i el forum

All day

Dissabtes al carrer contra la especulació i el forum,
dinars lliures, expos, videos, debats...
DESEMMESCAREM la Màfia immobiliaria al teu barri.

A la Rambla Poblenou amb Ramón Turró

Cost: Lliure

Indymedia Barcelona

¿De qué mes estabas hablando?

10:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Fas y Res. Se encuentran en un espacio indefinido, en una época incierta. Res no hace nada, solo lee de a ratos. Fas es la acción. Un viaje a ningún sitio ¿Y si la nada fuera... eso, nada?

Sant Doménech del Call Nº 8
Barri Gotic Liceu(L3)o JaumeI(L4)

Cost: 3


Indymedia Barcelona


10:00 PM - 11:30 PM

DISSABTE 10, Concert a la Plaça.
Afònics i Pomada.
Plaça dels Arbres, Sallent, Bages.
Preu: gratuït.

Plaça dels Arbres de Sallent (Bages)

Cost: Gratuït


URL: http://www.coordinadora.net/trobada www.alternativaestel.org/trobada

Lawrence IMC

Peace Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Demonstration of opposition to the ongoing occupation of Iraq.

Outside the courthouse
11th & Mass, Lawrence


URL: http://www.lcpj.org/

Lawrence IMC

Free Meal at L.I.N.K.

1:30 PM - 12:00 AM

The purpose of L.I.N.K., the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, is to provide a pleasant, safe place for the hungry or lonely to share a free, nutritious meal and the companionship of one another. We believe loneliness can be as painful as hunger, companionship as powerful as love. Anyone who desires a meal is served, no questions asked. Diners are treated as our invited guests. We do not provide counseling, but rather refer individuals to appropriate agencies when they ask for help. Our focus is on food and fellowship.

Basement of 1st Methodist Church
221 West 10th Street
Lawrence, KS

Cost: free


URL: http://community.lawrence.com/link/

New Hampshire IMC

Weekly Peace Vigil

12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Every week we gather at the Peterborough Town House, rain, snow or shine, at the corner of Grove and Main Streets, to call for peace and non-military solutions to the world's problems. Please join us for all or part of the hour. Signs provided, or bring your own.

Peterborough NH, Town House (Town Hall) at corner of Grove and Main Streets downtown.


Rochester IMC

Rochester IMC General Meeting

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

General large group disscussion meeting. Open to the public, come and help Rochester IMC cover the issues that are important to you.

The TV Dinner Space, 167 Flanders St, Rochester

Cost: FREE

URL: http://rochester.indymedia.org

San Diego IMC

Emergency Call to Action - Anti-War Rally Downtown

12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

As the US military increase its military activities and begins targeting innocent citizens, it is up to the people to take to the streets and resist! Join with the nation in this emergency call to action against war and occupation!


Saturday April 10th 12pm
Downtown San Diego
Horton Plaza (4th and Broadway)

URL: http://www.sdimc.org/en/2004/04/103698.shtml

San Diego IMC

Kentucky Fried Cruelty

1:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Join us in supporting PETA and the fight against KFC's unethical treatment of the animals they use. The general public needs to know the truth! Help spread it by joining us in passing out leaflets and talking to people about KFC's evil ways. They must not be allowed to mask the truth any longer.

1056 13TH ST IMPERIAL BEACH, CA Right across the street from Central Elementary School.


Tallahassee-RedHills IMC


All day

ADrug-Free Radio
Liars beware: Al Franken, co-host Katherine Lanpher and Team O'Franken invite you to spend three hours a day in the Zero Spin Zone.
Weekdays noon-3pm
Repeat: 11pm-2am

The Right has had its say for the last three years. Now, on "The Majority Report", co-hosts Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder have theirs. Our side just got a little bit louder.
Weekdays 8pm-11pm

Randi brings her own brand of provocative and infectiously humorous talk to Air America Radio.
Weekdays 3pm-7pm
Repeat: 2am-6am

Unfiltered is co-hosted by Lizz Winstead, Chuck D, and Rachel Maddow. This uncompromising program puts politics and culture through the wringer, uncensored and unfiltered.
Weekdays 9am-Noon

Go to www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Directions: For details related to available radio stations
and for RealAudio Live Feed, go to the web site

URL: http://www.AirAmericaRadio.com

Tallahassee-RedHills IMC

Protest Regarding the Seminole Mascot

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

A protest with support from United Native America and the Florida American Indian Movement will be held.

The American Indian Student Union at FSU is participating in this protest regarding the Seminole mascot and hosting the speaker's panel on Misconceptions & Stereotyping of People of Color in Mainstream Society. As a student union, the AISU is supposed to provide for the social welfare of Native Students at FSU, be an educational and cultural instrument for FSU, and be a liaison between the university and the Native American Community. While we have served our purpose as an educational and cultural instrument, the University's administration has never approached us about working with them on issues regarding the mascot and Native American affairs. We have never been approached regarding our opinions on the 'Unconquered' statue and when we met with Student Government and Administration regarding our issues with the 'Integration" statue we were ignored and discriminated against. While we try to provide for Native students on campus, because of the lack of human power and native students this has made this purpose more of a barely attainable goal. As of now, the board members and active members of the American Indian Student Union have remained neutral on the issue of the Seminole mascot. For fear of being targeted by administration and student government and being either zero-funded, loosing our agency status, being silenced as has happened in the past, or replaced with compliant puppets we had never taken an opinion on the mascot as a group. Up until now the AISU has only tried to occasionally educate the FSU and Tallahassee community about Native American mascots and have mostly focused on history, culture, language, and the people indigenous to the Americas. While these latter issues are the main focus of the group we cannot ignore the situation of our people and their portrayal in mainstream society, in particular at our University. The American Indian Student Union is in danger of becoming an inactive organization after this year. Because of the absurdly low percentage of the student body population that is registered as Native American, 0.4%, the organization has yet to receive new, genuinely interested, incoming students with aspirations of becoming a part of and working with such an important group on this campus. Because the American Indian students, culture, education, languages, and programs have been marginalized at this school and we feel our interests have not been of interest to the University, the 2003-2004 Executive Board of the American Indian Student Union is of now taking an official stance of being against FSU's use and portrayal of the Seminole mascot and anything associated with it. We feel that the use of American Indians as sports mascots at this university and the greater society has always been a tool of the mainstream society for erasing who and what Native people truly are and replace them with an inaccurate, offensive, white-created stereotype. In response to the University that refuses to acknowledge and cooperate with the issues of Native students, the American Indian Student Union is holding the events mentioned above in regards to the issue. Because we feel the situation of Native Americans on this campus is such an urgent issue we are presenting the University with the following list of needs for Native Americans.

List of Needs for Native Americans at FSU:

1) Start and fully fund a Native American Studies program that will focus on language, culture, history, society, math & sciences, art, and politics of those people indigenous to the Americas.
2) Provide financial and academic resources and benefits to encourage Native American students to apply to and attend FSU.
3) Develop academic and service programs where FSU students can work with the Seminole Tribe of Florida for the education and betterment of the University and the Seminoles
4) Replace the Seminole Mascot with a mascot that is not a grouping of a minority of people to be stereotyped and objectified.
5) Remove the ‘Unconquered” statue and the headdress from the ‘Integration” Statue.

The "Integration" Statue in Woodward Plaza

Cost: free

Directions: For directions please view the map at www.fsu.edu/Campus/newmap/, Woodward plaza is between E6 and F6.


Twincities IMC

Whose Water Is It Anyway?

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

A Panel Presentation on Water, Women and Privatization with panelists Darcie Rowe, Minnesota Water Alliance,
Char Greenwald, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy,
and Shiney Varghese, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.

Coffee, juice and snacks will be served. This event is free and open to the public.

Van Cleve Community Center, 901 15th Ave SE, Minneapolis

Cost: Free

Directions: Van Cleve Community Center is approximately 8 blocks north of Dinkytown and the U of M east bank campus, at the corner of 15th Ave SE and Como Ave SE in Van Cleve Park.


Western Massachusetts IMC

Death and Taxes Resistance Festival

12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Join us for a Celebration of Life as we march from IRS to Raytheon (Only 1/4 Mile) with music, puppets, the anarchist quack block, a Jedi Knight contingent and more.

In front of the IRS building: Rt. 93 to Rt. 133 exit in Andover, right off exit, IRS immediately to the right

Directions: See it on Mapquest


URL: http://http:www.deathandtaxesfest.org


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